- Overview
I am a Psychologist at BC Children's Hospital in inpatient psychiatry. I collaborate on research projects designed to enhance our understanding of mental illness and enhance our ability to provide accurate and timely assessments, diagnoses, and treatment for children, youth, and families who have experienced significant mental health concerns.
- Research
Current Project
Enhanced assessment and monitoring of clinical presentation, change over time, and family centred care outcomes on Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatry at BC Children's Hospital. With team consultation, this work involves the design and implementation of pre-post outcome evaluations. The current project involves the integration of a standardized assessment battery and outcome evaluation research methods into routine, interdisciplinary clinical care. The next phase is to involve youth in the creation of a new measure to augment the battery.
Improved understanding of the unique biopsychosocial factors that mitigate risk in clozapine treatment for youth with treatment refractory psychosis.This is an exceptionally vulnerable population. I collaborate on a multiphase research project at BCMHSUS. Phase one is an interdisciplinary project to better understand current clinical practice and clarify risk and protective factors in inpatient care. Biopsychosocial variables are analyzed through retrospective clinical assessments, and qualitative and quantitative data analyses. The latter phases of this research project are to establish clinical guidelines for clozapine administration in children and adolescents.
Advancing understanding of the developing brain in preterm babies to help inform therapies
BCCHR research found new evidence that the younger a baby is born, the slower their brain development will be. Scientists are investigating how the brain functions at an early gestational age so they can identify potential therapies.