- Overview
Cradle to Grave research focus, specifically quality improvement initiatives related to Paediatric Orthopaedics and spinal deformity.
- Publications
Hospital Infection Control
World Scientific Series in Global Health Economics and Public Policy
DOI: 10.1142/9789811249723_0010
2022Safety and efficacy of anterior vertebral body tethering in the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis
Bone and Joint Journal
Miyanji, F. and Nasto, L.A. and Simmonds, A. and Pawelek, J. and Parent, S.
DOI: 10.1302/0301-620X.102B12.BJJ-2020-0426.R1
2020Thirty-Day Reoperation and Readmission Rates After Correction of Adult Spinal Deformity via Circumferential Minimally Invasive Surgery—Analysis of a 7-Year Experience
Spine Deformity
Neel Anand and Zeeshan M. Sardar and Andrea Simmonds and Babak Khandehroo and Sheila Kahwaty and Eli M. Baron
DOI: 10.1016/j.jspd.2015.08.002
01/2016Defining the inherent stability of degenerative spondylolisthesis: A systematic review
Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine
Simmonds, A.M. and Rampersaud, Y.R. and Dvorak, M.F. and Dea, N. and Melnyk, A.D. and Fisher, C.G.
DOI: 10.3171/2014.11.SPINE1426
2015Onabotulinumtoxin A® injections: A safety review of children with clubfoot under 2 years of age at BC Children's Hospital
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpn.2013.11.002
03/2014 - Research
Paediatric OrthoSAVES Data Project
Adverse event collection was revolutionized by Canadian centres with the introduction of SAVES and OrthoSAVES AE reporting systems. Our goal is to adapt these systems to Paediatric populations and move towards a robust prospective adverse events collection strategy without bias.Nasal Decolonization
Nasal photo-disinfection therapy has been shown to be effective at decreasing surgical site infections in adult populations undergoing instrumented spine surgery. This technology has not yet been tested in a Paediatric population, but has the potential to decrease infection risk, particularly in patients undergoing scoliosis correction. The first step will be a proof of concept study in this population, likely to be followed by a multi-centre randomized control trial aiming to show a decrease in infection rates.AIS Lived Experiences Project
This qualitative study aims to interview patients who have recently received operative or non-operative treatment through the spine program at BCCH, and describe their lived experiences. This data will be used to make meaningful change to the program to better respond to patient’s perspectives on care.Honours & Awards2019: PHSA+ Award: Member of the BCCH Paediatric Spine Team
2015: Educational scholarship for academic excellence: The Spine Technology and Educational Group Organization 12th Annual Symposium
2013: Canadian Spine Society Residents’ Best Paper Award
Research Group MembersHunter Arulpragasam, Volunteer
Mehak Dhaliwal, INSPIRE Trainee
Marie Keenan, Co-op Student
Benjamin Nazif, Summer Student
Morgan Tidler, Co-Op Student
Unlocking the mystery of nephrotic syndrome in kids: Q&A with new investigator Dr. Susan Samuel
Pediatric nephrologist Dr. Susan Samuel, a new investigator who joined BCCHR in September 2024, has been investigating ways to improve the quality of life of children diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. She is serving as the director for the ENRICH program, a national network of mentors and learners. We met Dr. Samuel to talk about the importance of research and mentorship.