- Overview
We co-exist in harmony with huge numbers of bacteria, many within our own gastrointestinal (GI) tracts. On occasion, however, particularly virulent bacteria called pathogens (Salmonella, EHEC O157:H7) infect our intestines and cause severe, even fatal, disease. To fight infections, our immune system must recognize these bacteria as harmful and trigger a protective immune response. Some individuals appear highly susceptible to infections, perhaps because their immune systems are unable to recognize or effectively deal with the bacteria. Inappropriate recognition of pathogens may also contribute to chronic diseases of the GI tract such as Crohn's disease and other inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). We believe that in IBD an individual’s immune system mistakes harmless bacteria for pathogens and attacks them, causing chronic inflammation. Using immunological and microbiological techniques, we’re learning how our immune systems recognize bacteria in the GI tract. We’re also identifying the factors that can provide resistance or susceptibility to intestinal infections, and exploring the mechanisms underlying the dysfunctional pathogen recognition that can trigger chronic IBD.
- Publications
The gut-skin axis: a bi-directional, microbiota-driven relationship with therapeutic potential
Gut Microbes
Maira Jimenez-Sanchez and Larissa S. Celiberto and Hyungjun Yang and Ho Pan Sham and Bruce A. Vallance
DOI: 10.1080/19490976.2025.2473524
12/2025Development of novel GI-centric prostaglandin E2 receptor type 4 (EP4) agonist prodrugs as treatment for ulcerative colitis and other intestinal inflammatory diseases
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters
Srinivas Kantham and Hongbing Yu and Christophe R. Cantelli and Gang Chen and Caixia Ma and Jocelyn J. Chan and Hyungjun Yang and Kevin Tsai and Kristiana Lassueur and Bruce A. Vallance and Kevan Jacobson and Robert N. Young
DOI: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2025.130093
04/2025Inflammasome activation links enteric Salmonella Typhimurium infection to a rapid, cytokine-dependent increase in intestinal mucin release
Gut Microbes
Xiao Han and Joannie M. Allaire and Shauna M. Crowley and Jocelyn J. Chan and Kelly Lau and Conghao Zhang and Simon A. Hirota and Kirk Bergstrom and Leigh A. Knodler and Bruce A. Vallance
DOI: 10.1080/19490976.2024.2413372
12/2024Environmental Factors Associated With Risk of Crohn's Disease Development in the Crohn's and Colitis Canada - Genetic, Environmental, Microbial Project
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2024.03.049
2024Pathogenic diversification of the gut commensal Providencia alcalifaciens via acquisition of a second type III secretion system
DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.07.595826
2024Pathobionts in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Origins, Underlying Mechanisms, and Implications for Clinical Care
DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2023.09.019
2024Bowel preparation-induced changes in the gut environment facilitate pathogen and pathobiont colonization
Research Square
DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4940942/v1
2024Protein quality control modulates the metabolic conservation in antibiotic tolerant Campylobacter jejuni
DOI: 10.1101/2024.07.15.603561
2024MUC17 is an essential small intestinal glycocalyx component that is disrupted in Crohn's disease
DOI: 10.1101/2024.02.08.578867
2024Outcomes Following Acute Severe Colitis at Initial Presentation: A Multi-centre, Prospective, Paediatric Cohort Study
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis
DOI: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjad143
2024Turicibacterales protect mice from severeCitrobacter rodentiuminfection
Kristen L. Hoek and Kathleen G. McClanahan and Yvonne L. Latour and Nicolas Shealy and M. Blanca Piazuelo and Bruce A. Vallance and Mariana X. Byndloss and Keith T. Wilson and Danyvid Olivares-Villagómez
DOI: 10.1101/2023.04.25.538270
04/2023Highly Sensitive, Flow Cytometry-Based Measurement of Intestinal Permeability in Models of Experimental Colitis
Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Tsai, K. and Ma, C. and Han, X. and Allaire, J. and Healey, G.R. and Crowley, S.M. and Yu, H. and Jacobson, K. and Xia, L. and Priatel, J.J. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2022.10.004
2023Sialic acid plays a pivotal role in licensing Citrobacter rodentium’s transition from the intestinal lumen to a mucosal adherent niche
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2301115120
2023Association between prenatal antibiotic exposure and autism spectrum disorder among term births: A population-based cohort study
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology
DOI: 10.1111/ppe.12972
2023Anti-Integrin avß6 Autoantibodies Are a Novel Biomarker That Antedate Ulcerative Colitis
Livanos, A.E. and Dunn, A. and Fischer, J. and Ungaro, R.C. and Turpin, W. and Lee, S.-H. and Rui, S. and Del Valle, D.M. and Jougon, J.J. and Martinez-Delgado, G. and Riddle, M.S. and Murray, J.A. and Laird, R.M. and Torres, J. and Agrawal, M. and Magee, J.S. and Dervieux, T. and Gnjatic, S. and Sheppard, D. and Sands, B.E. and Porter, C.K. and Croitoru, K. and Petralia, F. and Abreu, M. and Beck, P. and Bernstein, C. and Dieleman, L. and Feagan, B. and Griffiths, A. and Guttman, D. and Jacobson, K. and Kaplan, G. and Krause, D.O. and Madsen, K. and Marshall, J. and Moayyedi, P. and Ropeleski, M. and Seidman, E. and Silverberg, M. and Snapper, S. and Stadnyk, A. and Steinhart, H. and Surette, M. and Turner, D. and Walters, T. and Vallance, B. and Aumais, G. and Bitton, A. and Cino, M. and Critch, J. and Denson, L. and Deslandres, C. and El-Matary, W. and Herfarth, H. and Higgins, P. and Huynh, H. and Hyams, J. and Mack, D. and McGrath, J. and Otley, A. and Panancionne, R. and Shapiro, J. and Shah, S. and Leleiko, N.S. and Colombel, J.-F. and Mehandru, S.
DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2022.12.042
2023Gut Microbiome Composition Is Associated With Future Onset of Crohn's Disease in Healthy First-Degree Relatives
DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2023.05.032
2023Autotaxin (ATX) inhibits autophagy leading to exaggerated disruption of intestinal epithelial barrier in colitis
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease
Shi, W. and Peng, K. and Yu, H. and Wang, Z. and Xia, S. and Xiao, S. and Tian, D. and Vallance, B.A. and Yu, Q.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2023.166647
2023Turicibacterales protect mice from severe Citrobacter rodentium infection
Infection and Immunity
DOI: 10.1128/iai.00322-23
2023ERdj5 protects goblet cells from endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis under inflammatory conditions
Experimental and Molecular Medicine
Jeong, H. and Hong, E.-H. and Ahn, J.-H. and Cho, J. and Jeong, J.-H. and Kim, C.-W. and Yoon, B.-I. and Koo, J.H. and Park, Y.-Y. and Yang, Y.M. and Iwawaki, T. and Vallance, B.A. and Chang, S.-Y. and Ko, H.-J.
DOI: 10.1038/s12276-023-00945-x
2023Gut-derived bacterial flagellin induces beta-cell inflammation and dysfunction
Gut Microbes
Scheithauer, T.P.M. and Herrema, H. and Yu, H. and Bakker, G.J. and Winkelmeijer, M. and Soukhatcheva, G. and Dai, D. and Ma, C. and Havik, S.R. and Balvers, M. and Davids, M. and Meijnikman, A.S. and Aydin, {\"O}. and van den Born, B.-J.H. and Besselink, M.G. and Busch, O.R. and de Brauw, M. and van de Laar, A. and Belzer, C. and Stahl, M. and de Vos, W.M. and Vallance, B.A. and Nieuwdorp, M. and Verchere, C.B. and van Raalte, D.H.
DOI: 10.1080/19490976.2022.2111951
2022Autism Risk and Perinatal Antibiotic Use
Nitschke, A.S. and Karim, J.L. and Vallance, B.A. and Bickford, C. and Ip, A. and Lanphear, N. and Lanphear, B. and Weikum, W. and Oberlander, T.F. and Hanley, G.E.
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2022-057346
2022Application of the Eosinophilic Esophagitis Histology Scoring System Grade Scores in Patients at British Columbia Children’s Hospital
Fetal and Pediatric Pathology
Cruz, J. and Irvine, M.A. and Avinashi, V. and Chan, E.S. and Vallance, B.A. and Soller, L. and Bush, J.W.
DOI: 10.1080/15513815.2022.2028950
2022Gut microbiome and dietary fibre intake strongly associate with IgG function and maturation following SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination
Healey, G.R. and Golding, L. and Schick, A. and Majdoubi, A. and Lavoie, P.M. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-328556
2022A nonredundant role for T cell-derived interleukin 22 in antibacterial defense of colonic crypts
Zindl, C.L. and Witte, S.J. and Laufer, V.A. and Gao, M. and Yue, Z. and Janowski, K.M. and Cai, B. and Frey, B.F. and Silberger, D.J. and Harbour, S.N. and Singer, J.R. and Turner, H. and Lund, F.E. and Vallance, B.A. and Rosenberg, A.F. and Schoeb, T.R. and Chen, J.Y. and Hatton, R.D. and Weaver, C.T.
DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.02.003
2022Mediterranean-Like Dietary Pattern Associations With Gut Microbiome Composition and Subclinical Gastrointestinal Inflammation
Turpin, W. and Dong, M. and Sasson, G. and Raygoza Garay, J.A. and Espin-Garcia, O. and Lee, S.-H. and Neustaeter, A. and Smith, M.I. and Leibovitzh, H. and Guttman, D.S. and Goethel, A. and Griffiths, A.M. and Huynh, H.Q. and Dieleman, L.A. and Panaccione, R. and Steinhart, A.H. and Silverberg, M.S. and Aumais, G. and Jacobson, K. and Mack, D. and Murthy, S.K. and Marshall, J.K. and Bernstein, C.N. and Abreu, M.T. and Moayyedi, P. and Paterson, A.D. and Abreu, M. and Beck, P. and Bernstein, C. and Croitoru, K. and Dieleman, L. and Feagan, B. and Griffiths, A. and Guttman, D. and Kaplan, G. and Krause, D.O. and Madsen, K. and Marshall, J. and Ropeleski, M. and Seidman, E. and Silverberg, M. and Snapper, S. and Stadnyk, A. and Steinhart, H. and Surette, M. and Turner, D. and Walters, T. and Vallance, B. and Bitton, A. and Cino, M. and Critch, J. and Denson, L. and Deslandres, C. and El-Matary, W. and Herfarth, H. and Higgins, P. and Huynh, H. and Hyams, J. and McGrath, J. and Otley, A. and Panancionne, R. and Baldassano, R. and Hedin, C. and Hussey, S. and Hyams, H. and Keljo, D. and Kevans, D. and Lees, C. and Murthy, S. and Parekh, N. and Plamondon, S. and Radford-Smith, G. and Rosh, J. and Rubin, D. and Schultz, M. and Siegel, C. and Xu, W.
DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2022.05.037
2022Variability in mRNA SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 vaccine immunogenicity is associated with differences in the gut microbiome and habitual dietary fibre intake
Healey, G.R. and Golding, L. and Schick, A. and Majdoubi, A. and Lavoie, P.M. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1101/2022.08.24.22279143
2022What’s for dinner? How Citrobacter rodentium’s metabolism helps it thrive in the competitive gut
Current Opinion in Microbiology
Qiaochu Liang and Bruce A Vallance
DOI: 10.1016/j.mib.2021.06.004
Genelle R. Healey and Kevin Tsai and Daniel J. Lisko and Laura Cook and Bruce A. Vallance and Kevan Jacobson
DOI: 10.1101/2021.02.02.429403
02/2021Commensal bacterial-derived retinoic acid primes host defense to intestinal infection
Woo, V. and Eshleman, E.M. and Whitt, J. and Hashimoto-Hill, S. and Wu, S.-E. and Engleman, L. and Rice, T. and Karns, R. and Vallance, B.A. and Alenghat, T.
DOI: 10.1101/2021.01.27.428280
2021Harnessing Big Data to Optimize an Algorithm for Rapid Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in a Real-World Setting
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
Peng, J. and Song, J. and Wang, F. and Zuo, P. and Lu, Y. and Liu, W. and Tian, L. and Chen, Z. and Zhu, Y. and Wang, X. and Shen, N. and Wang, X. and Wu, S. and Yu, Q. and Vallance, B.A. and Jacobson, K. and Sun, Z. and Yu, H.B.
DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.650163
2021Serum Zonulin Measured by Commercial Kit Fails to Correlate With Physiologic Measures of Altered Gut Permeability in First Degree Relatives of Crohn's Disease Patients
Frontiers in Physiology
Power, N. and Turpin, W. and Espin-Garcia, O. and Smith, M.I. and Croitoru, K. and Abreu, M. and Beck, P. and Bernstein, C. and Dieleman, L. and Feagan, B. and Griffiths, A. and Guttman, D. and Jacobson, K. and Kaplan, G. and Krause, D.O. and Madsen, K. and Marshall, J. and Moayyedi, P. and Ropeleski, M. and Seidman, E. and Silverberg, M. and Snapper, S. and Stadnyk, A. and Steinhart, H. and Surette, M. and Turner, D. and Walters, T. and Vallance, B. and Aumais, G. and Bitton, A. and Cino, M. and Critch, J. and Denson, L. and Deslandres, C. and El-Matary, W. and Herfarth, H. and Higgins, P. and Huynh, H. and Hyams, J. and Mack, D. and McGrath, J. and Otley, A. and Panancionne, R.
DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2021.645303
2021Commensal segmented filamentous bacteria-derived retinoic acid primes host defense to intestinal infection
Cell Host and Microbe
Woo, V. and Eshleman, E.M. and Hashimoto-Hill, S. and Whitt, J. and Wu, S.-E. and Engleman, L. and Rice, T. and Karns, R. and Qualls, J.E. and Haslam, D.B. and Vallance, B.A. and Alenghat, T.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2021.09.010
2021Vasoactive intestinal peptide promotes host defense against enteric pathogens by modulating the recruitment of group 3 innate lymphoid cells
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Yu, H.B. and Yang, H. and Allaire, J.M. and Ma, C. and Graef, F.A. and Mortha, A. and Liang, Q. and Bosman, E.S. and Reid, G.S. and Waschek, J.A. and Osborne, L.C. and Sokol, H. and Vallance, B.A. and Jacobson, K.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2106634118
2021Severe COVID-19 Infection and Pediatric Comorbidities: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Tsankov, B.K. and Allaire, J.M. and Irvine, M.A. and Lopez, A.A. and Sauvé, L.J. and Vallance, B.A. and Jacobson, K.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.11.163
2021Creating a More Perfect Union: Modeling Intestinal Bacteria-Epithelial Interactions Using Organoids
Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Han, X. and Mslati, M.A. and Davies, E. and Chen, Y. and Allaire, J.M. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2021.04.010
2021Successful treatment of a kidney transplant patient with COVID-19 and late-onset Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia
Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials
Peng, J. and Ni, M. and Du, D. and Lu, Y. and Song, J. and Liu, W. and Shen, N. and Wang, X. and Zhu, Y. and Vallance, B.A. and Sun, Z. and Yu, H.B.
DOI: 10.1186/s12941-021-00489-w
2021Novel Fecal Biomarkers That Precede Clinical Diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis
Galipeau, H.J. and Caminero, A. and Turpin, W. and Bermudez-Brito, M. and Santiago, A. and Libertucci, J. and Constante, M. and Raygoza Garay, J.A. and Rueda, G. and Armstrong, S. and Clarizio, A. and Smith, M.I. and Surette, M.G. and Bercik, P. and Beck, P. and Bernstein, C. and Croitoru, K. and Dieleman, L. and Feagan, B. and Griffiths, A. and Guttman, D. and Jacobson, K. and Kaplan, G. and Krause, D.O. and Madsen, K. and Marshall, J. and Moayyedi, P. and Ropeleski, M. and Seidman, E. and Silverberg, M. and Snapper, S. and Stadnyk, A. and Steinhart, H. and Surette, M. and Turner, D. and Walters, T. and Vallance, B. and Aumais, G. and Bitton, A. and Cino, M. and Critch, J. and Denson, L. and Deslandres, C. and El-Matary, W. and Herfarth, H. and Higgins, P. and Huynh, H. and Hyams, J. and Mack, D. and McGrath, J. and Otley, A. and Panancionne, R. and Verdu, E.F.
DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2020.12.004
2021Interleukin-37 regulates innate immune signaling in human and mouse colonic organoids
Scientific Reports
Allaire, J.M. and Poon, A. and Crowley, S.M. and Han, X. and Sharafian, Z. and Moore, N. and Stahl, M. and Bressler, B. and Lavoie, P.M. and Jacobson, K. and Li, X. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-87592-2
2021Fasting increases microbiome-based colonization resistance and reduces host inflammatory responses during an enteric bacterial infection
PLoS Pathogens
Graef, F.A. and Celiberto, L.S. and Allaire, J.M. and Kuan, M.T.Y. and Bosman, E.S. and Crowley, S.M. and Yang, H. and Chan, J.H. and Stahl, M. and Yu, H. and Quin, C. and Gibson, D.L. and Verdu, E.F. and Jacobson, K. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009719
2021Prebiotic Enriched Exclusive Enteral Nutrition Suppresses Colitis via Gut Microbiome Modulation and Expansion of Anti-inflammatory T Cells in a Mouse Model of Colitis
Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Healey, G.R. and Tsai, K. and Schick, A. and Lisko, D.J. and Cook, L. and Vallance, B.A. and Jacobson, K.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2021.06.011
2021Intestinal-epithelial LSD1 controls goblet cell maturation and effector responses required for gut immunity to bacterial and helminth infection
PLoS Pathogens
Parmar, N. and Burrows, K. and Vornewald, P.M. and Lindholm, H.T. and Zwiggelaar, R.T. and Díez-Sánchez, A. and Martín-Alonso, M. and Fosslie, M. and Vallance, B.A. and Dahl, J.A. and Zaph, C. and Oudhoff, M.J.
DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PPAT.1009476
2021Intestinal-epithelial LSD1 controls cytoskeletal-mediated cell identity including goblet cell effector responses required for gut inflammatory and infectious diseases
Parmar N and Burrows K and Lindholm HT and Zwiggelaar RT and Martín-Alonso M and Fosslie M and Vallance B and Dahl JA and Zaph C and Oudhoff MJ
DOI: 10.1101/2020.07.09.186114
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Bosman ES and Albert AY and Dutz JP and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Celiberto LS and Healey G and Xu J and Xia L and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Rees WD and Stahl M and Jacobson K and Bressler B and Sly LM and Vallance B and Steiner T
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Crowley SM and Allaire JM and Han X and Graef FA and Stahl M and Knodler L and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Davies EE and Crowley SM and Tsai K and Diaz Gomez M and Han X and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Mslati M and Liang Q and Yu H and Ma C and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Tsai K and Ma C and Crowley SM and Priatel J and Vallance B
02/2020Cutting edge: Intestinal mucus limits the clonal deletion of developing T cells specific for an oral antigen
Journal of Immunology
Tsai, K. and Huang, Y.-H. and Ma, C. and Baldwin, T.A. and Harder, K.W. and Vallance, B.A. and Priatel, J.J.
DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1900687
2020Increased Intestinal Permeability Is Associated With Later Development of Crohn's Disease
Turpin, W. and Lee, S.-H. and Raygoza Garay, J.A. and Madsen, K.L. and Meddings, J.B. and Bedrani, L. and Power, N. and Espin-Garcia, O. and Xu, W. and Smith, M.I. and Griffiths, A.M. and Moayyedi, P. and Turner, D. and Seidman, E.G. and Steinhart, A.H. and Marshall, J.K. and Jacobson, K. and Mack, D. and Huynh, H. and Bernstein, C.N. and Paterson, A.D. and Abreu, M. and Beck, P. and Bernstein, C. and Croitoru, K. and Dieleman, L. and Feagan, B. and Griffiths, A. and Guttman, D. and Kaplan, G. and Krause, D.O. and Madsen, K. and Marshall, J. and Ropeleski, M. and Seidman, E. and Silverberg, M. and Snapper, S. and Stadnyk, A. and Steinhart, H. and Surette, M. and Walters, T. and Vallance, B. and Aumais, G. and Bitton, A. and Cino, M. and Critch, J. and Denson, L. and Deslandres, C. and El-Matary, W. and Herfarth, H. and Higgins, P. and Hyams, J. and McGrath, J. and Otley, A. and Panancionne, R. and Baldassano, R. and Hedin, C. and Hussey, S. and Hyams, H. and Keljo, D. and Kevans, D. and Lees, C. and Murthy, S. and Panaccione, R. and Parekh, N. and Plamondon, S. and Radford-Smith, G. and Rosh, J. and Rubin, D. and Schultz, M. and Siegel, C.
DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2020.08.005
2020Giardia spp. promote the production of antimicrobial peptides and attenuate disease severity induced by attaching and effacing enteropathogens via the induction of the NLRP3 inflammasome
International Journal for Parasitology
Manko-Prykhoda, A. and Allain, T. and Motta, J.-P. and Cotton, J.A. and Feener, T. and Oyeyemi, A. and Bindra, S. and Vallance, B.A. and Wallace, J.L. and Beck, P. and Buret, A.G.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2019.12.011
2020Associations of NOD2 polymorphisms with Erysipelotrichaceae in stool of in healthy first degree relatives of Crohn’s disease subjects
BMC Medical Genetics
Turpin, W. and Bedrani, L. and Espin-Garcia, O. and Xu, W. and Silverberg, M.S. and Smith, M.I. and Garay, J.A.R. and Lee, S.-H. and Guttman, D.S. and Griffiths, A. and Moayyedi, P. and Panaccione, R. and Huynh, H. and Steinhart, H.A. and Aumais, G. and Dieleman, L.A. and Turner, D. and Abreu, M. and Beck, P. and Bernstein, C. and Croitoru, K. and Feagan, B. and Guttman, D. and Jacobson, K. and Kaplan, G. and Krause, D.O. and Madsen, K. and Marshall, J. and Seidman, E. and Silverberg, M. and Stadnyk, A. and Steinhart, A.H. and Surette, M. and Walters, T. and Vallance, B. and Bitton, A. and Cino, M. and Critch, J. and Denson, L. and Deslandres, C. and El-Matary, W. and Herfarth, H. and Higgins, P. and Hyams, J. and Mack, D. and McGrath, J. and Otley, A. and Panancionne, R. and Baldassano, R. and Griffiths, A.M. and Hedin, C. and Hussey, S. and Hyams, H. and Keljo, D. and Kevans, D. and Lees, C. and Murthy, S. and Parekh, N. and Plamondon, S. and Radford-Smith, G. and Ropeleski, M. and Rosh, J. and Rubin, D. and Schultz, M. and Siegel, C. and Snapper, S. and Paterson, A.D. and Croitoru, K.
DOI: 10.1186/s12881-020-01115-w
2020Salmonella enterica infection of murine and human enteroid-derived monolayers elicits differential activation of epithelium-intrinsic inflammasomes
Infection and Immunity
Holly, M.K. and Han, X. and Zhao, E.J. and Crowley, S.M. and Allaire, J.M. and Knodler, L.A. and Vallance, B.A. and Smith, J.G.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.00017-20
2020Enteroids derived from inflammatory bowel disease patients display dysregulated endoplasmic reticulum stress pathways, leading to differential inflammatory responses and dendritic cell maturation
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis
Rees, W.D. and Stahl, M. and Jacobson, K. and Bressler, B. and Sly, L.M. and Vallance, B.A. and Steiner, T.S.
DOI: 10.1093/ECCO-JCC/JJZ194
2020Direct Clinical Evidence Recommending the Use of Proteinase K or Dithiothreitol to Pretreat Sputum for Detection of SARS-CoV-2
Frontiers in Medicine
Peng, J. and Lu, Y. and Song, J. and Vallance, B.A. and Jacobson, K. and Yu, H.B. and Sun, Z.
DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2020.549860
2020Intestinal restriction of Salmonella Typhimurium requires caspase-1 and caspase-11 epithelial intrinsic inflammasomes
PLoS Pathogens
Crowley, S.M. and Han, X. and Allaire, J.M. and Stahl, M. and Rauch, I. and Knodler, L.A. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008498
2020Gut Microbiota as a Trigger for Metabolic Inflammation in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
Frontiers in Immunology
Scheithauer, T.P.M. and Rampanelli, E. and Nieuwdorp, M. and Vallance, B.A. and Verchere, C.B. and van Raalte, D.H. and Herrema, H.
DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.571731
2020Autotaxin stimulates LPA2 receptor in macrophages and exacerbates dextran sulfate sodium-induced acute colitis
Journal of Molecular Medicine
Wang, Z. and Shi, W. and Tian, D. and Qin, H. and Vallance, B.A. and Yang, H. and Yu, H.B. and Yu, Q.
DOI: 10.1007/s00109-020-01997-6
2020Poor Correlation of Oral Swabs with Esophageal Eosinophil Counts
Avinashi, V. and Chan, J.M. and Bush, J.W. and Vallance, B.A. and Yang, H. and Portales-Casamar, E. and Soller, L. and Mill, C. and Chan, E.S.
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2020Ulcerative Colitis-associated E. coli pathobionts potentiate colitis in susceptible hosts
Gut Microbes
Yang, H. and Mirsepasi-Lauridsen, H.C. and Struve, C. and Allaire, J.M. and Sivignon, A. and Vogl, W. and Bosman, E.S. and Ma, C. and Fotovati, A. and Reid, G.S. and Li, X. and Petersen, A.M. and Gouin, S.G. and Barnich, N. and Jacobson, K. and Yu, H.B. and Krogfelt, K.A. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1080/19490976.2020.1847976
2020Microbial Respiration in the Colon: Using H
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Cell Host and Microbe
Crowley, S.M. and Vallance, B.A.
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2020Irgm1-deficiency leads to myeloid dysfunction in colon lamina propria and susceptibility to the intestinal pathogen Citrobacter rodentium
PLoS Pathogens
Taylor, G.A. and Huang, H. and Fee, B.E. and Youssef, N. and Jewell, M.L. and Cantillana, V. and Schoenborn, A.A. and Rogala, A.R. and Buckley, A.F. and Feng, C.G. and Vallance, B.A. and Gulati, A.S. and Hammer, G.E.
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2020Analysis of Genetic Association of Intestinal Permeability in Healthy First-degree Relatives of Patients with Crohn's Disease.
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PubMed: 31251335
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Crowley SM and Allaire JM and Han X and Graef FA and Stahl M and Knodler L and Rauch I and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Yu H and Yang H and Ma C and Liang Q and Bosman ES and Graef FA and Reid GS and Waschek JA and Osborne L and Vallance B and Jacobson K
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Liang Q and Yu H and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Rees WD and Steiner T and Vallance B and Stahl M and Jacobson K
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Tsai K and Huang Y and Ma C and Vallance B and Priatel J
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Allaire JM and Crowley SM and Han X and Poon A and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Han X and Crowley SM and Allaire JM and Stahl M and Knodler L and Vallance B
03/2019Microbiota inhibit epithelial pathogen adherence by epigenetically regulating C-type lectin expression
Frontiers in Immunology
Woo, V. and Eshleman, E.M. and Rice, T. and Whitt, J. and Vallance, B.A. and Alenghat, T.
DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00928
2019Suppressive and Gut-Reparative Functions of Human Type 1 T Regulatory Cells
Cook, L. and Stahl, M. and Han, X. and Nazli, A. and MacDonald, K.N. and Wong, M.Q. and Tsai, K. and Dizzell, S. and Jacobson, K. and Bressler, B. and Kaushic, C. and Vallance, B.A. and Steiner, T.S. and Levings, M.K.
DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2019.09.002
2019I¿B¿ facilitates protective immunity against Salmonella infection via Th1 differentiation and IgG production
Scientific Reports
Ahn, J.-H. and Cho, J. and Kwon, B.-E. and Lee, G.-S. and Yoon, S.-I. and Kang, S.G. and Kim, P.-H. and Kweon, M.-N. and Yang, H. and Vallance, B.A. and Kim, Y.-I. and Chang, S.-Y. and Ko, H.-J.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-44019-3
2019Erratum: The Intestinal Epithelium: Central Coordinator of Mucosal Immunity (Trends in Immunology (2018) 39(9) (677–696), (S1471490618300681), (10.1016/j.it.2018.04.002))
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Allaire, J.M. and Crowley, S.M. and Law, H.T. and Chang, S.-Y. and Ko, H.-J. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.it.2018.12.008
2019Long-term effects of early-life antibiotic exposure on resistance to subsequent bacterial infection
Roubaud-Baudron, C. and Ruiz, V.E. and Swan, A.M. and Vallance, B.A. and Ozkul, C. and Pei, Z. and Li, J. and Battaglia, T.W. and Perez-Perez, G.I. and Blaser, M.J.
DOI: 10.1128/mBio.02820-19
2019IL-22 preserves gut epithelial integrity and promotes disease remission during chronic Salmonella infection
Journal of Immunology
Lo, B.C. and Shin, S.B. and Hernaez, D.C. and Refaeli, I. and Yu, H.B. and Goebeler, V. and Cait, A. and Mohn, W.W. and Vallance, B.A. and McNagny, K.M.
DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1801308
2019A novel mouse model of enteric vibrio parahaemolyticus infection reveals that the type iii secretion system 2 effector vopc plays a key role in tissue invasion and gastroenteritis
Yang, H. and Santos, M.S. and Lee, J. and Law, H.T. and Chimalapati, S. and Verdu, E.F. and Vallance, B.A. and Orth, K.
DOI: 10.1128/mBio.02608-19
2019Bacterial AB
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Nature Communications
Patry, R.T. and Stahl, M. and Perez-Munoz, M.E. and Nothaft, H. and Wenzel, C.Q. and Sacher, J.C. and Coros, C. and Walter, J. and Vallance, B.A. and Szymanski, C.M.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-09362-z
2019Antigen-presenting ILC3 regulate T cell-dependent IgA responses to colonic mucosal bacteria
Journal of Experimental Medicine
Melo-Gonzalez, F. and Kammoun, H. and Evren, E. and Dutton, E.E. and Papadopoulou, M. and Bradford, B.M. and Tanes, C. and Fardus-Reid, F. and Swann, J.R. and Bittinger, K. and Mabbott, N.A. and Vallance, B.A. and Willinger, T. and Withers, D.R. and Hepworth, M.R.
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2019Macrophage ß2-Integrins Regulate IL-22 by ILC3s and Protect from Lethal Citrobacter rodentium-Induced Colitis
Cell Reports
Wang, B. and Lim, J.-H. and Kajikawa, T. and Li, X. and Vallance, B.A. and Moutsopoulos, N.M. and Chavakis, T. and Hajishengallis, G.
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2019EspF is crucial for citrobacter rodentium-induced tight junction disruption and lethality in immunocompromised animals
PLoS Pathogens
Xia, X. and Liu, Y. and Hodgson, A. and Xu, D. and Guo, W. and Yu, H. and She, W. and Zhou, C. and Lan, L. and Fu, K. and Vallance, B.A. and Wan, F.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007898
2019Escherichia coli pathobionts associated with inflammatory bowel disease
Clinical Microbiology Reviews
Mirsepasi-Lauridsen, H.C. and Vallance, B.A. and Krogfelt, K.A. and Petersen, A.M.
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2019TLR9 limits enteric antimicrobial responses and promotes microbiota-based colonisation resistance during Citrobacter rodentium infection
Cellular Microbiology
Yang, H. and Yu, H.B. and Bhinder, G. and Ryz, N.R. and Lee, J. and Yang, H. and Fotovati, A. and Gibson, D.L. and Turvey, S.E. and Reid, G.S. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1111/cmi.13026
2019Skin exposure to narrow band ultraviolet (Uvb) light modulates the human intestinal microbiome
Frontiers in Microbiology
Bosman, E.S. and Albert, A.Y. and Lui, H. and Dutz, J.P. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02410
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Allaire JM and Bhullar K and Crowley SM and Stahl M and Yang H and Verdu E and YU H and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Manko A and Motta J and Cotton J and Oyeyemi A and Vallance B and Wallace JL and Buret A
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Yang H and Mirsepasi-Lauridsen HC and Bosman ES and Struve C and Yu H and Wu X and Ma C and Reid G and Li X and Petersen AM and Jacobson K and Krogfelt KA and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
YU H and Wu X and Yang H and Celiberto LS and Graef FA and Bosman ES and Ma C and Huang T and Reid G and Vallance B and Jacobson K
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Allaire JM and Yang H and Moore N and Crowley SM and Verdu E and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Crowley SM and Graef FA and Allaire JM and Knodler LA and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Yang H and Yu H and Bhinder G and Ryz NR and Yang H and Fotovati A and Gibson DL and Turvey SE and Reid G and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Celiberto LS and Chan JY and Law HT and Bhullar K and Xia L and Cavallini DC and Vallance B
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Stahl M and Hoang T and Knodler LA and Vallance B
02/2018Report on the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology Visiting Research Professorship and Visiting Clinical Professorship.
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Vallance B and Waschke K
DOI: 10.1093/jcag/gwx004
PubMed: 31294397
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Graef FA and Lau J and Bosman ES and Kuan M and Yang H and Celiberto LS and Berkmann JC and Stahl M and Crowley SM and Yu H and Surette M and Verdu E and Jacobson K and Vallance B
02/2018Immune Stimulation Using a Gut Microbe-Based Immunotherapy Reduces Disease Pathology and Improves Barrier Function in Ulcerative Colitis
Frontiers in immunology
Sham, H.P. and Bazett, M. and Bosiljcic, M. and Yang, H. and Luk, B. and Law, H.T. and Morampudi, V. and Yu, H.B. and Pankovich, J. and Sutcliffe, S. and Bressler, B. and Marshall, J.K. and Fedorak, R.N. and Chen, J. and Jones, M. and Gunn, H. and Kalyan, S. and Vallance, B.A.
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2018Pediatric eosinophilic esophagitis is associated with increased lamina propria immunoglobulin g4-positive plasma cells
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Mohammad, N. and Avinashi, V. and Chan, E. and Vallance, B.A. and Portales-Casamar, E. and Bush, J.W.
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2018Inflammatory bowel disease and immunonutrition: novel therapeutic approaches through modulation of diet and the gut microbiome
Celiberto, L.S. and Graef, F.A. and Healey, G.R. and Bosman, E.S. and Jacobson, K. and Sly, L.M. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1111/imm.12939
2018The Intestinal Epithelium: Central Coordinator of Mucosal Immunity
Trends in Immunology
Allaire, J.M. and Crowley, S.M. and Law, H.T. and Chang, S.-Y. and Ko, H.-J. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.it.2018.04.002
2018Genetic ablation of cyp8b1 preserves host metabolic function by repressing steatohepatitis and altering gut microbiota composition
American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism
Patankar, J.V. and Wong, C.K. and Morampudi, V. and Gibson, W.T. and Vallance, B. and Ioannou, G.N. and Hayden, M.R.
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2018First-reported pediatric cases of American ginseng anaphylaxis and allergy
Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology
Erdle, S.C. and Chan, E.S. and Yang, H. and Vallance, B.A. and Mill, C. and Wong, T.
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2018Frontline defenders: Goblet cell mediators dictate host-microbe interactions in the intestinal tract during health and disease
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Allaire, J.M. and Morampudi, V. and Crowley, S.M. and Stahl, M. and Yu, H. and Bhullar, K. and Knodler, L.A. and Bressler, B. and Jacobson, K. and Vallance, B.A.
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2018Isolation and characterization of potentially probiotic bacterial strains from mice: proof of concept for personalized probiotics
Celiberto, L.S. and Pinto, R.A. and Rossi, E.A. and Vallance, B.A. and Cavallini, D.C.U.
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2018The Muc2 mucin coats murine paneth cell granules and facilitates their content release and dispersion
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Stahl, M. and Tremblay, S. and Montero, M. and Vogl, W. and Xia, L. and Jacobson, K. and Menendez, A. and Vallance, B.A.
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2018Milk Fat Globule Membrane Supplementation in Formula Modulates the Neonatal Gut Microbiome and Normalizes Intestinal Development
Scientific Reports
Bhinder, G. and Allaire, J.M. and Garcia, C. and Lau, J.T. and Chan, J.M. and Ryz, N.R. and Bosman, E.S. and Graef, F.A. and Crowley, S.M. and Celiberto, L.S. and Berkmann, J.C. and Dyer, R.A. and Jacobson, K. and Surette, M.G. and Innis, S.M. and Vallance, B.A.
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2017Giardia co-infection promotes the secretion of antimicrobial peptides beta-defensin 2 and trefoil factor 3 and attenuates attaching and effacing bacteria-induced intestinal disease
Manko, A. and Motta, J.-P. and Cotton, J.A. and Feener, T. and Oyeyemi, A. and Vallance, B.A. and Wallace, J.L. and Buret, A.G.
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2017Noncanonical inflammasomes: Antimicrobial defense that does not play by the rules
Cellular Microbiology
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2017Mouse models for Campylobacter jejuni colonization and infection
Methods in Molecular Biology
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2017Epithelial Histone Deacetylase 3 Instructs Intestinal Immunity by Coordinating Local Lymphocyte Activation
Cell Reports
Navabi, N. and Whitt, J. and Wu, S.-E. and Woo, V. and Moncivaiz, J. and Jordan, M.B. and Vallance, B.A. and Way, S.S. and Alenghat, T.
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2017A simple, cost-effective method for generating murine colonic 3D enteroids and 2D monolayers for studies of primary epithelial cell function
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
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2017Tricellular tight junction protein tricellulin is targeted by the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli effector EspG1, leading to epithelial barrier disruption
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2017Association of host genome with intestinal microbial composition in a large healthy cohort.
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10/2016The goblet cell-derived mediator RELM-ß drives spontaneous colitis in Muc2-deficient mice by promoting commensal microbial dysbiosis
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2016The helical shape of Campylobacter jejuni promotes in vivo pathogenesis by aiding transit through intestinal mucus and colonization of crypts
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Stahl, M. and Frirdich, E. and Vermeulen, J. and Badayeva, Y. and Li, X. and Vallance, B.A. and Gaynor, E.C.
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2016mTOR is critical for intestinal T-cell homeostasis and resistance to Citrobacter rodentium
Scientific Reports
Lin, X. and Yang, J. and Wang, J. and Huang, H. and Wang, H.-X. and Chen, P. and Wang, S. and Pan, Y. and Qiu, Y.-R. and Taylor, G.A. and Vallance, B.A. and Gao, J. and Zhong, X.-P.
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2016Dynamic interactions of a conserved enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli adhesin with intestinal mucins govern epithelium engagement and toxin delivery
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Kumar, P. and Kuhlmann, F.M. and Bhullar, K. and Yang, H. and Vallance, B.A. and Xia, L. and Luo, Q. and Fleckenstein, J.M.
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2016NLRP3 regulates a non-canonical platform for caspase-8 activation during epithelial cell apoptosis
Cell Death and Differentiation
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2016Prolonged antibiotic treatment induces a diabetogenic intestinal microbiome that accelerates diabetes in NOD mice
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2016Salmonella and the inflammasome: Battle for intracellular dominance
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2016Investigation of host and pathogen contributions to infectious colitis using the citrobacter rodentium mouse model of infection
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2016The L-Arginine Transporter Solute Carrier Family 7 Member 2 Mediates the Immunopathogenesis of Attaching and Effacing Bacteria
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2016Vasoactive intestinal peptide prevents PKCe-induced intestinal epithelial barrier disruption during EPEC infection
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
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2015Metalloprotease NleC Suppresses Host NF-¿B/Inflammatory Responses by Cleaving p65 and Interfering with the p65/RPS3 Interaction
PLoS Pathogens
Hodgson, A. and Wier, E.M. and Fu, K. and Sun, X. and Yu, H. and Zheng, W. and Sham, H.P. and Johnson, K. and Bailey, S. and Vallance, B.A. and Wan, F.
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2015Goblet Cell Derived RELM-ß Recruits CD4+ T Cells during Infectious Colitis to Promote Protective Intestinal Epithelial Cell Proliferation
PLoS Pathogens
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2015The serine protease autotransporter Pic modulates Citrobacter rodentium pathogenesis and its innate recognition by the host
Infection and Immunity
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2015Humoral immunity in the gut selectively targets phenotypically virulent attaching-and-effacing bacteria for intraluminal elimination
Cell Host and Microbe
Kamada, N. and Sakamoto, K. and Seo, S.-U. and Zeng, M.Y. and Kim, Y.-G. and Cascalho, M. and Vallance, B.A. and Puente, J.L. and NÚñez, G.
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2015Dietary vitamin D3 deficiency alters intestinal mucosal defense and increases susceptibility to Citrobacter rodentium-induced colitis
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
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2015Interleukin-1 (IL-1) signaling in intestinal stromal cells controls KC/ CXCL1 secretion, which correlates with recruitment of IL-22- secreting neutrophils at early stages of Citrobacter rodentium infection
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2015Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide promotes intestinal barrier homeostasis and protection against colitis in mice
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2015Insights into Campylobacter jejuni colonization of the mammalian intestinal tract using a novel mouse model of infection
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2015Expression of the Blood-Group-Related Gene B4galnt2 Alters Susceptibility to Salmonella Infection
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Rausch, P. and Steck, N. and Suwandi, A. and Seidel, J.A. and Künzel, S. and Bhullar, K. and Basic, M. and Bleich, A. and Johnsen, J.M. and Vallance, B.A. and Baines, J.F. and Grassl, G.A.
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2015Active Transport of Phosphorylated Carbohydrates Promotes Intestinal Colonization and Transmission of a Bacterial Pathogen
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2015DNBS/TNBS colitis models: Providing insights into inflammatory bowel disease and effects of dietary fat
Journal of Visualized Experiments
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2014Indispensable functions of ABL and PDGF receptor kinases in epithelial adherence of attaching/effacing pathogens under physiological conditions
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2014SLAM-SAP signaling promotes differentiation of IL-17-producing T cells and progression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
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2014TACI deficiency enhances antibody avidity and clearance of an intestinal pathogen
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2014A Novel Mouse Model of Campylobacter jejuni Gastroenteritis Reveals Key Pro-inflammatory and Tissue Protective Roles for Toll-like Receptor Signaling during Infection
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2014Noncanonical inflammasome activation of caspase-4/caspase-11 mediates epithelial defenses against enteric bacterial pathogens
Cell Host and Microbe
Knodler, L.A. and Crowley, S.M. and Sham, H.P. and Yang, H. and Wrande, M. and Ma, C. and Ernst, R.K. and Steele-Mortimer, O. and Celli, J. and Vallance, B.A.
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2014Intestinal epithelium-specific MyD88 signaling impacts host susceptibility to infectious colitis by promoting protective goblet cell and antimicrobial responses
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2014The Citrobacter rodentium mouse model: studying pathogen and host contributions to infectious colitis.
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE
Bhinder G and Sham HP and Chan JM and Morampudi V and Jacobson K and Vallance BA
DOI: 10.3791/50222
PubMed: 23462619
02/2013SIGIRR, a Negative Regulator of TLR/IL-1R Signalling Promotes Microbiota Dependent Resistance to Colonization by Enteric Bacterial Pathogens
Sham, H.P. and Yu, E.Y.S. and Gulen, M.F. and Bhinder, G. and Stahl, M. and Chan, J.M. and Brewster, L. and Morampudi, V. and Gibson, D.L. and Hughes, M.R. and McNagny, K.M. and Li, X. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003539
2013Requirement of epithelial integrin-linked kinase for facilitation of Citrobacter rodentium-induced colitis
Assi, K. and Bergstrom, K. and Vallance, B. and Owen, D. and Salh, B.
DOI: 10.1186/1471-230X-13-137
2013Bacterial stimulation of the TLR-MyD88 pathway modulates the homeostatic expression of ileal paneth cell a-defensins
Menendez, A. and Willing, B.P. and Montero, M. and Wlodarska, M. and So, C.C. and Bhinder, G. and Vallance, B.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1159/000341630
2013Resistin-like molecule a promotes pathogenic Th17 cell responses and bacterial-induced intestinal inflammation
Osborne, L.C. and Joyce, K.L. and Alenghat, T. and Sonnenberg, G.F. and Giacomin, P.R. and Du, Y. and Bergstrom, K.S. and Vallance, B.A. and Nair, M.G.
DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1200706
2013CD4+ T cells drive goblet cell depletion during citrobacter rodentium infection
Infection and Immunity
Chan, J.M. and Bhinder, G. and Sham, H.P. and Ryz, N. and Huang, T. and Bergstrom, K.S. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.00655-13
2013The mucin muc2 limits pathogen burdens and epithelial barrier dysfunction during salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium colitis
Zarepour, M. and Bhullar, K. and Montero, M. and Ma, C. and Huang, T. and Velcich, A. and Xia, L. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.00854-13
2013Activation of p38a in T cells regulates the intestinal host defense against attaching and effacing bacterial infections
Shim, E.-J. and Bang, B.-R. and Kang, S.-G. and Ma, J. and Otsuka, M. and Kang, J. and Stahl, M. and Han, J. and Xiao, C. and Vallance, B.A. and Kang, Y.J.
DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1300908
2013Innate host responses to enteric bacterial pathogens: A balancing act between resistance and tolerance
Bergstrom, K.S. and Sham, H.P. and Zarepour, M. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-5822.2012.01750.x
2012MyD88 signaling promotes both mucosal homeostatic and fibrotic responses during Salmonella-induced colitis
Månsson, L.E. and Montero, M. and Zarepour, M. and Bergstrom, K.S. and Ma, C. and Huang, T. and Man, C. and Grassl, G.A. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1152/ajpgi.00038.2012
2012Active vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D
3 ) increases host susceptibility to Citrobacter rodentium by suppressing mucosal Th17 responses
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Ryz, N.R. and Patterson, S.J. and Zhang, Y. and Ma, C. and Huang, T. and Bhinder, G. and Wu, X. and Chan, J. and Glesby, A. and Sham, H.P. and Dutz, J.P. and Levings, M.K. and Jacobson, K. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1152/ajpgi.00320.2012
2012Regulated virulence controls the ability of a pathogen to compete with the gut microbiota
Kamada, N. and Kim, Y.-G. and Sham, H.P. and Vallance, B.A. and Puente, J.L. and Martens, E.C. and Núñez, G.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1222195
2012Toll-Like Receptors are critical in controlling colonic inflammation and cancer.
BMC proceedings
Xiao H and Yin W and Khan MA and Gulen MF and Vallance BA and Li X
DOI: 10.1186/1753-6561-5-s1-p87
01/2011Attaching and effacing bacterial effector NleC suppresses epithelial inflammatory responses by inhibiting NF-¿B and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activation
Sham, H.P. and Shames, S.R. and Croxen, M.A. and Ma, C. and Chan, J.M. and Khan, M.A. and Wickham, M.E. and Deng, W. and Finlay, B.B. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.05033-11
2011Colonic microbiota alters host susceptibility to infectious colitis by modulating inflammation, redox status, and ion transporter gene expression
Ghosh, S. and Dai, C. and Brown, K. and Rajendiran, E. and Makarenko, S. and Baker, J. and Ma, C. and Halder, S. and Montero, M. and Ionescu, V.A. and Klegeris, A. and Vallance, B.A. and Gibson, D.L.
DOI: 10.1152/ajpgi.00509.2010
2011Antibiotic treatment alters the colonic mucus layer and predisposes the host to exacerbated Citrobacter rodentium-induced colitis
Wlodarska, M. and Willing, B. and Keeney, K.M. and Menendez, A. and Bergstrom, K.S. and Gill, N. and Russell, S.L. and Vallance, B.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.01104-10
2011Citrobacter rodentium infection induces MyD88-dependent formation of ubiquitinated protein aggregates in the intestinal epithelium
Kaniuk, N.A. and Lam, G.Y. and Ma, C. and Galindo-Mata, E. and Jones, N. and Vallance, B.A. and Brumell, J.H.
DOI: 10.1159/000320644
2011Control of Intestinal Homeostasis, Colitis, and Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer by the Inflammatory Caspases
Dupaul-Chicoine, J. and Yeretssian, G. and Doiron, K. and Bergstrom, K.S.B. and McIntire, C.R. and LeBlanc, P.M. and Meunier, C. and Turbide, C. and Gros, P. and Beauchemin, N. and Vallance, B.A. and Saleh, M.
DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2010.02.012
2010Gut barrier disruption by an enteric bacterial pathogen accelerates insulitis in NOD mice
Lee, A.S. and Gibson, D.L. and Zhang, Y. and Sham, H.P. and Vallance, B.A. and Dutz, J.P.
DOI: 10.1007/s00125-009-1626-y
2010Epithelial p38a controls immune cell recruitment in the colonic mucosa
Kang, Y.J. and Otsuka, M. and van den Berg, A. and Hong, L. and Huang, Z. and Wu, X. and Zhang, D.-W. and Vallance, B.A. and Tobias, P.S. and Han, J.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000934
2010The pathogenic E. coli type III effector EspZ interacts with host CD98 and facilitates host cell prosurvival signalling
Shames, S.R. and Deng, W. and Guttman, J.A. and de Hoog, C.L. and Li, Y. and Hardwidge, P.R. and Sham, H.P. and Vallance, B.A. and Foster, L.J. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-5822.2010.01470.x
2010Muc2 protects against lethal infectious colitis by disassociating pathogenic and commensal bacteria from the colonic mucosa
Bergstrom, K.S.B. and Kissoon-Singh, V. and Gibson, D.L. and Ma, C. and Montero, M. and Sham, H.P. and Ryz, N. and Huang, T. and Velcich, A. and Finlay, B.B. and Chadee, K. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000902
2010Interleukin-11 reduces TLR4-induced colitis in TLR2-deficient mice and restores intestinal STAT3 signaling
Gibson, D.L. and Montero, M. and Ropeleski, M.J. and Bergstrom, K.S.B. and Ma, C. and Ghosh, S. and Merkens, H. and Huang, J. and Mnsson, L.E. and Sham, H.P. and McNagny, K.M. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2010.06.057
2010Loss of single immunoglobulin interlukin-1 receptor-related molecule leads to enhanced colonic polyposis in Apcmin mice
Xiao, H. and Yin, W. and Khan, M.A. and Gulen, M.F. and Zhou, H. and Sham, H.P. and Jacobson, K. and Vallance, B.A. and Li, X.
DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2010.04.043
2010The single IgG IL-1-related receptor controls TLR responses in differentiated human intestinal epithelial cells
Khan, M.A. and Steiner, T.S. and Sham, H.P. and Bergstrom, K.S. and Huang, J.T. and Assi, K. and Salh, B. and Tai, I.T. and Li, X. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.0900021
2010Dissemination of invasive Salmonella via bacterial-induced extrusion of mucosal epithelia
Knodler, L.A. and Vallance, B.A. and Celli, J. and Winfree, S. and Hansen, B. and Montero, M. and Steele-Mortimer, O.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1006098107
2010Nramp1 drives an accelerated inflammatory response during Salmonella -induced colitis in mice
Valdez, Y. and Grassl, G.A. and Guttman, J.A. and Coburn, B. and Gros, P. and Vallance, B.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-5822.2008.01258.x
2009Vasoactive intestinal peptide ameliorates intestinal barrier disruption associated with Citrobacter rodentium-induced colitis
Conlin, V.S. and Wu, X. and Nguyen, C. and Dai, C. and Vallance, B.A. and Buchan, A.M.J. and Boyer, L. and Jacobson, K.
DOI: 10.1152/ajpgi.90551.2008
2009Innate immunity and microbes: Conversations with the gut leading to intestinal tissue repair and fibrosis
Gibson, D.L. and Montero, M. and Ryz, N.R. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.2174/187152309789152002
2009Absence of stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 does not promote DSS-induced acute colitis
MacDonald, M.L.E. and Bissada, N. and Vallance, B.A. and Hayden, M.R.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2009.08.001
2009Salmonella infection of gallbladder epithelial cells drives local inflammation and injury in a model of acute typhoid fever
Menendez, A. and Arena, E.T. and Guttman, J.A. and Thorson, L. and Vallance, B.A. and Vogl, W. and Finlay, B.
DOI: 10.1086/646608
2009Aggregation via the red, dry, and rough morphotype is not a virulence adaptation in Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium
White, A.P. and Gibson, D.L. and Grassl, G.A. and Kay, W.W. and Finlay, B.B. and Vallance, B.A. and Surette, M.G.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.01383-07
2008Toll-like receptor 2 plays a critical role in maintaining mucosal integrity during Citrobacter rodentium-induced colitis
Gibson, D.L. and Ma, C. and Rosenberger, C.M. and Bergstrom, K.S.B. and Valdez, Y. and Huang, J.T. and Khan, M.A. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-5822.2007.01052.x
2008Nramp1 expression by dendritic cells modulates inflammatory responses during Salmonella Typhimurium infection
Valdez, Y. and Diehl, G.E. and Vallance, B.A. and Grassl, G.A. and Guttman, J.A. and Brown, N.F. and Rosenberger, C.M. and Littman, D.R. and Gros, P. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-5822.2008.01155.x
2008Role of M-CSF-dependent macrophages in colitis is driven by the nature of the inflammatory stimulus
Ghia, J.-E. and Galeazzi, F. and Ford, D.C. and Hogaboam, C.M. and Vallance, B.A. and Collins, S.
DOI: 10.1152/ajpgi.00453.2007
2008Modulation of intestinal goblet cell function during infection by an attaching and effacing bacterial pathogen
Bergstrom, K.S.B. and Guttman, J.A. and Rumi, M. and Ma, C. and Bouzari, S. and Khan, M.A. and Gibson, D.L. and Vogl, A.W. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.00093-07
2008A novel secretion pathway of Salmonella enterica acts as an antivirulence modulator during salmonellosis
Gal-Mor, O. and Gibson, D.L. and Baluta, D. and Vallance, B.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000036
2008Intestinal microbiota are transiently altered during Salmonella-induced gastroenteritis
Gibson, D.L. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1586/17474124.2.4.525
2008Chronic Enteric Salmonella Infection in Mice Leads to Severe and Persistent Intestinal Fibrosis
Grassl, G.A. and Valdez, Y. and Bergstrom, K.S.B. and Vallance, B.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2007.12.043
2008Flagellin-dependent and -independent inflammatory responses following infection by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Citrobacter rodentium
Khan, M.A. and Bouzari, S. and Ma, C. and Rosenberger, C.M. and Bergstrom, K.S.B. and Gibson, D.L. and Steiner, T.S. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.01141-07
2008MyD88 signalling plays a critical role in host defence by controlling pathogen burden and promoting epithelial cell homeostasis during Citrobacterrodentium-induced colitis
Gibson, D.L. and Ma, C. and Bergstrom, K.S.B. and Huang, J.T. and Man, C. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-5822.2007.01071.x
2008Genetic profiling of dendritic cells exposed to live- or ultraviolet-irradiated Chlamydia muridarum reveals marked differences in CXC chemokine profiles
Zaharik, M.L. and Nayar, T. and White, R. and Ma, C. and Vallance, B.A. and Straka, N. and Jiang, X. and Rey-Ladino, J. and Shen, C. and Brunham, R.C.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2006.02488.x
2007Saccharomyces boulardii ameliorates Citrobacter rodentium-induced colitis through actions on bacterial virulence factors
Wu, X. and Vallance, B.A. and Boyer, L. and Bergstrom, K.S.B. and Walker, J. and Madsen, K. and O'Kusky, J.R. and Buchan, A.M. and Jacobson, K.
DOI: 10.1152/ajpgi.00173.2007
2007The Toll-Interleukin-1 Receptor Member SIGIRR Regulates Colonic Epithelial Homeostasis, Inflammation, and Tumorigenesis
Xiao, H. and Gulen, M.F. and Qin, J. and Yao, J. and Bulek, K. and Kish, D. and Altuntas, C.Z. and Wald, D. and Ma, C. and Zhou, H. and Tuohy, V.K. and Fairchild, R.L. and de la Motte, C. and Cua, D. and Vallance, B.A. and Li, X.
DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2007.02.012
2007IL-4 gene transfer to the small bowel serosa leads to intestinal inflammation and smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness
Vallance, B.A. and Radojevic, N. and Hogaboam, C.M. and Deng, Y. and Gauldie, J. and Collins, S.M.
DOI: 10.1152/ajpgi.00065.2006
2007The adaptor Act1 is required for interleukin 17 - Dependent signaling associated with autoimmune and inflammatory disease
Qian, Y. and Liu, C. and Hartupee, J. and Altuntas, C.Z. and Gulen, M.F. and Jane-Wit, D. and Xiao, J. and Lu, Y. and Giltiay, N. and Liu, J. and Kordula, T. and Zhang, Q.-W. and Vallance, B. and Swaidani, S. and Aronica, M. and Tuohy, V.K. and Hamilton, T. and Li, X.
DOI: 10.1038/ni1439
2007Toll-like receptor 4 contributes to colitis development but not to host defense during Citrobacter rodentium infection in mice
Khan, M.A. and Ma, C. and Knodler, L.A. and Valdez, Y. and Rosenberger, C.M. and Deng, W. and Finlay, B.B. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.74.5.2522-2536.2006
2006Noradrenergic and cholinergic neural pathways mediate stress-induced reactivation of colitis in the rat
Saunders, P.R. and Miceli, P. and Vallance, B.A. and Wang, L. and Pinto, S. and Tougas, G. and Kamath, M. and Jacobson, K.
DOI: 10.1016/j.autneu.2005.12.002
2006Citrobacter rodentium infection causes both mitochondrial dysfunction and intestinal epithelial barrier disruption in vivo: Role of mitochondrial associated protein (Map)
Ma, C. and Wickham, M.E. and Guttman, J.A. and Deng, W. and Walker, J. and Madsen, K.L. and Jacobson, K. and Vogl, W.A. and Finlay, B.B. and Vallance, B.A.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-5822.2006.00741.x
2006Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 is expressed prior to penetrating the intestine
Brown, N.F. and Vallance, B.A. and Coombes, B.K. and Valdez, Y. and Coburn, B.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.0010032
2005Myenteric plexus injury and apoptosis in experimental colitis
Boyer, L. and Ghoreishi, M. and Templeman, V. and Vallance, B.A. and Buchan, A.M. and Jevon, G. and Jacobson, K.
DOI: 10.1016/j.autneu.2004.10.006
2005Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium pathogenicity island 2 is necessary for complete virulence in a mouse model of infectious enterocolitis
Coburn, B. and Li, Y. and Owen, D. and Vallance, B.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.73.6.3219-3227.2005
2005Modulation of host cytoskeleton function by the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Citrobacter rodentium effector protein EspG
Hardwidge, P.R. and Deng, W. and Vallance, B.A. and Rodriguez-Escudero, I. and Cid, V.J. and Molina, M. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.73.5.2586-2594.2005
2005TGF-ß1 gene transfer to the mouse colon leads to intestinal fibrosis
Vallance, B.A. and Gunawan, M.I. and Hewlett, B. and Bercik, P. and Van Kampen, C. and Galeazzi, F. and Sime, P.J. and Gauldie, J. and Collins, S.M.
DOI: 10.1152/ajpgi.00051.2005
2005Cloning vectors and fluorescent proteins can significantly inhibit Salmonella enterica virulence in both epithelial cells and macrophages: Implications for bacterial pathogenesis studies
Knodler, L.A. and Bestor, A. and Ma, C. and Hansen-Wester, I. and Hensel, M. and Vallance, B.A. and Steele-Mortimer, O.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.73.10.7027-7031.2005
2005SseK1 and SseK2 are novel translocated proteins of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium
Kujat Choy, S.L. and Boyle, E.C. and Gal-Mor, O. and Goode, D.L. and Valdez, Y. and Vallance, B.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.72.9.5115-5125.2004
2004Toll-Like Receptor 4 Dependence of Innate and Adaptive Immunity to Salmonella: Importance of the Kupffer Cell Network
Vazquez-Torres, A. and Vallance, B.A. and Bergman, M.A. and Finlay, B.B. and Cookson, B.T. and Jones-Carson, J. and Fang, F.C.
2004Modeling enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic E. coli infections and disease
Vallance, B.A. and Khan, M.A. and Deng, W. and Gruenheid, S. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ddmod.2004.04.001
2004Relative contributions of NOS isoforms during experimental colitis: Endothelial-derived NOS maintains mucosal integrity
Vallance, B.A. and Dijkstra, G. and Qiu, B. and Van Der Waaij, L.A. and Van Goor, H. and Jansen, P.L.M. and Mashimo, H. and Collins, S.M.
DOI: 10.1152/ajpgi.00187.2004
2004Dissecting virulence: Systematic and functional analyses of a pathogenicity island
Deng, W. and Puente, J.L. and Gruenheid, S. and Li, Y. and Vallance, B.A. and Vázquez, A. and Barba, J. and Ibarra, J.A. and O'Donnell, P. and Metalnikov, P. and Ashman, K. and Lee, S. and Goode, D. and Pawson, T. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0400326101
2004Clearance of Citrobacter rodentium requires B cells but not secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) or IgM antibodies
Maaser, C. and Housley, M.P. and Iimura, M. and Smith, J.R. and Vallance, B.A. and Finlay, B.B. and Schreiber, J.R. and Varki, N.M. and Kagnoff, M.F. and Eckmann, L.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.72.6.3315-3324.2004
2004Erratum: SopD2 is a novel type III secreted effector of Salmonella typhimurium that targets late endocytic compartments upon delivery into host cells (Traffic (2003) vol. 4 (1) (36-48))
Brumell, J.H. and Kujat-Choy, S. and Brown, N.F. and Vallance, B.A. and Knodler, L.A. and Finlay, B.B.
2003SseA is required for translocation of Salmonella pathogenicity island-2 effectors into host cells
Coombes, B.K. and Brown, N.F. and Kujat-Choy, S. and Vallance, B.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1016/S1286-4579(03)00094-7
2003Host susceptibility to the attaching and effacing bacterial pathogen Citrobacter rodentium
Vallance, B.A. and Deng, W. and Jacobson, K. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.71.6.3443-3453.2003
2003Citrobacter rodentium translocated intimin receptor (Tir) is an essential virulence factor needed for actin condensation, intestinal colonization and colonic hyperplasia in mice
Deng, W. and Vallance, B.A. and Li, Y. and Puente, J.L. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2958.2003.03429.x
2003SopD2 is a novel type III secreted effector of Salmonella typhimurium that targets late endocytic compartments upon delivery into host cells
Brumell, J.H. and Kujat-Choy, S. and Brown, N.F. and Vallance, B.A. and Knodler, L.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1034/j.1600-0854.2003.40106.x
2003Salmonella type III effectors PipB and PipB2 are targeted to detergent-resistant microdomains on internal host cell membranes
Knodler, L.A. and Vallance, B.A. and Hensel, M. and Jäckel, D. and Finlay, B.B. and Steele-Mortimer, O.
DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2958.2003.03598.x
2003Current progress in enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli vaccines
Horne, C. and Vallance, B.A. and Deng, W. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1586/14760584.1.4.483
2002Enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli infections: Emerging themes in pathogenesis and prevention
Vallance, B.A. and Chan, C. and Robertson, M.L. and Finlay, B.B.
2002Salmonella effectors within a single pathogenicity island are differentially expressed and translocated by separate type III secretion systems
Knodler, L.A. and Celli, J. and Hardt, W.-D. and Vallance, B.A. and Yip, C. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2958.2002.02820.x
2002Modulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression by the attaching and effacing bacterial pathogen Citrobacter rodentium in infected mice
Vallance, B.A. and Deng, W. and De Grado, M. and Chan, C. and Jacobson, K. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.70.11.6424-6435.2002
2002Mice lacking T and B lymphocytes develop transient colitis and crypt hyperplasia yet suffer impaired bacterial clearance during Citrobacter rodentium infection
Vallance, B.A. and Deng, W. and Knodler, L.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.70.4.2070-2081.2002
2002Host-pathogen interactions: Host resistance factor Nramp1 up-regulates the expression of Salmonella pathogenicity island-2 virulence genes
Zaharik, M.L. and Vallance, B.A. and Puente, J.L. and Gros, P. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.252415599
2002Mast cell-independent impairment of host defense and muscle contraction in T. spiralis-infected W/Wv mice
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Vallance, B.A. and Blennerhassett, P.A. and Huizinga, J.D. and Collins, S.M.
DOI: 10.1152/ajpgi.2001.280.4.g640
2001Role of immunologic factors and cyclooxygenase 2 in persistent postinfective enteric muscle dysfunction in mice
Barbara, G. and De Giorgio, R. and Deng, Y. and Vallance, B. and Blennerhassett, P. and Collins, S.M.
2001Critical role for signal transducer and activator of transcription factor 6 in mediating intestinal muscle hypercontractility and worm expulsion in Trichinella spiralis-infected mice
Khan, W.I. and Vallance, B.A. and Blennerhassett, P.A. and Deng, Y. and Verdu, E.F. and Matthaei, K.I. and Collins, S.M.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.69.2.838-844.2001
2001Neural change in Trichinella-infected mice is MHC II independent and involves M-CSF-derived macrophages
Galeazzi, F. and Lovato, P. and Blennerhassett, P.A. and Haapala, E.M. and Vallance, B.A. and Collins, S.M.
2001IL-12 gene transfer alters gut physiology and host immunity in nematode-infected mice
Khan, W.I. and Blennerhassett, P.A. and Deng, Y. and Gauldie, J. and Vallance, B.A. and Collins, S.M.
2001Locus of enterocyte effacement from Citrobacter rodentium: Sequence analysis and evidence for horizontal transfer among attaching and effacing pathogens
Deng, W. and Li, Y. and Vallance, B.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.69.10.6323-6335.2001
2001Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli infection induces expression of the early growth response factor by activating mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades in epithelial cells
De Grado, M. and Rosenberger, C.M. and Gauthier, A. and Vallance, B.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1128/IAI.69.10.6217-6224.2001
2001Inflammation-induced impairment of enteric nerve function in nematode- infected mice is macrophage dependent
Galeazzi, F. and Haapala, E.M. and Van Rooijen, N. and Vallance, B.A. and Collins, S.M.
2000Exploitation of host cells by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
Vallance, B.A. and Finlay, B.B.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.97.16.8799
2000Interleukin-5 deficient mice exhibit impaired host defence against challenge Trichinella spiralis infections
Vallance, B.A. and Matthaei, K.I. and Sanovic, S. and Young, I.G. and Collins, S.M.
DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-3024.2000.00328.x
2000IL-5 contributes to worm expulsion and muscle hypercontractility in a primary T. spiralis infection
Vallance, B.A. and Blennerhassett, P.A. and Deng, Y. and Matthaei, K.I. and Young, I.G. and Collins, S.M.
1999Stress, inflammation and the irritable bowel syndrome.
Collins, S.M. and Barbara, G. and Vallance, B.
1999The role of CD4+ lymphocytes in the susceptibility of mice to stress- induced reactivation of experimental colitis
Nature Medicine
Qiu, B.S. and Vallance, B.A. and Blennerhassett, P.A. and Collins, S.M.
DOI: 10.1038/13503
1999CD4 T cells and major histocompatibility complex class II expression influence worm expulsion and increased intestinal muscle contraction during Trichinella spiralis infection
Vallance, B.A. and Galeazzi, F. and Collins, S.M. and Snider, D.P.
1999Characterization of enteric functional changes evoked by in vivo anti- CD3 T cell activation
Radojevic, N. and McKay, D.M. and Merger, M. and Vallance, B.A. and Collins, S.M. and Croitoru, K.
1999Putative inflammatory and immunological mechanisms in functional bowel disorders
Collins, S.M. and Vallance, B. and Barbara, G. and Borgaonkar, M.
DOI: 10.1053/bega.1999.0037
1999T cell-mediated exocrine pancreatic damage in major histocompatibility complex class II-deficient mice
Vallance, B.A. and Hewlett, B.R. and Snider, D.P. and Collins, S.M.
DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(98)70270-7
1998The effect of nematode infection upon intestinal smooth muscle function
Parasite Immunology
DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-3024.1998.00155.x
1998T lymphocyte-dependent and -independent intestinal smooth muscle dysfunction in the T. spiralis-infected mouse
Vallance, B.A. and Croitoru, K. and Collins, S.M.
1998Therapeutic effects of interleukin-4 gene transfer in experimental inflammatory bowel disease
Hogaboam, C.M. and Vallance, B.A. and Kumar, A. and Addison, C.L. and Graham, F.L. and Gauldie, J. and Collins, S.M.
1997Persistent intestinal neuromuscular dysfunction after acute nematode infection in mice
Barbara, G. and Vallance, B.A. and Collins, S.M.
DOI: 10.1053/gast.1997.v113.pm9322517
1997Increased intestinal muscle contractility and worm expulsion in nematode-infected mice
Vallance, B.A. and Blennerhassett, P.A. and Collins, S.M.
1997Role of smooth muscle in intestinal inflammation
Collins, S.M. and Khan, I. and Vallance, B. and Hogaboam, C. and Barbara, G.
1996 - Research
Role of dendritic cells in mucosal infection and inflammation
Dendritic cells are the sentinel immune cells of the body, trafficking to mucosal sites where they acquire antigen to ultimately present to naïve T cells. Recent work in several laboratories suggests that some bacterial pathogens may infect dendritic cells at intestinal mucosal surfaces, using these cells to shuttle across the intestinal epithelial barrier to cause a systemic infection. We are currently examining the role of dendritic cells in enabling the colonization and infection of the GI tract by invasive bacteria (Salmonella) and non-invasive bacteria (EHEC), as well as their role in causing intestinal inflammation in models of IBD. Our work has also revealed that dendritic cells may actually play an active role in host defense, expressing various anti-microbial effectors. We are currently studying the mechanisms of dendritic cell mediated anti-microbial activity both in vitro and in vivo. A better understanding of the role of dendritic cells in GI inflammation may provide useful targets for improved vaccination against bacterial infections as well as provide therapeutic targets for IBD.Mechanisms underlying host susceptibility to enteric pathogens
Additional studies have identified several related mouse strains that are highly susceptible to Citrobacter rodentium, a mouse adapted version of EHEC. Susceptible animals show evidence of inflammation similar to that seen in human inflammatory bowel diseases. Using in vivo imaging, we have identified specific sites in the intestine where susceptibility first manifests, as well as the bacterial virulence factors needed to colonize these sites. We are currently identifying the genes underlying the susceptibility defect in these mice, since a similar defect may predispose humans to increasedRole of intestinal epithelial cells in controlling bacterial infections
Many intestinal bacterial pathogens – including enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC O157:H7), the causative agent of the water poisoning in Walkerton, Ontario – infect the epithelial cells that line our intestines. Our recent work has shown that during such infections, epithelial cells are activated to produce a variety of anti-microbial molecules. Moreover, in vitro studies indicate that EHEC and related pathogens may inject bacterial proteins into infected epithelial cells in order to reduce the production of anti-microbial enzymes by epithelial cells. We are currently identifying the bacterial effector proteins as well as the mechanisms involved in this process.GrantsCIHR Operating Grant – Project
"Defining SIGIRR's role in epithelial homeostasis and host defense during infectious colitis" (2013-2018)
NSERC Discovery Grant and Discovery Accelerator Supplement - Project
"Vitamin D - A Regulator of Host-Microbe Interactions in the Mammalian GI Tract?" (2013-2018)
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada Discovery Research Grants - Project
The result of an imbalance between inflammatory versus tissue protective innate signaling?" (2013-2016)
Honours & AwardsCanada Research Chair in Pediatric Gastroenterology (Tier II) – 2004-2009
CH.I.L.D. Foundation Chair in Pediatric Gastroenterology – 2013-ongoing
Canadian Children Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network, CIHR and CH.I.L.D Foundation – 2013
Research Group MembersLarissa Celiberto, Postdoctoral Fellow
Cathy Chan, Technician
Yan Chen, Doctoral Student
Kunho Choi, Research Technician
Lauren Davis, Postdoctoral Fellow
Jhannelle Francis, Research Assistant
Shokufeh Ghasemian Sorboni, Doctoral Student
Ashley Gilliland, Graduate student
Diana Giron, Academic Research Assistant
Franziska Graef, PhD Student
Mariana Hill, Research Assistant
Clarence Huang, Graduate Student
Maira Jiménez Sánchez, Graduate student
Sandy Lai, Research Technician
Lanyang Li, PhD Student
Qiaochu Liang
Paula Littlejohn, Postdoctoral Fellow
Sunny Liu, Research Assistant
Caixia Ma, Research Assistant / Research Technician, Research Assistant / Research Technician
Vivian Mo, Research Assistant
Irvin Ng, Master's Student
Talith Roiter, Undergraduate student
Linus Schweizer, MD-PhD Student
Andy Sham, Research Manager
James Sousa, PhD student
Donald Tam, Technician
Tina Wang, Directed study students
Jun Yang, Research Associate
Yaqi Zhang, Postdoctoral Fellow
Uncovering the power of a single layer of cells: Vallance Lab researchers study the intestinal epithelium to improve care for kids with inflammatory bowel diseases
A layer of tissue that’s only a single cell thick is all that that separates our intestines from the world of microbes living inside our gut. Until recently, scientists believed this layer, which is called the intestinal epithelium, was just a simple protective barrier.