- Overview
I am interested in using genomic technology to investigate the genetic causes of developmental disorders such as autism and intellectual disability, and also in determining the role that genetics plays in schizophrenia and other related neuropsychiatric disorders. My goal is to contribute to the development of treatment options for some of these devastating disorders.
- Publications
Genome-wide sequencing and the clinical diagnosis of genetic disease: The CAUSES study
Human Genetics and Genomics Advances
Elliott, A.M. and Adam, S. and du Souich, C. and Lehman, A. and Nelson, T.N. and van Karnebeek, C. and Alderman, E. and Armstrong, L. and Aubertin, G. and Blood, K. and Boelman, C. and Boerkoel, C. and Bretherick, K. and Brown, L. and Chijiwa, C. and Clarke, L. and Couse, M. and Creighton, S. and Watts-Dickens, A. and Gibson, W.T. and Gill, H. and Tarailo-Graovac, M. and Hamilton, S. and Heran, H. and Horvath, G. and Huang, L. and Hulait, G.K. and Koehn, D. and Lee, H.K. and Lewis, S. and Lopez, E. and Louie, K. and Niederhoffer, K. and Matthews, A. and Meagher, K. and Peng, J.J. and Patel, M.S. and Race, S. and Richmond, P. and Rupps, R. and Salvarinova, R. and Seath, K. and Selby, K. and Steinraths, M. and Stockler, S. and Tang, K. and Tyson, C. and van Allen, M. and Wasserman, W. and Mwenifumbo, J. and Friedman, J.M.
DOI: 10.1016/j.xhgg.2022.100108
2022A distinct neurodevelopmental syndrome with intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, characteristic facies, and macrocephaly is caused by defects in CHD8
Journal of Human Genetics
Heba Yasin and William T. Gibson and Sylvie Langlois and Robert M. Stowe and Erica S. Tsang and Leora Lee and Jenny Poon and Grant Tran and Christine Tyson and Chi Kin Wong and Marco A. Marra and Jan M. Friedman and Farah R. Zahir
DOI: 10.1038/s10038-019-0561-0
01/2019Copy number variation of the REXO1L1 gene cluster; Euchromatic deletion variant or susceptibility factor?
European Journal of Human Genetics
Barber, J.C.K. and Sharp, A.J. and Hollox, E.J. and Tyson, C.
DOI: 10.1038/ejhg.2016.104
2016A novel microdeletion affecting the CETP gene raises HDL-associated cholesterol levels
Clinical Genetics
Hitchcock, E. and Patankar, J.V. and Tyson, C. and Hrynchak, M. and Hayden, M.R. and Gibson, W.T.
DOI: 10.1111/cge.12633
2016Population-based characterization of the genetic landscape of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients referred for cytogenetic testing in British Columbia, Canada: the role of provincial laboratory standardization
Cancer Genetics
Alina S. Gerrie and Steven J.T. Huang and Helene Bruyere and Chinmay Dalal and Monica Hrynchak and Aly Karsan and Khaled M. Ramadan and Adam C. Smith and Christine Tyson and Cynthia L. Toze and Tanya L. Gillan
DOI: 10.1016/j.cancergen.2014.08.006
07/2014Expansion of a 12-kb VNTR containing the REXO1L1 gene cluster underlies the microscopically visible euchromatic variant of 8q21.2
European Journal of Human Genetics
Tyson, C. and Sharp, A.J. and Hrynchak, M. and Yong, S.L. and Hollox, E.J. and Warburton, P. and Barber, J.C.K.
DOI: 10.1038/ejhg.2013.185
2014Genotype–phenotype analysis of 18q12.1-q12.2 copy number variation in autism
European Journal of Medical Genetics
Peter Wang and Prescilla Carrion and Ying Qiao and Christine Tyson and Monica Hrynchak and Kristina Calli and Elena Lopez-Rangel and Joris Andrieux and Bruno Delobel and Bénédicte Duban-Bedu and Ann-Charlotte Thuresson and Göran Annerén and Xudong Liu and Evica Rajcan-Separovic and M.E. Suzanne Lewis
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmg.2013.05.006
08/2013Clinical application of 2.7M Cytogenetics array for CNV detection in subjects with idiopathic autism and/or intellectual disability
Clinical Genetics
Qiao, Y. and Tyson, C. and Hrynchak, M. and Lopez-Rangel, E. and Hildebrand, J. and Martell, S. and Fawcett, C. and Kasmara, L. and Calli, K. and Harvard, C. and Liu, X. and Holden, J.J.A. and Lewis, S.M.E. and Rajcan-Separovic, E.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-0004.2012.01860.x
2013Understanding the impact of 1q21.1 copy number variant
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
Chansonette Harvard and Emma Strong and Eloi Mercier and Rita Colnaghi and Diana Alcantara and Eva Chow and Sally Martell and Christine Tyson and Monica Hrynchak and Barbara McGillivray and Sara Hamilton and Sandra Marles and Aziz Mhanni and Angelika J Dawson and Paul Pavlidis and Ying Qiao and Jeanette J Holden and Suzanne ME Lewis and Mark O'Driscoll and Evica Rajcan-Separovic
DOI: 10.1186/1750-1172-6-54
2011Identification of copy number variants in miscarriages from couples with idiopathic recurrent pregnancy loss
Human Reproduction
E. Rajcan-Separovic and D. Diego-Alvarez and W.P. Robinson and C. Tyson and Y. Qiao and C. Harvard and C. Fawcett and D. Kalousek and T. Philipp and M.J. Somerville and M.D. Stephenson
DOI: 10.1093/humrep/deq202
09/2010Outcome of array CGH analysis for 255 subjects with intellectual disability and search for candidate genes using bioinformatics
Human Genetics
Y. Qiao and C. Harvard and C. Tyson and X. Liu and C. Fawcett and P. Pavlidis and J. J. A. Holden and M. E. S. Lewis and E. Rajcan-Separovic
DOI: 10.1007/s00439-010-0837-0
05/2010Genomic changes detected by array CGH in human embryos with developmental defects
Molecular Human Reproduction
E. Rajcan-Separovic and Y. Qiao and C. Tyson and C. Harvard and C. Fawcett and D. Kalousek and M. Stephenson and T. Philipp
DOI: 10.1093/molehr/gap083
09/2009Molecular cytogenetic investigation of two patients with Y chromosome rearrangements and intellectual disability
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
C. Tyson and A.J. Dawson and S. Bal and M. Tomiuk and T. Anderson and D. Tucker and D. Riordan and I. Chudoba and B. Morash and A. Mhanni and A.E. Chudley and B. McGillivray and M. Parslow and G. Rappold and R. Roeth and C. Fawcett and Y. Qiao and C. Harvard and E. Rajcan-Separovic
DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.a.32535
03/2009Submicroscopic deletions of 11q24-25 in individuals without Jacobsen syndrome: re-examination of the critical region by high-resolution array-CGH
Molecular Cytogenetics
Christine Tyson and Ying Qiao and Chansonette Harvard and Xudong Liu and Francois P Bernier and Barbara McGillivray and Sandra A Farrell and Laura Arbour and Albert E Chudley and Lorne Clarke and William Gibson and Sarah Dyack and Ross McLeod and Teresa Costa and Margot I VanAllen and Siu-li Yong and Gail E Graham and Patrick MacLeod and Millan S Patel and Jane Hurlburt and Jeanette JA Holden and Suzanne ME Lewis and Evica Rajcan-Separovic
DOI: 10.1186/1755-8166-1-23
2008Submicroscopic deletions and duplications in individuals with intellectual disability detected by array-CGH
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
C. Tyson and C. Harvard and R. Locker and J.M. Friedman and S. Langlois and M.E.S. Lewis and M. Van Allen and M. Somerville and L. Arbour and L. Clarke and B. McGilivray and S.L. Yong and J. Siegel-Bartel and E. Rajcan-Separovic
DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.a.31015
2005Elucidation of a cryptic interstitial 7q31.3 deletion in a patient with a language disorder and mild mental retardation by array-CGH
American Journal of Medical Genetics
Christine Tyson and Barbara McGillivray and Chieko Chijiwa and Evica Rajcan-Separovic
DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.a.30245
2004Analysis of proximal X chromosome pairing in early female mouse meiosis
Christine O'Keeffe and Maj A. Hultén and Charles Tease
DOI: 10.1007/s004120050248
09/1997 - Research
The MAGERS Study
The MAGERS study is an innovative, intensive pilot exploration of treatment-resistant/refractory psychosis using three complementary, cutting-edge genomics technologies (whole exome sequencing, chromosomal microarray screening, and gene expression profiling), and both extended clinical biochemical screens as well as investigational metabolomics aimed at identifying high-penetrance genomic risk variants in schizophrenia, including those causing inborn errors of metabolism. The hope is to identify mechanisms of symptom production and treatable metabolic disorders that may lead to more effective and better-tolerated treatment for individuals suffering with treatment-resistant/refractory schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.
Advancing understanding of the developing brain in preterm babies to help inform therapies
BCCHR research found new evidence that the younger a baby is born, the slower their brain development will be. Scientists are investigating how the brain functions at an early gestational age so they can identify potential therapies.