- Overview
One of the most daunting problems of modern biology is to determine how a genome consisting of only ~30,000 genes drives the development of one of the most complex of organ systems – the mammalian brain. Most of the time – amazingly – the brain develops perfectly. When cells do not follow the proper developmental pathways, it leads to disorders of the developing central nervous system (CNS). These developmental brain disorders can have a clear genetic basis (e.g. forms of mental retardation and lissencephaly) or a far more complex etiology that involves multiple genes and environmental factors (e.g. autism, attention deficit disorder and schizophrenia).
The lab studies both single gene and more complex developmental disorders of the CNS. The research integrates the power of genomics, informatics and the mouse as an experimental model system to drive discovery about normal and abnormal brain development and to identify new therapies and interventions to improve outcomes for affected children.
- Publications
A novel and multivalent role of pax6 in cerebellar development
Journal of Neuroscience
Yeung, J. and Ha, T.J. and Swanson, D.J. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4385-15.2016
2016RAAV-compatible MiniPromoters for restricted expression in the brain and eye
Molecular Brain
De Leeuw, C.N. and Korecki, A.J. and Berry, G.E. and Hickmott, J.W. and Lam, S.L. and Lengyell, T.C. and Bonaguro, R.J. and Borretta, L.J. and Chopra, V. and Chou, A.Y. and D'Souza, C.A. and Kaspieva, O. and Laprise, S. and McInerny, S.C. and Portales-Casamar, E. and Swanson-Newman, M.I. and Wong, K. and Yang, G.S. and Zhou, M. and Jones, S.J.M. and Holt, R.A. and Asokan, A. and Goldowitz, D. and Wasserman, W.W. and Simpson, E.M.
DOI: 10.1186/s13041-016-0232-4
2016Systems genetics of intravenous cocaine self-administration in the BXD recombinant inbred mouse panel
Dickson, P.E. and Miller, M.M. and Calton, M.A. and Bubier, J.A. and Cook, M.N. and Goldowitz, D. and Chesler, E.J. and Mittleman, G.
DOI: 10.1007/s00213-015-4147-z
2016The cerebellum and SIDS: Disordered breathing in a mouse model of developmental cerebellar purkinje cell loss during recovery from hypercarbia
Frontiers in Neurology
Calton, M.A. and Howard, J.R. and Harper, R.M. and Goldowitz, D. and Mittleman, G.
DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2016.00078
2016Cerebellar contribution to higher and lower order rule learning and cognitive flexibility in mice
Dickson, P.E. and Cairns, J. and Goldowitz, D. and Mittleman, G.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.03.040
2016CbGRiTS: Cerebellar gene regulation in time and space
Developmental Biology
Ha, T. and Swanson, D. and Larouche, M. and Glenn, R. and Weeden, D. and Zhang, P. and Hamre, K. and Langston, M. and Phillips, C. and Song, M. and Ouyang, Z. and Chesler, E. and Duvvurru, S. and Yordanova, R. and Cui, Y. and Campbell, K. and Ricker, G. and Phillips, C. and Homayouni, R. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2014.09.032
2015Kruppel-like factor 4 regulates granule cell Pax6 expression and cell proliferation in early cerebellar development
Zhang, P. and Ha, T. and Larouche, M. and Swanson, D. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134390
2015Transcribed enhancers lead waves of coordinated transcription in transitioning mammalian cells
Arner, E. and Daub, C.O. and Vitting-Seerup, K. and Andersson, R. and Lilje, B. and Drabl?s, F. and Lennartsson, A. and Rönnerblad, M. and Hrydziuszko, O. and Vitezic, M. and Freeman, T.C. and Alhendi, A.M.N. and Arner, P. and Axton, R. and Baillie, J.K. and Beckhouse, A. and Bodega, B. and Briggs, J. and Brombacher, F. and Davis, M. and Detmar, M. and Ehrlund, A. and Endoh, M. and Eslami, A. and Fagiolini, M. and Fairbairn, L. and Faulkner, G.J. and Ferrai, C. and Fisher, M.E. and Forrester, L. and Goldowitz, D. and Guler, R. and Ha, T. and Hara, M. and Herlyn, M. and Ikawa, T. and Kai, C. and Kawamoto, H. and Khachigian, L.M. and Klinken, S.P. and Kojima, S. and Koseki, H. and Klein, S. and Mejhert, N. and Miyaguchi, K. and Mizuno, Y. and Morimoto, M. and Morris, K.J. and Mummery, C. and Nakachi, Y. and Ogishima, S. and Okada-Hatakeyama, M. and Okazaki, Y. and Orlando, V. and Ovchinnikov, D. and Passier, R. and Patrikakis, M. and Pombo, A. and Qin, X.-Y. and Roy, S. and Sato, H. and Savvi, S. and Saxena, A. and Schwegmann, A. and Sugiyama, D. and Swoboda, R. and Tanaka, H. and Tomoiu, A. and Winteringham, L.N. and Wolvetang, E. and Yanagi-Mizuochi, C. and Yoneda, M. and Zabierowski, S. and Zhang, P. and Abugessaisa, I. and Bertin, N. and Diehl, A.D. and Fukuda, S. and Furuno, M. and Harshbarger, J. and Hasegawa, A. and Hori, F. and Ishikawa-Kato, S. and Ishizu, Y. and Itoh, M. and Kawashima, T. and Kojima, M. and Kondo, N. and Lizio, M. and Meehan, T.F. and Mungall, C.J. and Murata, M. and Nishiyori-Sueki, H. and Sahin, S. and Nagao-Sato, S. and Severin, J. and De Hoon, M.J.L. and Kawai, J. and Kasukawa, T. and Lassmann, T. and Suzuki, H. and Kawaji, H. and Summers, K.M. and Wells, C. and Hume, D.A. and Forrest, A.R.R. and Sandelin, A. and Carninci, P. and Hayashizaki, Y.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1259418
2015The Constrained Maximal Expression Level Owing to Haploidy Shapes Gene Content on the Mammalian X Chromosome
PLoS Biology
Hurst, L.D. and Ghanbarian, A.T. and Forrest, A.R.R. and Huminiecki, L. and Rehli, M. and Kenneth Baillie, J. and de Hoon, M.J.L. and Haberle, V. and Lassmann, T. and Kulakovskiy, I.V. and Lizio, M. and Itoh, M. and Andersson, R. and Mungall, C.J. and Meehan, T.F. and Schmeier, S. and Bertin, N. and J?rgensen, M. and Dimont, E. and Arner, E. and Schmidl, C. and Schaefer, U. and Medvedeva, Y.A. and Plessy, C. and Vitezic, M. and Severin, J. and Semple, C.A. and Ishizu, Y. and Young, R.S. and Francescatto, M. and Alam, I. and Albanese, D. and Altschuler, G.M. and Arakawa, T. and Archer, J.A.C. and Arner, P. and Babina, M. and Baker, S. and Balwierz, P.J. and Beckhouse, A.G. and Pradhan, S. and Blake, J.A. and Blumenthal, A. and Bodega, B. and Bonetti, A. and Briggs, J. and Brombacher, F. and Maxwell Burroughs, A. and Califano, A. and Cannistraci, C.V. and Carbajo, D. and Chen, Y. and Chierici, M. and Ciani, Y. and Clevers, H.C. and Dalla, E. and Davis, C.A. and Detmar, M. and Diehl, A.D. and Dohi, T. and Drabl?s, F. and Edge, A.S.B. and Edinger, M. and Ekwall, K. and Endoh, M. and Enomoto, H. and Fagiolini, M. and Fairbairn, L. and Fang, H. and Farach-Carson, M.C. and Faulkner, G.J. and Favorov, A.V. and Fisher, M.E. and Frith, M.C. and Fujita, R. and Fukuda, S. and Furlanello, C. and Furuno, M. and Furusawa, J.-I. and Geijtenbeek, T.B. and Gibson, A. and Gingeras, T. and Goldowitz, D. and Gough, J. and Guhl, S. and Guler, R. and Gustincich, S. and Ha, T.J. and Hamaguchi, M. and Hara, M. and Harbers, M. and Harshbarger, J. and Hasegawa, A. and Hasegawa, Y. and Hashimoto, T. and Herlyn, M. and Hitchens, K.J. and Ho Sui, S.J. and Hofmann, O.M. and Hoof, I. and Hori, F. and Huminiecki, L. and Iida, K. and Ikawa, T. and Jankovic, B.R. and Jia, H. and Joshi, A. and Jurman, G. and Kaczkowski, B. and Kai, C. and Kaida, K. and Kaiho, A. and Kajiyama, K. and Kanamori, M. and Kasianov, A.S. and Kasukawa, T. and Katayama, S. and Kato, S. and Kawaguchi, S. and Kawamoto, H. and Kawamura, Y.I. and Kawashima, T. and Kempfle, J.S. and Kenna, T.J. and Kere, J. and Khachigian, L.M. and Kitamura, T. and Peter Klinken, S. and Knox, A.J. and Kojima, M. and Kojima, S. and Kondo, N. and Koseki, H. and Koyasu, S. and Krampitz, S. and Kubosaki, A. and Kwon, A.T. and Laros, J.F.J. and Lee, W. and Lennartsson, A. and Li, K. and Lilje, B. and Lipovich, L. and Mackay, A. and Manabe, R. and Mar, J.C. and Marchand, B. and Mathelier, A. and Mejhert, N. and Meynert, A. and Mizuno, Y. and de Lima Morais, D.A. and Morikawa, H. and Morimoto, M. and Moro, K. and Motakis, E. and Motohashi, H. and Mummery, C.L. and Murata, M. and Nagao, S. and Nakachi, Y. and Nakahara, F. and Nakamura, T. and Nakamura, Y. and Nakazato, K. and van Nimwegen, E. and Ninomiya, N. and Nishiyori, H. and Noma, S. and Nozaki, T. and Ogishima, S. and Ohkura, N. and Ohmiya, H. and Ohno, H. and Ohshima, M. and Okada, M. and Okazaki, Y. and Orlando, V. and Ovchinnikov, D.A. and Pain, A. and Passier, R. and Patrikakis, M. and Persson, H. and Piazza, S. and Prendergast, J.G.D. and Rackham, O.J.L. and Ramilowski, J.A. and Rashid, M. and Ravasi, T. and Rizzu, P. and Roncador, M. and Roy, S. and Rye, M.B. and Saijyo, E. and Sajantila, A. and Saka, A. and Sakaguchi, S. and Sakai, M. and Sato, H. and Satoh, H. and Savvi, S. and Saxena, A. and Schneider, C. and Schultes, E.A. and Schulze-Tanzil, G.G. and Schwegmann, A. and Sengstag, T. and Sheng, G. and Shimoji, H. and Shimoni, Y. and Shin, J.W. and Simon, C. and Sugiyama, D. and Sugiyama, T. and Suzuki, M. and Suzuki, N. and Swoboda, R.K. and 't Hoen, P.A.C. and Tagami, M. and Takahashi, N. and Takai, J. and Tanaka, H. and Tatsukawa, H. and Tatum, Z. and Thompson, M. and Toyoda, H. and Toyoda, T. and Valen, E. and van de Wetering, M. and van den Berg, L.M. and Verardo, R. and Vijayan, D. and Vorontsov, I.E. and Wasserman, W.W. and Watanabe, S. and Wells, C.A. and Winteringham, L.N. and Wolvetang, E. and Wood, E.J. and Yamaguchi, Y. and Yamamoto, M. and Yoneda, M. and Yonekura, Y. and Yoshida, S. and Zabierowski, S.E. and Zhang, P.G. and Zhao, X. and Zucchelli, S. and Summers, K.M. and Suzuki, H. and Daub, C.O. and Kawai, J. and Heutink, P. and Hide, W. and Freeman, T.C. and Lenhard, B. and Bajic, V.B. and Taylor, M.S. and Makeev, V.J. and Sandelin, A. and Hume, D.A. and Carninci, P. and Hayashizaki, Y.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002315
2015Ethics challenges of transition from paediatric to adult health care services for young adults with neurodevelopmental disabilities
Paediatrics and Child Health (Canada)
Racine, E. and Bell, E. and Yan, A. and Andrew, G. and Bell, L.E. and Clarke, M. and Dubljevic, V. and Goldowitz, D. and Janvier, A. and McLachlan, K. and Muhajarine, N. and Nicholas, D. and Oskoui, M. and Rasmussen, C. and Anne Rasmussen, L. and Roberts, W. and Shevell, M. and Wade, L. and Yager, J.Y.
2014A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas
Forest, A.R.R. and Kawaji, H. and Rehli, M. and Baillie, J.K. and De Hoon, M.J.L. and Haberle, V. and Lassmann, T. and Kulakovskiy, I.V. and Lizio, M. and Itoh, M. and Andersson, R. and Mungall, C.J. and Meehan, T.F. and Schmeier, S. and Bertin, N. and J?rgensen, M. and Dimont, E. and Arner, E. and Schmidl, C. and Schaefer, U. and Medvedeva, Y.A. and Plessy, C. and Vitezic, M. and Severin, J. and Semple, C.A. and Ishizu, Y. and Young, R.S. and Francescatto, M. and Altschuler, I.A. and Albanese, D. and Altschule, G.M. and Arakawa, T. and Archer, J.A.C. and Arner, P. and Babina, M. and Rennie, S. and Balwierz, P.J. and Beckhouse, A.G. and Pradhan-Bhatt, S. and Blake, J.A. and Blumenthal, A. and Bodega, B. and Bonetti, A. and Briggs, J. and Brombacher, F. and Burroughs, A.M. and Califano, A. and Cannistraci, C.V. and Carbajo, D. and Chen, Y. and Chierici, M. and Ciani, Y. and Clevers, H.C. and Dalla, E. and Davis, C.A. and Detmar, M. and Diehl, A.D. and Dohi, T. and Drabl?s, F. and Edge, A.S.B. and Edinger, M. and Ekwall, K. and Endoh, M. and Enomoto, H. and Fagiolini, M. and Fairbairn, L. and Fang, H. and Farach-Carson, M.C. and Faulkner, G.J. and Favorov, A.V. and Fisher, M.E. and Frith, M.C. and Fujita, R. and Fukuda, S. and Furlanello, C. and Furuno, M. and Furusawa, J.-I. and Geijtenbeek, T.B. and Gibson, A.P. and Gingeras, T. and Goldowitz, D. and Gough, J. and Guhl, S. and Guler, R. and Gustincich, S. and Ha, T.J. and Hamaguchi, M. and Hara, M. and Harbers, M. and Harshbarger, J. and Hasegawa, A. and Hasegawa, Y. and Hashimoto, T. and Herlyn, M. and Hitchens, K.J. and Sui, S.J.H. and Hofmann, O.M. and Hoof, I. and Hori, F. and Huminiecki, L. and Iida, K. and Ikawa, T. and Jankovic, B.R. and Jia, H. and Joshi, A. and Jurman, G. and Kaczkowski, B. and Kai, C. and Kaida, K. and Kaiho, A. and Kajiyama, K. and Kanamori-Katayama, M. and Kasianov, A.S. and Kasukawa, T. and Katayama, S. and Kato, S. and Kawaguchi, S. and Kawamoto, H. and Kawamura, Y.I. and Kawashima, T. and Kempfle, J.S. and Kenna, T.J. and Kere, J. and Khachigian, L.M. and Kitamura, T. and Klinken, S.P. and Knox, A.J. and Kojima, M. and Kojima, S. and Kondo, N. and Koseki, H. and Koyasu, S. and Krampitz, S. and Kubosaki, A. and Kwon, A.T. and Laros, J.F.J. and Lee, W. and Lennartsson, A. and Li, K. and Lilje, B. and Lipovich, L. and Mackay-sim, A. and Manabe, R.-I. and Mar, J.C. and Marchand, B. and Mathelier, A. and Mejhert, N. and Meynert, A. and Mizuno, Y. and De Morais, D.A.L. and Morikawa, H. and Morimoto, M. and Moro, K. and Motakis, E. and Motohashi, H. and Mummery, C.L. and Murata, M. and Nagao-Sato, S. and Nakachi, Y. and Nakahara, F. and Nakamura, T. and Nakamura, Y. and Nakazato, K. and Van Nimwegen, E. and Ninomiya, N. and Nishiyori, H. and Noma, S. and Nozaki, T. and Ogishima, S. and Ohkura, N. and Ohmiya, H. and Ohno, H. and Ohshima, M. and Okada-Hatakeyama, M. and Okazaki, Y. and Orlando, V. and Ovchinnikov, D.A. and Pain, A. and Passier, R. and Patrikakis, M. and Persson, H. and Piazza, S. and Prendergast, J.G.D. and Rackham, O.J.L. and Ramilowski, J.A. and Rashid, M. and Ravasi, T. and Rizzu, P. and Roncador, M. and Roy, S. and Rye, M.B. and Saijyo, E. and Sajantila, A. and Saka, A. and Sakaguchi, S. and Sakai, M. and Sato, H. and Satoh, H. and Savvi, S. and Saxena, A. and Schneider, C. and Schultes, E.A. and Schulze-Tanzil, G.G. and Schwegmann, A. and Sengstag, T. and Sheng, G. and Shimoji, H. and Shimoni, Y. and Shin, J.W. and Simon, C. and Sugiyama, D. and Sugiyama, T. and Suzuki, M. and Suzuki, N. and Swoboda, R.K. and 'T Hoen, P.A.C. and Tagami, M. and Tagami, N.T. and Takai, J. and Tanaka, H. and Tatsukawa, H. and Tatum, Z. and Thompson, M. and Toyoda, H. and Toyoda, T. and Valen, E. and Van De Wetering, M. and Van Den Berg, L.M. and Verardo, R. and Vijayan, D. and Vorontsov, I.E. and Wasserman, W.W. and Watanabe, S. and Wells, C.A. and Winteringham, L.N. and Wolvetang, E. and Wood, E.J. and Yamaguchi, Y. and Yamamoto, M. and Yoneda, M. and Yonekura, Y. and Yoshida, S. and Zabierowski, S.E. and Zhang, P.G. and Zhao, X. and Zucchelli, S. and Summers, K.M. and Suzuki, H. and Daub, C.O. and Kawai, J. and Heutink, P. and Hide, W. and Freeman, T.C. and Lenhard, B. and Bajic, L.V.B. and Taylor, M.S. and Makeev, V.J. and Sandelin, A. and Hume, D.A. and Carninci, P. and Hayashizaki, Y.
DOI: 10.1038/nature13182
2014Molecular pathways underpinning ethanol-induced neurodegeneration
Frontiers in Genetics
Goldowitz, D. and Lussier, A.A. and Boyle, J.K. and Wong, K. and Lattimer, S.L. and Dubose, C. and Lu, L. and Kobor, M.S. and Hamre, K.M.
DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00203
2014Wls provides a new compartmental view of the rhombic lip in mouse cerebellar development
Journal of Neuroscience
Yeung, J. and Ha, T.J. and Swanson, D.J. and Choi, K. and Goldowitz, D. and Tong, Y.
DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1330-14.2014
2014Varied manifestations of persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous with graded somatic mosaic deletion of a single gene
Molecular Vision
Mary-Sinclair, M.N. and Wang, X. and Swanson, D.J. and Sung, C.Y. and Mendonca, E.A. and Wroblewski, K. and Baumer, S.H. and Goldowitz, D. and Jablonski, M.M. and Skapek, S.X.
2014The effect of hemorrhage on the development of the postnatal mouse cerebellum
Experimental Neurology
Yoo, J.Y.J. and Mak, G.K. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2013.11.010
2014Identification of genetic loci that modulate cell proliferation in the adult rostral migratory stream using the expanded panel of BXD mice
BMC Genomics
Poon, A. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-206
2014Glutamate dysfunction associated with developmental cerebellar damage: Relevance to autism spectrum disorders
McKimm, E. and Corkill, B. and Goldowitz, D. and Albritton, L.M. and Homayouni, R. and Blaha, C.D. and Mittleman, G.
DOI: 10.1007/s12311-013-0541-4
2014CAGE-defined promoter regions of the genes implicated in Rett Syndrome
BMC Genomics
Vitezic, M. and Bertin, N. and Andersson, R. and Lipovich, L. and Kawaji, H. and Lassmann, T. and Sandelin, A. and Heutink, P. and Goldowitz, D. and Ha, T. and Zhang, P. and Patrizi, A. and Fagiolini, M. and Forrest, A.R.R. and Carninci, P. and Saxena, A.
DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-1177
2014The effects of pre- and post-natal nicotine exposure and genetic background on the striatum and behavioral phenotypes in the mouse
Behavioural Brain Research
Balsevich, G. and Poon, A. and Goldowitz, D. and Wilking, J.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2014.02.038
2014Impaired Hypercarbic and Hypoxic Responses from Developmental Loss of Cerebellar Purkinje Neurons: Implications for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Calton, M. and Dickson, P. and Harper, R.M. and Goldowitz, D. and Mittleman, G.
DOI: 10.1007/s12311-014-0592-1
2014Reorganization of circuits underlying cerebellar modulation of prefrontal cortical dopamine in mouse models of autism spectrum disorder
Rogers, T.D. and Dickson, P.E. and McKimm, E. and Heck, D.H. and Goldowitz, D. and Blaha, C.D. and Mittleman, G.
DOI: 10.1007/s12311-013-0462-2
2013The expression of HDAC1 and HDAC2 during cerebellar cortical development
Yoo, J.Y.J. and Larouche, M. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1007/s12311-013-0459-x
2013Non-coding-regulatory regions of human brain genes delineated by bacterial artificial chromosome knock-in mice
BMC Biology
Schmouth, J.-F. and Castellarin, M. and Laprise, S. and Banks, K.G. and Bonaguro, R.J. and McInerny, S.C. and Borretta, L. and Amirabbasi, M. and Korecki, A.J. and Portales-Casamar, E. and Wilson, G. and Dreolini, L. and Jones, S.J.M. and Wasserman, W.W. and Goldowitz, D. and Holt, R.A. and Simpson, E.M.
DOI: 10.1186/1741-7007-11-106
2013Use of the Expanded Panel of BXD Mice Narrow QTL Regions in Ethanol-Induced Locomotor Activation and Motor Incoordination
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
Dubose, C.S. and Chesler, E.J. and Goldowitz, D. and Hamre, K.M.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-0277.2012.01865.x
2013Is autism a disease of the cerebellum?: An integration of clinical and pre-clinical research
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Rogers, T.D. and Mckimm, E. and Dickson, P.E. and Goldowitz, D. and Blaha, C.D. and Mittleman, G.
DOI: 10.3389/fnsys.2013.00015
2013Effects of stimulus salience on touchscreen serial reversal learning in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome
Behavioural Brain Research
Dickson, P.E. and Corkill, B. and McKimm, E. and Miller, M.M. and Calton, M.A. and Goldowitz, D. and Blaha, C.D. and Mittleman, G.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2013.05.060
2013Effects of age and strain on cell proliferation in the mouse rostral migratory stream
Neurobiology of Aging
Poon, A. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2012.12.021
2013Dab2IP GTPase Activating Protein Regulates Dendrite Development and Synapse Number in Cerebellum
Qiao, S. and Kim, S.-H. and Heck, D. and Goldowitz, D. and LeDoux, M.S. and Homayouni, R.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0053635
2013Excessive activation of tissue plasminogen activator makes a mouse nervous
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1309965110
2013Genome-wide microarray comparison reveals downstream genes of Pax6 in the developing mouse cerebellum
European Journal of Neuroscience
Ha, T.J. and Swanson, D.J. and Kirova, R. and Yeung, J. and Choi, K. and Tong, Y. and Chesler, E.J. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2012.08221.x
2012Kainic acid-induced neuronal degeneration in hippocampal pyramidal neurons is driven by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors: Analysis of FVB/N¿C57BL/6 chimeras
Journal of Neuroscience
Liu, L. and Hamre, K.M. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.6478-11.2012
201219p13.2 microduplication causes a Sotos syndrome-like phenotype and alters gene expression
Clinical Genetics
Lehman, A.M. and Du Souich, C. and Chai, D. and Eydoux, P. and Huang, J.L. and Fok, A.K. and Avila, L. and Swingland, J. and Delaney, A.D. and McGillivray, B. and Goldowitz, D. and Argiropoulos, B. and Kobor, M.S. and Boerkoel, C.F.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-0004.2010.01615.x
2012Gene Discovery: From Positional Cloning to Genomic Cloning
Gene Discovery for Disease Models
Gu, W. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470933947.ch1
2012Consensus paper: Pathological role of the cerebellum in Autism
Fatemi, S.H. and Aldinger, K.A. and Ashwood, P. and Bauman, M.L. and Blaha, C.D. and Blatt, G.J. and Chauhan, A. and Chauhan, V. and Dager, S.R. and Dickson, P.E. and Estes, A.M. and Goldowitz, D. and Heck, D.H. and Kemper, T.L. and King, B.H. and Martin, L.A. and Millen, K.J. and Mittleman, G. and Mosconi, M.W. and Persico, A.M. and Sweeney, J.A. and Webb, S.J. and Welsh, J.P.
DOI: 10.1007/s12311-012-0355-9
2012Inter-disciplinary research in the pediatric neurosciences: the NeuroDevNet model. Introduction.
Seminars in pediatric neurology
Shevell, M. and Goldowitz, D.
2011The genetic basis of adrenal gland weight and structure in BXD recombinant inbred mice
Mammalian Genome
Di Curzio, D.L. and Goldowitz, D.
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2011Conserved and differential gene interactions in dynamical biological systems
Ouyang, Z. and Song, M. and Güth, R. and Ha, T.J. and Larouche, M. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btr472
2011NeuroDevNet: A Canada Network of Centres of Excellence-To Realize a Vision by Effective Operations and Collaborative Mechanisms
Seminars in Pediatric Neurology
Lewis, N.J. and Goldowitz, D.
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Seminars in Pediatric Neurology
Shevell, M. and Goldowitz, D.
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2011Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Gene-Environment Interactions, Predictive Biomarkers, and the Relationship Between Structural Alterations in the Brain and Functional Outcomes
Seminars in Pediatric Neurology
Reynolds, J.N. and Weinberg, J. and Clarren, S. and Beaulieu, C. and Rasmussen, C. and Kobor, M. and Dube, M.-P. and Goldowitz, D.
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2011Experimental Sey mouse chimeras reveal the developmental deficiencies of Pax6-null granule cells in the postnatal cerebellum
Developmental Biology
Swanson, D.J. and Goldowitz, D.
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2011Dopamine dynamics associated with, and resulting from, schedule-induced alcohol self-administration: Analyses in dopamine transporter knockout mice
Mittleman, G. and Call, S.B. and Cockroft, J.L. and Goldowitz, D. and Matthews, D.B. and Blaha, C.D.
DOI: 10.1016/j.alcohol.2010.12.006
2011Linking Early Brain and Biological Development to Psychiatry
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Goldowitz, D.
2011Genotype-dependent effects of adolescent nicotine exposure on dopamine functional dynamics in the nucleus accumbens shell in male and female mice: A potential mechanism underlying the gateway effect of nicotine
Dickson, P.E. and Rogers, T.D. and Lester, D.B. and Miller, M.M. and Matta, S.G. and Chesler, E.J. and Goldowitz, D. and Blaha, C.D. and Mittleman, G.
DOI: 10.1007/s00213-010-2159-2
2011The NeuroDevNet Vision
Seminars in Pediatric Neurology
Goldowitz, D. and McArthur, D.
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2011Spatial and temporal requirements for huntingtin (Htt) in neuronal migration and survival during brain development
Journal of Neuroscience
Tong, Y. and Ha, T.J. and Liu, L. and Nishimoto, A. and Reiner, A. and Goldowitz, D.
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2011Connecting the dots of the cerebro-cerebellar role in cognitive function: Neuronal pathways for cerebellar modulation of dopamine release in the prefrontal cortex
Rogers, T.D. and Dickson, P.E. and Heck, D.H. and Goldowitz, D. and Mittleman, G. and Blaha, C.D.
DOI: 10.1002/syn.20960
2011Inherited neuroaxonal dystrophy in dogs causing lethal, fetal-onset motor system dysfunction and cerebellar hypoplasia
The Journal of comparative neurology
Fyfe, J.C. and Al-Tamimi, R.A. and Castellani, R.J. and Rosenstein, D. and Goldowitz, D. and Henthorn, P.S.
DOI: 10.1002/cne.22423
2010High-throughput behavioral phenotyping in the expanded panel of BXD recombinant inbred strains
Genes, Brain and Behavior
Philip, V.M. and Duvvuru, S. and Gomero, B. and Ansah, T.A. and Blaha, C.D. and Cook, M.N. and Hamre, K.M. and Lariviere, W.R. and Matthews, D.B. and Mittleman, G. and Goldowitz, D. and Chesler, E.J.
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2010Repetitive behavior and increased activity in mice with Purkinje cell loss: A model for understanding the role of cerebellar pathology in autism
European Journal of Neuroscience
Martin, L.A. and Goldowitz, D. and Mittleman, G.
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2010Behavioral flexibility in a mouse model of developmental cerebellar Purkinje cell loss
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Dickson, P.E. and Rogers, T.D. and Mar, N.D. and Martin, L.A. and Heck, D. and Blaha, C.D. and Goldowitz, D. and Mittleman, G.
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2010A regulatory toolbox of MiniPromoters to drive selective expression in the brain
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Portales-Casamar, E. and Swanson, D.J. and Liu, L. and De Leeuw, C.N. and Banks, K.G. and Ho Sui, S.J. and Fulton, D.L. and Ali, J. and Amirabbasi, M. and Arenillas, D.J. and Babyak, N. and Black, S.F. and Bonaguro, R.J. and Brauer, E. and Candido, T.R. and Castellarin, M. and Chen, J. and Chen, Y. and Cheng, J.C.Y. and Chopra, V. and Docking, T.R. and Dreolini, L. and D'Souza, C.A. and Flynn, E.K. and Glenn, R. and Hatakka, K. and Hearty, T.G. and Imanian, B. and Jiang, S. and Khorasan-zadeh, S. and Komljenovic, I. and Laprise, S. and Liao, N.Y. and Lim, J.S. and Lithwick, S. and Liu, F. and Liu, J. and Lu, M. and McConechy, M. and McLeod, A.J. and Milisavljevic, M. and Mis, J. and O'Connor, K. and Palma, B. and Palmquist, D.L. and Schmouth, J.-F. and Swanson, M.I. and Tam, B. and Ticoll, A. and Turner, J.L. and Varhol, R. and Vermeulen, J. and Watkins, R.F. and Wilson, G. and Wong, B.K.Y. and Wong, S.H. and Wong, T.Y.T. and Yang, G.S. and Ypsilanti, A.R. and Jones, S.J.M. and Holt, R.A. and Goldowitz, D. and Wasserman, W.W. and Simpson, E.M.
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2010Phenotypic and genetic analysis of the cerebellar mutant tmgc26, a new ENU-induced ROR-alpha allele
European Journal of Neuroscience
Swanson, D.J. and Steshina, E.Y. and Wakenight, P. and Aldinger, K.A. and Goldowitz, D. and Millen, K.J. and Chizhikov, V.V.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2010.07330.x
2010Foxn3 is essential for craniofacial development in mice and a putative candidate involved in human congenital craniofacial defects
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Samaan, G. and Yugo, D. and Rajagopalan, S. and Wall, J. and Donnell, R. and Goldowitz, D. and Gopalakrishnan, R. and Venkatachalam, S.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2010.07.142
2010Studies on the hippocampal formation: From basic development to clinical applications: Studies on schizophrenia
Progress in Neurobiology
Freedman, R. and Goldowitz, D.
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2010Identification of a Chr 11 quantitative trait locus that modulates proliferation in the rostral migratory stream of the adult mouse brain
European Journal of Neuroscience
Poon, A. and Li, Z. and Wolfe, G.W. and Lu, L. and Williams, R.W. and Hayes, N.L. and Nowakowski, R.S. and Goldowitz, D.
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2010CAG repeat lengths = 335 attenuate the phenotype in the R6/2 Huntington's disease transgenic mouse
Neurobiology of Disease
Dragatsis, I. and Goldowitz, D. and Del Mar, N. and Deng, Y.P. and Meade, C.A. and Liu, L. and Sun, Z. and Dietrich, P. and Yue, J. and Reiner, A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2008.10.009
2009Standards for the publication of mouse mutant studies
Genes, Brain and Behavior
Crusio, W.E. and Goldowitz, D. and Holmes, A. and Wolfer, D.
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2009Genetics of the hippocampal transcriptome in mouse: A systematic survey and online neurogenomics resource
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Overall, R.W. and Kempermann, G. and Peirce, J. and Lu, L. and Goldowitz, D. and Gage, F.H. and Goodwin, S. and Smit, A.B. and Airey, D.C. and Rosen, G.D. and Schalkwyk, L.C. and Sutter, T.R. and Nowakowski, R.S. and Whatley, S. and Williams, R.W.
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2009ENU induced single mutation locus on chr 16 leads to high-frequency hearing loss in mice
Genes and Genetic Systems
Jiao, Y. and Cai, C. and Kermany, M.H. and Yan, J. and Cai, Q. and Miller, D. and Goldowitz, D. and Li, X. and Yoo, T.-J. and Gu, W.
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2009Next generation tools for high-throughput promoter and expression analysis employing single-copy knock-ins at the Hprt1 locus
Yang, G.S. and Banks, K.G. and Bonaguro, R.J. and Wilson, G. and Dreolini, L. and de Leeuw, C.N. and Liu, L. and Swanson, D.J. and Goldowitz, D. and Holt, R.A. and Simpson, E.M.
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2009Ethanol-induced hyperactivity is associated with hypodopaminergia in the 22-TNJ ENU-mutated mouse
Mathews, T.A. and Brookshire, B.R. and Budygin, E.A. and Hamre, K. and Goldowitz, D. and Jones, S.R.
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2009Acute mild footshock alters ethanol drinking and plasma corticosterone levels in C57BL/6J male mice, but not DBA/2J or A/J male mice
Matthews, D.B. and Morrow, A.L. and O'Buckley, T. and Flanigan, T.J. and Berry, R.B. and Cook, M.N. and Mittleman, G. and Goldowitz, D. and Tokunaga, S. and Silvers, J.M.
DOI: 10.1016/j.alcohol.2008.05.001
2008Cerebellar modulation of frontal cortex dopamine efflux in mice: Relevance to autism and schizophrenia
Mittleman, G. and Goldowitz, D. and Heck, D.H. and Blaha, C.D.
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2008VAC14 nucleates a protein complex essential for the acute interconversion of PI3P and PI(3,5)P
2 in yeast and mouse
EMBO Journal
Jin, N. and Chow, C.Y. and Liu, L. and Zolov, S.N. and Bronson, R. and Davisson, M. and Petersen, J.L. and Zhang, Y. and Park, S. and Duex, J.E. and Goldowitz, D. and Meisler, M.H. and Weisman, L.S.
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2008Identification of a set of genes showing regionally enriched expression in the mouse brain
BMC Neuroscience
D'Souza, C.A. and Chopra, V. and Varhol, R. and Xie, Y.-Y. and Bohacec, S. and Zhao, Y. and Lee, L.L.C. and Bilenky, M. and Portales-Casamar, E. and He, A. and Wasserman, W.W. and Goldowitz, D. and Marra, M.A. and Holt, R.A. and Simpson, E.M. and Jones, S.J.M.
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2008Genetic mapping of vocalization to a series of increasing acute footshocks using B6.A consomic and B6.D2 congenic mouse strains
Behavior Genetics
Matthews, D.B. and Chesler, E.J. and Cook, M.N. and Cockroft, J. and Philip, V.M. and Goldowitz, D.
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2008A mouse model of Waardenburg syndrome type IV resulting from an ENU-induced mutation in endothelin 3
Pigment Cell Research
Matera, I. and Cockroft, J.L. and Moran, J.L. and Beier, D.R. and Goldowitz, D. and Pavan, W.J.
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2007Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous due to somatic mosaic deletion of the Arf tumor suppressor
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
Thornton, J.D. and Swanson, D.J. and Mary, M.N. and Pei, D. and Martin, A.C. and Pounds, S. and Goldowitz, D. and Skapek, S.X.
DOI: 10.1167/iovs.06-0765
2007The requirement of Pax6 for postnatal eye development: Evidence from experimental mouse chimeras
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
Li, S. and Goldowitz, D. and Swanson, D.J.
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2007PolymiRTS Database: Linking polymorphisms in microRNA target sites with complex traits
Nucleic Acids Research
Bao, L. and Zhou, M. and Wu, L. and Lu, L. and Goldowitz, D. and Williams, R.W. and Cui, Y.
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2007An integrative genomics strategy for systematic characterization of genetic loci modulating phenotypes
Human Molecular Genetics
Bao, L. and Peirce, J.L. and Zhou, M. and Li, H. and Goldowitz, D. and Williams, R.W. and Lu, L. and Cui, Y.
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2007Wild-type cells rescue genotypically Math1-null hair cells in the inner ears of chimeric mice
Developmental Biology
Du, X. and Jensen, P. and Goldowitz, D. and Hamre, K.M.
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2007R6/2 neurons with intranuclear inclusions survive for prolonged periods in the brains of chimeric mice
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Reiner, A. and Del Mar, N. and Deng, Y.-P. and Meade, C.A. and Sun, Z. and Goldowitz, D.
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2007Neurobehavioral mutants identified in an ENU-mutagenesis project
Mammalian Genome
Cook, M.N. and Dunning, J.P. and Wiley, R.G. and Chesler, E.J. and Johnson, D.K. and Miller, D.R. and Goldowitz, D.
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2007A transgenic mouse class-III ßtubulin reporter using yellow fluorescent protein
Liu, L. and Geisert, E.E. and Frankfurter, A. and Spano, A.J. and Chloe, X.J. and Yue, J. and Dragatsis, I. and Goldowitz, D.
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2007Screening for ENU-Induced Mutations in Mice That Result in Aberrant Ethanol-Related Phenotypes
Behavioral Neuroscience
Hamre, K.M. and Goldowitz, D. and Wilkinson, S. and Matthews, D.B.
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2007Huntingtin inhibits caspase-3 activation
EMBO Journal
Zhang, Y. and Leavitt, B.R. and Van Raamsdonk, J.M. and Dragatsis, I. and Goldowitz, D. and MacDonald, M.E. and Hayden, M.R. and Friedlander, R.M.
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2006Sustained attention in the mouse: A study of the relationship with the cerebellum
Behavioral Neuroscience
Martin, L.A. and Goldowitz, D. and Mittleman, G.
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2006Progress in using mouse inbred strains, consomics, and mutants to identify genes related to stress, anxiety, and alcohol phenotypes
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
Goldowitz, D. and Matthews, D.B. and Hamre, K.M. and Mittleman, G. and Chesler, E.J. and Becker, H.C. and Lopez, M.F. and Jones, S.R. and Mathews, T.A. and Miles, M.F. and Kerns, R. and Grant, K.A.
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2006Identification of 17 hearing impaired mouse strains in the TMGC ENU-mutagenesis screen
Hearing Research
Habiby Kermany, M. and Parker, L.L. and Guo, Y.-K. and Miller, D. and Swanson, D.J. and Yoo, T.-J. and Goldowitz, D. and Zuo, J.
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2006Combining gene expression QTL mapping and phenotypic spectrum analysis to uncover gene regulatory relationships
Mammalian Genome
Bao, L. and Wei, L. and Peirce, J.L. and Homayouni, R. and Li, H. and Zhou, M. and Chen, H. and Lu, L. and Williams, R.W. and Pfeffer, L.M. and Goldowitz, D. and Cui, Y.
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2006The Tennessee Mouse Genome Consortium: Identification of ocular mutants
Visual Neuroscience
Jablonski, M.M. and Wang, X. and Lu, L. and Miller, D.R. and Rinchik, E.M. and Williams, R.W. and Goldowitz, D.
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2005Increased calbindin-D28k immunoreactivity in striatal projection neurons of R6/2 Huntington's disease transgenic mice
Neurobiology of Disease
Sun, Z. and Wang, H.B. and Deng, Y.P. and Lei, W.L. and Xie, J.P. and Meade, C.A. and Del Mar, N. and Goldowitz, D. and Reiner, A.
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2005Compartmentation of the reeler cerebellum: Segregation and overlap of spinocerebellar and secondary vestibulocerebellar fibers and their target cells
Vig, J. and Goldowitz, D. and Steindler, D.A. and Eisenman, L.M.
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2005An ENU-induced mutation in Rs1h causes disruption of retinal structure and function
Molecular Vision
Jablonski, M.M. and Dalke, C. and Wang, X.F. and Lu, L. and Manly, K.F. and Pretsch, W. and Favor, J. and Pardue, M.T. and Rinchik, E.M. and Williams, R.W. and Goldowitz, D. and Graw, J.
2005A deletion causing spontaneous fracture identified from a candidate region of mouse chromosome 14
Mammalian Genome
Jiao, Y. and Li, X. and Beamer, W.G. and Yan, J. and Tong, Y. and Goldowitz, D. and Roe, B. and Gu, W.
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2005Phenotype screening for genetically determined age-onset disorders and increased longevity in ENU-mutagenized mice
Johnson, D.K. and Rinchik, E.M. and Moustaid-Moussa, N. and Miller, D.R. and Williams, R.W. and Michaud, E.J. and Jablonski, M.M. and Elberger, A. and Hamre, K. and Smeyne, R. and Chesler, E. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1007/s11357-005-4131-3
2005Disruption of cerebellar granule cell development in the Pax6 mutant, Sey mouse
Developmental Brain Research
Swanson, D.J. and Tong, Y. and Goldowitz, D.
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2005Enhanced Purkinje cell survival but compromised cerebellar function in targeted anti-apoptotic protein transgenic mice
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Goswami, J. and Martin, L.A. and Goldowitz, D. and Beitz, A.J. and Feddersen, R.M.
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2005A genome end-game: Understanding gene function in the nervous system
Nature Neuroscience
Bult, C. and Kibbe, W.A. and Snoddy, J. and Vitaterna, M. and Swanson, D. and Pretel, S. and Li, Y. and Hohman, M.M. and Rinchik, E. and Takahashi, J.S. and Frankel, W.N. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1038/nn0504-484
2004Large-scale mutagenesis of the mouse to understand the genetic bases of nervous system structure and function
Molecular Brain Research
Goldowitz, D. and Frankel, W.N. and Takahashi, J.S. and Holtz-Vitaterna, M. and Bult, C. and Kibbe, W.A. and Snoddy, J. and Li, Y. and Pretel, S. and Yates, J. and Swanson, D.J.
DOI: 10.1016/j.molbrainres.2004.09.016
2004Analysis of Cerebellar Development in math1 Null Embryos and Chimeras
Journal of Neuroscience
Jensen, P. and Smeyne, R. and Goldowitz, D.
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2004A relationship between cerebellar Purkinje cells and spatial working memory demonstrated in a lurcher/chimera mouse model system
Genes, Brain and Behavior
Martin, L.A. and Escher, T. and Goldowitz, D. and Mittleman, G.
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2004Implementing large-scale ENU mutagenesis screens in North America
Clark, A.T. and Goldowitz, D. and Takahashi, J.S. and Vitaterna, M.H. and Siepka, S.M. and Peters, L.L. and Frankel, W.N. and Carlson, G.A. and Rossant, J. and Nadeau, J.H. and Justice, M.J.
DOI: 10.1007/s10709-004-1436-6
2004Wild-Type Huntingtin Plays a Role in Brain Development and Neuronal Survival
Molecular Neurobiology
Reiner, A. and Dragatsis, I. and Zeitlin, S. and Goldowitz, D.
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2003The cerebellum and spatial ability: Dissection of motor and cognitive components with a mouse model system
European Journal of Neuroscience
Martin, L.A. and Goldowitz, D. and Mittleman, G.
DOI: 10.1046/j.1460-9568.2003.02921.x
2003Plans for HDBase - A research community website for Huntington's disease
Clinical Neuroscience Research
Goodman, N. and McCormick, K. and Goldowitz, D. and Hockly, E. and Johnson, C. and Kristal, B. and MacDonald, M. and Truant, R. and van Beuzekom, M.
DOI: 10.1016/S1566-2772(03)00062-8
2003Dissection of the cellular and molecular events that position cerebellar Purkinje cells: A study of the math1 null-mutant mouse
Journal of Neuroscience
Jensen, P. and Zoghbi, H.Y. and Goldowitz, D.
2002The community effect and Purkinje cell migration in the cerebellar cortex: Analysis of scrambler chimeric mice
Journal of Neuroscience
Yang, H. and Jensen, P. and Goldowitz, D.
2002Clonal Architecture of the Mouse Hippocampus
Journal of Neuroscience
Martin, L.A. and Tan, S.-S. and Goldowitz, D.
2002Developmental expression of PAM (protein associated with MYC) in the rodent brain
Developmental Brain Research
Yang, H. and Scholich, K. and Poser, S. and Storm, D.R. and Patel, T.B. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1016/S0165-3806(02)00311-5
2002The renal glomerulus and vasculature in 'Aggregation' chimeric mice
Gattone II, V.H. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1159/000049062
2002Cellular localization and development of neuronal intranuclear inclusions in striatal and cortical neurons in R6/2 transgenic mice
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Meade, C.A. and Deng, Y.-P. and Fusco, F.R. and Del Mar, N. and Hersch, S. and Goldowitz, D. and Reiner, A.
DOI: 10.1002/cne.10295
2002Preliminary analysis of the mouse cerebellum proteome
Molecular Brain Research
Beranova-Giorgianni, S. and Pabst, M.J. and Russell, T.M. and Giorgianni, F. and Goldowitz, D. and Desiderio, D.M.
DOI: 10.1016/S0169-328X(01)00333-3
2002Differential changes in striatal projection neurons in R6/2 transgenic mice for Huntington's disease
Neurobiology of Disease
Sun, Z. and Del Mar, N. and Meade, C. and Goldowitz, D. and Reiner, A.
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2002Abnormalities in the functioning of adipocytes from R6/2 mice that are transgenic for the Huntington's disease mutation
Human Molecular Genetics
Fain, J.N. and Del Mar, N.A. and Meade, C.A. and Reiner, A. and Goldowitz, D.
2001Sequence interpretation: Functional annotation of mouse genome sequences
Nadeau, J.H. and Balling, R. and Barsh, G. and Beier, D. and Brown, S.D.M. and Bucan, M. and Camper, S. and Carlson, G. and Copeland, N. and Eppig, J. and Fletcher, C. and Frankel, W.N. and Ganten, D. and Goldowitz, D. and Goodnow, C. and Guenet, J.-L. and Hicks, G. and De Angelis, M.H. and Jackson, I. and Jacob, H.J. and Jenkins, N. and Johnson, D. and Justice, M. and Kay, S. and Kingsley, D. and Lehrach, H. and Magnuson, T. and Meisler, M. and Poustka, A. and Rinchik, E.M. and Rossant, J. and Russell, L.B. and Schimenti, J. and Shiroishi, T. and Skarnes, W.C. and Soriano, P. and Stanford, W. and Takahashi, J.S. and Wurst, W. and Zimmer, A.
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2001Neurons lacking huntingtin differentially colonize brain and survive in chimeric mice
Journal of Neuroscience
Reiner, A. and Del Mar, N. and Meade, C.A. and Yang, H. and Dragatsis, I. and Zeitlin, S. and Goldowitz, D.
2001Zona incerta: Substrate for contralateral interconnectivity in the thalamus of rats
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Beierbach, E. and Park, C. and Ackerman, S.L. and Goldowitz, D. and Hawkes, R.
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2001Granule cells and cerebellar boundaries: Analysis of Unc5h3 mutant chimeras
Journal of Neuroscience
Goldowitz, D. and Hamre, K.M. and Przyborski, S.A. and Ackerman, S.L.
2000Extrinsic modulation of retinal ganglion cell projections: Analysis of the albino mutation in pigmentation mosaic mice
Developmental Biology
Rice, D.S. and Goldowitz, D. and Williams, R.W. and Hamre, K. and Johnson, P.T. and Tan, S.-S. and Reese, B.E.
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1999Rescue of cerebellar granule cells from death in weaver NR1 double mutants
Journal of Neuroscience
Jensen, P. and Surmeier, D.J. and Goldowitz, D.
1999Disrupted retinal development in the embryonic belly spot and tail mutant mouse
Developmental Biology
Tang, Q. and Rice, D.S. and Goldowitz, D.
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1999Drain development, VIII: the reeler mouse.
The American journal of psychiatry
Lombroso, P.J. and Goldowitz, D.
1998Disabled-1 acts downstream of Reelin in a signaling pathway that controls laminar organization in the mammalian brain
Rice, D.S. and Sheldon, M. and D'Arcangelo, G. and Nakajima, K. and Goldowitz, D. and Curran, T.
1998The cells and molecules that make a cerebellum
Trends in Neurosciences
Goldowitz, D. and Hamre, K.
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1998Novel receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (RPTP¿) and acidic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-1) transcripts delineate a rostrocaudal boundary in the granule cell layer of the murine cerebellar cortex
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Mcandrew, P.E. and Frostholm, A. and Evans, J.E. and Zdilar, D. and Goldowitz, D. and Chiu, I.-M. and Burghes, A.H.M. and Rotter, A.
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1998Natural variation in neuron number in mice is linked to a major quantitative trait locus on Chr 11
Journal of Neuroscience
Williams, R.W. and Strom, R.C. and Goldowitz, D.
1998Mapping genes that control brain size and neuron number: A QTL analysis of the mouse CNS and retina
FASEB Journal
Williams, R.W. and Strom, R.C. and Zhou, G. and Goldowitz, D. and Gilissen, E.P. and Rosen, G.D.
1998meander tail acts intrinsic to granule cell precursors to disrupt cerebellar development: Analysis of meander tail chimeric mice
Hamre, K.M. and Goldowitz, D.
1997Scrambler and yotari disrupt the disabled gene and produce a reeler- like phenotype in mice
Sheldon, M. and Rice, D.S. and D'Arcangelo, G. and Yoneshima, H. and Nakajima, K. and Mikoshiba, K. and Howell, B.W. and Cooper, J.A. and Goldowitz, D. and Curran, T.
DOI: 10.1038/39601
1997Cerebellar mutant mice and chimeras revisited
Perspectives on Developmental Neurobiology
Mullen, R.J. and Hamre, K.M. and Goldowitz, D.
1997Birthdate and cell marker analysis of scrambler: A novel mutation affecting cortical development with a reeler-like phenotype
Journal of Neuroscience
González, J.L. and Russo, C.J. and Goldowitz, D. and Sweet, H.O. and Davisson, M.T. and Walsh, C.A.
1997Developmental expression of the GIRK family of inward rectifying potassium channels: Implications for abnormalities in the weaver mutant mouse
Brain Research
Chen, S.-C. and Ehrhard, P. and Goldowitz, D. and Smeyne, R.J.
DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(97)00896-2
1997Decreased retinal ganglion cell number and misdirected axon growth associated with fissure defects in Bst/+ mutant mice
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
Rice, D.S. and Tang, Q. and Williams, R.W. and Harris, B.S. and Davisson, M.T. and Goldowitz, D.
1997Cerebellar disorganization characteristic of reeler in scrambler mutant mice despite presence of reelin
Journal of Neuroscience
Goldowitz, D. and Gushing, R.C. and Laywell, E. and D'Arcangelo, G. and Sheldon, M. and Sweet, H.O. and Davisson, M. and Steindler, D. and Curran, T.
1997Genetic and environmental control of variation in retinal ganglion cell number in mice
Journal of Neuroscience
Williams, R.W. and Strom, R.C. and Rice, D.S. and Goldowitz, D.
1996The weaver mutation of GIRK2 results in a loss of inwardly rectifying K+ current in cerebellar granule cells
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Surmeier, D.J. and Mermelstein, P.G. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.93.20.11191
1996Analysis of gene action in the meander tail mutant mouse: Examination of cerebellar phenotype and mitotic activity of granule cell neuroblasts
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Hamre, K.M. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1096-9861(19960429)368:2<304::AID-CNE10>3.0.CO;2-H
1996Annexin IV is a marker of roof and floor plate development in the murine CNS
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Hamre, K.M. and Keller-Peck, C.R. and Campbell, R.M. and Peterson, A.C. and Mullen, R.J. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1096-9861(19960513)368:4<527::AID-CNE5>3.0.CO;2-6
1996Clonal architecture of the mouse retina
Progress in Brain Research
Goldowitz, D. and Rice, D.S. and Williams, R.W.
1996Arbitrary primer PCR of dog DNA with estimates of average heterozygosity
Journal of Heredity
Ezer, A.D. and Williams, R.W. and Goldowitz, D.
1996Developmental regulation of various annexins in the embryonic palate of the mouse: Dexamethasone affects expression of annexin-1
Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology
Chepenik, K.P. and Shipman-Appasamy, P. and Ahn, N. and Goldowitz, D.
1995Tune into the weaver channel
Nature Genetics
Goldowitz, D. and Smeyne, R.J.
DOI: 10.1038/ng1095-107
1995The annexins: Specific markers of midline structures and sensory neurons in the developing murine central nervous system
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Hamre, K.M. and Chepenik, K.P. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1002/cne.903520308
1995Mapping the Bst mutation on mouse Chromosome 16: a model for human optic atrophy
Mammalian Genome
Rice, D.S. and Williams, R.W. and Ward-Bailey, P. and Johnson, K.R. and Harris, B.S. and Davisson, M.T. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1007/BF00356174
1995Genetic control of retinal projections in inbred strains of albino mice
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Rice, D.S. and Williams, R.W. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1002/cne.903540312
1995Inhibition of migration of neural crest-derived cells by the abnormal mesenchyme of the presumptive aganglionic bowel of Is/Is mice: Analysis with aggregation and interspecies chimeras
Developmental Biology
Rothman, T.P. and Goldowitz, D. and Gershon, M.D.
Trends in Neurosciences
Williams, R.W. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1016/0166-2236(93)90132-6
1993Lineage versus environment in embryonic retina: a revisionist perspective
Trends in Neurosciences
Williams, R.W. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1016/0166-2236(92)90181-7
1992Distribution of the blood-brain barrier in heterotopic brain transplants and its relationship to the lesions of EAE
Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology
Knobler, R.L. and Marini, J.C. and Goldowitz, D. and Lublin, F.D.
1992Structure of clonal and polyclonal cell arrays in chimeric mouse retina
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Williams, R.W. and Goldowitz, D.
1992Abnormalities in premigratory granule cells in the weaver cerebellum defined by monoclonal antibody OZ42
Anatomy and Embryology
Smeyne, R.J. and Pickford, L.B. and Rouse, R.V. and Napieralski, J. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1007/BF00192209
1991Expression of prostaglandin G H synthase (cyclooxygenase) during murine fetal thymic development
Cellular Immunology
Appasamy, P.M. and Pendino, K. and Schmidt, R.R. and Chepenik, K.P. and Prystowsky, M.B. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1016/0008-8749(91)90084-O
1991Purkinje cell loss is due to a direct action of the weaver gene in Purkinje cells: evidence from chimeric mice
Developmental Brain Research
Smeyne, R.J. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1016/0165-3806(90)90237-S
1990Olivocerebellar fiber maturation in normal and lurcher mutant mice: Defective development in lurcher
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Heckroth, J.A. and Goldowitz, D. and Eisenman, L.M.
DOI: 10.1002/cne.902910308
1990NCAM gene expression during the development of cerebellum and dentate gyrus in the mouse
Developmental Brain Research
Goldowitz, D. and Barthels, D. and Lorenzon, N. and Jungblut, A. and Wille, W.
DOI: 10.1016/0165-3806(90)90230-V
1990Postnatal development of the wild-type and weaver cerebellum after embryonic administration of propylthiouracil (PTU)
Developmental Brain Research
Smeyne, R.J. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1016/0165-3806(90)90151-N
1990Development and death of external granular layer cells in the weaver mouse cerebellum: A quantitative study
Journal of Neuroscience
Smeyne, R.J. and Goldowitz, D.
1989Purkinje cell reduction in the reeler mutant mouse: A quantitative immunohistochemical study
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Heckroth, J.A. and Goldowitz, D. and Eisenman, L.M.
1989The weaver granuloprival phenotype is due to intrinsic action of the mutant locus in granule cells: Evidence from homozygous weaver chimeras
Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1016/0896-6273(89)90045-7
1989Cell allocation in mammalian CNS formation: Evidence from murine interspecies aggregation chimeras
Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1016/0896-6273(89)90239-0
1989The mouse neurological mutant weaver maps within the region of chromosome 16 that is homologous to human chromosome 21
Reeves, R.H. and Crowley, M.R. and Lorenzon, N. and Pavan, W.J. and Smeyne, R.J. and Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1016/0888-7543(89)90018-9
1989Description of Putative ribosomal RNAs with low abundance, developmental regulation, and the identifier sequence
Experimental Cell Research
Herget, T. and Goldowitz, D. and Oelemann, W. and Starzinski-Powitz, A.
DOI: 10.1016/0014-4827(88)90128-0
1988Brain transplantation in genetic analysis of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Lublin, F.D. and Knobler, R.L. and Marini, J. and Goldowitz, D.
1988Evidence for the transneuronal regulation of cerebellin biosynthesis in developing Purkinje cells
Journal of Neuroscience
Slemmon, J.R. and Goldowitz, D. and Blacher, R. and Morgan, J.I.
1988Heterotopic brain transplants in the study of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis
Experimental Neurology
Goldowitz, D. and Knobler, R.L. and Lublin, F.D.
DOI: 10.1016/0014-4886(87)90122-1
1987Cell partitioning and mixing in the formation of the CNS: analysis of the cortical somatosensory barrels in chimeric mice.
Brain Research
Goldowitz, D.
1987Brain Transplantation in the Study of Host Regulation of Susceptibility to Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1987.tb23717.x
1987A highly abundant transcript in adult murine cerebellar granule cells contains repetitive sequences homologous to L1.
Journal of Neuroscience
Schaal, H. and Goldowitz, D. and Heinlein, U.A. and Unterbeck, A. and Ruppert, C. and Papenbrock, T. and Müller-Hill, B. and Vielmetter, W. and Wille, W.
1987Cell partitioning and mixing in the formation of the CNS: analysis of the cortical somatosensory barrels in chimeric mice
Developmental Brain Research
Goldowitz, D.
DOI: 10.1016/0165-3806(87)90002-2
1987Performance of normal and neurological mutant mice on radial arm maze and active avoidance tasks
Behavioral and Neural Biology
Goldowitz, D. and Koch, J.
DOI: 10.1016/S0163-1047(86)90696-5
1986Proto-oncogene c-myc is expressed in cerebellar neurons at different developmental stages.
The EMBO journal
Ruppert, C. and Goldowitz, D. and Wille, W.
1986Longitudinal assessment of immunologic abnormalities of mice with the autosomal recessive mutation, 'wasted'
Journal of Immunology
Goldowitz, D. and Shipman, P.M. and Porter, J.F. and Schmidt, R.R.
1985Longitudinal assessment of immunological abnormalities of mice with the autosomal recessive mutation, wasted
Federation Proceedings
Shipman, P. and Goldowitz, D. and Porter, J. and Schmidt, R.
1985Degree of hyperinnervation of area dentata by locus coeruleus in the presence of septum or entorhinal cortex as studied by sequential intraocular triple transplantation
Experimental Brain Research
Goldowitz, D. and Seiger, ?. and Olson, L.
DOI: 10.1007/BF00236291
1984Regulation of axonal ingrowth into area dentata as studied by sequential, double intraocular brain tissue transplantation
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Goldowitz, D. and Seiger, A. and Olson, L.
1984The neurological mutation staggerer is expressed in embryonic cerebellar transplants matured in the anterior eye chamber of normal mice
Neuroscience Letters
Wille, W. and Goldowitz, D. and Seiger, A. and Olson, L.
DOI: 10.1016/0304-3940(83)90412-3
1983Immunohistochemical demonstration of plasticity in GABA neurons of the adult rat dentate gyrus
Brain Research
Goldowitz, D. and Vincent, S.R. and Wu, J.-Y. and Hökfelt, T.
DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(82)90116-0
1982Anatomy of the isolated area dentata grown in the rat anterior eye chamber
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Goldowitz, D. and Seiger, A. and Olson, L.
1982Granule cell as a site of gene action in the weaver mouse cerebellum: Evidence from heterozygous mutant chimeras
Journal of Neuroscience
Goldowitz, D. and Mullen, R.J.
1982Nuclear morphology of ichthyosis mutant mice as a cell marker in chimeric brain
Developmental Biology
Goldowitz, D. and Mullen, R.J.
DOI: 10.1016/0012-1606(82)90313-X
1982Differential adrenergic neurotoxicity and Timm staining of heavy metals after intraocular injections of lead, cadmium or mercury
General Pharmacology: Vascular System
Bjorklund, H. and Goldowitz, D. and Hoffer, B. and Olson, L.
1981Axonal transport and axon sprouting in the adult rat dentate gyrus: An autoradiographic study
Goldowitz, D. and Cotman, C.W.
DOI: 10.1016/0306-4522(80)90133-5
1980Do neurotrophic interactions control synapse formation in the adult rat brain?
Brain Research
Goldowitz, D. and Cotman, C.W.
DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(80)90616-2
1980The specificity of reactive synaptogenesis: A comparative study in the adult rat hippocampal formation
Brain Research
Goldowitz, D. and Scheff, S.W. and Cotman, C.W.
DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(79)90962-4
1979Induction of extensive fimbrial branching in the adult rat brain [18]
Goldowitz, D. and Cotman, C.W.
DOI: 10.1038/275064a0
1978Electrophysiological analysis of the projection from the contralateral entorhinal cortex to the dentate gyrus in normal rats
Brain Research
Frost White, W. and Goldowitz, D. and Lynch, G. and Cotman, C.W.
DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(76)90666-1
1976Anatomical evidence for a projection from the entorhinal cortex to the contralateral dentate gyrus of the rat
Experimental Neurology
Goldowitz, D. and White, W.F. and Steward, O. and Lynch, G. and Cotman, C.
DOI: 10.1016/0014-4886(75)90075-8
1975Decreased temporal variability in hippocampal theta rhythms of cats administered methylphenidate
Behavioral Biology
Halfon, N. and Goldowitz, D. and Glotzbach, S. and Berger, R.
DOI: 10.1016/S0091-6773(75)91129-3
1975 - Research
Gene-environment interactions in cerebellar development and function: insights into the origins of complex brain disorders
Fetal and perinatal events such as growth restriction and extreme prematurity exert a system-wide effect and falls under the framework of the developmental origins of health and disease. Our work will identify key transcriptomic and epigenomic changes that will suggest targets for intervention. We have used this approach with IVH and our initial work with IUGR. With the IUGR, we saw that the cerebellar epigenome had alterations in methylation. Treatment of the IUGR mice with a methyl-donor rich diet ameliorated the cerebellar phenotype and function of the IUGR pups, as well as altered the epigenome.Mouse models for understanding neurodevelopmental disorders and interventions
We have 4 projects at various stages that have been designed to examine neurodevelopmental disorders: the loss of Purkinje cells in autism (one of the few documented neuroanatomic hallmarks of autism), a sequelae of extreme prematurity, intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH), and more recently, a mouse model for intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) which is associated with adverse outcomes in humans; and a mouse model for brain insults coupled with inflammatory challenges that are risk factors in prematurity.Novel genes involved in cerebellar development: discovery & validation
We use two large databases that we have built (www.cbgrits.org) or contributed to (fantom.gsc.riken.jp) that have painted a relatively complete transcriptome landscape of the cerebellum over developmental time and discover new genes and their relationship to other genes and gene pathways. We will validate the role of these genes in cerebellar development using techniques such as siRNA knockdown, genetically engineered knockouts and experimental chimeras.Current Projects
My focus is on the cerebellum, a brain region involved in numerous levels of basic and higher function, and associated with developmental and behavioural disorders (eg, autism, ADHD, schizophrenia). My strength is in approaching neurodevelopment through the lens of genetics to (i) discover and validate genes involved in cerebellar development; (ii) create mouse models of perturbed cerebellar function to identify the earliest diagnostic signs of the disorder and develop evidence-based interventions; and (iii) understand the role of complex genetics, such as gene-environment interactions, in cerebellar development.Honours & AwardsCanadian Research Chair in Developmental Neurogenetics Tier 1, 2007 - 2021
Scientific Director, NeuroDevNet NCE, 2009 – current
University of Florida, Applebaum Professorship, 2009
Research Group MembersSevinj Asgarova, Research Coordinator
Pia Boxy, Visiting Reseach Student
Braxton Chan, Research Student
Eric Chen, Undergrad student
Eden Colley, Worklearn Student
Evi Dorsch, Undergraduate Research Assistant
Marco Ho, Master's Student
Catalina Holguin, Visiting International Student
Maddy Huehn, Project Coordinator, Library of Lived Experience
Karen Ip, Graduate Research Assistant
Michael Ke, Research Assistant
Rozina Khoja, Undergraduate Research Student
Melissa Koudjanian, Worklearn Research Assistant
Lisa Postelt, Visiting Reseach Student
Maryam Rahimi-Balaei, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Kia Rashidi, Worklearn Student
Behnaz Salek, Doctoral Student
Samantha Schwenger, Volunteer
Joanna Yeung, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Pierre Zwiegers, Training Coordinator
Congratulations CIHR Spring 2022 Project Grant recipients
Congratulations to the BCCHR and WHRI investigators and their teams who were awarded funding through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Spring 2022 Project Grant competition. Our research community received around $15 million in new research grants as principal investigators or co-investigators.