Child Neurosciences Research Group

Key Research Themes

The Child Neurosciences Research Group (CNRG) at BC Children's Hospital Research Institute studies interactions between early brain development and childhood physical, behavioural and social life.CNRG research (download PDF, 14KB) strives towards the translation of research finding into innovative therapeutics that lead to better outcomes for children.

The following key questions about the causes and mechanisms of disorders of the developing brain define our research themes (download PDF, 10KB):

Brain Injury & Recovery Theme

How do brain injuries in early life impact brain development, adaptability and resilience? [more...]

Brain Development & Plasticity Theme

How does the environment experienced by the fetus, infant and child modify brain development, adaptability and resilience? [more...]

Innovative Therapeutics Theme

How do new therapies and treatment approaches for pediatric brain disorders directly affect brain structure, microstructure, metabolism and function? [more...]

We use three core enabling technologies to maximize opportunities for integrating data from multiple technologies, laboratories and populations: 

  1. High field MRI
  2. Behavioural analysis
  3. Neuroinformatics

The scope of potential interventions includes improved fetal, neonatal and pediatric care, molecular medicine, pharmacotherapy, rehabilitation, educational support, dietary modification, immunization, immunotherapy, stem cell transplantation and neurosurgical procedures.


These themes provide opportunities for collaboration among many disciplines, including the list below. [more...]

  • Child neurology, neurosurgery & neuroradiology
  • Psychiatry
  • Neuropathology
  • Developmental pediatrics
  • Social epidemiology
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Medical & molecular genetics
  • Anatomy
  • Biomedical engineering
  • MR physics
  • Biophysics
  • Computer sciences
  • Cell biology
  • Neuropsychology
  • Cognitive, developmental and educational psychology
  • Vision science


To establish three collaborative research units within CNRG for translational research and knowledge transfer... [more...]

Ongoing Events and Education Opportunities

For a list of education opportunities... [more...]


Danny Kim
Research Assistant
Phone: 604-875-2000 ext. 6532
Fax: 604-875-2347