Therapeutic drug monitoring

All compounds analyzed using the Abbott Architect immunoanalyzer. (Product package inserts/instructions and sample handling information are available on request.)

Only human samples can be analyzed on the Abbott Architect.

  • Carbamazepine: Serum, heparin (plastic) or EDTA (glass) plasma
  • Digoxin: Serum, heparin or EDTA plasma gentamicin serum, heparin (plastic) or EDTA (glass) plasma
  • Methotrexate: Serum, heparin or EDTA plasma (protect from light)
  • Phenobarbital: Serum, heparin or EDTA plasma
  • Phenytoin: Serum, heparin, EDTA or citrated plasma
  • Theophylline: Serum, heparin, EDTA, citrate or fluoride plasma
  • Valproic Acid: Serum or heparin, EDTA plasma
  • Vancomycin: Serum, heparin, EDTA, citrate or fluoride plasma