- Overview
My research focuses on public and population health.
My areas of research are:
The health and well-being of populations, including immigrant and refugees, and Indigenous peoples
Alcohol and alcohol-related risks, including alcohol exposure during pregnancy
In conducting this research, I use various methods, particularly quantitative and database linkage, as well as community-based participatory approaches.
- Publications
Influence of Perceived Racial Discrimination on the Health of Immigrant Children in Canada
Journal of International Migration and Integration
M. Anne George and Cherylynn Bassani
DOI: 10.1007/s12134-018-0539-3
02/2018Hospitalizations due to unintentional transport injuries among Aboriginal population of British Columbia, Canada: Incidence, changes over time and ecological analysis of risk markers
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191384
01/2018Intentional injury among the indigenous and total populations in British Columbia, Canada: trends over time and ecological analyses of risk
International Journal for Equity in Health
M. Anne George and Andrew Jin and Mariana Brussoni and Christopher E. Lalonde and Rod McCormick
DOI: 10.1186/s12939-017-0629-4
08/2017Iatrogenic Injury among the Aboriginal and Total Populations of British Columbia, Canada, 1991-2010: Inequities Associated with Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status.
Journal of health care for the poor and underserved
DOI: 10.1353/hpu.2017.0090
PubMed: 28804071
01/2017Risk of Hospitalization Due to Unintentional Fall Injury in British Columbia, Canada, 1999–2008: Ecological Associations with Socioeconomic Status, Geographic Place, and Aboriginal Ethnicity
Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
Jin, A. and Brussoni, M. and George, M.A. and Lalonde, C.E. and McCormick, R.
DOI: 10.1007/s40615-016-0258-4
2017Injuries to Aboriginal populations living on- and off-reserve in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas in British Columbia, Canada: Incidence and trends, 1986-2010
BMC Public Health
Mariana Brussoni and M. Anne George and Andrew Jin and Christopher E. Lalonde and Rod McCormick
DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-3078-x
05/2016Ecological analyses of the associations between injury risk and socioeconomic status, geography and Aboriginal ethnicity in British Columbia, Canada.
DOI: 10.1186/s40064-016-2262-x
PubMed: 27247864
05/2016The health of immigrant children who live in areas with high immigrant concentration
Ethnicity and Health
George, M.A. and Bassani, C.
DOI: 10.1080/13557858.2015.1066762
2016Primary care visits due to injuries among the Aboriginal off-reserve population of British Columbia, Canada, 1991–2010
International Journal for Equity in Health
Andrew Jin and M. Anne George and Mariana Brussoni and Christopher E. Lalonde and Rod McCormick
DOI: 10.1186/s12939-015-0269-5
11/2015Injury risk in British Columbia, Canada, 1986 to 2009: are Aboriginal children and youth over-represented?
Injury Epidemiology
M Anne George and Andrew Jin and Mariana Brussoni and Christopher E Lalonde and Rod McCormick
DOI: 10.1186/s40621-015-0039-2
05/2015Injury Hospitalizations Due to Unintentional Falls among the Aboriginal Population of British Columbia, Canada: Incidence, Changes over Time, and Ecological Analysis of Risk Markers, 1991-2010
Andrew Jin and Christopher E. Lalonde and Mariana Brussoni and Rod McCormick and M. Anne George
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121694
03/2015Is the injury gap closing between the Aboriginal and general populations of British Columbia?
Health reports
George, M Anne and Jin, Andrew and Brussoni, Mariana and Lalonde, Christopher E
2015Aboriginal Community-Level Predictors of Injury-Related Hospitalizations in British Columbia, Canada
Prevention Science
Brussoni, M. and Jin, A. and George, M.A. and Lalonde, C.E.
DOI: 10.1007/s11121-014-0503-1
2015Is the injury gap closing between the aboriginal and general populations of British Columbia?
Health Reports
George, M.A. and Jin, A. and Brussoni, M. and Lalonde, C.E.
2015Worker compensation injuries among the Aboriginal population of British Columbia, Canada: incidence, annual trends, and ecological analysis of risk markers, 1987–2010
BMC Public Health
Andrew Jin and M Anne George and Mariana Brussoni and Christopher E Lalonde
DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-710
07/2014Addressing FASD in British Columbia, Canada: Analysis of funding proposals
Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology
PubMed: 25344795
2014Effectiveness of a school-based intervention for students diagnosed with feotal alcohol syndrome in British Columbia, Canada
International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research
2014Does Living in a Neighbourhood With Others of the Same Ethnic Background Contribute to Health of Canada’s Immigrant Children?
Can J Public Health
M. Anne George and Cherylynn Bassani
DOI: 10.17269/cjph.104.4101
11/2013Cesarean section rate differences by migration indicators
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Gagnon, A.J. and Van Hulst, A. and Merry, L. and George, A. and Saucier, J.-F. and Stanger, E. and Wahoush, O. and Stewart, D.E.
DOI: 10.1007/s00404-012-2609-7
2013The RISC research project: Injury in First Nations communities in British Columbia, Canada
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
Anne George, M. and McCormick, R. and Lalonde, C.E. and Jin, A. and Brussoni, M.
DOI: 10.3402/ijch.v72i0.21182
2013Influence of Perceived Racial Discrimination on Health and Behaviour of Immigrant Children in British Columbia
International Journal of Population Research
M. Anne George and Cherylynn Bassani and Robert W. Armstrong
DOI: 10.1155/2012/274963
2012Social capital and immigrant youth's well-being in Canada
Adolescent Behaviour
Bassani, C. and George, M.A.
2012Adolescents affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and behaviour
Adolescent Behaviour
Clark, E. and George, M.A.
2012Social capital and immigrant youth's well-being in Canada
Adolescent Behaviour (Bassani ed.)
2012Review of procedures for approval of health studies in northern Canada
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
M. Anne George
DOI: 10.3402/ijch.v70i4.17838
02/2011Fathers' child injury prevention attitudes and practices
Injury Prevention
M. Brussoni and L. Olsen and D. Sheftel and A. George
DOI: 10.1136/ip.2010.029215.271
09/2010Gendered analysis of fathers injury prevention attitudes and practices
Injury Prevention
M. Brussoni and L. Olsen and D. Sheftel and A. George
DOI: 10.1136/ip.2010.029215.395
09/2010Refugee and refugee-claimant women and infants post-birth: Migration histories as a predictor of Canadian health system response to needs
Canadian Journal of Public Health
Ganon, A.J. and Dougherty, G. and Platt, R.W. and Wahoush, O. and George, A. and Stanger, E. and Oxman-Martinez, J. and Saucier, J.-F. and Merry, L. and Stewart, D.E.
2007Preventing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Aboriginal Communities: A Methods Development Project
PLoS Medicine
Paul Masotti and M. Anne George and Karen Szala-Meneok and A. Michel Morton and Christine Loock and Marilyn Van Bibber and Jennifer Ranford and Michael Fleming and Stuart MacLeod
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0030008
01/2006Bridging the research gap: aboriginal and academic collaboration in FASD prevention. The Healthy Communities, Mothers and Children Project.
Alaska medicine
George, M.A. and Masotti, P. and MacLeod, S. and Van Bibber, M. and Loock, C. and Fleming, M. and McDiarmid, T. and Morton, A.M. and Penno, E. and Prince, E. and Ranford, J. and Salmon, A. and Smith, C.
2006Appraising and funding participatory research in health promotion
International Quarterly of Community Health Education
George, M.A. and Daniel, M. and Green, L.W.
DOI: 10.2190/R031-N661-H762-7015
2006Country of birth and language spoken at home in relation to illicit substance use
Canadian Journal of Public Health
Chien, L.-Y. and George, M.A. and Armstrong, R.W.
2002Appraising and Funding Participatory Research in Health Promotion
International Quarterly of Community Health Education
M. Anne George and Mark Daniel and Lawrence W. Green
DOI: 10.2190/C1B5-7PPE-7TYL-7YN8
1998Evolution and implications of P.A.R. for public health.
Promotion & education
George, M.A. and Green, L.W. and Daniel, M.
DOI: 10.1177/102538239600300403
1996 - Research
Injury in British Columbia’s Aboriginal Communities: Building Capacity while Developing Knowledge (RISC project)
This CHIR-funded research project examines the relationship between cultural continuity and injury in Indigenous communities. We worked with communities throughout BC to collect their own epidemiological data, and we linked administrative datasets spanning 25 years, comparing risk of injury for Indigenous peoples compared to the total BC population.New Canadian Children and Youth Study (NCCYS)
The NCCYS examines the health and well-being of immigrant and refugee children (n~4,500) across urban areas in Canada. It is a national, longitudinal study and includes families from 16 ethnic backgrounds. Six of these families are located in the Lower Mainland. NCCYS is funded by CIHR and the investigative team spans eight Canadian universities and two phases of data collection.Honours & AwardsScientist 1, CFRI – 2010-2015
Senior Scholar, Human Early Learning Partnership (H.E.L.P.) – 2002-2005
Unlocking the mystery of nephrotic syndrome in kids: Q&A with new investigator Dr. Susan Samuel
Pediatric nephrologist Dr. Susan Samuel, a new investigator who joined BCCHR in September 2024, has been investigating ways to improve the quality of life of children diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. She is serving as the director for the ENRICH program, a national network of mentors and learners. We met Dr. Samuel to talk about the importance of research and mentorship.