Canadian Preemies Chats

Preterm brain injury

Dr. Thiviya Selvanathan reviews the different types of brain injury in preterm babies.

The dimensions of white matter injury in the preterm baby

Dr. Steven Miller discusses why this type of brain injury remains so common, why it matters for a child’s development, and ultimately, how the outcomes of children with these brain changes may be supported.

Neonatal seizures

Dr. Selvanathan reviews the potential causes of seizures and what they might look like in babies.

Brain Health in Preterm Babies 

Dr. Selvanathan reviews key aspects of brain health in children born preterm, which includes brain growth and development as well as brain injury, as well as how everyday experiences in the NICU, and beyond, can impact brain development and neurodevelopment in preterm children. 


Pathways - UBC Faculty of Medicine’s Magazine

Rethinking early-life brain injury