
The Electrical and Computer Engineering in Medicine (ECEM) research group, which I co-direct with Prof Mark Ansermino, BC Children’s Hospital Anesthesiologist and Senior Associate Clinician Scientist, is a multidisciplinary team made up of control, signal processing and biomedical engineers, computer scientists, and clinicians. Our diversity in expertise allows us to contribute to a wide range of innovative projects; we are primarily focused, however, on the development of technology to enhance clinical and ambulatory physiological monitoring. We do so through the application of advanced signal processing and control theory. The ECEM’s work has led to a number of exciting developments.


Video-Based Respiratory Rate Estimation for Infants in the NICU
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine
Soodeh Ahani and Nikoo Niknafs and Pascal M. Lavoie and Liisa Holsti and Guy A. Dumont
DOI: 10.1109/JTEHM.2024.3488523

Blink-related EEG oscillations are neurophysiological indicators of subconcussive head impacts in female soccer players: a preliminary study.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Noisy Neonatal Chest Sound Separation for High-Quality Heart and Lung Sounds
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Ethan Grooby and Chiranjibi Sitaula and Davood Fattahi and Reza Sameni and Kenneth Tan and Lindsay Zhou and Arrabella King and Ashwin Ramanathan and Atul Malhotra and Guy Dumont and Faezeh Marzbanrad
DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2022.3215995

Measurement Uncertainty in Clinical Validation Studies of Sensors
J Mark Ansermino and Guy Dumont and amy sarah ginsburg
DOI: 10.3390/s23062900

Counting: An imprecise reference standard for respiratory rate measurement
Pediatric Pulmonology
J Mark Ansermino and Amy Sarah Ginsburg and Dustin Dunsmuir and Walter Karlen and Heng Gan and Catherine Muthoni Njeru and Guy A Dumont
DOI: 10.1002/ppul.26208

Effective pandemic policy design through feedback does not need accurate predictions
PLOS Global Public Health
Klaske van Heusden and Greg E. Stewart and Sarah P. Otto and Guy A. Dumont
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0000955

Real-Time Multi-Level Neonatal Heart and Lung Sound Quality Assessment for Telehealth Applications
IEEE Access
E. Grooby and C. Sitaula and D. Fattahi and R. Sameni and K. Tan and L. Zhou and A. King and A. Ramanathan and A. Malhotra and G. A. Dumont and F. Marzbanrad
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3144355

Neonatal Heart and Lung Sound Quality Assessment for Robust Heart and Breathing Rate Estimation for Telehealth Applications
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Ethan Grooby and Jinyuan He and Julie Kiewsky and Davood Fattahi and Lindsay Zhou and Arrabella King and Ashwin Ramanathan and Atul Malhotra and Guy A. Dumont and Faezeh Marzbanrad
DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2020.3047602

Night to night variability of pulse oximetry features in children at home and at the hospital
Physiological Measurement
Xenia L R Hoppenbrouwer and Aryannah U Rollinson and Dustin Dunsmuir and J Mark Ansermino and Guy Dumont and Wendy Oude Nijeweme-d’Hollosy and Peter Veltink and Ainara Garde
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6579/ac278e

Guy A. Dumont [People in Control]
IEEE Control Systems
Guy A. Dumont
DOI: 10.1109/MCS.2021.3092805

Causes and circumstances of maternal death: a secondary analysis of the Community-Level Interventions for Pre-eclampsia (CLIP) trials cohort
DOI: 10.60692/wftsk-0pd58

Klaske Van Heusden and Greg Stewart and Sarah Otto and Guy Dumont
DOI: 10.1101/2021.09.23.21263924

Effect of ketamine on the NeuroSENSE WAVCNS during propofol anesthesia; a randomized feasibility trial
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Klaske van Heusden and Erin Cooke and Sonia Brodie and Nicholas West and Matthias Görges and Guy A Dumont and J Mark Ansermino and Richard N Merchant
DOI: 10.1007/s10877-020-00511-0

Association of cortical spreading depression and seizures in patients with medically intractable epilepsy
Clinical Neurophysiology
Zoya J.R. Bastany and Shahbaz Askari and Guy A. Dumont and Christoph Kellinghaus and Alireza Kazemi and Ali Gorji
DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2020.09.016

An Optimization Framework for the Design of Noise Shaping Loop Filters with Improved Stability Properties
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
Brett C. Hannigan and Christian L. Petersen and A. Martin Mallinson and Guy A. Dumont
DOI: 10.1007/s00034-020-01460-4

Constrained Control of Depth of Hypnosis During Induction Phase
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Mehdi Hosseinzadeh and Guy A. Dumont and Emanuele Garone
DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2019.2929489

Whole blood genome-wide transcriptome profiling and metagenomics next-generation sequencing in young infants with suspected sepsis in a low-and middle-income country: A study protocol [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
Constantin R. Popescu and Bentry Tembo and Rhoda Chifisi and Miranda M.M. Cavanagh and Amy Huei-Yi Lee and Blessings Chiluzi and Emily J. Ciccone and Gerald Tegha and Esther Alonso-Prieto and Jennifer Claydon and Dustin Dunsmuir and Mike Irvine and Guy Dumont and J. Mark Ansermino and Matthew O. Wiens and Jonathan J. Juliano and Niranjan Kissoon and Tisungane Mvalo and Norman Lufesi and Msandeni Chiume-Kayuni and Pascal M. Lavoie
DOI: 10.12688/gatesopenres.13172.2

Falsified Model-Invariant Safety-Preserving Control With Application to Closed-Loop Anesthesia
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Mahdi Yousefi and Klaske van Heusden and Ian M. Mitchell and J. Mark Ansermino and Guy A. Dumont
DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2018.2879290

Evaluating NeuroSENSE for assessing depth of hypnosis during desflurane anesthesia: an adaptive, randomized-controlled trial
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie
Matthias Görges and Nicholas C. West and Erin M. Cooke and Shanshan Pi and Rollin F. Brant and Guy A. Dumont and J. Mark Ansermino and Richard N. Merchant
DOI: 10.1007/s12630-019-01522-5

Closed-Loop MISO Identification of Propofol Effect on Blood Pressure and Depth of Hypnosis
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Klaske van Heusden and Mahdi Yousefi and J. Mark Ansermino and Guy A. Dumont
DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2018.2871962

Optimizing Robust PID Control of Propofol Anesthesia for Children: Design and Clinical Evaluation
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Klaske van Heusden and Kristian Soltesz and Erin Cooke and Sonia Brodie and Nicholas West and Matthias Gorges and J. Mark Ansermino and Guy A. Dumont
DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2019.2898194

Extended habituating model predictive control of propofol and remifentanil anesthesia
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2019.101656

Feasibility of continuous sedation monitoring in critically ill intensive care unit patients using the NeuroSENSE WAVCNS index
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Nicholas West and Paul B. McBeth and Sonia M. Brodie and Klaske van Heusden and Sarah Sunderland and Guy A. Dumont and Donald E. G. Griesdale and J. Mark Ansermino and Matthias Görges
DOI: 10.1007/s10877-018-0115-6

Symbolic dynamics to enhance diagnostic ability of portable oximetry from the Phone Oximeter in the detection of paediatric sleep apnoea
Physiological Measurement
Daniel Álvarez and Andrea Crespo and Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar and Gonzalo C Gutiérrez-Tobal and Ana Cerezo-Hernández and Verónica Barroso-García and , J Mark Ansermino and Guy A Dumont and Roberto Hornero and Félix del Campo and Ainara Garde
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6579/aae2a8

Correntropy-Based Pulse Rate Variability Analysis in Children with Sleep Disordered Breathing
Ainara Garde and Parastoo Dehkordi and John Ansermino and Guy Dumont
DOI: 10.3390/e19060282

Patient and health care professional perspectives on using telehealth to deliver pulmonary rehabilitation.
Inskip JA and Lauscher HN and Li LC and Dumont GA and Garde A and Ho K and Hoens AM and Road JD and Ryerson CJ and Camp PG
DOI: 10.1177/1479972317709643
PubMed: 28569116

In response
Anesthesia and Analgesia
Petersen, C.L. and Görges, M. and Massey, R. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000001957

A delayed functional observer/predictor with bounded-error for depth of hypnosis monitoring.
Eskandari N and Wang ZJ and Dumont GA
PubMed: 27590919

Sleep/Wake Classification Using Cardiorespiratory Features Extracted from Photoplethysmogram
2016 Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC)
Parastoo Dehkordi and Ainara Garde and Guy A. Dumont and J Mark Ansermino
DOI: 10.22489/cinc.2016.294-147

A semi-adaptive control approach to closed-loop medication infusion
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Jin, X. and Kim, C.-S. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M. and Hahn, J.-O.
DOI: 10.1002/acs.2696

Non-invasive monitoring of spreading depression
Bastany, Z.J.R. and Askari, S. and Dumont, G.A. and Speckmann, E.-J. and Gorji, A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.06.056

Evaluation of a Novel Mobile Exergame in a School-Based Environment
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
Garde, A. and Umedaly, A. and Abulnaga, S.M. and Junker, A. and Chanoine, J.P. and Johnson, M. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2015.0281

Ultra-low Noise EEG at LSBB: New results
E3S Web of Conferences
Hamzei, N. and Bastany, Z. and Jutzeler, C.R. and Yedlin, M. and Kramer, J.L.K. and Steeves, J.D. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20161205003

Model-invariant safety-preserving control
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Yousefi, M. and Van Heusden, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Mitchell, I.M. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2016.7526724

Identifying individual sleep apnea/hypoapnea epochs using smartphone-based pulse oximetry
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Garde, A. and Dekhordi, P. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2016.7591408

Automatic tuning of robust constrained cross-direction controllers
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Ammar, M.E. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1002/acs.2641

A synthesis method for automatic handling of inter-patient variability in closed-loop anesthesia
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Soltesz, K. and Van Heusden, K. and Hast, M. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2016.7526125

Performance Assessment of Cross-Directional Control for Paper Machines
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Lu, Q. and Forbes, M. G. and Gopaluni, R. B. and Loewen, P. D. and Backstrom, J. U. and Dumont, G. A.
DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2016.2553134

On the Existence and Design of Functional Observers for LTI Systems, with Application to User Modeling
Asian Journal of Control
Eskandari, N. and Wang, Z.J. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1002/asjc.1002

Moving-Horizon Predictive input design for closed-loop identification
Yousefi, M. and Rippon, L.D. and Forbes, M.G. and Gopaluni, R.B. and Loewen, P.D. and Dumont, G.A. and Backstrom, J.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.08.170

A Procedural Electroencephalogram Simulator for Evaluation of Anesthesia Monitors
Anesthesia and Analgesia
Petersen, C.L. and Görges, M. and Massey, R. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000001506

Respiratory rate and pulse oximetry derived information as predictors of hospital admission in young children in Bangladesh: A prospective observational study
BMJ Open
Garde, A. and Zhou, G. and Raihana, S. and Dunsmuir, D. and Karlen, W. and Dekhordi, P. and Huda, T. and Arifeen, S.E. and Larson, C. and Kissoon, N. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011094

An Observer/Predictor-Based Model of the User for Attaining Situation Awareness
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
Eskandari, N. and Dumont, G.A. and Wang, Z.J.
DOI: 10.1109/THMS.2014.2382475

Semi-adaptive feedback control of opioid infusion
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Jin, X. and Kim, C.-S. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M. and Hahn, J.-O.
DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2016.7525244

Evaluation of cardiac modulation in children in response to apnea/hypopnea using the Phone Oximeter
Physiological Measurement
Dehkordi, P. and Garde, A. and Karlen, W. and Petersen, C.L. and Wensley, D. and Dumont, G.A. and Mark Ansermino, J.
DOI: 10.1088/0967-3334/37/2/187

Correction: Development and internal validation of a predictive model including pulse oximetry for hospitalization of under-five children in Bangladesh
Raihana, S. and Dunsmuir, D. and Huda, T. and Zhou, G. and Rahman, Q.S.-U. and Garde, A. and Moinuddin, M. and Karlen, W. and Dumont, G.A. and Kissoon, N. and El Arifeen, S. and Larson, C. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147560

A delayed functional observer/predictor with bounded-error for depth of hypnosis monitoring
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Eskandari, N. and Wang, Z.J. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1007/s10877-016-9929-2

Analysis of L1 adaptive state feedback control. Why does it approximate an implementable LTI controller?
European Journal of Control
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejcon.2015.02.003

Usability and Feasibility of PIERS on the Move: An mHealth App for Pre-Eclampsia Triage
JMIR mHealth and uHealth
Joanne Lim and Garth Cloete and Dustin T Dunsmuir and Beth A Payne and Cornie Scheffer and Peter von Dadelszen and Guy A Dumont and J Mark Ansermino
DOI: 10.2196/mhealth.3942

Assessing the incremental value of blood oxygen saturation (SpO(2)) in the miniPIERS (Pre-eclampsia Integrated Estimate of RiSk) Risk Prediction Model.
Payne BA and Hutcheon JA and Dunsmuir D and Cloete G and Dumont G and Hall D and Lim J and Magee LA and Sikandar R and Qureshi R and van Papendorp E and Ansermino JM and von Dadelszen P
PubMed: 25764032

A model-based approach to stability analysis of autonomic-cardiac regulation
Computers in Biology and Medicine
Ataee, P. and Hahn, J.-O. and Dumont, G.A. and Noubari, H.A. and Boyce, W.T.
DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2015.03.018

The performance of a mobile phone respiratory rate counter compared to the WHO ARI timer
Journal of Healthcare Engineering
Gan, H. and Karlen, W. and Dunsmuir, D. and Zhou, G. and Chiu, M. and Dumont, G.A. and Mark Ansermino, J.

Identification of scalp EEG circadian variation using a novel correlation sum measure
Journal of neural engineering
Zandi, A.S. and Boudreau, P. and Boivin, D.B. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1088/1741-2560/12/5/056004

Scalable safety-preserving robust control synthesis for continuous-time linear systems
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Kaynama, S. and Mitchell, I.M. and Oishi, M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2015.2411872

Estimation of Respiratory Rate from Photoplethysmographic Imaging Videos Compared to Pulse Oximetry
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Karlen, W. and Garde, A. and Myers, D. and Scheffer, C. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2015.2429746

Development and internal validation of a predictive model including pulse oximetry for hospitalization of under-five children in Bangladesh
Raihana, S. and Dunsmuir, D. and Huda, T. and Zhou, G. and Sadequr Rahman, Q. and Garde, A. and Moinuddin, M. and Karlen, W. and Dumont, G.A. and Kissoon, N. and El Arifeen, S. and Larson, C. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0143213

Delay-incorporating observability and predictability analysis of safety-critical continuous-time systems
IET Control Theory and Applications
Eskandari, N. and Dumont, G.A. and Wang, Z.J.
DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2014.0879

Impact of model plant mismatch on performance of control systems: An application to paper machine control
Control Engineering Practice
Yousefi, M. and Gopaluni, R.B. and Loewen, P.D. and Forbes, M.G. and Dumont, G.A. and Backstrom, J.
DOI: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2015.07.005

Detecting model-plant mismatch without external excitation
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Yousefi, M. and Lu, Q. and Gopaluni, R.B. and Loewen, P.D. and Forbes, M.G. and Dumont, G.A. and Backstrom, J.
DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2015.7172114

Closed-loop target-controlled infusion systems: Stability and performance aspects
Military Medicine
Bibian, S. and Dumont, G.A. and Black, I.
DOI: 10.7205/MILMED-D-14-00380

Automatic tuning of paper machines cross-direction controllers via linear matrix inequalities
Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology
Mohammed E. Ammar and Guy A. Dumont
DOI: 10.1016/j.jesit.2015.11.006

Pulse oximetry recorded from the Phone Oximeter for detection of obstructive sleep apnea events with and without oxygen desaturation in children
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Garde, A. and Dehkordi, P. and Wensley, D. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7320174

Estimating instantaneous respiratory rate from the photoplethysmogram
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Dehkordi, P. and Garde, A. and Molavi, B. and Petersen, C.L. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319796

Cross-directional controller performance monitoring for paper machines
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Lu, Q. and Rippon, L.D. and Gopaluni, R.B. and Forbes, M.G. and Loewen, P.D. and Backstrom, J. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2015.7172113

Variability in estimating shunt from single pulse oximetry measurements
Physiological Measurement
Karlen, W. and Petersen, C.L. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1088/0967-3334/36/5/967

Signal processing and automation in anesthesia [life sciences]
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/MSP.2015.2405752

Assessment of a Mobile Game ("MobileKids Monster Manor") to Promote Physical Activity among Children
Games for Health Journal
Garde, A. and Umedaly, A. and Abulnaga, S.M. and Robertson, L. and Junker, A. and Chanoine, J.P. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2014.0095

Assessing the Incremental Value of Blood Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) in the miniPIERS (Pre-eclampsia Integrated Estimate of RiSk) Risk Prediction Model
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada
Payne, B.A. and Hutcheon, J.A. and Dunsmuir, D. and Cloete, G. and Dumont, G. and Hall, D. and Lim, J. and Magee, L.A. and Sikandar, R. and Qureshi, R. and van Papendorp, E. and Mark Ansermino, J. and von Dadelszen, P.
DOI: 10.1016/S1701-2163(15)30358-3

Safety-preserving closed-loop control of anesthesia
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Yousefi, M. and Van Heusden, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7318397

Moving beyond silos: How do we provide distributed personalized medicine to pregnant women everywhere at scale? Insights from PRE-EMPT
International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
von Dadelszen, P. and Magee, L.A. and Payne, B.A. and Dunsmuir, D.T. and Drebit, S. and Dumont, G.A. and Miller, S. and Norman, J. and Pyne-Mercier, L. and Shennan, A.H. and Donnay, F. and Bhutta, Z.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2015.02.008

Cross-directional loop-shaping using spatial pole placement
2007 European Control Conference, ECC 2007
Ammar, M.E. and Dumont, G.

Preliminary results on quantification of Seismocardiogram morphological changes, using principal component analysis
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference
Zakeri, V. and Tavakolian, K. and Arzanpour, S. and Zanetti, J.M. and Dumont, G.A. and Akhbardeh, A.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2014.6945019

Using machine-to-machine / "internet of Things" communication to simplify medical device information exchange
2014 International Conference on the Internet of Things, IOT 2014
Görges, M. and Dumont, G.A. and Petersen, C.L. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/IOT.2014.7030114

Sensitivity of MIMO controller performance to model-plant mismatch, with applications to paper machine control
2014 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, CCA 2014
Yousefi, M. and Forbes, M.G. and Gopaluni, R.B. and Loewen, P.D. and Dumont, G.A. and Backstrom, J.
DOI: 10.1109/CCA.2014.6981352

Development of a screening tool for sleep disordered breathing in children using the phone oximeterTM
Garde, A. and Dehkordi, P. and Karlen, W. and Wensley, D. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112959

Improving the accuracy and efficiency of respiratory rate measurements in children using mobile devices
Karlen, W. and Gan, H. and Chiu, M. and Dunsmuir, D. and Zhou, G. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099266

Sleep stage classification in children using photo plethysmogram pulse rate variability
Computing in Cardiology
Dehkordi, P. and Garde, A. and Karlen, W. and Wensley, D. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.

Sharing Vital Signs between mobile phone applications
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference
Karlen, W. and Dumont, G.A. and Scheffer, C.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2014.6944413

Safety, constraints and anti-windup in closed-loop anesthesia
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Van Heusden, K. and West, N. and Umedaly, A. and Ansermino, J.M. and Merchant, R.N. and Dumont, G.A.

Sensitivity of controller performance indices to model-plant mismatch: An application to paper machine control
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Yousefi, M. and Forbes, M.G. and Gopaluni, R.B. and Dumont, G.A. and Backstrom, J. and Malhotra, A.
DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2014.6858720

Respiratory rate assessment from photoplethysmographic imaging
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference
Karlen, W. and Garde, A. and Myers, D. and Scheffer, C. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2014.6944846

Noninvasive subject-specific monitoring of autonomic-cardiac regulation
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Ataee, P. and Hahn, J.-O. and Dumont, G.A. and Boyce, W.T.
DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2013.2296892

Noninvasive optical monitoring of bladder filling to capacity using a wireless near infrared spectroscopy device
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems
Molavi, B. and Shadgan, B. and Macnab, A.J. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/TBCAS.2013.2272013

Feedback control for clinicians
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1007/s10877-013-9469-y

Estimating respiratory and heart rates from the correntropy spectral density of the photoplethysmogram
Garde, A. and Karlen, W. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086427

Development of mHealth applications for pre-eclampsia triage
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Dunsmuir, D.T. and Payne, B.A. and Cloete, G. and Petersen, C.L. and Görges, M. and Lim, J. and Von Dadelszen, P. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2014.2301156

Detrended fluctuation analysis of photoplethysmogram pulse rate intervals in sleep disordered breathing
2014 IEEE Healthcare Innovation Conference, HIC 2014
Dehkordi, P. and Garde, A. and Karlen, W. and Petersen, C.L. and Ansermino, M.J. and Dumont, A.G.
DOI: 10.1109/HIC.2014.7038940

Design and clinical evaluation of robust PID control of propofol anesthesia in children
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Van Heusden, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Soltesz, K. and Petersen, C.L. and Umedaly, A. and West, N. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2013.2260543

Analyzing the resting state functional connectivity in the human language system using near infrared spectroscopy
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Molavi, B. and May, L. and Gervain, J. and Carreiras, M. and Werker, J.F. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00921

Oxygen saturation resolution influences regularity measurements
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference
Garde, A. and Karlen, W. and Dehkordi, P. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2014.6944069

Precordial vibrations provide noninvasive detection of early-stage hemorrhage
Tavakolian, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Houlton, G. and Blaber, A.P.
DOI: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000000077

Assessing the quality of manual respiratory rate measurements using mobile devices
IET Conference Publications
Karlen, W. and Wiens, M.O. and Gan, H. and Dunsmuir, D. and Chiu, M. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.

A scheme-based closed-loop anesthesia system
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Petersen, C.L. and Görges, M. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1145/2635648.2635651

Decision Support and Closed-Loop Systems
Monitoring Technologies in Acute Care Environments
Guy A. Dumont
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-8557-5_6

Experience report
Christian L. Petersen and Matthias Gorges and Dustin Dunsmuir and Mark Ansermino and Guy A. Dumont
DOI: 10.1145/2544174.2500615

Monitoring the EEG for Assessing Depth of Anesthesia
Monitoring Technologies in Acute Care Environments
Guy A. Dumont
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-8557-5_30

Assessing control performance in closed-loop anesthesia
2013 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2013 - Conference Proceedings
Soltesz, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/MED.2013.6608720

Pulse rate variability in children with disordered breathing during different sleep stages
Computing in Cardiology
Dehkordi, P. and Garde, A. and Karlen, W. and Wensley, D. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.

Design and evaluation of a low-cost smartphone pulse oximeter.
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Petersen, C.L. and Chen, T.P. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.

Closed-loop control of anesthesia: A primer for anesthesiologists
Anesthesia and Analgesia
Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0b013e3182973687

Recognition of correct finger placement for photoplethysmographic imaging
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference
Karlen, W. and Lim, J. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A. and Scheffer, C.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6611288

Quantification of the variability in response to propofol administration in children
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Van Heusden, K. and Mark Ansermino, J. and Soltesz, K. and Khosravi, S. and West, N. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2013.2259592

Modeling the user as an observer to determine display information Requirements
Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2013
Eskandari, N. and Wang, Z.J. and Dumont, G.
DOI: 10.1109/SMC.2013.52

Closed-loop fluid resuscitation: Robustness against weight and cardiac contractility variations
Anesthesia and Analgesia
Rinehart, J. and Lee, C. and Cannesson, M. and Dumont, G.
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0b013e3182930050

Circadian variation of scalp EEG: A novel measure based on wavelet packet transform and differential entropy
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Zandi, A.S. and Boudreau, P. and Boivin, D.B. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610993

Analysis of seismocardiogram capability for prediction of mild to moderate haemorrhage; Preliminary results
Computing in Cardiology
Tavakolian, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Blaber, A.P.

Circadian variation of heart rate variability across sleep stages
Boudreau, P. and Yeh, W.-H. and Dumont, G.A. and Boivin, D.B.
DOI: 10.5665/sleep.3230

AWARE: A video monitoring library applied to the Air Traffic Control context
2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, AVSS 2013
Dumont, G. and Berthiaume, F. and St-Laurent, L. and Debaque, B. and Prévost, D.
DOI: 10.1109/AVSS.2013.6636632

Empirical mode decomposition for respiratory and heart rate estimation from the photoplethysmogram
Computing in Cardiology
Garde, A. and Karlen, W. and Dehkordi, P. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.

A novel approach to the design of an artificial bionic baroreflex
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference
Ataee, P. and Dumont, G.A. and Noubari, H.A. and Boyce, W.T. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610375

Real-time cardiorespiratory coherence is blind to changes in respiration during general anesthesia
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Brouse, C.J. and Dumont, G.A. and Myers, D. and Cooke, E. and Stinson, J. and Lim, J. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610760

Design and evaluation of a low-cost smartphone pulse oximeter
Sensors (Switzerland)
Petersen, C.L. and Chen, T.P. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.3390/s131216882

Circadian Adaptation to Night Shift Work Influences Sleep, Performance, Mood and the Autonomic Modulation of the Heart
Boudreau, P. and Dumont, G.A. and Boivin, D.B.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070813

Changes in cardiac index and blood pressure on positioning children prone for scoliosis surgery
Brown, Z.E. and Görges, M. and Cooke, E. and Malherbe, S. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1111/anae.12310

Ultra-low-cost clinical pulse oximetry
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference
Petersen, C.L. and Gan, H. and MacInnis, M.J. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610140

Robust closed-loop control of induction and maintenance of propofol anesthesia in children
Paediatric Anaesthesia
West, N. and Dumont, G.A. and Van Heusden, K. and Petersen, C.L. and Khosravi, S. and Soltesz, K. and Umedaly, A. and Reimer, E. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1111/pan.12183

Pulse rate variability compared with heart rate variability in children with and without sleep disordered breathing
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Dehkordi, P. and Garde, A. and Karlen, W. and Wensley, D. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6611059

Predicting epileptic seizures in scalp EEG based on a variational bayesian gaussian mixture model of zero-crossing intervals
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Zandi, A.S. and Tafreshi, R. and Javidan, M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2012.2237399

Multiparameter respiratory rate estimation from the photoplethysmogram
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Karlen, W. and Raman, S. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2013.2246160

Lagrangian methods for approximating the viability kernel in high-dimensional systems
Maidens, J.N. and Kaynama, S. and Mitchell, I.M. and Oishi, M.M.K. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2013.03.020

Individualized closed-loop control of propofol anesthesia: A preliminary study
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
Soltesz, K. and Hahn, J.-O. and Hägglund, T. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2013.04.005

Identification of paper machines cross-directional models in closed-loop
2013 Proceedings of International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, ICMIC 2013
Ammar, M.E. and Dumont, G.

Experience report: Functional programming of mhealth applications
Petersen, C.L. and Gorges, M. and Dunsmuir, D. and Mark Ansermino, J. and Dumont, G.A.

Monitoring nociception during general anesthesia with cardiorespiratory coherence
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Brouse, C.J. and Karlen, W. and Dumont, G.A. and Myers, D. and Cooke, E. and Stinson, J. and Lim, J. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1007/s10877-013-9463-4

An evaluation of an expert system for detecting critical events during anesthesia in a human patient simulator: A prospective randomized controlled study
Anesthesia and Analgesia
Görges, M. and Winton, P. and Koval, V. and Lim, J. and Stinson, J. and Choi, P.T. and Schwarz, S.K.W. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0b013e3182975b63

Predictive optimal control for thermo-mechanical pulping processes with multi-stage low consistency refining
Journal of Process Control
Harinath, E. and Biegler, L.T. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jprocont.2013.05.005

Oxygen saturation in children with and without obstructive sleep apnea using the phone-oximeter
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference
Garde, A. and Karlen, W. and Dehkordi, P. and Wensley, D. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610055

Machine fault diagnosis using mutual information and informative wavelet
Integration of Practice-Oriented Knowledge Technology: Trends and Prospectives
Tafreshi, R. and Sassani, F. and Ahmadi, H. and Dumont, G.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-34471-8_15

Detection of the optimal region of interest for camera oximetry
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Karlen, W. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A. and Scheffer, C.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6609988

Detection of Epileptic Seizures in Scalp Electroencephalogram
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology
Ali Shahidi Zandi and Guy A. Dumont and Manouchehr Javidan and Reza Tafreshi
DOI: 10.1097/wnp.0b013e318246af3e

Nonlinear identification for control of low pressure die casting
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Shi, X. and Maijer, D.M. and Dumont, G.

Sleep-wake and circadian-dependent variation of cardiorespiratory coherence.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Boudreau, P. and Brouse, C.J. and Dumont, G.A. and Boivin, D.B.

Sleep-wake and circadian-dependent variation of cardiorespiratory coherence
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Boudreau, P. and Brouse, C.J. and Dumont, G.A. and Boivin, D.B.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346799

Robust closed-loop control of hypnosis with propofol using WAV CNS index as the controlled variable
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
Hahn, J.-O. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2011.09.001

Real-time cardiorespiratory coherence detects antinociception during general anesthesia
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Brouse, C.J. and Karlen, W. and Dumont, G.A. and Myers, D. and Cooke, E. and Stinson, J. and Lim, J. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346798

Functional connectivity analysis of cortical networks in Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy using phase synchronization
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Molavi, B. and Gervain, J. and Dumont, G.A. and Noubari, H.A.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6347161

Fixed-complexity piecewise ellipsoidal representation of the continual reachability set based on ellipsoidal techniques
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Kaynama, S. and Oishi, M. and Mitchell, I.M. and Dumont, G.A.

Estimation of higher moments of a transfer function using input and output data
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Soltanzadeh, A. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.3182/20120711-3-BE-2027.00256

Computing the viability kernel using maximal reachable sets
HSCC'12 - Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
Kaynama, S. and Maidens, J. and Oishi, M. and Mitchell, I.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1145/2185632.2185644

Analysis of seismocardiogram capability for trending stroke volume changes: A lower body negative pressure study
Computing in Cardiology
Tavakolian, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Blaber, A.P.

Wavelet-based motion artifact removal for functional near-infrared spectroscopy
Physiological Measurement
Molavi, B. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1088/0967-3334/33/2/259

Hybrid Control and Motion Planning of Dynamical Legged Locomotion
Hybrid Control and Motion Planning of Dynamical Legged Locomotion
Sadati, N. and Dumont, G.A. and Hamed, K.A. and Gruver, W.A.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118393741

Design challenges for camera oximetry on a mobile phone
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Karlen, W. and Lim, J. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G. and Scheffer, C.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346459

System identification and closed-loop control of end-tidal CO2 in mechanically ventilated patients
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine
Hahn, J.-O. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/TITB.2012.2204067

Myocardial contractility: a seismocardiography approach.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Tavakolian, K. and Portacio, G. and Tamddondoust, N.R. and Jahns, G. and Ngai, B. and Dumont, G.A. and Blaber, A.P.

Myocardial contractility: A seismocardiography approach
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Tavakolian, K. and Portacio, G. and Tamddondoust, N.R. and Jahns, G. and Ngai, B. and Dumont, G.A. and Blaber, A.P.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346795

Closed-loop control of anesthesia - A review
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.3182/20120829-3-HU-2029.00102

Adaptive pulse segmentation and artifact detection in photoplethysmography for mobile applications
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Karlen, W. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346628

A direct dynamic dose-response model of propofol for individualized anesthesia care
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Hahn, J.-O. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2011.2177497

A circadian rhythm in heart rate variability contributes to the increased cardiac sympathovagal response to awakening in the morning
Chronobiology International
Boudreau, P. and Yeh, W.H. and Dumont, G.A. and Boivin, D.B.
DOI: 10.3109/07420528.2012.674592

Improving maternal and perinatal outcomes in the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: A vision of a community-focused approach
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Von Dadelszen, P. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G. and Hofmeyr, G.J. and Magee, L.A. and Mathai, M. and Sawchuck, D. and Teela, K. and Donnay, F. and Roberts, J.M.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2012.03.012

Detection of epileptic seizures in scalp electroencephalogram: an automated real-time wavelet-based approach.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society
Zandi, A.S. and Dumont, G.A. and Javidan, M. and Tafreshi, R.

Design challenges for camera oximetry on a mobile phone.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Karlen, W. and Lim, J. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G. and Scheffer, C.

Closed-loop anesthesia in children using a PID controller: A pilot study
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Soltesz, K. and Van Heusden, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Hägglund, T. and Petersen, C.L. and West, N. and Ansermino, J.M.

Autonomic-cardiorespiratory regulation: a physiology-based mathematical model.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Ataee, P. and Belingard, L. and Dumont, G.A. and Noubari, H.A. and Boyce, W.T.

Stabilization of periodic orbits for planar walking with noninstantaneous double-support phase
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans
Hamed, K.A. and Sadati, N. and Gruver, W.A. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/TSMCA.2011.2169246

Real-time cardiorespiratory coherence detects antinociception during general anesthesia.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Brouse, C.J. and Karlen, W. and Dumont, G.A. and Myers, D. and Cooke, E. and Stinson, J. and Lim, J. and Ansermino, J.M.

Analysis of L 1 adaptive output feedback control; equivalent LTI controllers
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Van Heusden, K. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.3182/20120711-3-BE-2027.00257

A vibro-tactile display for clinical monitoring: Real-time evaluation
Anesthesia and Analgesia
Dosani, M. and Hunc, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Dunsmuir, D. and Barralon, P. and Schwarz, S.K.W. and Lim, J. and Mark Ansermino, J.
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0b013e31825d638c

A monitor-decoupled pharmacodynamic model of propofol in children using state entropy as clinical endpoint
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Khosravi, S. and Hahn, J.-O. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2011.2179033

Simulated mid-ranging control of propofol and remifentanil using EEG-measured hypnotic depth of anesthesia
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Soltesz, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Van Heusden, K. and Hagglund, T. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2012.6426858

Functional connectivity analysis of cortical networks in Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy using phase synchronization.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Molavi, B. and Gervain, J. and Dumont, G.A. and Noubari, H.A.

Autonomic-cardiorespiratory regulation: A physiology-based mathematical model
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Ataee, P. and Belingard, L. and Dumont, G.A. and Noubari, H.A. and Boyce, W.T.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346796

Adaptive pulse segmentation and artifact detection in photoplethysmography for mobile applications.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Karlen, W. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.

Usability testing of a prototype phone Oximeter with healthcare providers in high- and low-medical resource environments
Hudson, J. and Nguku, S.M. and Sleiman, J. and Karlen, W. and Dumont, G.A. and Petersen, C.L. and Warriner, C.B. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2044.2012.07196.x

Photoplethysmogram signal quality estimation using repeated Gaussian filters and cross-correlation
Physiological Measurement
Karlen, W. and Kobayashi, K. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1088/0967-3334/33/10/1617

Sleep Medicine
Philippe Boudreau and Guy Dumont and Diane B. Boivin
DOI: 10.1016/s1389-9457(11)70109-5

Sleep Medicine
Philippe Boudreau and Guy Dumont and Diane B. Boivin
DOI: 10.1016/s1389-9457(11)70102-2

A modular architecture for optimal video analytics deployment
Fusion 2011 - 14th International Conference on Information Fusion
Debaque, B. and Jedidi, R. and Dumont, G. and Prevost, D.

Two-stage vs mixed-effect approach to pharmacodynamic modeling of propofol in children using state entropy
Paediatric Anaesthesia
Hahn, J.-O. and Khosravi, S. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9592.2011.03584.x

Respiratory rate estimation using respiratory sinus arrhythmia from photoplethysmography
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Karlen, W. and Brouse, C.J. and Cooke, E. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090282

Radial basis function network for exponential stabilisation of periodic orbits for planar bipedal walking
Electronics Letters
Sadati, N. and Hamed, K.A. and Gruver, W.A. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1049/el.2011.0692

Correlation of heart rate variability and circadian markers in humans
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Boudreau, P. and Dumont, G. and Kin, N.M.K.N.Y. and Walker, C.-D. and Boivin, D.B.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090153

Automated decomposition of needle EMG signal using STFT and wavelet transforms
2014 21st Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, ICBME 2014
Yousefi, H. and Askari, S. and Dumont, G.A. and Bastany, Z.
DOI: 10.1109/ICBME.2014.7043951

System identification and closed-loop control of end-tidal CO2 partial pressure in mechanically ventilated patients
2011 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems, ICAMechS 2011 - Final Program
Hahn, J.-O. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.

Determination of optimal location to monitor temperature in low pressure die casting process
Materials Science and Technology
Shi, X.M. and Maijer, D. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1179/1743284710Y.0000000041

Correlation of heart rate variability and circadian markers in humans.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Boudreau, P. and Dumont, G. and Kin, N.M. and Walker, C.D. and Boivin, D.B.

An adaptive single frequency phase vocoder for low-power heart rate detection: Development of a fast and low-power heart rate estimation algorithm for mobile phone applications
BIODEVICES 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Karlen, W. and Dumont, G. and Petersen, C. and Gow, J. and Ansermino, J.M.

A systematic approach to local stability analysis of cardiovascular baroreflex.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Ataee, P. and Hahn, J.O. and Dumont, G.A. and Boyce, W.T.

Pharmacodynamic modeling of propofol-induced tidal volume depression in children
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Hahn, J.-O. and Khosravi, S. and Dosani, M. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1007/s10877-011-9306-0

Individualized PID control of depth of anesthesia based on patient model identification during the induction phase of anesthesia
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Soltesz, K. and Hahn, J.-O. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2011.6160189

Human-centered phone oximeter interface design for the operating room: Pulse oximeter interfaced to a mobile device for anesthesia monitoring in the developing world
HEALTHINF 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics
Karlen, W. and Dumont, G. and Petersen, C. and Gow, J. and Lim, J. and Sleiman, J. and Ansermino, J.M.

Epileptic seizure prediction using variational mixture of Gaussians.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Zandi, A.S. and Dumont, G.A. and Javidan, M. and Tafreshi, R.

Automated validation of capillary refill time measurements using photo-plethysmogram from a portable device for effective triage in children
Proceedings - 2011 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, GHTC 2011
Karlen, W. and Pickard, A. and Daniels, J. and Kwizera, A. and Ibingira, C. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/GHTC.2011.19

Artifact detection and data reconciliation in multivariate ventilatory variables measured during anesthesia: A case study
2011 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems, ICAMechS 2011 - Final Program
Yang, P. and Dumont, G. and Zhang, Y.-T. and Ansermino, J.M.

Respiratory rate estimation using respiratory sinus arrhythmia from photoplethysmography.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Karlen, W. and Brouse, C.J. and Cooke, E. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.

Exponential stabilisation of periodic orbits for running of a three-dimensional monopedal robot
IET Control Theory and Applications
Akbari Hamed, K. and Sadati, N. and Gruver, W.A. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2010.0292

Estimating cortical connectivity in functional near infrared spectroscopy using multivariate autoregressive modeling.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Molavi, B. and Gervain, J. and Dumont, G.A.

Advanced step nonlinear model predictive control for two-stage thermo mechanical pulping processes
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Harinath, E. and Biegler, L.T. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.02266

Two-level control scheme for stabilisation of periodic orbits for planar monopedal running
IET Control Theory and Applications
Sadati, N. and Dumont, G.A. and Hamed, K.A. and Gruver, W.A.
DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2010.0512

Photoplethysmogram Processing Using an Adaptive Single Frequency Phase Vocoder Algorithm
Communications in Computer and Information Science
Karlen, W. and Petersen, C. and Gow, J. and Ansermino, J.M. and Dumont, G.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29752-6

Estimating cortical connectivity in functional near infrared spectroscopy using multivariate autoregressive modeling
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Molavi, B. and Gervain, J. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090653

Epileptic seizure prediction using variational mixture of Gaussians
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Zandi, A.S. and Dumont, G.A. and Javidan, M. and Tafreshi, R.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091861

Control and optimization strategies for thermo-mechanical pulping processes: Nonlinear model predictive control
Journal of Process Control
Harinath, E. and Biegler, L.T. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jprocont.2011.01.009

The effect of off-wall clearance of a side-entering impeller on the mixing of pulp suspensions in a cylindrical stock chest
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Bhole, M.R. and Hui, L.K. and Gomez, C. and Bennington, C.P.J. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1002/cjce.20503

The continual reachability set and its computation using maximal reachability techniques
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Kaynama, S. and Oishi, M. and Mitchell, I.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2011.6161424

Scalp EEG acquisition in a low-noise environment: A quantitative assessment
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Zandi, A.S. and Dumont, G.A. and Yedlin, M.J. and Lapeyrie, P. and Sudre, C. and Gaffet, S.
DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2011.2158647

Nonholonomic motion planning based on optimal control for flight phases of planar bipedal running
Electronics Letters
Sadati, N. and Akbari Hamed, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Graver, W.A.
DOI: 10.1049/el.2011.1712

Attenuation of motion artifact in near infrared spectroscopy signals using a wavelet based method
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
Molavi, B. and Dumont, G.D. and Shadgan, B. and Macnab, A.J.
DOI: 10.1117/12.875741

Wavelet transform cardiorespiratory coherence detects patient movement during general anesthesia.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Brouse, C.J. and Karlen, W. and Myers, D. and Cooke, E. and Stinson, J. and Lim, J. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.

Wavelet transform cardiorespiratory coherence detects patient movement during general anesthesia
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Brouse, C.J. and Karlen, W. and Myers, D. and Cooke, E. and Stinson, J. and Lim, J. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091510

Sugammadex administration results in arousal from intravenous anaesthesia: A clinical and electroencephalographic observation
British Journal of Anaesthesia
Chazot, T. and Dumont, G. and Le Guen, M. and Hausser-Hauw, C. and Liu, N. and Fischler, M.
DOI: 10.1093/bja/aer142

Model-based human circadian phase estimation using a particle filter
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Mott, C. and Dumont, G. and Boivin, D.B. and Mollicone, D.
DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2011.2107321

Direct estimation of residence time from input and output data
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Soltanzadeh, A. and Bennington, C.P.J. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1002/cjce.20525

Closed-loop anesthetic drug concentration estimation using clinical-effect feedback
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Hahn, J.-O. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2010.2076811

A systematic approach to local stability analysis of cardiovascular baroreflex
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Ataee, P. and Hahn, J.-O. and Dumont, G.A. and Boyce, W.T.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090158

Reconstructing paper machine sheet process data variation using compressive sensing
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Towfighi, P. and Dumont, G. and Davies, M. and Gopaluni, B. and Loewen, P.
DOI: 10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.02264

Dynamic behavior of BIS, M-entropy and neuroSENSE brain function monitors
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Bibian, S. and Dumont, G.A. and Zikov, T.
DOI: 10.1007/s10877-010-9266-9

Improving ECG Beats Delineation With an Evolutionary Optimization Process
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Jerome Dumont and Alfredo I. Hernandez and Guy Carrault
DOI: 10.1109/tbme.2008.2002157

Continuous-time update laws with radial basis step length for control of bipedal locomotion
Electronics Letters
Hamed, K.A. and Sadati, N. and Gruver, W.A. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1049/el.2010.2481

Wavelet transform cardiorespiratory coherence for monitoring nociception
Computing in Cardiology
Brouse, C.J. and Dumont, G.A. and Myers, D. and Cooke, E. and Ansermino, J.M.

The effect of a target controlled infusion of propofol on predictability of recovery from anesthesia in children
Paediatric Anaesthesia
McCormack, J. and Mehta, D. and Peiris, K. and Dumont, G. and Fung, P. and Lim, J. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9592.2009.03196.x

Robust closed-loop control of propofol administration using WAV CNS index as the controlled variable
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'10
Hahn, J.-O. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5627609

Wavelet based motion artifact removal for Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Molavi, B. and Dumont, G.A.

Computational modelling of industrial pulp stock chests
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Bhattacharya, S. and Gomez, C. and Soltanzadeh, A. and Taghipour, F. and Bennington, C.P.J. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1002/cjce.20259

Baroreflex modeling in the genesis of stress reactivity using sigmoidal characteristic
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, ACC 2010
Ataee, P. and Dumont, G.A. and Boyce, W.T.

An empirical model of end-tidal CO2 response to minute ventilation
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'10
Hahn, J.O. and Shrawane, P. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5626059

Robust closed-loop control of propofol administration using WAVCNS index as the controlled variable.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Hahn, J.O. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.

Monitor-decoupled pharmacodymamics of propofol in children using State Entropy as the clinical end point.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Khosravi, S. and Hahn, J.O. and Dosani, M. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.

Automated real-time epileptic seizure detection in scalp EEG recordings using an algorithm based on wavelet packet transform
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Zandi, A.S. and Javidan, M. and Dumont, G.A. and Tafreshi, R.
DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2010.2046417

Iterative adaptive robust control of multivariable CD processes
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Farahmand, F. and Dumont, G.A. and Loewen, P.
DOI: 10.1002/acs.1158

Do radio frequencies of medical instruments common in the operating room interfere with near-infrared spectroscopy signals?
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
Shadgan, B. and Molavi, B. and Reid, W.D. and Dumont, G. and Macnab, A.J.
DOI: 10.1117/12.842712

Online pattern recognition based on a generalized hidden Markov model for intraoperative vital sign monitoring
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Yang, P. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1002/acs.1130

Identification of cardiovascular baroreflex for probing homeostatic stability
Computing in Cardiology
Ataee, P. and Hahn, J.O. and Brouse, C. and Dumont, G.A. and Boyce, W.T.

Economic performance assessment with optimized LQG benchmarking in MIMO systems
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Marshman, D.J. and Chmelyk, T. and Sidhu, M.S. and Gopaluni, R.B. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.3182/20100705-3-BE-2011.0148

An empirical model of end-tidal CO(2) response to minute ventilation.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Hahn, J.O. and Shrawane, P. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.

Motion artifact removal from muscle NIR Spectroscopy measurements
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
Molavi, B. and Dumont, G. and Shadgan, B.
DOI: 10.1109/CCECE.2010.5575241

Monitor-decoupled pharmacodymamics of propofol in children using State Entropy as the clinical end point
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'10
Khosravi, S. and Hahn, J.-O. and Dosani, M. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5626519

Identification for control of low pressure die casting
ASME 2010 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC 2010
Shi, X.M. and Maijer, D.M. and Dumont, G.
DOI: 10.1115/MSEC2010-34063

Energy optimization in a pulp and paper mill cogeneration facility
Applied Energy
Marshman, D.J. and Chmelyk, T. and Sidhu, M.S. and Gopaluni, R.B. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2010.04.023

Clinical decision support in physiological monitoring
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
Ansermino, J.M. and Schwarz, S.K.W. and Dumont, G.A. and Brouse, C. and Ping, Y. and Lim, J. and Dunsmuir, D. and Daniels, J.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBET.2010.032696

Wavelet based motion artifact removal for Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'10
Molavi, B. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5626589

Slower administration of propofol preserves adequate respiration in children
Paediatric Anaesthesia
Dosani, M. and McCormack, J. and Reimer, E. and Brant, R. and Dumont, G. and Lim, J. and Mark Ansermino, J.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9592.2010.03398.x

Predicting temporal lobe epileptic seizures based on zero-crossing interval analysis in scalp EEG
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'10
Zandi, A.S. and Tafreshi, R. and Javidan, M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5626764

Morphological differences of sigmoidal baroreflex in highly-reactive and non-reactive individuals
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ataee, P. and Dumont, G.A. and Boyce, W.T.
DOI: 10.1109/CCECE.2010.5575178

A cusum-based multilevel alerting method for physiological monitoring
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine
Yang, P. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/TITB.2010.2040394

Robust multiple model adaptive control using fuzzy fusion
Proceedings of the Annual Southeastern Symposium on System Theory
Sadati, N. and Dumont, G.A. and Mahdavian, H.R.F.
DOI: 10.1109/SSST.2010.5442796

Predicting temporal lobe epileptic seizures based on zero-crossing interval analysis in scalp EEG.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Shahidi Zandi, A. and Tafreshi, R. and Javidan, M. and Dumont, G.A.

A note on separating machine direction and cross machine data on a paper machine
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal
Gopaluni, R.B. and Davies, M.S. and Loewen, P.D. and Stewart, G.E. and Dumont, G.A.

Tensor-based blind alignment of MIMO CD processes
Journal of Process Control
Farahmand, F. and Dumont, G.A. and Loewen, P. and Davies, M.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jprocont.2008.09.005

Sensor fusion using a hybrid median filter for artifact removal in intraoperative heart rate monitoring
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Yang, P. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1007/s10877-009-9163-2

A model-based method to estimate pulse wave velocity
IFMBE Proceedings
Leung, M.T. and Dumont, G.A. and Potts, J.E. and Potts, M.T. and Sandor, G.G.S.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-03882-2-121

Comparison between a dorsal and a belt tactile display prototype for decoding physiological events in the operating room
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Barralon, P. and Dumont, G. and Schwarz, S.K.W. and Magruder, W. and Mark Ansermino, J.
DOI: 10.1007/s10877-009-9175-y

An entropy-based approach to predict seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy using scalp EEG.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Zandi, A.S. and Dumont, G.A. and Javidan, M. and Tafreshi, R.

An approach for the construction of entropy measure and energy map in machine fault diagnosis
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME
Tafreshi, R. and Sassani, F. and Ahmadi, H. and Dumont, G.
DOI: 10.1115/1.2980367

Design of rhythm-based vibrotactile stimuli around the waist: Evaluation of two encoding parameters
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans
Barralon, P. and Ng, G. and Dumont, G.A. and Schwarz, S.K.W. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/TSMCA.2009.2025026

Closed-loop identification for model predictive control: Direct method
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Yan, J. and Harinath, E. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2009.5400547

Tuning and identification for model predictive control: An iterative approach
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Yan, J. and Harinath, E. and Dumont, G.
DOI: 10.3182/20090706-3-FR-2004.0371

An evaluation of a novel software tool for detecting changes in physiological monitoring
Anesthesia and Analgesia
Ansermino, J.M. and Daniels, J.P. and Hewgill, R.T. and Lim, J. and Yang, P. and Brouse, C.J. and Dumont, G.A. and Bowering, J.B.
DOI: 10.1213/ane.0b013e318193ff87

Cavern formation in pulp suspensions using side-entering axial-flow impellers
Chemical Engineering Science
Hui, L.K. and Bennington, C.P.J. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2008.09.021

An entropy-based approach to predict seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy using scalp EEG
Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009
Zandi, A.S. and Dumont, G.A. and Javidan, M. and Tafreshi, R.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5333971

Robust control of depth of anesthesia
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Dumont, G.A. and Martinez, A. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1002/acs.1087

Estimation of residence time and channeling in agitated pulp chests
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal
Soltanzadeh, A. and Bhattacharya, S. and Dumont, G.A. and Bennington, C.P.J.

Clinical evaluation of algorithms for context-sensitive physiological monitoring in children
British Journal of Anaesthesia
Dosani, M. and Lim, J. and Yang, P. and Brouse, C. and Daniels, J. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1093/bja/aep045

Modelling temporal evolution of cardiac electrophysiological features using Hidden Semi-Markov Models
2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Jerome Dumont and Alfredo I. Hernandez and Julien Fleureau and Guy Carrault
DOI: 10.1109/iembs.2008.4649116

Emg detection of loss of consciousness during a standardized IV induction
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie
Jagpaul Sahota and Henrik Huttunen and Ali Zandi and Stephane Bibian and Patrick Yu and Guy Dumont and Craig Ries
DOI: 10.1007/bf03016427

Context sensitive physiological monitoring in children
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie
J Mark Ansermino and Jeremy Daniels and Joanne Lim and Ping Yang and Chris Brouse and Guy Dumont
DOI: 10.1007/bf03016417

An advanced LMI-based-LQR design for voltage control of grid-connected wind farm
Electric Power Systems Research
Ko, H.-S. and Jatskevich, J. and Dumont, G. and Yoon, G.-G.
DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2007.04.009

Online identification and alignment of MIMO cross directional controlled processes using second order statistics
2007 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA
Farahmand, F. and Dumont, G. and Davies, M. and Loewen, P.
DOI: 10.1109/ICCA.2007.4376504

Cerebral temperature varies across circadian phases in humans
Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08 - "Personalized Healthcare through Technology"
Boudreau, P. and Shechter, A. and Dittmar, A. and Gehin, C. and Delhomme, G. and Nocua, R. and Dumont, G. and Boivin, D.B.

Improved neuromuscular blockade using a novel neuromuscular blockade advisory system: A randomized, controlled, clinical trial
Anesthesia and Analgesia
Gilhuly, T.J. and MacLeod, B.A. and Dumont, G.A. and Bouzane, A.M. and Schwarz, S.K.W.
DOI: 10.1213/ane.0b013e318185cfb6

Autonomic nervous system response to vibrating and electrical stimuli on the forearm and wrist.
Barralon P and Dumont G and Schwarz SK and Ansermino JM
DOI: 10.1109/iembs.2008.4649307
PubMed: 19162810

A novel wavelet-based index to detect epileptic seizures using scalp EEG signals.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Zandi, A.S. and Dumont, G.A. and Javidan, M. and Tafreshi, R. and MacLeod, B.A. and Ries, C.R. and Puil, E.

Target controlled infusion for kids: trials and simulations.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Mehta, D. and McCormack, J. and Fung, P. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, J.

Autonomic nervous system response to vibrating and electrical stimuli on the forearm and wrist
Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08 - "Personalized Healthcare through Technology"
Barralon, P. and Dumont, G. and Schwarz, S.K.W. and Ansermino, J.M.

Evaluations of tactile displays of physiological monitoring.
Barralon P and Ng G and Dumont G and Schwarz SK and Ansermino JM
DOI: 10.1109/iembs.2008.4649330
PubMed: 19162833

Development and pilot testing of the Neuromuscular Blockade Advisory System
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
Gilhuly, T.J. and Hutchings, S.R. and Dumont, G.A. and MacLeod, B.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2007.10.012

An online non-intrusive method for alignment between actuators and their response centers on a paper machine
ISA Transactions
Gopaluni, R.B. and Davies, M.S. and Loewen, P.D. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.isatra.2008.01.001

A novel wavelet-based index to detect epileptic seizures using scalp EEG signals
Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08 - "Personalized Healthcare through Technology"
Zandi, A.S. and Dumont, G.A. and Javidan, M. and Tafreshi, R. and MacLeod, B.A. and Ries, C.R. and Puil, E.

A novel method to estimate the aortic pressure waveform using B-mode ultrasound images acquired from a suprasternal view.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Leung, M.T. and Dumont, G.A. and Sandor, G.G. and Potts, M. and Potts, J.E.

Target controlled infusion for Kids: Trials and simulations
Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08 - "Personalized Healthcare through Technology"
Mehta, D. and McCormack, J. and Fung, P. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, J.M.

Cerebral temperature varies across circadian phases in humans.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Boudreau, P. and Shechter, A. and Dittmar, A. and Gehin, C. and Delhomme, G. and Nocua, R. and Dumont, G. and Boivin, D.B.

A novel vibrotactile display to improve the performance of anesthesiologists in a simulated critical incident
Anesthesia and Analgesia
Ford, S. and Daniels, J. and Lim, J. and Koval, V. and Dumont, G. and Schwarz, S.K.W. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1213/ane.0b013e318163f7c2

A novel method to estimate the aortic pressure waveform using B-mode ultrasound images acquired from a suprasternal view
Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08 - "Personalized Healthcare through Technology"
Leung, M.T. and Dumont, G.A. and Sandor, G.G.S. and Potts, M.T. and Potts, J.E.

30 th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society
Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08 - "Personalized Healthcare through Technology"
Dumont, G.A. and Vicini, P. and Galiana, H. and Principe, J.

Evaluations of tactile displays of physiological monitoring
Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08 - "Personalized Healthcare through Technology"
Barralon, P. and Ng, G. and Dumont, G. and Schwarz, S.K.W. and Ansermino, J.M.

Evaluation of a tactile display around the waist for physiological monitoring under different clinical workload conditions
Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08 - "Personalized Healthcare through Technology"
Ng, G. and Barralon, P. and Schwarz, S.K.W. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, J.M.

Iterative feedback tuning of cross-directional processes controller
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Yan, J. and Dumont, G. and Loewen, P.D.
DOI: 10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.2025

Evaluation of a tactile display around the waist for physiological monitoring under different clinical workload conditions.
Ng G and Barralon P and Schwarz SK and Dumont G and Ansermino JM
DOI: 10.1109/iembs.2008.4649399
PubMed: 19162902

Closed-loop titration of propofol guided by the bispectral index | Titration automatisée du propofol guidée par l'index bispectral
Annales Francaises d'Anesthesie et de Reanimation
Liu, N. and Chazot, T. and Trillat, B. and Dumont, G.A. and Fischler, M.
DOI: 10.1016/j.annfar.2007.06.013

Optimizing the tactile display of physiological information: Vibro-tactile vs. electro-tactile stimulation, and forearm or wrist location
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Ng, G. and Barralon, P. and Dumont, G. and Schwarz, S.K.W. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2007.4353263

Multivariate analysis in clinical monitoring: Detection of intraoperative hemorrhage and light anesthesia
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Yang, P. and Dumont, G. and Ford, S. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2007.4353775

Electroconvulsive therapy: a model for seizure detection by a wavelet packet algorithm.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Zandi, A.S. and Tafreshi, R. and Dumont, G.A. and Ries, C.R. and MacLeod, B.A. and Puil, E.

Development and evaluation of multidimensional tactons for a wearable tactile display
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Barralon, P. and Ng, G. and Dumont, G. and Schwarz, S.K.W. and Ansermino, M.
DOI: 10.1145/1377999.1378005

Measuring flow velocity in pulp suspension mixing using ultrasonic Doppler velocimetry
Chemical Engineering Research and Design
Ein-Mozaffari, F. and Bennington, C.P.J. and Dumont, G.A. and Buckingham, D.
DOI: 10.1205/cherd06143

Variation in blood pressure as a guide to volume loading in children following cardiopulmonary bypass
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Tran, H. and Froese, N. and Dumont, G. and Lim, J. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1007/s10877-006-9051-y

Optimizing the tactile display of physiological information: vibro-tactile vs. electro-tactile stimulation, and forearm or wrist location.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Ng, G. and Barralon, P. and Dumont, G. and Schwarz, S.K. and Ansermino, J.M.

Optimization of rectangular pulp stock mixing chest dimensions using dynamic tests
Tappi Journal
Ein-Mozaffari, F. and Bennington, C.P.J. and Dumont, G.A.

iAssist: a software framework for intelligent patient monitoring.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Brouse, C. and Dumont, G. and Yang, P. and Lim, J. and Ansermino, J.M.

Electroconvulsive therapy: A model for seizure detection by a wavelet packet algorithm
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Zandi, A.S. and Tafreshi, R. and Dumont, G.A. and Ries, C.R. and MacLeod, B.A. and Puil, E.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2007.4352691

IAssist: A Software Framework for Intelligent Patient Monitoring
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Brouse, C. and Dumont, G. and Yang, P. and Joanne, L.I.M. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2007.4353157

Multivariate analysis in clinical monitoring: detection of intraoperative hemorrhage and light anesthesia.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Yang, P. and Dumont, G. and Ford, S. and Ansermino, J.M.

A PI control of DFIG-based wind farm for voltage regulation at remote location
2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, PES
Ko, H.-S. and Bruey, S. and Jatskevich, J. and Dumont, G. and Moshref, A.
DOI: 10.1109/PES.2007.385496

A randomized, controlled clinical trial of the neuromuscular blockade advisory system (NMBAS)
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie
Terence Gilhuly and Alex Bouzane and Stephan Schwarz and Bernard MacLeod and Guy Dumont
DOI: 10.1007/bf03017007

A non invasive wearable sensor for the measurement of brain temperature.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Dittmar, A. and Gehin, C. and Delhomme, G. and Boivin, D. and Dumont, G. and Mott, C.

Seizure detection by a novel wavelet packet method.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Tafreshi, R. and Dumont, G. and Gross, D. and Ries, C.R. and Puil, E. and MacLeod, B.A.

Patient variability and uncertainty quantification in anesthesia: Part I - PKPD modeling and identification
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Bibian, S. and Dumont, G.A. and Huzmezan, M. and Ries, C.R.

Analysis of a circuit exhibiting ferroresonance
Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
Lind, M.G.J. and Dumont, G.A. and Dunford, W.G.

Practical control design for a power supply with saturable magnetics
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
Lind, M.G.J. and Dumont, G.A. and Dunford, W.G.
DOI: 10.1109/ISIE.2006.295813

Estimating arterial stiffness using transmission line model.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Leung, M. and Dumont, G. and Sandor, G.S. and Potts, J.E.

Robust Stability Analysis of Cross-Directional Processes using the U-gap metric
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Mohammed Ammar and Guy Dumont
DOI: 10.1109/cdc.2006.377546

Patient variability and uncertainty quantification in anesthesia: Part II - PKPD uncertainty
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Bibian, S. and Dumont, G.A. and Huzmezan, M. and Ries, C.R.

A wavelet approach to detecting electrocautery noise in the ECG
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
Brouse, C. and Dumont, G.A. and Herrmann, F.J. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/MEMB.2006.1657791

Robust stability analysis of cross-directional processes using the¿-gap metric
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Ammar, M. and Dumont, G.

Finite horizon based switching between stabilizing controllers
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Stewart, G.E. and Dumont, G.A.

An adaptive Cusum test based on a hidden semi-Markov model for change detection in non-invasive mean blood pressure trend.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
Yang, P. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, J.M.

A new LMI representation of LQR based voltage control of grid-connected wind farm
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Ko, H.S. and Dumont, G.A. and Jatskevich, J. and Moshref, A.

Increase of fault ride-through capability for the grid-connected wind farms
2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, PES
Ko, H.S. and Jatskevich, J. and Dumont, G.A. and Moshref, A.

IFAC Proceedings Volumes
Stéphane Bibian and Guy A. Dumont and Mihai Huzmezan and Craig R. Ries
DOI: 10.3182/20060920-3-fr-2912.00097

Input design minimizing the v-gap in cross-directional models of paper machines
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Ammar, M. and Dumont, G.

Seizure detection by a novel wavelet packet method
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Tafreshi, R. and Dumont, G. and Gross, D. and Ries, C.R. and Puil, E. and MacLeod, B.A.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2006.259363

Quantifying cortical activity during general anesthesia using wavelet analysis
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Zikov, T. and Bibian, S. and Dumont, G.A. and Huzmezan, M. and Ries, C.R.
DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2006.870255

An adaptive cusum test based on a hidden semi-Markov model for change detection in non-invasive mean blood pressure trend
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Yang, P. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2006.260594

A non invasive wearable sensor for the measurement of brain temperature
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Dittmar, A. and Gehin, C. and Delhomme, G. and Boivin, D. and Dumont, G. and Mott, C.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2006.259429

IFAC Proceedings Volumes
Stéphane Bibian and Guy A. Dumont and Mihai Huzmezan and Craig R. Ries
DOI: 10.3182/20060920-3-fr-2912.00098

Neuromuscular blockade advisory system randomised, controlled clinical trial: Preliminary results
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Gilhuly, T.J. and Bouzane, A. and Schwarz, S.K.W. and MacLeod, B.A. and Dumont, G.A.

Identification of symmetric noncausal processes: Cross-directional response modelling of paper machines
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Bhushan Gopaluni, R. and Loewen, P.D. and Ammar, M. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S.

Identification of delay dominant recycle systems
Journal of Process Control
Gopaluni, R.B. and Raghavan, H. and Patwardhan, R.S. and Shah, S.L. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jprocont.2006.06.004

Estimating arterial stiffness using transmission line model
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Leung, M. and Dumont, G. and Sandor, G.G.S. and Potts, J.E.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2006.260616

Adaptive change detection in heart rate trend monitoring in anesthetized children
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Yang, P. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2006.877107

Adaptive change point detection algorithm for heart rate in children
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie
Mark Ansermino and Ping Yang and Joanne Lim and Guy Dumont and Craig R Ries
DOI: 10.1007/bf03023210

Identification of channelling and recirculation parameters of agitated pulp stock chests
Journal of Process Control
Kammer, L.C. and Ein-Mozaffari, F. and Dumont, G.A. and Bennington, C.P.J.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jprocont.2004.04.008

Towards an improved knock detection and quantification using wavelets and entropy-based noise compensation
SAE Technical Papers
Noubari, H.A. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.4271/2005-01-2269

A Wavelet Approach to Detecting Electrocautery Noise in the ECG.
Brouse C and Dumont G and Herrmann F and Mark Ansermino J
DOI: 10.1109/iembs.2005.1616533
PubMed: 17282302

Special issue on ion channels - Bionanotubes
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Krishnamurthy, V. and Chung, S.-H. and Dumont, G.
DOI: 10.1109/TNB.2005.845391

Local discriminant bases in machine fault diagnosis using vibration signals
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering
Tafreshi, R. and Sassani, F. and Ahmadi, H. and Dumont, G.

European Journal of Control: Guest Editorial
European Journal of Control
Dumont, G.

Suspension yield stress and the dynamic response of agitated pulp chests
Chemical Engineering Science
Ein-Mozaffari, F. and Bennington, C.P.J. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2004.11.019

Malfunction detection in multi-cylinder engines using wavelet packet dictionary
SAE Technical Papers
Tafreshi, R. and Sassani, F. and Ahmadi, H. and Dumont, G.
DOI: 10.4271/2005-01-2261

Introduction to automated drug delivery in clinical anesthesia
European Journal of Control
Bibian, S. and Ries, C.R. and Huzmezan, M. and Dumont, G.
DOI: 10.3166/ejc.11.535-557

Modelling for computer controlled neuromuscular blockade.
Gilhuly TJ and Dumont GA and Macleod BA
DOI: 10.1109/iembs.2005.1616333
PubMed: 17282102

Approximate steady-state performance prediction of large-scale constrained model predictive control systems
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Fan, J. and Stewart, G.E. and Dumont, G.A. and Backström, J.U. and He, P.
DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2005.854329

Adaptive change point detection for respiratory variables.
Yang P and Dumont G and Lim J and Mark Ansermino J
DOI: 10.1109/iembs.2005.1616531
PubMed: 17282300

An evaluation of a vibro-tactile display prototype for physiological monitoring
Anesthesia and Analgesia
Ng, J.Y.C. and Man, J.C.F. and Fels, S. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1213/01.ANE.0000184121.03150.62

Two-dimensional frequency analysis of structured uncertainty for multiple array paper machine cross-directional processes
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, and the European Control Conference, CDC-ECC '05
Fan, J. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2005.1582626

Modelling for computer controlled neuromuscular blockade
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Gilhuly, T.J. and Dumont, G.A. and MacLeod, B.A.

Adaptive change point detection for respiratory variables
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Yang, P. and Dumont, G. and Lim, J. and Ansermino, J.M.

Modeling paper machine cross direction slice LIP responses close to sheet edges
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Yang, D.W. and Davies, M.S. and Stewart, G.E. and Dumont, G.A.

Two-dimensional frequency analysis for unconstrained model predictive control of cross-directional processes
Fan, J. and Stewart, G.E. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2004.07.002

Dynamic mixing in agitated industrial pulp chests
Pulp and Paper Canada
Ein-Mozaffari, F. and Benntngton, C.P.J. and Dumont, G.A.

Detecting aliasing between cross and machine direction variations by variable sampling rate
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Aslani, S. and Davies, M.S. and Dumont, G.A. and Stewart, G.E.

Continuous noninvasive blood pressure measurement by pulse transit time
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Fung, P. and Dumont, G. and Ries, C. and Mott, C. and Ansermino, M.

Improving paper machine cross-directional control near the sheet edges
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Mijanovic, S. and Stewart, G.E. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S.

A setpoint generation tool for optimal distribution of chemical load between bleaching stages
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Dumont, G. and Van Fleet, R. and Stewart, G.

Multivariable averaging level control
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Sidhu, M.S. and Alllson, B.J. and Dumont, G.A.

Design of an industrial distributed controller near spatial domain boundaries
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Mijanovic, S. and Stewart, G.E. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S.
DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2004.182841

Automatic control of broke storage tanks
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Ogawa, S. and Allison, B. and Dumont, G. and Davies, M.

Real time paper machine data wavelet analysis
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Kan, B. and Dumont, G. and Ball, J.

Toward an advisory system for cesarean section spinal anesthesia
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Fung, P. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, M. and Huzmezan, M. and Kamani, A.

The effect of operating conditions and design parameters on the dynamic behaviour of agitated pulp stock chests
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Ein-Mozaffari, F. and Kammer, L.C. and Dumont, G.A. and Bennington, C.P.J.

Quantifying uncertainty bounds in anesthetic PKPD models
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Bibian, S. and Dumont, G.A. and Huzmezan, M. and Ries, C.R.

Continuous noninvasive blood pressure measurement by pulse transit time.
Fung P and Dumont G and Ries C and Mott C and Ansermino M
DOI: 10.1109/iembs.2004.1403264
PubMed: 17271783

Quantifying uncertainty bounds in anesthetic PKPD models.
Bibian S and Dumont GA and Huzmezan M and Ries CR
DOI: 10.1109/iembs.2004.1403276
PubMed: 17271795

Improved CD control using wavelet-based MD/CD separation
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Dumont, G. and Ball, J. and Emmond, G. and Guillemette, M.

Performance and design of agitated pulp stock chests
Appita Journal
Ein-Mozaffari, F. and Dumont, G.A. and Bennington, C.P.J.

Adaptive control of control valves with friction
Pulp and Paper Canada
Bergstrom, J. and Dumont, G.

International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing: Guest editorial
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Horch, A. and Dumont, G.

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Special Issue on Control of Industrial Spatially Distributed Processes
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Dochain, D. and Dumont, G. and Gorinevsky, D.M. and Ogunnaike, T.
DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2003.816404

Guest Editorial
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Alexander Horch and Guy Dumont
DOI: 10.1002/acs.763

Feedback Controller Design for a Spatially Distributed System: The Paper Machine Problem
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Stewart, G.E. and Gorinevsky, D.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2003.816420

Semi-intrusive multivariable model invalidation
Kammer, L.C. and Gorinevsky, D. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/S0005-1098(03)00118-3

Adaptive control of delayed integrating systems: A PVC batch reactor
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Huzmezan, M. and Dumont, G.A. and Gough, W.A. and Kovac, S.
DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2003.810385

Two-Dimensional Frequency Response Analysis and Insights for Weight Selection in Cross-Directional Model Predictive Control
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Fan, J. and Steward, G.E. and Dumont, G.A.

Adaptive predictive regulatory control with brainwave
Techniques for Adaptive Control
Huzmezan, M. and Gough, W.A. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/B978-075067495-9/50005-7

Dynamic modeling of agitated pulp stock chests
Tappi Journal
Ein-Mozaffari, F. and Kammer, L.C. and Dumont, G.A. and Bennington, C.P.J.

Dual adaptive control of paper coating
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Ismail, A. and Dumont, G.A. and Backstrom, J.
DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2002.806445

A controller perturbation technique for transferring closed-loop stability between systems
Mijanovic, S. and Stewart, G.E. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S.
DOI: 10.1016/S0005-1098(03)00173-0

Clinical anesthesia and control engineering: Terminology, concepts and issues
European Control Conference, ECC 2003
Bibian, S. and Ries, C.R. and Huzmezan, M. and Dumont, G.A.

Two-dimensional loop shaping
Stewart, G.E. and Gorinevsky, D.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/S0005-1098(03)00022-0

Time delay integrating systems: A challenge for process control industries. A practical solution
Control Engineering Practice
Huzmezan, M. and Gough, W.A. and Dumont, G.A. and Kovac, S.
DOI: 10.1016/S0967-0661(02)00060-6

The multimodulus blind equalization and its generalized algorithms
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Yang, J. and Werner, J.-J. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/JSAC.2002.1007381

Stability-preserving modification of paper machine cross-directional control near spatial domain boundaries
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Mijanovic, S. and Stewart, G.E. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S.

A wavelet based de-noising technique for ocular artifact correction of the electroencephalogram
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Zikov, T. and Bibian, S. and Dumont, G.A. and Huzmezan, M. and Ries, C.R.

Informative wavelet algorithm in diesel engine diagnosis
IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control - Proceedings
Tafreshi, R. and Ahmadi, H. and Sassani, F. and Dumont, G.

Control system performance monitoring: New developments and practical issues
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Dumont, G.A. and Kammer, L. and Allison, B.J. and Ettaleb, L. and Roche, A.A.

Concepts, methods and techniques in adaptive control
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Dumont, G.A. and Huzmezan, M.

A new approach to optimal averaging level control with state constraints
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Ogawa, S. and Allison, B. and Dumont, G. and Davies, M.

Identification-Oriented Predictive Control
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
Leonardo C. Kammer and Guy A. Dumont
DOI: 10.1016/s1474-6670(17)41592-8

A novel model reduction method for sheet forming processes using wavelet packets
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Fan, J. and Dumont, G.A.

On the performance of informative wavelets for classification and diagnosis of machine faults
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Ahmadi, H. and Tafreshi, R. and Sassani, F. and Dumont, G.

Box-Jenkins model LQG controller: Design and performance
IEE Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications
Vu, K.M. and Tessier, P. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1049/ip-cta:20010678

H8 robustification of a paper machine cross-directional control system
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Mijanovic, S. and Stewart, G.E. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S.

Estimation of the anesthetic depth using wavelet analysis of electroencephalogram
Annual Reports of the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University
Bibian, S. and Zikov, T. and Dumont, G.A. and Ries, C.R. and Puil, E. and Ahmadi, H. and Huzmezan, M. and MacLeod, B.A.

On CD coat weight control
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Ismail, A. and Dumont, G. and Backstrom, J.

Dynamic simulation and control of a paper machine wet end
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Yap, E.F. and Kwok, K.E. and Dumont, G.A.

Seasonal model based control of processes with recycle dynamics
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
Ezra Kwok, K. and Chong-Ping, M. and Dumont, G.A.

PAC learning in non-linear FIR models
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Najarian, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S. and Heckman, N.E.
DOI: 10.1002/1099-1115(200102)15:1<37::AID-ACS626>3.0.CO;2-7

The role of model uncertainty in cross-directional control systems
Pulp and Paper Canada
Stewart, G.E. and Gorinevsky, D.M. and Dumont, G.A. and Backstrom, J.U. and Gheorghe, C.

Event-triggered deadtime estimation from closed-loop data
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Isaksson, A.J. and Horch, A. and Dumont, G.A.

An experimental demonstration of recent results for spatially distributed control systems
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Stewart, G.E. and Baker, P. and Gorinevsky, D.M. and Dumont, G.A.

Performance monitoring for cross-directional control
Process Control News (for the Pulp and Paper Industries)
Duncan, S. and Dumont, G. and Gorinevsky, D.

Wavelet packet analysis of paper machine data for control assessment and trim loss optimization
Process Control News (for the Pulp and Paper Industries)
Jiao, X.J. and Davies, M. and Dumont, G.

Performance monitoring for cross-directional control systems
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Duncan, Stephen and Dumont, Guy and Gorinevsky, Dimitry

Modeling of neumuscular blockade system using neural networks
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Najarian, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S.

Event-triggered deadtime estimation - comparison of methods
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Isaksson, Alf J. and Horch, Alexander and Dumont, Guy A.

Constrained robust predictive controller for uncertain processes modeled by orthonormal series functions
Oliveira, G.H.C. and Amaral, W.C. and Favier, G. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/S0005-1098(99)00179-X

Recursive least determinant self-tuning regulator
IEE Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications
Vu, K.M. and Dumont, G.A. and Tessier, P.
DOI: 10.1049/ip-cta:20000393

Adaptive control of valves with friction
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Bergstrom, Jan and Dumont, Guy

Neural ARX models and PAC learning
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Najarian, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S. and Heckman, N.E.

Role of model uncertainty in cross-directional control systems
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Stewart, G.E. and Gorinevsky, D.M. and Dumont, G.A. and Gheorghe, C. and Backstrom, J.U.

Dual adaptive control of MD coat weight on blade coaters
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Ismail, Ahmed and Dumont, Guy

Learning-theory-based training algorithm for variable-structure dynamic neural modeling
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Najarian, Kayvan and Dumont, Guy A. and Davies, Michael S.

Learning of nonlinear FIR models under uniform distribution
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Najarian, Kayvan and Dumont, Guy A. and Davies, Michael S. and Heckman, Nancy E.

Blind equalization for broadband access
IEEE Communications Magazine
Werner, J.-J. and Yang, J. and Harman, D.D. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/35.755455

H2 loopshaping controller design for spatially distributed systems
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Stewart, G.E. and Gorinevsky, D.M. and Dumont, G.A.

Spatial loopshaping: A case study on cross-directional profile control
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Stewart, G.E. and Gorinevsky, D.M. and Dumont, G.A

Evaluating the performance of cross-directional control systems
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Duncan, Stephen R. and Dumont, Guy A. and Gorinevsky, Dimitry M.

Spatial loopshaping for cross-directional profile control: design and implementation
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stewart, G.E. and Gorinevsky, D.M. and Dumont, G.A.

An Efficient Algorithm for Infinite-Norm Robust Predictive Controller with Guaranteed Stability
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
Gustavo H.C. Oliveira and Gérard Favier and Wagner C. Amaral and Guy Dumont
DOI: 10.1016/s1474-6670(17)35943-8

From LUST to Brainwave: Fifteen Years of Persistent Excitation
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
A. Guy Dumont
DOI: 10.1016/s1474-6670(17)35983-9

Extended off-line least-squares method for parameter identification and time delay estimation
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Ettaleb, L. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S.

Wavelet and principal component subspace analysis for function approximation and data compression
Proceedings of the IEEE-SP International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis
Ahmadi, H.C. and Dumont, G.A. and Ghofraniha, J.

Tuning feedback controller of paper machine for optimal process disturbance rejection
Control Systems: Information Tools to Match the Evolving Operator Role
Zhang, M. and Gorinevsky, D.M. and Dumont, G.A.

Design of a practical robust controller for a sampled distributed parameter system
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Stewart, G.E. and Gorinevsky, D.M. and Dumont, G.A.

Optimal tuning for robust cross-directional control of paper machines
Control Systems: Information Tools to Match the Evolving Operator Role
Stewart, G.E. and Gorinevsky, D.M. and Dumont, G.A.

Robust GMV cross directional control of paper machines
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Stewart, G.E. and Gorinevsky, D.M. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/ACC.1998.688408

Constrained multivariable control of a wood chip refiner: Transfer screw speed adjustments linked to design flexibility
Pulp and Paper Canada
Du, H. and Dumont, G.A.

Paper machine operator reel/roll display for improved paper quality
Control Systems: Information Tools to Match the Evolving Operator Role
Nesic, Z. and Davies, M.S. and Dumont, G.A. and McLeod, S. and Shaw, I.

Paper machine data analysis and compression using wavelets
Tappi Journal
Nesic, Z. and Davies, M. and Dumont, G.

Advanced model based control for continuous process industries
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Gough, Bill and Kay, John and Dumont, Guy

Cross direction response identification and control of paper machine using continuous wavelet transform
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Ghofraniha, Jahan and Davies, M.S. and Dumont, G.A.

Multimodulus blind equalization algorithm
International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, DSP
Yang, J. and Werner, J.J. and Dumont, G.A.

Kamyr digester monitoring and control
ECC 1997 - European Control Conference
Taha, O. and Dumont, G.A. and Ball, J.B. and Davies, M.S.

Constrained multivariable control of a wood chip refiner
Annual Meeting - Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Preprints
Du, Huaijing and Dumont, Guy A.

Fault detection for pressure screens: Screening removes undesired materials and contaminants
Pulp and Paper Canada
Estévez-Reyes, L.W. and Dumont, G.A. and Allison, B.J. and Gooding, R.W.

Cross-directional control on paper machines using Gram polynomials
Kristinsson, K. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/0005-1098(95)00181-6

Stability and convergence analysis of an adaptive GPC based on state space modeling
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Elshafei, Abdel-Latif and Elnaggar, Ashraf and Dumont, Guy

Control loop performance monitoring
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Lynch, C.B. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/87.486345

Paper machine data compression using wavelets
IEEE Conference on Control Applications - Proceedings
Nesic, Zoran and Davies, Michael and Dumont, Guy

Monitoring oscillations in a multiloop system
IEEE Conference on Control Applications - Proceedings
Ettaleb, L. and Davies, M.S. and Dumont, G.A. and Kwok, E.

Detection and diagnosis of oscillations in control loops
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Taha, Othman and Dumont, Guy A. and Davies, Michael S.

Paper machine data analysis using wavelets
Control Systems, Preprints, Conference
Nesic, Zoran and Davies, Michael and Dumont, Guy

CD response modelling for control of a paper machine
IEEE Conference on Control Applications - Proceedings
Ghofraniha, Jahan and Davies, M.S. and Dumont, Guy A.

On-line evaluation of control loop performance
IEEE Conference on Control Applications - Proceedings
Fu, Ye and Dumont, Guy A.

Nonlinear control of a wood chip refiner
IEEE Conference on Control Applications - Proceedings
Du, Huaijing and Dumont, Guy A. and Fu, Ye

Dual adaptive control of chip refiner motor load: industrial results
Pulp and Paper Canada
Allison, B.J. and Ciarniello, J. and Tessier, P. and Dumont, G.A.

Dual adaptive control of chip refiner motor load
Allison, B.J. and Ciarniello, J.E. and Tessier, P.J.-C. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/0005-1098(95)00030-Z

A generalized predictive control design for the paper machine benchmark
Control Engineering Practice
Fu, Y. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/0967-0661(95)00156-O

Stability and convergence analyses of an adaptive gpc based on state-space modelling
International Journal of Control
Elshafei, A.-L. and Dumont, G. and Elnaggar, A.
DOI: 10.1080/00207179508921898

Fault detection for pressure screens
Annual Meeting - Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Preprints
Estevez-Reyes, Leoncio W. and Dumont, Guy A. and Allison, Bruce J. and Gooding, Robert W.

Dynamic model of pressure screens for fault detection
Tappi journal
Estevez-Reyes, Leoncio W. and Dumont, Guy A.

Modelling of sheet formation including edge effects on paper machines
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
Ghofraniha, Jahan and Davies, M.S. and Dumont, Guy A.

Modeling a wood-chip refiner using artificial neural networks
Tappi journal
Qian, Yu and Tessier, Patrick and Dumont, Guy A.

Analysis of flow injection peaks with orthogonal polynomials
Analytical Chemistry
Lee, O. and Dumont, G.A. and Tournler, P. and Wade, A.P.

Sampled-data GPC (SDGPC) with integral action: the state space approach
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Lu, Guoqiang and Dumont, Guy A.

Mechanical wood-pulps network networks of centres of excellence
Annual Meeting - Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Preprints
Dumont, G.A. and Heitner, C. and Karnis, A. and Kerekes, R.J. and Scaiano, J.C.

Generalized Fourier smoothing of flow injection analysis data
Analytical Chemistry
Lee, O. and Wade, A.P. and Dumont, G.A.

Adaptive GPC based on laguerre-filters modelling
Elshafei, A.-L. and Dumont, G.A. and Elnaggar, A.
DOI: 10.1016/0005-1098(94)90051-5

Fuzzy logic modeling and optimization of a wood chip refiner
Tappi journal
Qian, Yu and Tessier, Patrick J.C. and Dumont, Guy A.

Hydraulic compliance identification using a parallel genetic algorithm
Sepehri, N. and Wan, F.L.K. and Lawrence, P.D. and Dumont, G.A.M.
DOI: 10.1016/0957-4158(94)90028-0

Estimation in Paper Machine Control
IEEE Control Systems
Wang, X.G. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S.
DOI: 10.1109/37.229557

Estimation of Moisture Variations on Paper Machines
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Dumont, G.A. and Jonsson, I.M. and Davies, M.S. and Ordubadi, F.T. and Fu, Y. and Natarajan, K. and Lindeborg, C. and Heaven, E.M.
DOI: 10.1109/87.238403

An Adaptation Rate Upper Limit for Adaptive Control Under Model Order Mismatch
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Fu, Y. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/9.210159

On the approximation of a deflection curve by force actuators
Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME
Natarajan, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S.

Adaptive basis weight control in paper machines
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Wang, Xiaochun George and Dumont, Guy A. and Davies, Michael S.

Process modelling and optimization of systems with imprecise and conflicting equations
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Qian, Y. and Tessier, P. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/0952-1976(93)90039-Z

Non-linear adaptive control via laguerre expansion of volterra kernels
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Dumont, G.A. and Fu, Y.
DOI: 10.1002/acs.4480070506

Modelling and Identification of Basis Weight Variations in Paper Machines
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Wang, X.G. and Wang, X.G. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S.
DOI: 10.1109/87.260268

An Optimum Time Scale for Discrete Laguerre Network
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Fu, Y. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/9.222305

Chip refiner motor load adaptive control using a nonlinear Laguerre model
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Fu, Ye and Dumont, Guy A.

Paper machine cross directional basis weight control using Gram polynomials
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Kristinsson, Kristinn and Dumont, Guy A.

Fifteen years in the life of an adaptive controller
IFAC Symposia Series
Dumont, G.A.

Adaptive predictive control of systems with time-varying time delay
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Dumont, G.A. and Elnaggar, A. and Elshafei, A.
DOI: 10.1002/acs.4480070203

Classification of mixed acoustic emission signals via neural networks
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks III
Jian Yang and Guy D. Dumont
DOI: 10.1117/12.140070

Optimal associative mappings in recurrent networks
1991 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Yang, Jian and Dumont, Guy A.

System Identification and Control Using Genetic Algorithms
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
Kristinsson, K. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/21.179842

High technology for process control
Annual Meeting - Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Preprints
Dumont, Guy A.

Adaptive control with direct delay estimation
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Elnaggar, A. and Dumont, G.A. and Elshafei, A.L.

Acoustic emission monitoring of chip refiners
Annual Meeting - Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Preprints
Dumont, Guy A. and Wade, Adrian P. and Lee, Oliver

Classification of acoustic emission signals via Hebbian feature extraction
Proceedings. IJCNN-91-Seattle: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Yang, Jian and Dumont, Guy A.

Prototype expert system based on Laguerre adaptive control
IFAC Symposia Series
Zhou, Wei-Wu and Dumont, G. and Allison, B.

Multi-input adaptive-predictive control of kamyr digester chip level
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Allison, B.J. and Dumont, G.A. and Novak, L.H.
DOI: 10.1002/cjce.5450690113

Orthonormal functions in identification and adaptive control
IFAC Symposia Series
Dumont, G.A. and Fu, Ye and Elshafei, A.-L.

An improved algorithm for estimating paper machine moisture profiles using scanned data
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S. and Natarajan, K. and Lindeborg, C. and Ordubadi, F. and Fu, Y. and Kristinsson, K. and Jonsson, I.

Delay estimation using variable regression
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Elnaggar, Ashraf and Dumont, Guy A. and Elshaefei, Abdel-Latif

Perturbation analysis of GPC with one-step control horizon
Elshafei, A.-L. and Dumont, G. and Elnaggar, A.
DOI: 10.1016/0005-1098(91)90065-A

Adaptive-predictive control of kamyr digester chip level
AIChE Journal
Allison, B.J. and Dumont, G.A. and Novak, L.H. and Cheetham, W.J.
DOI: 10.1002/aic.690360714

New method for delay estimation
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Elnaggar, Ashraf and Dumont, Guy A. and Elshafei, Abdel-Latif

Cascade control of hydraulically actuated manipulators
Sepehri, N. and Dumont, G.A.M.
DOI: 10.1017/S0263574700000060

Adaptive control and intelligent automation
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/0169-7439(90)80011-T

Control Techniques in the Pulp and Paper Industry
Control and Dynamic Systems
Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-012737-5.50008-6

Adaptive-predictive control of kamyr digester chip level. Industrial results
Annual Meeting - Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Preprints
Allison, B.J. and Dumont, G.A. and Novak, L.H. and Cheetham, W.J.

System identification and adaptive control based on a variable regression for systems having unknown delay
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Elnaggar, Ashraf and Dumont, Guy A. and Elshafei, Abdel-Latif

Laguerre-based adaptive control of pH in an industrial bleach plant extraction stage
Dumont, G.A. and Zervos, C.C. and Pageau, G.L.
DOI: 10.1016/0005-1098(90)90053-K

On the approximation of a deflection curve by force actuators with variable spacing
Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME
Natarajan, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S.

Recursive estimation for system of unknown delay
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Elnaggar, Ashraf and Dumont, Guy A. and Elshafei, Abdel-Latif

Algorithm for estimating cross and machine direction moisture profiles for paper machines
IFAC Proceedings Series
Natarajan, K. and Dumont, G.A. and Davies, M.S.

Choice of Sampling to Ensure Minimum-Phase Behavior
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Fu, Y. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1109/9.24216

Stability condition for STC with model mismatch
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Fu, Y. and Dumont, Guy A.

Comparison of an auto-tuned PID regulator and an adaptive predictive control system on an industrial bleach plant
Dumont, G.A. and Martin-Sanchez, J.M. and Zervos, C.C.
DOI: 10.1016/0005-1098(89)90117-9

Adaptive Control Strategies for Industrial Use
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences
DOI: 10.1007/bfb0042924

Deterministic adaptive control based on laguerre series representation
International Journal of Control
Zervos, C.C. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1080/00207178808906334

On adaptive control of color for paper machines.
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Bond, Tracy and Dumont, Guy

Laguerre functions in stochastic self-tuning control
National Conference Publication - Institution of Engineers, Australia
Zervos, C.C. and Dumont, G.A.

Challenges and opportunities in pulp and paper process control.
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Dumont, Guy A.

On PID controller tuning using orthonormal series identification
Zervos, C. and Bélanger, P.R. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/0005-1098(88)90025-8

Wood Chip Refiner Control
IEEE Control Systems Magazine
Dumont, G.A. and Auströum, K.J.
DOI: 10.1109/37.1872

Genetic algorithms in system identification
Kristinsson, K. and Dumont, G.A.

Robust discrete STC design by using intermittent adaption
National Conference Publication - Institution of Engineers, Australia
Fu, Y. and Dumont, G.A.

Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing 1986
Guy A. Dumont and Christos C. Zervos
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-08-034085-2.50022-5

Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Dumont, G.A. and angstromstrom, K.J.

Computer control of a particleboard forming machine.
Dumont GA and Dunnigan M

Dumont, Guy A.

Application of advanced control methods in the pulp and paper industry - A survey
Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/0005-1098(86)90076-2

Martin-Sanchez, J.M. and Dumont, G.A.

Zervos, C. and Belanger, P.R. and Dumont, G.A.

Self-tuning control of chip level in a Kamyr digester
AIChE Journal
Belanger, P.R. and Rochon, L. and Dumont, G.A. and Gendron, S.
DOI: 10.1002/aic.690320108

Dumont, Guy A.

Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Dumont, G.A. and Zervos, C. and Belanger, P.R.

Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Dumont, G.A. and Gendron, S. and Belanger, P.R.

Dumont, G.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers, National Meeting
Belanger, Pierre R. and Dumont, Guy A. and Rochon, L.

Self-tuning control of a chip refiner motor load
Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1016/0005-1098(82)90090-5

Successful Industrial Application of Advanced Control Theory to a Chemical Process
IEEE Control Systems Magazine
Dumont, G.A. and Bélanger, P.R.
DOI: 10.1109/MCS.1981.1100749

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes
Dumont, Guy A. and Belanger, Pierre R.

Steady-State Study of a Titanium Dioxide Rotary Kiln
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development
Guy Dumont and Pierre R. Bélanger
DOI: 10.1021/i260066a001

Self-Tuning Control of a Titanium Dioxide Kiln
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Dumont, G.A. and Bélanger, P.R.
DOI: 10.1109/TAC.1978.1101821

Control of Titanium Dioxide Kilns
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Dumont, G.A. and Bélanger, P.R.
DOI: 10.1109/TAC.1978.1101784

Ind Eng Chem Process Des Dev
Dumont, Guy and Belanger, Pierre R.

Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Dumont, Guy A. and Belanger, Pierre R.


Ambulatory physiological monitoring
I have contributed my expertise in engineering novel Bayesian methods of physiological monitoring to the development of non-invasive ambulatory monitoring of circadian rhythms and their correlation with heart rate variability.

Together with my collaborator, Dr. Mark Ansermino, I have developed the “Phone Oximeter” to measure blood oxygen saturation and other derivative parameters (e.g., respiratory and heart rates). This device uses the computing power of a smartphone to provide a mobile, ultra-low cost pulse oximeter for ambulatory use in resource-poor clinical environments. This technology currently plays a crucial role in a large project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on prevention and detection of pre-eclampsia, and has resulted in the creation of a successful UBC spin-off company, LionsGate Technologies. The key intellectual property has been protected and a US Patent issued in February 2015 (US Patent No. 8,958, 859 B2). The company has raised in excess of $2M that includes private equity investments and a $1M contribution from Grand Challenges Canada.

Anesthesia Control and Monitoring
I have led the development of sophisticated algorithms to detect changes in physiological signals, based on our new concept of context-sensitive monitoring. These algorithms can adapt automatically to patient characteristics and have the potential to increase patient safety by alerting clinicians of impending changes in physiological signals. For robustness against artifacts, we have developed a novel, award-winning algorithm for detection of electrocautery, as well as an elegantly simple sensor fusion method for heart rate monitoring. To implement our algorithms, we have developed iAssist, a flexible extensible software platform that integrates the algorithms with clinical monitors. The thesis describing this work was recognized by the 2008 WAGS/UMI Innovation in Technology Award and has led to a contract with Drager Medical Systems. We have also developed a vibrotactile display that conveys changes in physiological signals to the clinician using the sense of touch. This display, combined with the above algorithms aided in significantly speeding up the administration of life-saving therapy in an intraoperative emergency simulated in a human patient simulation facility. For this collaboration we were awarded the NSERC 2010 Brockhouse Prize for Interdisciplinary Research.

I have led the development of a novel method for estimating anesthetic depth using wavelet analysis of the electroencephalogram. The new, patented (US) index can differentiate between an awake “baseline” state and the state of hypnosis. It has been tested in patients undergoing surgery. The advantages of this new index are that it leads the BIS index (the main commercial method) by about 30 seconds and has a more consistent and predictable dynamic behaviour. We have a licensing agreement with Cleveland Medical Devices. CE marking and Health Canada approval have been obtained for the resulting NeuroSENSE monitor. The device is now distributed in Europe and Canada.

I have spearheaded development of a neuromuscular blockade advisory system based on adaptive control technology. This system was successfully tested in clinical trials and moved on to the development of iControl, a closed-loop control system of anesthesia through fully automated drug delivery. A prototype was tested on pediatric patients, and a two-drug system is being tested on adults.

Honours & Awards

Natural Sciences and Engineering research Council of Canada Synergy Award for Innovation. 2017

Research Group Members

Ahmad Asdo, Work Learn Student
Dustin Dunsmuir, Global Health Technical Lead
Sara Hosseinirad, Graduate Research Assistant
Mobina Mobaraki
Mahan Rahimi, PhD Candidate
Sahar Sattari