- Overview
Being a pediatric general surgeon, I take seriously the need for clinical investigation in the field of surgery. I pursue topics related to congenital anomalies, thyroid surgery, and pediatric surgical oncology. In addition, since assuming the position of Chief of Surgery in 2001, I have a special interest in the access of surgical care for children. Therefore, I also conduct research into minimizing waitlists and improving quality of care.
At BC Children's Hospital, we’ve been training pediatric general surgeons since 1986. I’ve been the Program Director for our site since 1993, and the Chief Examiner of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons since 2001. With the constant evolution of better surgical methods, I’m concerned that older models of training and surgical resident assessment are not applicable to the current delivery of health care. Therefore, I’m enthusiastically engaged in educational research projects looking at pedagogical tools, such as "portfolio" based methods, to enhance learning and evaluation.
- Research
Current Project
Esophageal atresiaCurrent Project
Thyroid surgeryCurrent Project
Portfolio-based learning and evaluationCurrent Project
Surgical Wait List Simulation ModelHonours & AwardsH. Rocke Robertson Award for Undergraduate Teaching – 2004 Department of Pediatrics' Service of the Year – 2001
Unlocking the mystery of nephrotic syndrome in kids: Q&A with new investigator Dr. Susan Samuel
Pediatric nephrologist Dr. Susan Samuel, a new investigator who joined BCCHR in September 2024, has been investigating ways to improve the quality of life of children diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. She is serving as the director for the ENRICH program, a national network of mentors and learners. We met Dr. Samuel to talk about the importance of research and mentorship.