- Overview
I am a clinical researcher who specializes in research related to ear, nose, throat, head and neck surgery in children.
A special area of interest is promoting a choking prevention campaign, which examines the causes of choking (foreign body aspiration and caustic ingestion) and offers education to caregivers and health care professionals.
- Publications
Trametinib therapy for children with neurofibromatosis type 1 and life-threatening plexiform neurofibroma or treatment-refractory low-grade glioma
Cancer Medicine
Rebecca Ronsley and Celine D. Hounjet and Sylvia Cheng and Shahrad Rod Rassekh and Walter J. Duncan and Christopher Dunham and Jane Gardiner and Arvindera Ghag and Jeffrey P. Ludemann and David Wensley and Wingfield Rehmus and Michael A. Sargent and Juliette Hukin
DOI: 10.1002/cam4.3910
Hounjet C and Ronsley R and Cheng S and Rassekh S and Duncan W and Dunham C and Gardiner J and Ghag A and P and Ludemann J and Wensley D and Rehmus W and Sargent M and Evans N and Popovska V and Hukin J
12/2020Competency-Based Assessment Tool for Pediatric Esophagoscopy: International Modified Delphi Consensus.
The Laryngoscope
Faucett EA and Wolter NE and Balakrishnan K and Ishman SL and Mehta D and Parikh S and Nguyen LHP and Preciado D and Rutter MJ and Prager JD and Green GE and Pransky SM and Elluru R and Propst EJ
DOI: 10.1002/lary.29126
PubMed: 33034397
10/2020Competency-Based Assessment Tool for Pediatric Tracheotomy: International Modified Delphi Consensus.
The Laryngoscope
Propst EJ and Wolter NE and Ishman SL and Balakrishnan K and Deonarain AR and Mehta D and Zalzal G and Pransky SM and Roy S and Myer CM and Torre M and Johnson RF and Ludemann JP and Faucett EA
DOI: 10.1002/lary.28461
PubMed: 31821571
12/2019In reference to pH-neutralizing esophageal irrigations as a novel mitigation strategy for button battery injury
The Laryngoscope
Rhodri Costello and Jeffrey P. Ludemann and Neil K Chadha
DOI: 10.1002/lary.27755
02/2019Familial impairment of vocal cord mobility in childhood with clubfoot
Clinical Dysmorphology
Rebecca Shaw and Cristina Dias and Jeffrey Ludemann and Rosemarie Rupps and Vance Tsai and Anna Lehman
DOI: 10.1097/mcd.0000000000000227
10/2018Familial impairment of vocal cord mobility in childhood with clubfoot
Clinical Dysmorphology
Shaw, R. and Dias, C. and Ludemann, J. and Rupps, R. and Tsai, V. and Lehman, A.
DOI: 10.1097/MCD.0000000000000227
2018First Branchial Cleft Anomalies: Managing Various Cervico-Facial Anomalies and Otologic Malformations at a large Canadian Referral Centre
Archives of Otolaryngology and Rhinology
DOI: 10.17352/2455-1759.000044
05/2017Injuries due to foreign body aspirations in Georgia: A prevention perspective
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Gvetadze, P. and Chkhaidze, I. and Baldas, S. and Comoretto, R. and Gregori, D. and Berchialla, P. and Rodriguez, H. and Zaupa, P. and Spitzer, P. and Demetriades, C. and Slapák, I. and Sokolova, L. and Petridou, E. and Antonio Caldeira Pais Clemente, M. and Jakubíková, J. and Van As, S. and De Koning, T. and Passali, D. and Cuestas, G. and Bouchikhi, N. and Chinsky, A. and Ro, H. and Tortosa, S. and Alassia, O. and Abete, F. and Sica, G. and Di Blasio, A. and Rodríguez, V. and Taire, D. and Paoli, B. and Rene Marquez, C. and Razetti, J. and Adolfo Mariotti, C. and Héctor Ariel, A. and Zanetta, A. and Dario, F. and Milena Pabón, S. and Quijano, A. and Elena Nieto, M. and Villca, N. and Brkic, F. and Reis, M. and Manrique, D. and Nkodo, Y. and Ludemann, J. and Cheng peng, J. and Barón Puentes, O.U. and Mladina, R. and Gomez De La Rosa, E. and Kalakouta, O. and eas Melis, A. and Zeitouni, F. and Máchalová, M. and Slapak, J. and Pecková , P. and Caye-Thomasen, P. and Silva Chacon, F. and Parker, J. and Elsheikh, E. and Ragab, A. and Pitkäranta, A. and Contencin Necker, P. and Derelle, J. and Duwelz, M. and Francois, M. and Pezzettigotta, S. and Righini, C. and Buzarov, J. and Bernhard, R. and Jahnke, V. and Onder, G. and Zieriacks, P. and Siegfried, K. and Koitschev, A. and Kalampoki, V. and Simasko, N. and Skoulakis, C. and Gulati, A. and Camaioni, A. and Cutrone, C. and Gaudini, E. and Grasso, D. and Mansi, N. and Messi, G. and Orlando, C. and Preziosi, S. and Sorrentini, I. and Trozzi, M. and o Vigo, A. and Villari, G. and Cesare Passali, G. and Maria Passali, F. and Piantanida, R. and Giordano, C. and Mercuri, L. and Cecconi, A. and Giovari, M. and Nishida, Y. and Ussatayeva, G. and Antonio De Hoyos Parra, R. and Gonzalez, J.L. and Eleuterio Gonzá lez, J. and Emmanuel Ologe, F. and Nasrullah, M. and Melendez, A. and Milanes, R. and Chmielik, M. and Belchior, T. and Dan Cobzeanu, M. and Cristian Gheorghe, D. and Iorgulescu, A. and Caius-Codrut and Toader, M. and Barkociová , J. and Havelkova, B. and Janka and Koman, A. and Zargi, M. and Pumarola, F. and Rubio, L. and Perniás Peco, K. and Stierna, P. and Hsu, W. and Arj-Ong, S. and Chomchai, C. and Chotigavanich, C. and Hoep, L. and Rinkel, R. and Berraies, A. and Aydin Baskent, E. and Sarper Erikci, V. and Onerci, M. and Graham, J. and Khwaja, S. and Raine, C. and Haloob, N. and Doassans Go?ez Haedo, I. and Mehta, D. and Casselbrant, M.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2015.12.007
2016Casting a look at pediatric plastic bronchitis
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Tin Jasinovic and Frederick K. Kozak and J. Paul Moxham and Mark Chilvers and David Wensley and Michael Seear and Andrew Campbell and Jeffrey P. Ludemann
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2015.07.011
10/2015Symptoms associated with button batteries injuries in children: An epidemiological review.
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology
Buttazzoni E and Gregori D and Paoli B and Soriani N and Baldas S and Rodriguez H and Lorenzoni G and Susy Safe Working Group
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2015.10.003
PubMed: 26520908
10/2015False carina: A distinct variant of tracheal bronchus
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Ronak Rahmanian and Jack Zheng and Neil. K. Chadha and Frederick K. Kozak and Andrew I.M. Campbell and Jeffrey P. Ludemann
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2015.01.023
04/2015The Reliability of Clinical Tonsil Size Grading in Children
JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery
Divjot S. Kumar and Dianne Valenzuela and Frederick K. Kozak and Jeffrey P. Ludemann and J. Paul Moxham and Jane Lea and Neil K. Chadha
DOI: 10.1001/jamaoto.2014.2338
11/2014Best management of ultra-small tracheobronchial foreign bodies in neonates
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Tin Jasinovic and Andrew Thamboo and Horacio Osiovich and Louis Scheepers and Ashley Robinson and Jeffrey P. Ludemann
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2012.12.004
03/2013Intranasal Topical Local Anesthetic and Decongestant for Flexible Nasendoscopy in Children
JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery
Neil K. Chadha and Gilbert O. A. Lam and Jeffrey P. Ludemann and Frederick K. Kozak
DOI: 10.1001/jamaoto.2013.5297
2013Staphylococcus aureus nasal septal abscess complicated by extradural abscess in an infant.
Tan NW and Turvey SE and Byrne AT and Ludemann JP and Kollmann TR
PubMed: 22498276
02/2012Management of Congenital Midline Cervical Cleft
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
Colin W. McInnes and Alex D. Benson and Cynthia G. Verchere and Jeffrey P. Ludemann and Jugpal S. Arneja
DOI: 10.1097/scs.0b013e318241db99
01/2012Staphylococcus aureus nasal septal abscess complicated by extradural abscess in an infant
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Tan, N.W.H. and Turvey, S.E. and Byrne, A.T. and Ludemann, J.P. and Kollmann, T.R.
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2011.110136
2012Management of congenital midline cervical cleft
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
McInnes, C.W. and Benson, A.D. and Verchere, C.G. and Ludemann, J.P. and Arneja, J.S.
DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0b013e318241db99
2012Glottic foreign body in a child with pre-existing vocal cord paralysis and reflux laryngitis: A challenging diagnostic paradigm
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra
Sandy Shamon and Anil Ratan Sharma and Jeffrey P. Ludemann
DOI: 10.1016/j.pedex.2010.05.003
09/2011Assessment of Vocal Fold Mobility Before and After Cardiothoracic Surgery in Children
Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery
Luthiana F. Carpes and Frederick K. Kozak and Jacques G. Leblanc and Andrew I. Campbell and Derek G. Human and Marcela Fandino and Jeffrey P. Ludemann and J. Paul Moxham and Humberto Fiori
DOI: 10.1001/archoto.2011.84
06/2011Intracranial hypertension secondary to sigmoid sinus compression by group A streptococcal epidural abscess
Journal of Laryngology and Otology
Ludemann, J.P. and Poskitt, K. and Singhal, A.
DOI: 10.1017/S0022215109990764
2010Choking Prevention: Short-Comings of Traditional Public Education Campaigns, Prompting the Development of Web-Based Interactive Teaching Tools for Pre-Teens, Teenagers and Adults
The Journal of Otolaryngology
12/2009Young child with cystic fibrosis and sinonasal destructive polyposis which resolved incidentally with oral antifungals
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra
Z.A. Dewji and J.P. Ludemann and J.A. Gardiner
DOI: 10.1016/j.pedex.2008.10.003
09/2009Intracranial hypertension secondary to sigmoid sinus compression by group A streptococcal epidural abscess
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology
J P Ludemann and K Poskitt and A Singhal
DOI: 10.1017/s0022215109990764
08/2009Cochlear nerve aplasia detected through kindergarten hearing screening – a series of eight cases
The Journal of Otolaryngology
06/2009Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor of the Subglottis: A Case in a 5-year-old
The Journal of Otolaryngology
06/2009Utility and safety of methylene blue demarcation of preauricular sinuses and branchial sinuses and fistulae in children.
Dickson JM and Riding KH and Ludemann JP
PubMed: 19442382
04/2009A frightening bronchial foreign body
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra
P. Pace-Asciak and E. Chang and J.P. Ludemann
DOI: 10.1016/j.pedex.2008.06.007
03/2009Minimally invasive drainage of a giant retropharyngeal abscess
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra
Evgeny Strovski and Jon-Ivar Mickelson and Jeffrey P. Ludemann
DOI: 10.1016/j.pedex.2008.08.004
03/2009Removal of ear canal foreign bodies: What can go wrong and when to refer
BC Medical Journal
02/2009Removal of ear canal foreign bodies in children: What can go wrong and when to refer
British Columbia Medical Journal
Dance, D. and Riley, M. and Ludemann, J.P.
2009Utility and safety of methylene blue demarcation of preauricular sinuses and branchial sinuses and fistulae in children
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Dickson, J.M. and Riding, K.H. and Ludemann, J.P.
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2009.070315
2009Cochlear nerve aplasia detected through kindergarten hearing screening
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Moxham, J.P. and Dickson, J.M. and Sargent, M.A. and Ludemann, J.P.
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2009.080194
2009Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour of the subglottis in a 5-year-old
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Hartl, T. and Moxham, J.P. and Ludemann, J.P. and Rassekh, S.R.
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2009.080211
2009Choking prevention: Shortcomings of traditional public education campaigns, prompting the development of web-based interactive teaching tools for preteens, teenagers, and adults
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Thamboo, A. and Nguyen, T. and Ludemann, J.P.
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2009.080277
2009Penetrating and blast ear trauma: 7-year review of two pediatric practices.
Mick P and Moxham P and Ludemann J
PubMed: 19128702
12/2008Penetrating and blast ear trauma: 7-year review of two pediatric practices.
The Journal of Otolaryngology
PubMed: 19128702
12/2008Ingested Foreign Bodies in Children—BC Children’s Hospital Emergency Room Protocol
BC Medical Journal
06/2008Aspirated Foreign Bodies in Children—BC Children’s Hospital Emergency Room Protocol
BC Medical Journal
06/2008Christmas decorations may become aerodigestive foreign bodies
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra
Andrew Thamboo and Jeffrey P. Ludemann and Keith H. Riding
DOI: 10.1016/j.pedex.2007.10.003
03/2008Ingested foreign bodies in children: BC Children's Hospital emergency room protocol
British Columbia Medical Journal
Dehghani, N. and Ludemann, J.P.
2008Penetrating and blast ear trauma: 7-year review of two pediatric practices
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Mick, P. and Moxham, P. and Ludemann, J.
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2008.OA0168
2008Aspirated foreign bodies in children: BC Children's Hospital emergency room protocol
British Columbia Medical Journal
Dehghani, N. and Ludemann, J.P.
2008Re: Croup in the paediatric emergency department
Paediatrics & Child Health
Jeffrey P Ludemann
DOI: 10.1093/pch/12.9.803
11/2007Choking Prevention (Pulsimeter Alert)
BC Medical Journal
11/2007Accuracy of the Weber and Rinne tuning fork tests in evaluation of children with otitis media with effusion.
Behn A and Westerberg BD and Zhang H and Riding KH and Ludemann JP and Kozak FK
PubMed: 17942032
08/2007Accuracy of the Weber and Rinne tuning fork tests in evaluation of children with otitis media with effusion.
The Journal of Otorolaryngology
PubMed: 17942032
08/2007Return to home, school, and sports after electrosurgical adenoidectomy: when is it safe?
Ludemann JP and Wong KK and Moxham JP
PubMed: 17711769
06/2007Return to home, school, and sports after electrosurgical adenoidectomy: when is it safe?
The Journal of Otolaryngology
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2007.0017
PubMed: 17711769
06/2007Choking on pins, needles and a blowdart: aspiration of sharp, metallic foreign bodies secondary to careless behavior in seven adolescents.
Ludemann JP and Riding KH
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2006.10.017
PubMed: 17137640
02/2007Accuracy of the Weber and Rinne tuning fork tests in evaluation of children with otitis media with effusion
Journal of Otolaryngology
Behn, A. and Westerberg, B.D. and Zhang, H. and Riding, K.H. and Ludemann, J.P. and Kozak, F.K.
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2007.0025
2007Treatment of Cystic Lymphatic Vascular Malformations with OK-432 Sclerotherapy
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Daniel A. Peters and Douglas J. Courtemanche and Manraj K. S. Heran and Jeffrey P. Ludemann and Julie S. Prendiville
DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000239503.10964.11
11/2006Letter to the Editor regarding pediatric postcricoid masses.
Ludemann JP and Kozak FK
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2006.04.012
PubMed: 16765455
08/2006Pediatric Lateral Sinus Thrombosis: Retrospective Case Series and Literature Review
The Journal of Otolaryngology
Ian Wong and Frederick K. Kozak and Ken Poskitt and Jeff P. Ludemann and Maureen Harriman
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2005.00079
2005Aspiration of an extracted molar: Case report
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
Ospina, J.C. and Ludemann, J.P.
2005Aspiration of an Extracted Molar
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
2005Pediatric caustic ingestion and parental cocaine abuse.
Massa N and Ludemann JP
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2004.07.003
PubMed: 15533563
12/2004Foreign body aspiration in infants and toddlers: recent trends in British Columbia.
Morley RE and Ludemann JP and Moxham JP and Kozak FK and Riding KH
PubMed: 15291275
02/2004Foreign body aspiration in infants and toddlers: recent trends in British Columbia.
The Journal of Otolaryngology
PubMed: 15291275
02/2004Hemorrhagic Pseudotumour of the Maxillary Sinus
The Journal of Otolaryngology
Patricia K. Lee and John K. Wu and Jeffrey P. Ludemann
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2004.03090
2004Foreign body aspiration in infants and toddlers: Recent trends in British Columbia
Journal of Otolaryngology
Morley, R.E. and Ludemann, J.P. and Moxha, J.P. and Kozak, F.K. and Riding, K.H.
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2004.00310
2004Electrosurgical adenoid ablation
Journal of Otolaryngology
Wong, L. and Moxham, J.P. and Ludemann, J.P.
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2004.00104
2004Pencil pushed through a younger sibling's inferior orbital fissure: Filopathic foreign body injury
Journal of Otolaryngology
Ludemann, J.P. and Riding, K.H.
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2004.03086
2004Subglottic pathology misdiagnosed as asthma.
Ludemann JP and Moxham JP and Kozak FK and Riding KH
PubMed: 12921141
06/2003Subglottic pathology misdiagnosed as asthma.
The Journal of Otolaryngology
PubMed: 12921141
06/2003Postcricoid Prolapse: An Unusual Sign of Paediatric Airway Disease
The Journal of Otolaryngology
Jeffrey P. Ludemann and Frederick K. Kozak
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2003.37192
2 laser lingual tonsillectomy for choking and pseudo-hemoptysis: Two unusual pediatric cases
International Congress Series
Ludemann, J.P.
DOI: 10.1016/S0531-5131(03)01076-8
2003Subglottic pathology misdiagnosed as asthma
Journal of Otolaryngology
Ludemann, J.P. and Moxham, J.P. and Kozak, F.K. and Riding, K.H.
DOI: 10.2310/7070.2003.40389
2003Florid infectious mononucleosis: clinicopathological correlation in acute tonsillectomy.
Irving JA and Cameron BR and Ludemann JP and Taylor G
DOI: 10.1016/s0165-5876(02)00212-4
PubMed: 12363428
10/2002Florid infectious mononucleosis: Clinicopathological correlation in acute tonsillectomy
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Irving, J.A. and Cameron, B.R. and Ludemann, J.P. and Taylor, G.
DOI: 10.1016/S0165-5876(02)00212-4
2002Masses of the Salivary Gland Region in Children
Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery
Brandon G. Bentz and C. Anthony Hughes and Jeffrey P. Lüdemann and John Maddalozzo
DOI: 10.1001/archotol.126.12.1435
2000Complications of Pediatric Laryngotracheal Reconstruction: Prevention Strategies
Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology
Jeffrey P. Ludemann and Zehava Noah and C. Anthony Hughes and Lauren D. Holinger
DOI: 10.1177/000348949910801101
11/1999Aggressive fibromatosis of the neck in two brothers: diagnostic and therapeutic implications.
Ludemann JP and Hughes CA and Bouzoukis J and Maddalozzo J and Goldman S
PubMed: 10579161
10/1999Aggressive fibromatosis of the neck in two brothers: diagnostic and therapeutic implications.
The Journal of Otolaryngology
PubMed: 10579161
10/1999Management of congenital subglottic hemangioma.
Hughes CA and Rezaee A and Ludemann JP and Holinger LD
PubMed: 10461260
08/1999Management of congenital subglottic hemangioma.
The Journal of Otolaryngology
PubMed: 10461260
08/1999High angiogenic activity in cells isolated from cystic hygroma: role of bFGF.
Maddalozzo J and Hughes CA and Huang L and Mu Y and Ludemann J and Crawford S
DOI: 10.1001/archotol.125.1.45
PubMed: 9932586
01/1999Wheezing in children, Part I: Is obstruction the cause?
Journal of Respiratory Diseases
1999Aggressive fibromatosis of the neck in two brothers: Diagnostic and therapeutic implications
Journal of Otolaryngology
Ludemann, J.P. and Hughes, C.A. and Bouzoukis, J. and Maddalozzo, J. and Goldman, S.
1999Management of congenital subglottic hemangioma
Journal of Otolaryngology
Hughes, C.A. and Rezaee, A. and Ludemann, J.P. and Holinger, L.D.
1999Wheezing in children, part 1: Is obstruction the cause?
Journal of Respiratory Diseases
Shah, P.D. and Ludemann, J.P. and Holinger, L.D.
1999Wheezing in children, part 2: Anatomic defects and extraluminal compression
Journal of Respiratory Diseases
Shah, P.D. and Ludemann, J.P. and Holinger, L.D.
1999Wheezing in children, Part 2: Anatomic defects and extraluminal compression
Journal of Respiratory Diseases
1999Effects of simulated gastroesophageal reflux on the untraumatized rabbit larynx.
Ludemann JP and Manoukian J and Shaw K and Bernard C and Davis M and al-Jubab A
PubMed: 9664240
06/1998Effects of simulated gastroesophageal reflux on the untraumatized rabbit larynx.
The Journal of Otolaryngology
PubMed: 9664240
06/1998Effects of simulated gastroesophageal reflux on the untraumatized rabbit larynx
Journal of Otolaryngology
Ludemann, J.P. and Manoukian, J. and Shaw, K. and Bernard, C. and Davis, M. and Al-Jubab, A.
1998Congenital mesenchymoma transgressing the cribriform plate.
Ludemann JP and Tewfik TL and Meagher-Villemure K and Bernard C
PubMed: 9263898
08/1997Congenital mesenchymoma transgressing the cribriform plate.
The Journal of Otolaryngology
PubMed: 9263898
08/1997Congenital mesenchymoma transgressing the cribriform plate
Journal of Otolaryngology
Ludemann, J.P. and Tewfik, T.L. and Meagher-Villemure, K. and Bernard, C.
1997Role of endothelium-derived relaxing factor in active hyperemia of the canine diaphragm.
Hussain SN and Stewart DJ and Ludemann JP and Magder S
PubMed: 1629096
06/1992Role of endothelium-derived relaxing factor in active hyperemia of the canine diaphragm.
Journal of Applied Physiology
PubMed: 1629096
06/1992Role of endothelium-derived relaxing factor in active hyperemia of the canine diaphragm
Journal of Applied Physiology
Hussain, S.N.A. and Stewart, D.J. and Ludemann, J.P. and Magder, S.
DOI: 10.1152/jappl.1992.72.6.2393
Unlocking the mystery of nephrotic syndrome in kids: Q&A with new investigator Dr. Susan Samuel
Pediatric nephrologist Dr. Susan Samuel, a new investigator who joined BCCHR in September 2024, has been investigating ways to improve the quality of life of children diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. She is serving as the director for the ENRICH program, a national network of mentors and learners. We met Dr. Samuel to talk about the importance of research and mentorship.