- Overview
I am a clinical researcher who specializes in research relating to microsurgery in urology, the use of robotics for pediatric urology and improvements to medical education.
- Publications
“Don’t tell me this isn’t relevant all over again in its brand new same old way”: imagination, agitation, and raging against the machine in Ali Smith’s Spring
John Masterson
DOI: 10.1080/17533171.2020.1776961
07/2020 - Research
Current Projects
Improving the Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning for Medical EducationCurrent Projects
Robotics in Pediatric SurgeryGrantsUBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (2009-2011)
Honours & Awards1999 Nominated for Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching, PAR-BC
2006 Career Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching, Faculty of Medicine, UBC
2010 Excellence in Education Award of Distinction, BC Children’s Hospital
BC Children’s Hospital researchers bring Mini Med School to the Yukon for the first time
World-class researchers from BCCHR will travel to the Yukon on March 28 to present a day of discovery with Mini Med School. This health science youth outreach and public education program is designed for high school students to explore the world of health sciences, career opportunities in science and medicine, and connections with leading researchers and health experts.