
I am involved in 2 separate research areas involving pediatric population. The first is the pediatric spinal cord injury population. My research interests are in improvement of neurological function by way of rehabilitative tools, the development of evidence-based guidelines for pediatric SC care, quality improvement of patient care and development of educational tools for patients and families with SC injuries.

The second area of research involvement is in the area of concussion and sleep. I am a collaborator with Dr. Osman Ipsiroglu and his sleep research team investigating the effects of sleep on concussion and causes of persistent sleep disturbances after a concussion. This research is done in conjunction with GF Strong Rehab Centre’s AC3 program (adolescent complex concussion clinic).


Service Delivery Models for the Management of Pediatric and Adolescent Concussion: A Systematic Review
Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation
DOI: 10.1016/j.arrct.2022.100221

Somatization in Adolescents With Persistent Symptoms After Concussion: A Retrospective Chart Review
The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences
Green, K.E. and Purtzki, J. and Chapman, A. and Oberlander, T.F. and Silverberg, N.D. and Dhariwal, A.K.
DOI: 10.1176/appi.neuropsych.21070169

Safety of Active Rehabilitation for Persistent Symptoms After Pediatric Sport-Related Concussion: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Chan, C. and Iverson, G.L. and Purtzki, J. and Wong, K. and Kwan, V. and Gagnon, I. and Silverberg, N.D.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2017.09.108

Canadian stroke best practice recommendations: Stroke rehabilitation practice guidelines, update 2015
International Journal of Stroke
Hebert, D. and Lindsay, M.P. and McIntyre, A. and Kirton, A. and Rumney, P.G. and Bagg, S. and Bayley, M. and Dowlatshahi, D. and Dukelow, S. and Garnhum, M. and Glasser, E. and Halabi, M.-L. and Kang, E. and MacKay-Lyons, M. and Martino, R. and Rochette, A. and Rowe, S. and Salbach, N. and Semenko, B. and Stack, B. and Swinton, L. and Weber, V. and Mayer, M. and Verrilli, S. and DeVeber, G. and Andersen, J. and Barlow, K. and Cassidy, C. and Dilenge, M.-E. and Fehlings, D. and Hung, R. and Iruthayarajah, J. and Lenz, L. and Majnemer, A. and Purtzki, J. and Rafay, M. and Sonnenberg, L.K. and Townley, A. and Janzen, S. and Foley, N. and Teasell, R.
DOI: 10.1177/1747493016643553

Impact of early follow-up intervention on parent-reported postconcussion pediatric symptoms: A feasibility study
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Mortenson, P. and Singhal, A. and Hengel, A.R. and Purtzki, J.
DOI: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000223

Deep brain stimulation and dantrolene for secondary dystonia in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
JIMD Reports
van Karnebeek, C. and Horvath, G. and Murphy, T. and Purtzki, J. and Bowden, K. and Sirrs, S. and Honey, C.R. and Stockler, S.
DOI: 10.1007/8904_2014_305


Current Projects
1) Concussion and sleep, preliminary chart reviews of adolescents 12-18 with persistent post-concussion symptoms and sleep symptoms

2) Qualitative interviews of adolescents regarding their experience of concussion recovery and sleep disturbance

3) Studying the prevalence of Restless Leg Syndrome as a type of sleep disorder, in patients post-concussion and measurement of daytime restlessness post-concussion (done in collaboration with with Dr. Osman Ipsiroglu and Dr. Calvin Luo)

4) QI project on the satisfaction of care in the Spinal Cord Clinic

5) Anxiety and depression in youth with spinal cord conditions

6) Development of a clinical database (lead: Dr. Soojin Kim)