- Overview
I am interested in ensuring that pediatricians provide high-quality, family-centered care for hospitalized children. My research at BC Children's Hospital focuses on understanding quality gaps and patient safety risks in the hospital environment, and developing collaborative solutions to address these. Currently, I work closely with the antimicrobial stewardship program, where I study how we can optimize our use of antibiotic treatment for hospitalized children, and how the emergence of antibiotic resistance affects patient care and outcomes. I am also working on a project to improve vaccination rates for children at high risk of severe infection, including hospitalized children who often miss out on routine vaccines.
- Publications
Identifying child maltreatment during virtual medical appointments through the COVID-19 pandemic A physician-based survey
Paediatrics and Child Health (Canada)
DOI: 10.1093/pch/pxad064
2024True Rate of Allergy among Pediatric Inpatients with Penicillin Allergy Labels (TRIAL)
Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
DOI: 10.4212/cjhp.3531
2024Penicillin de-labelling in vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: comparison of approaches, outcomes and future directions
Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology
Saravanabavan, S. and Aulakh, A. and Douglas, J. and Elwood, C. and Erdle, S. and Grant, J. and Kang, K.T. and Kwan, N. and Lacaria, K. and Lau, T.T.Y. and Lee, C. and Leung, V. and Lin, Y.-C. and Mah, A. and Nguyen, A. and Paquette, V. and Roberts, A. and Watt, M. and Van Schalkwyk, J. and Zhang, B.Y. and Mak, R. and Wong, T.
DOI: 10.1186/s13223-023-00777-4
2023Short duration of parenteral antibiotics in infants with urinary tract infections
Paediatrics and Child Health (Canada)
Menon, N. and Mutinta Deasy, A. and Woo, K. and Tarabishi, J. and Chan, E.Y.-H. and Kang, K. and Carwana, M. and Nama, N.
DOI: 10.1093/pch/pxad030
2023Impact of Perinatal Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 Infection on Early Health Outcomes among Infants Born from 2020 to 2021 in British Columbia, Canada
Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology
Richter, L.L. and Ho, M.S.P. and Zhang, Q. and Bone, J.N. and Portales-Casamar, E. and Yang, C.L. and Roberts, A. and Kang, K. and Kieran, E. and Lam, C. and Lisonkova, S. and Ting, J.Y.
DOI: 10.1155/2023/9968774
2023Paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome in Canada: population-based surveillance and role of SARS-CoV-2 linkage
Pediatric Research
El Tal, T. and Morin, M.-P. and Morris, S.K. and Farrar, D.S. and Berard, R.A. and Kakkar, F. and Moore Hepburn, C. and Baerg, K. and Beaufils, C. and Bennett, T.-L. and Benseler, S.M. and Beaudoin-Bussières, G. and Chan, K. and Cyr, C. and Dahdah, N. and Donner, E.J. and Drouin, O. and Edjoc, R. and Eljaouhari, M. and Embree, J.E. and Farrell, C. and Finzi, A. and Forgie, S. and Giroux, R. and Kang, K.T. and King, M. and Laffin Thibodeau, M. and Lang, B. and Laxer, R.M. and Luu, T.M. and McCrindle, B.W. and Orkin, J. and Papenburg, J. and Pound, C.M. and Price, V.E. and Proulx-Gauthier, J.-P. and Purewal, R. and Sadarangani, M. and Salvadori, M.I. and Thibeault, R. and Top, K.A. and Viel-Thériault, I. and Haddad, E. and Scuccimarri, R. and Yeung, R.S.M.
DOI: 10.1038/s41390-023-02668-1
2023Acute-onset dacryoadenitis following immunisation with mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
BMJ Case Reports
Murphy, T. and Raheem Abu Shanab, A. and Kang, K. and Lyons, C.J.
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-248441
2022Biliary ascariasis and trisomy 21 in a child newly arrived to Canada
CMAJ. Canadian Medical Association Journal
Canes, M. and Seaton, C. and Mawson, J. and Goldfarb, D.M. and Kang, K.T.
DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.220089
2022Epidemiology and role of SARS-CoV-2 Linkage in Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS): A Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program National Prospective Study
Tal, T.E. and Morin, M.-P. and Morris, S.K. and Farrar, D.S. and Berard, R.A. and Kakkar, F. and Hepburn, C.M. and Baerg, K. and Beaufils, C. and Bennett, T.-L. and Benseler, S.M. and Beaudoin-Bussi{\`e}res, G. and Chan, K. and Cyr, C. and Dahdah, N. and Donner, E.J. and Drouin, O. and Edjoc, R. and Eljaouhari, M. and Embree, J.E. and Farrell, C. and Finzi, A. and Forgie, S. and Giroux, R. and Kang, K.T. and King, M. and Thibodeau, M.L. and Lang, B. and Laxer, R.M. and Luu, T.M. and McCrindle, B.W. and Orkin, J. and Papenburg, J. and Pound, C.M. and Price, V.E. and Proulx-Gauthier, J.-P. and Purewal, R. and Sadarangani, M. and Salvadori, M.I. and Thibeault, R. and Top, K.A. and Viel-Th{\'e}riault, I. and Haddad, E. and Scuccimarri, R. and Yeung, R.S.M.
DOI: 10.1101/2022.05.27.2227561
2022Risk factors for severe COVID-19 in hospitalized children in Canada: A national prospective study from March 2020–May 2021
The Lancet Regional Health - Americas
Farrar, D.S. and Drouin, O. and Moore Hepburn, C. and Baerg, K. and Chan, K. and Cyr, C. and Donner, E.J. and Embree, J.E. and Farrell, C. and Forgie, S. and Giroux, R. and Kang, K.T. and King, M. and Laffin Thibodeau, M. and Orkin, J. and Ouldali, N. and Papenburg, J. and Pound, C.M. and Price, V.E. and Proulx-Gauthier, J.-P. and Purewal, R. and Ricci, C. and Sadarangani, M. and Salvadori, M.I. and Thibeault, R. and Top, K.A. and Viel-Th{\'e}riault, I. and Kakkar, F. and Morris, S.K.
DOI: 10.1016/j.lana.2022.100337
2022Canadian infants presenting with Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (BRUEs) and validation of clinical prediction rules for risk stratification: A protocol for a multicentre, retrospective cohort study
BMJ Open
Nama, N. and Hosseini, P. and Lee, Z. and Picco, K. and Bone, J.N. and Foulds, J.L. and Gagnon, J.A. and Sehgal, A. and Quet, J. and Drouin, O. and Luu, T.M. and Vomiero, G. and Kanani, R. and Holland, J. and Goldman, R.D. and Kang, K.T. and Mahant, S. and Jin, F. and Tieder, J.S. and Gill, P.J.
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063183
2022Characteristics of children admitted to hospital with acute sars-cov-2 infection in Canada in 2020
Drouin, O. and Hepburn, C.M. and Farrar, D.S. and Baerg, K. and Chan, K. and Cyr, C. and Donner, E.J. and Embree, J.E. and Farrell, C. and Forgie, S. and Giroux, R. and Kang, K.T. and King, M. and Laffin, M. and Luu, T.M. and Orkin, J. and Papenburg, J. and Pound, C.M. and Price, V.E. and Purewal, R. and Sadarangani, M. and Salvadori, M.I. and Top, K.A. and Viel-Theriault, I. and Kakkar, F. and Morris, S.K.
DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.210053
2021Characteristics of children admitted to hospital with acute SARS-CoV-2 infection in Canada in 2020,Caractéristiques des hospitalisations au Canada d'enfants ayant contracté une infection aiguë par le SRAS-CoV-2 en 2020
Drouin, O. and Hepburn, C.M. and Farrar, D.S. and Baerg, K. and Chan, K. and Cyr, C. and Donner, E.J. and Embree, J.E. and Farrell, C. and Forgie, S. and Giroux, R. and Kang, K.T. and King, M. and Laffin, M. and Luu, T.M. and Orkin, J. and Papenburg, J. and Pound, C.M. and Price, V.E. and Purewal, R. and Sadarangani, M. and Salvadori, M.I. and Top, K.A. and Viel-Thériault, I. and Kakkar, F. and Morris, S.K.
DOI: 10.1503/CMAJ.210053-F
2021First pediatric electronic algorithm to stratify risk of penicillin allergy.
Allergy, asthma, and clinical immunology : official journal of the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Roberts H and Soller L and Ng K and Chan ES and Roberts A and Kang K and Hildebrand KJ and Wong T
DOI: 10.1186/s13223-020-00501-6
PubMed: 33292528
12/2020Health care providers must be alert for violence against children during the pandemic.
CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne
Kang KT and Jain N
DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.75780
PubMed: 32660941
07/2020Child abuse and neglect in the covid-19 era: A primer for front-line physicians in British Columbia
British Columbia Medical Journal
Kang, K.T. and Jain, N.
2020Non-invasive assessment of aortic stiffness and blood pressure in young Turner syndrome patients
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism
Danya A. Fox and Kristopher T. Kang and James E. Potts and Timothy J. Bradley and Laura L. Stewart and Janis M. Dionne and George G.S. Sandor
DOI: 10.1515/jpem-2018-0346
05/2019Third-generation cephalosporin-resistant urinary tract infections in children presenting to the paediatric emergency department.
Paediatrics & child health
Kang KT and Ng K and Kendrick J and Tilley P and Ting J and Rassekh S and Murthy S and Roberts A
DOI: 10.1093/pch/pxy175
PubMed: 32296278
02/2019Authors reply
British Columbia Medical Journal
Roberts, A. and Gantt, S. and Ng, K. and Paquette, V. and Kang, K.
2016Placing Equity at the Core of Global Health Research: Time for an Expanded Ethical Framework?
Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics
Kristopher T. Kang and Niranjan Kissoon and Ashley Roberts
DOI: 10.1007/s40746-015-0019-3
04/2015Management of influenza infection in children and pregnant women in BC, an update
British Columbia Medical Journal
Ng, K. and Paquette, V. and Kang, K.T. and Gantt, S. and Roberts, A.
2015Systems for Pediatric Sepsis: A Global Survey
West Indian Medical Journal
KT Kang and HK Chandler and V Espinosa and N Kissoon
DOI: 10.7727/wimj.2013.326
10/2014Permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia in children: a multicenter experience.
Heart rhythm
DOI: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2014.04.033
PubMed: 24769425
08/2014Current management of focal atrial tachycardia in children: a multicenter experience.
Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology
DOI: 10.1161/circep.113.001423
PubMed: 25015944
08/2014 - Research
Current Projects
Epidemiology and management of gram negative infections in children at BC Children's Hospital and BC Women's Hospital. This work includes several clinical research studies to explore the incidence, epidemiology, management, and outcomes of gram negative infections, as well as to understand the risk factors associated with multidrug resistance.
Targeting inpatients to increase vaccination rates for children at risk of severe infection. This is a quality improvement initiative to address the problem of undervaccination in hospitalized children. This project is supported through the Hudson Scholars Program in Pediatric Medicine and involves collaboration with the Vaccine Evaluation Center.
Implementation and evaluation of a modified algorithm for oseltamivir use to treat influenza infection. This is a combined quality improvement/clinical research study designed to improve evidence-based care and clinical outcomes for children and pregnant women with influenza infection.Honours & AwardsHudson Scholars Program in Pediatric Medicine, 2016
UBC Pediatric Postgraduate Medical Education Award, "Rookie of the Year", 2016
Congratulations CIHR Fall 2024 Project Grant recipients
Congratulations to the investigators and their teams who were awarded funding through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Fall 2024 Project Grant competition!