- Overview
I am a pediatric anesthesiologist who develops and researches ways for patients and families to have better experiences when they come for procedures. To do this, I create, operationalize, and then analyze the efficacy of peri-operative wellness programs that help kids and their caregivers take control of the way they feel when they are in the hospital. I do this by teaching them mind-body techniques that help ease anxiety, promote relaxation, and help control stress. My research centers on the feasibility of such programs, and determining how effective they are at their goals.
- Publications
Parental Perspectives on Pediatric Surgical Recovery: Narrative Analysis of Free-Text Comments From a Postoperative Survey
JMIR Perioperative Medicine
Jessica Luo and Nicholas C West and Samantha Pang and Julie M Robillard and Patricia Page and Neil K Chadha and Heng Gan and Lynnie R Correll and Randa Ridgway and Natasha Broemling and Matthias Görges
DOI: 10.2196/65198
12/2024Parental Perspectives on Pediatric Surgical Recovery: Narrative Analysis of Free-Text Comments From a Postoperative Survey (Preprint)
Jessica Luo and Nicholas C West and Samantha Pang and Julie M Robillard and Patricia Page and Neil K Chadha and Heng Gan and Lynnie R Correll and Randa Ridgway and Natasha Broemling and Matthias Görges
DOI: 10.2196/preprints.65198
08/2024Reducing Unplanned Intubations in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit After Children's Surgery: A Quality Improvement Project
Journal of Pediatric Surgery
DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2023.09.029
2024Corrigendum to: “Reducing Unplanned Intubations in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit After Children's Surgery: A Quality Improvement Project” [J Pediatr Surg 59 (1) (2024 Jan) 45–52] (Journal of Pediatric Surgery (2024) 59(1) (45–52), (S0022346823005663), (10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2023.09.029))
Journal of Pediatric Surgery
DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2024.01.005
2024Patient and Process Outcomes among Pediatric Patients Undergoing Appendectomy during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Retrospective Cohort Study
DOI: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000004570
2023Prevalence of COVID-19 and Risk Factors for Infection Among Pediatric Anesthesia Patients: A Report From the PEACOC Research Network
Anesthesia and Analgesia
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006227
2023The Use of Virtual Reality to Reduce Pain and Anxiety in Surgical Procedures of the Oral Cavity: A Scoping Review
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Martinez-Bernal, D. and Vidovich, C. and Keenan, C. and Correll, L. and Laserna, A. and Hasselberg, M. and Cross, W.F. and Kolokythas, A.
DOI: 10.1016/j.joms.2022.11.011
2023Preoperative optimization in the pediatric patient
International Anesthesiology Clinics
Gloff, M.S. and Robinson, R. and Correll, L.R. and Lander, H. and Pyne, S. and Webber, A.
DOI: 10.1097/AIA.0000000000000342
2022Safety of antifibrinolytics in 6583 pediatric patients having craniosynostosis surgery: A decade of data reported from the multicenter Pediatric Craniofacial Collaborative Group
Paediatric Anaesthesia
King, M.R. and Staffa, S.J. and Stricker, P.A. and P{\'e}rez-Pradilla, C. and Nelson, O. and Benzon, H.A. and Goobie, S.M. and Abruzzese, C. and Asmal, I. and Bailey, K. and Barker, N. and Bhandari, A. and Beethe, A. and Binstock, W. and van den Bosch, C. and Bradford, V. and Bradley, J. and Bryan, K. and Brzenski, A. and Budac, S. and Busso, V. and de Castro, A. and Castro-Frenzel, K. and Chhabada, S. and Chiao, F. and Ching, J. and Cladis, F. and Claypool, D. and Collins, M. and Correll, L. and Costandi, A. and Dabek, R. and Dalesio, N. and Downard, M. and Echeverry, P. and Edala, T. and Edwards, C. and Ellison, P.R. and Enicker, B. and Falcon, R. and Fernandez, A. and Fernandez, P. and Fiadjoe, J. and Franzen, M. and Gangadharan, M. and Glover, C. and Gosman, A. and Governale, L. and Grivoyannis, A. and Grap, S. and Gries, H. and Griffin, A. and Hajduk, J. and Haas, T. and Hansen, J. and Hetmaniuk, M. and Homi, H.M. and Hsieh, H. and Hsieh, V. and Huang, H. and Ingelmo, P. and Ivanova, I. and Jain, R. and Kamel, G. and Kanmanthreddy, S. and Kars, M. and Koller, J. and Kowalczyk-Derderian, C. and Kugler, J. and Labovsky, K. and Lakheeram, I. and Lazar, A. and Lee, A. and Lee, J. and Madaree, A. and Malviya, S. and Martinez, J.L. and Mason, A. and Medellin, E. and Mehta, V. and Meier, P.M. and Levy, H.M. and Mueller, M. and Muhly, W.T. and Muldowney, B. and Nause-Osthoff, R. and Nelson, J. and Nicholson, J. and Nguyen, K.-P. and Nguyen, T. and Owens-Stubblefield, M. and Pankratz, M. and Parekh, U.R. and Parikh, M. and Patel, J. and Patel, R. and Patel, V. and Petersen, T. and Post, J. and Poteet-Schwartz, K. and Puglia, M.P. and Reddy, S.K. and Reid, R. and Ricketts, K. and McCormick, M.R. and Ryan, L. and Sbrollini, K. and Seidman, P. and Seubert, C. and Salik, I. and Singh, D.J. and Singhal, N.R. and Skitt, R. and Soneru, C. and Sorial, E. and Starker, E. and Stubbeman, B. and Sunder, R. and Sung, W. and Syed, T. and Szmuk, P. and Taicher, B.M. and Taylor, J. and Taylor, K. and Thompson, D. and Titler, S.S. and Ungar-Kastner, G. and Whyte, S. and Wong, A. and Wong, K. and Yates, H. and Zamora, L.
DOI: 10.1111/pan.14540
2022A survey of the global impact of COVID-19 on the practice of pediatric anesthesia: A study from the pediatric anesthesia COVID-19 Collaborative Group
Paediatric Anaesthesia
Soneru, C.N. and Fernandez, A.M. and Bradford, V. and Staffa, S.J. and Raman, V.T. and Cravero, J. and Zurakowski, D. and Meier, P.M. and Balakrishnan, S. and Bansal, V. and Torres, A.B. and Beethe, A. and Benzon, H.A. and Bhandari, A. and Bocanegra, A. and Bould, D. and Peterson, M.B. and Brzenski, A. and Busso, V. and Cain, J.G. and Cassidy, M. and Cheon, E.C. and Chhabada, S. and Correll, L.R. and Dalesio, N.M. and Davidson, A. and Derderian, C. and Dhumak, V. and Disma, N. and D{'}Mello, A. and Echeverry, P. and Ellison, P.R. and Erb, T. and Fajardo, A. and Falcon, R.J. and Frugoni, B. and Garc{\'i}a, J. and Giraldo, O.L. and Glover, C.D. and Goeller, J. and Goobie, S.M. and Gooch, I. and Granados, L.M. and Grivoyannis, A. and Guruswamy, V. and Hesselink, E. and Hobbs, J. and Hunyady, A. and Jain, R. and Jorge-Reynolds, L. and Kato, M.A. and King, M.R. and Kitzman, J. and Koh, J. and Lester, A. and Lorinc, A. and Lozano, C. and Manupipatpong, K. and Matava, C. and McLuckie, D. and Merchant, K. and Levy, H.M. and Muldowney, B.L. and Navarro, J.A. and Nelson, J. and Patel, A. and Patel, R. and Ravula, N. and Reddy, D. and Reddy, S.K. and McCormick, M.R. and Roque, R. and Rosen, D. and Beel, E.R. and Rothschild, L. and Sarmiento, L. and Shadrina, A. and Shaw, R. and Sheth, M. and Simpao, A.F. and Singh, N. and Smith, T.E. and Soria, C. and Szmuk, P. and Taicher, B.M. and Tan, G.M. and Teng, H. and Edala, T. and Tighe, N. and Tom, S. and Trujillo, A. and Vishneski, S.R. and Vivas, J.P. and Samek, A.V. and von Ungern-Sternberg, B.S. and Whyte, S. and Wilder, R.T.
DOI: 10.1111/pan.14174
2021The Pediatric Craniofacial Collaborative Group (PCCG) Consensus Conference Methodology
Paediatric Anaesthesia
Derderian, C.K. and Derderian, C.A. and Fernandez, A. and Glover, C.D. and Goobie, S. and Hansen, J.K. and King, M. and Kugler, J. and Lang, S.-S. and Meier-Haran, P. and Nelson, O. and Reddy, S.K. and Reid, R. and Ricketts, K. and Rottgers, S.A. and Singh, D. and Szmuk, P. and Taicher, B.M. and Taylor, J. and Stricker, P.A. and Abruzzese, C. and Bhandari, A. and Beethe, A. and Benzon, H. and Binstock, W. and Bradford, V. and Bradley, J. and Brzenski, A. and Budac, S. and Busso, V. and Chhabada, S. and Chiao, F. and Cladis, F. and Claypool, D. and Collins, M. and Correll, L. and Costandi, A. and Dabek, R. and Dalesio, N. and Echeverry, P. and Edala, T. and Falcon, R. and Fernandez, P. and Fiadjoe, J. and Gangadharan, M. and Glover, C. and Goobie, S.M. and Gosman, A. and Grivoyannis, A. and Grap, S. and Gries, H. and Griffin, A. and Hajduk, J. and Haas, T. and Hall, R. and Hansen, J. and Hetmaniuk, M. and Homi, H.M. and Hsieh, V. and Huang, H. and Ingelmo, P. and Ivanova, I. and Jain, R. and Kanmanthreddy, S. and Kars, M. and King, M. and Koller, J. and Kowalczyk-Derderian, C. and Labovsky, K. and Lakheeram, I. and Lazar, A. and Lee, A. and Lee, J. and Martinez, J.L. and Mason, A. and Medellin, E. and Mehta, V. and Mitzel Levy, H. and Muhly, W.T. and Muldowney, B. and Nelson, J. and Nicholson, J. and Nguyen, K.-P. and Nguyen, T. and Owens-Stubblefield, M. and Pankratz, M. and Ramesh Parekh, U. and Patel, J. and Patel, R. and Patel, V. and Perez-Pradilla, C. and Petersen, T. and Post, J. and Poteet-Schwartz, K. and Ranganathan, P. and Reddy, S. and Rodgers McCormick, M. and Ryan, L. and Sbrollini, K. and Seidman, P. and Singhal, N.R. and Skitt, R. and Soneru, C. and Sorial, E. and Spitznagel, R. and Stubbeman, B. and Sunder, R. and Sung, W. and Syed, T. and Taylor, J. and Taylor, K. and Thompson, D. and Ungar-Kastner, G. and Wong, K. and Yates, H. and Zamora, L.
DOI: 10.1111/pan.14066
2021Urgent Complex Intraoperative Reintubation in a Known Difficult Airway After Endotracheal Tube Damage: A Case Report.
A&A practice
Correll LR and Jin C and Park MS and Webber AM
DOI: 10.1213/xaa.0000000000000967
PubMed: 30663995
07/2019Treatment options: Severe aortic stenosis and ganglion cyst excision
Anesthesia OSCE Review
2018Sedation is more Efficient than General Anesthesia for Stapes Surgery: A Single Center Experience
Journal of Clinical Case Studies
Correll LR
DOI: 10.16966/2471-4925.129
2016Transversus abdominis plane block and treatment of viscerosomatic abdominal pain
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
Smith, D.I. and Hawson, A. and Correll, L.
DOI: 10.1097/AAP.0000000000000321
2015Shared acquired genomic changes in zebrafish and human T-ALL
L A Rudner and K H Brown and K P Dobrinski and D F Bradley and M I Garcia and A C H Smith and J M Downie and N D Meeker and A T Look and J R Downing and A Gutierrez and C G Mullighan and J D Schiffman and C Lee and N S Trede and J K Frazer
DOI: 10.1038/onc.2011.138
05/2011Modeling human hematologic malignancies in zebrafish: A review.
Current Trends in Immunology
2011Characterization of the zebrafish T cell receptor ß locus
Nathan D. Meeker and Alexandra C. H. Smith and J. Kimble Frazer and Diana F. Bradley and Lynnie A. Rudner and Cynthia Love and Nikolaus S. Trede
DOI: 10.1007/s00251-009-0407-6
01/2010Heritable T-cell malignancy models established in a zebrafish phenotypic screen
J K Frazer and N D Meeker and L Rudner and D F Bradley and A C H Smith and B Demarest and D Joshi and E E Locke and S A Hutchinson and S Tripp and S L Perkins and N S Trede
DOI: 10.1038/leu.2009.116
06/2009Dynamic Fluorescent Imaging of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Gag in Live Cells by Biarsenical Labeling
Journal of Virology
Lynnie Rudner and Sascha Nydegger and Lori V. Coren and Kunio Nagashima and Markus Thali and David E. Ott
DOI: 10.1128/jvi.79.7.4055-4065.2005
04/2005Necroinflammatory Liver Disease in BALB/c Background, TGF-ß1-Deficient Mice Requires CD4+ T Cells
The Journal of Immunology
Lynnie A. Rudner and Jack T. Lin and Il-Kyoo Park and Justin M. M. Cates and Darci A. Dyer and Douglas M. Franz and Margaret A. French and Elizabeth M. Duncan and Hillary D. White and James D. Gorham
DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.170.9.4785
05/2003Genetic Regulation of Autoimmune Disease: BALB/c Background TGF-ß1-Deficient Mice Develop Necroinflammatory IFN-¿-Dependent Hepatitis
The Journal of Immunology
James D. Gorham and Jack T. Lin and James L. Sung and Lynnie A. Rudner and Margaret A. French
DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.166.10.6413
05/2001 - Research
Development of an Integrative Medicine Perioperative Program to Address Stressors Amongst Adolescents Undergoing Orthopedic Surgery: A Pilot Study
This study will determine the potential of a non-pharmacologic skill-based integrative medicine program to reduce perioperative stress in adolescents undergoing routine orthopedic surgery. Pilot data will be analyzed and evaluated as preparation for a future multi-institutional implementation of this novel program for use with adolescents undergoing many types of surgery.GrantsAmerican Association of Pediatrics Section On Integrative Medicine Education Grant 2020 | Awarded: May 2020 | Total Amount: $1,500.00 | July 2020 - May 2021
University of Rochester Department of Orthopedics Goldstein Award Grant | Grant Type: non-NIH | Awarded: May 2020 | Total Amount: $19,000.00
Honours & AwardsBest Poster Winner: 1st place, University of Rochester Lawrence Day Symposium | 2019
Best Poster Winner: 2nd place, University of Rochester Lawrence Day Symposium | 2018
Resident-Teacher of the Year Award, University of Rochester Department of Anesthesiology | 2016
Research Group MembersArshvir Dhari, Research Assistant
McKenna Postles, Student Research Assistant
Jenna Ramji, Undergraduate Research Assistant
Miku Wake, Clinical Research Assistant
Nick West, Clinical Research Coordinator
Congratulations CIHR Fall 2024 Project Grant recipients
Congratulations to the investigators and their teams who were awarded funding through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Fall 2024 Project Grant competition!