- Overview
The focus of my research is to support health care professionals who provide hands on care to engage in research activities they are interested in as a part of their day to day work. This has shown to have significant impacts on patient outcomes and improves their hospital experiences.
- Publications
Equity Matters: Introduction to a New Column
Neonatal Network
DOI: 10.1891/NN-2023-0078
2024Neonatal nursing research in low-and middle-income countries: A scoping review
Journal of Neonatal Nursing
DOI: 10.1016/j.jnn.2024.05.004
2024Health Equity Special Issue
Neonatal Network
DOI: 10.1891/NN-2023-0029
2023Developing an Equity Mindset: How Neonatal Nurses Can Impact Health Outcomes by Reducing Disparities
Neonatal Network
DOI: 10.1891/NN-2023-0028
2023Neonatal sepsis in low-income countries: epidemiology, diagnosis and prevention
Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy
Popescu, C.R. and Cavanagh, M.M.M. and Tembo, B. and Chiume, M. and Lufesi, N. and Goldfarb, D.M. and Kissoon, N. and Lavoie, P.M.
DOI: 10.1080/14787210.2020.1732818
2020Whole blood genome-wide transcriptome profiling and metagenomics next-generation sequencing in young infants with suspected sepsis in a low-and middle-income country: A study protocol
Gates Open Research
Lavoie, P.M. and Popescu, C.R. and Tembo, B. and Chifisi, R. and Cavanagh, M.M.M. and Lee, A.-Y. and Chiluzi, B. and Ciccone, E.J. and Tegha, G. and Alonso-Prieto, E. and Claydon, J. and Dunsmuir, D. and Irvine, M. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, J.M. and Wiens, M.O. and Juliano, J.J. and Kissoon, N. and Mvalo, T. and Lufesi, N. and Chiume-Kayuni, M.
DOI: 10.12688/gatesopenres.13172.2
2020 - Research
Capacity Building in Neonatal Nursing Research in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: A Malawi Case Study
A qualitative study that utilizes a case study methodology informed by participatory action and a post-colonial feminism lens. The purpose of this study is to critically examine the concept of capacity building in global health research and challenge the dominant discourses that have worked to silence the local neonatal nursing voice. It explores the meaning of research in a low-and middle-income context and aims to uncover the ways in which capacity can be built for research from the local perspective. Knowledge derived from this study can then be used to support ongoing engagement in research for local nurses and provide direction for future global health projects.Nursing and Allied Health Practice-based Research at BC Children’s Hospital
The purpose of this study is to develop and integrate practice-based research for point of care staff at BC Children’s Hospital. This will be accomplished by working to facilitate a positive research culture within the institution and by the conduction of a practice-based research challenge. The project involves creating the process for practice-based research and utilizing an implementation framework for its rigorous evaluation.Research Group MembersBill McMillan, CDBC Provincial Clinical Coordinator
Unlocking the mystery of nephrotic syndrome in kids: Q&A with new investigator Dr. Susan Samuel
Pediatric nephrologist Dr. Susan Samuel, a new investigator who joined BCCHR in September 2024, has been investigating ways to improve the quality of life of children diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. She is serving as the director for the ENRICH program, a national network of mentors and learners. We met Dr. Samuel to talk about the importance of research and mentorship.