
Some individuals are born with a tendency to bleed without significant triggers. There are many new therapies emerging that can help these patients that need testing and evaluation of how well they work to improve bleeding problems in these individuals. I am interested in not only assessing how well they work but what the impact of better treatment has on these individuals’ daily lives.


Long-term immunogenicity, efficacy and tolerability of simoctocog alfa in patients with severe haemophilia A who had completed the NuProtect study in previously untreated patients
DOI: 10.1111/hae.14796

Simoctocog alfa (Nuwiq®) in previously untreated patients with severe haemophilia A—Final efficacy and safety results from the NuProtect study
European Journal of Haematology
DOI: 10.1111/ejh.14040

Management of children with hemophilia A on emicizumab who need surgery
Frontiers in Pediatrics
DOI: 10.3389/fped.2023.1155853

Kids! We need to CHAT about clots and central lines
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtha.2023.05.002

Les effets de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur la santé mentale des enfants atteints de problèmes de santé physique ou d’incapacités, des familles et des professionnels de la santé
Paediatrics & Child Health
David B Nicholas and Rosslynn T Zulla and Olivia Conlon and Gina Dimitropoulos and Simon Urschel and Adam Rapoport and Sherri Lynne Katz and Aisha Bruce and Lori J West and Mark Belletrutti and Emma Cullen and Lonnie Zwaigenbaum
DOI: 10.1093/pch/pxac009

Mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on children with underlying health and disability issues, and their families and health care providers
Paediatrics & Child Health
David B Nicholas and Rosslynn T Zulla and Olivia Conlon and Gina Dimitropoulos and Simon Urschel and Adam Rapoport and Sherri Lynne Katz and Aisha Bruce and Lori J West and Mark Belletrutti and Emma Cullen and Lonnie Zwaigenbaum
DOI: 10.1093/pch/pxab103

Quality of life in adolescents with heavy menstrual bleeding: Validation of the Adolescent Menstrual Bleeding Questionnaire (aMBQ)
Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Pike, M. and Chopek, A. and Young, N.L. and Usuba, K. and Belletrutti, M.J. and McLaughlin, R. and Van Eyk, N. and Bouchard, A. and Matteson, K. and Price, V.E.
DOI: 10.1002/rth2.12615

The curious case of the bleeding twins: Neonatal bleeding secondary to acetylsalicylic acid prescribed for preeclampsia prevention
Paediatrics and Child Health (Canada)
Ediger, K. and Chok, R. and Belletrutti, M. and Hicks, M.
DOI: 10.1093/pch/pxaa091

Measuring the impact of hemophilia on families: Development of the Hemophilia Family Impact Tool (H-FIT)
Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Dover, S. and Young, N.L. and Blanchette, V.S. and Klaassen, R.J. and Chan, A.K. and Wakefield, C. and Bouskill, V. and Carcao, M. and Belletrutti, M. and Bruce, A.A.K. and Price, V.E.
DOI: 10.1002/rth2.12519

Simoctocog Alfa (Nuwiq) in Previously Untreated Patients with Severe Haemophilia A: Final Results of the NuProtect Study
Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Liesner, R.J. and Abraham, A. and Altisent, C. and Belletrutti, M.J. and Carcao, M. and Carvalho, M. and Chambost, H. and Chan, A.K.C. and Dubey, L. and Ducore, J. and Gattens, M. and Gresele, P. and Gruel, Y. and Guillet, B. and Jimenez-Yuste, V. and Kitanovski, L. and Klukowska, A. and Lohade, S. and Mancuso, M.E. and Oldenburg, J. and Pavlova, A. and Pollio, B. and Sigaud, M. and Vdovin, V. and Vilchevska, K. and Wu, J.K.M. and Jansen, M. and Belyanskaya, L. and Walter, O. and Knaub, S. and Neufeld, E.J.
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1722623

Updating the Canadian Hemophilia Outcomes–Kids’ Life Assessment Tool (CHO-KLAT) in the era of extended half-life clotting factor concentrates
Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Price, V.E. and Dover, S. and Blanchette, V.S. and Klaassen, R.J. and Belletrutti, M. and Bruce, A.A.K. and Chan, A.K. and Wakefield, C. and Carcao, M. and Bouskill, V. and Young, N.L.
DOI: 10.1002/rth2.12498

Real-world data of immune tolerance induction using recombinant factor VIII Fc fusion protein in patients with severe haemophilia A with inhibitors at high risk for immune tolerance induction failure: A follow-up retrospective analysis
Carcao, M. and Shapiro, A. and Hwang, N. and Pipe, S. and Ahuja, S. and Lieuw, K. and Staber, J.M. and Belletrutti, M. and Sun, H.L. and Ding, H. and Wang, M. and Price, V. and Steele, M. and Tsao, E. and Feng, J. and Al-Khateeb, Z. and Dumont, J. and Jain, N.
DOI: 10.1111/hae.14192

Cold External Temperatures and Sickle Cell Morbidity in Children: A Retrospective Analysis
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Wachnian, C. and Tompkins, N. and Corriveau-Bourque, C. and Belletrutti, M. and Bruce, A.A.K.
DOI: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000001627

Perceived Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pediatric Care in Canada: A Roundtable Discussion
Global Pediatric Health
Nicholas, D.B. and Belletrutti, M. and Dimitropoulos, G. and Katz, S.L. and Rapoport, A. and Urschel, S. and West, L. and Zwaigenbaum, L.
DOI: 10.1177/2333794X20957652

Engaging Fathers in Pediatric Palliative Care Research
Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care
Nicholas, D. and Beaune, L. and Belletrutti, M. and Blumberg, J. and Ing, S. and Rapoport, A. and Barrera, M.
DOI: 10.1080/15524256.2019.1703877

Supplemental oxygen therapy recommendations in patients with sickle cell disease during air travel: A cross-sectional survey of North American health care providers
Paediatrics and Child Health (Canada)
Padda, A. and Corriveau-Bourque, C. and Belletrutti, M. and Bruce, A.A.K.
DOI: 10.1093/pch/pxz049

Using pharmacokinetics for tailoring prophylaxis in people with hemophilia switching between clotting factor products: A scoping review
Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Yu, J.K. and Iorio, A. and Edginton, A.N. and Ahuja, S. and ?lvarez Román, M.T. and Arrieta, M.E. and Arola, M. and Barillari, G. and Balasa, V. and Belletrutti, M. and Berrueco Moreno, R. and Beurrier, P. and Bidlingmaier, C. and Blanchette, V. and Blatny, J. and Bonanad, S. and Brose, K. and Brown, D. and Byant, P.C. and Canaro, M. and Carvalho, M. and Catarino, C. and Chitlur, M. and Cockrell, E. and Chowdary, P. and Cnossen, M. and Collins, P. and Coppens, M. and Croteau, S. and Cultrera, D. and de Cristofaro, R. and de Raucourt, E. and Desprez, D. and Dunn, A. and El-Ekiabi, M. and Faganel Kotnik, B. and Fischer, K. and Frotscher, B. and Garbiero, S. and Garrido Ruiz, R. and Gill, J. and Gomez del Castillo, C. and Gottstein, S. and Lassandro, G. and Giordano, P. and Hart, D. and Hegemann, I. and Hermans, C. and Hua, B. and Hwang, N. and Jackson, S. and James, P. and Katsarou, O. and Kavakli, K. and Kempton, C. and Kentouche, K. and Khan, O. and Kobelt, R. and Kruse-Jarres, R. and Laane, E. and Larson, E. and Lassila, R. and Lee, A. and Poon, M.-C. and Lissick, J. and Langstrom, S. and Mahlangu, J. and Makris, M. and Marchesini, E. and Mateo, J. and Marco Vera, P. and Martorell, M. and Matsushita, T. and McCrae, S. and Mignot-Castellano, E. and Montcrieff, C. and Maes, P. and Mondelars, V. and Bekart, M. and Mora, E. and Cristóbal Morales, J. and Mourey, G. and Bertrand, M.A. and Napolitano, M. and Siragusa, S. and Negrier, C. and Neme, D. and Niinimaki, R. and Oldenburg, J. and Albert, T. and Ornstein, D. and Ozelo, M. and Panetta, J.C. and Neufeld, E.J. and P'Ng, S. and Peerlinck, K. and Pollio, B. and Poulard, C. and Gruel, Y. and Prezotti, A. and Price, V. and Primacakti, F. and Puyade, M. and Radossi, P. and Raffini, L. and Ragni, M. and Rangarajan, S. and Reding, M.T. and Reid, R. and Restrepo, J. and Ramirez, J. and Recht, M. and Rodriguez Lopez, M. and Ruiz-Sàez, A. and Saleh, M. and Shapiro, A. and Sharathkumar, A. and Selmeczi, A. and Simpson, M. and Singleton, T. and Cruz, M.S. and Soto, V. and Steele, M. and Streif, W. and Sun, H.W. and Ritchie, B. and Sun, J. and Feng, X. and Suzuki, T. and Nagao, A. and Takemoto, C. and Tapp, H. and Teitel, J. and Tinmouth, A. and Thornburg, C. and Tosseto, A. and Turnstall, O. and Vezina, C. and Warren, B. and Wheeler, A. and Wilches Gutierrez, J.D. and Wu, J.K.M. and Wynn, T. and Yang, R. and Young, G. and Zanon, E. and Zupan, I.
DOI: 10.1002/rth2.12204

Severe haemophilia A in a neonate presenting as haemopneumothorax after tracheo-oesophageal fistula-oesophageal atresia repair
BMJ Case Reports
Zita Hung and Mohammed Bahari and Mark J Belletrutti and Chloe Joynt
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2018-225526

Recombinant factor VIII Fc fusion protein for immune tolerance induction in patients with severe haemophilia A with inhibitors—A retrospective analysis
Carcao, M. and Shapiro, A. and Staber, J.M. and Hwang, N. and Druzgal, C. and Lieuw, K. and Belletrutti, M. and Thornburg, C.D. and Ahuja, S.P. and Morales-Arias, J. and Dumont, J. and Miyasato, G. and Tsao, E. and Jain, N. and Pipe, S.W.
DOI: 10.1111/hae.13413

Immunogenicity, efficacy and safety of Nuwiq® (human-cl rhFVIII) in previously untreated patients with severe haemophilia A—Interim results from the NuProtect Study
Liesner, R.J. and Abashidze, M. and Aleinikova, O. and Altisent, C. and Belletrutti, M.J. and Borel-Derlon, A. and Carcao, M. and Chambost, H. and Chan, A.K.C. and Dubey, L. and Ducore, J. and Fouzia, N.A. and Gattens, M. and Gruel, Y. and Guillet, B. and Kavardakova, N. and El Khorassani, M. and Klukowska, A. and Lambert, T. and Lohade, S. and Sigaud, M. and Turea, V. and Wu, J.K.M. and Vdovin, V. and Pavlova, A. and Jansen, M. and Belyanskaya, L. and Walter, O. and Knaub, S. and Neufeld, E.J.
DOI: 10.1111/hae.13320

Blood coagulation dissected
Transfusion and Apheresis Science
Pryzdial, E.L.G. and Lee, F.M.H. and Lin, B.H. and Carter, R.L.R. and Tegegn, T.Z. and Belletrutti, M.J.
DOI: 10.1016/j.transci.2018.07.003

The clinical impact of copy number variants in inherited bone marrow failure syndromes
npj Genomic Medicine
Waespe, N. and Dhanraj, S. and Wahala, M. and Tsangaris, E. and Enbar, T. and Zlateska, B. and Li, H. and Klaassen, R.J. and Fernandez, C.V. and Cuvelier, G.D.E. and Wu, J.K. and Pastore, Y.D. and Silva, M. and Lipton, J.H. and Brossard, J. and Michon, B. and Abish, S. and Steele, M. and Sinha, R. and Belletrutti, M.J. and Breakey, V.R. and Jardine, L. and Goodyear, L. and Kofler, L. and Cada, M. and Sung, L. and Shago, M. and Scherer, S.W. and Dror, Y.
DOI: 10.1038/s41525-017-0019-2

Essentials for the Canadian Medical Licensing Exam
Belletrutti, M. and Liew, E.

Examining the Experiences of Fathers of Children with a Life-Limiting Illness
Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care
Nicholas, D.B. and Beaune, L. and Barrera, M. and Blumberg, J. and Belletrutti, M.
DOI: 10.1080/15524256.2016.1156601

Safety, tolerability and clinical pharmacology of dabigatran etexilate in adolescents: An open-label phase IIa study
Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Halton, J.M.L. and Lehr, T. and Cronin, L. and Lobmeyer, M.T. and Haertter, S. and Belletrutti, M. and Mitchell, L.G.
DOI: 10.1160/TH15-04-0275

Surgery as a Recurrent Trigger for Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) in a Patient Cured of M7 Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Monfries, N. and Belletrutti, M. and McKillop, S.
DOI: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000000533

HbM methaemoglobinaemia as a rare case of early neonatal benign cyanosis
BMJ Case Reports
Mohamed Sabry Elboraee and Gwen Clarke and Mark J Belletrutti and Sandra Escoredo
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2015-212336

The impact of category, cytopathology and cytogenetics on development and progression of clonal and malignant myeloid transformation in inherited bone marrow failure syndromes
Cada, M. and Segbefia, C.I. and Klaassen, R. and Fernandez, C.V. and Yanofsky, R.A. and Wu, J. and Pastore, Y. and Silva, M. and Lipton, J.H. and Brossard, J. and Michon, B. and Abish, S. and Steele, M. and Sinha, R. and Belletrutti, M. and Breakey, V. and Jardine, L. and Goodyear, L. and Sung, L. and Shago, M. and Beyene, J. and Sharma, P. and Zlateska, B. and Dror, Y.
DOI: 10.3324/haematol.2014.117457

Improving diagnostic precision, care and syndrome definitions using comprehensive next-generation sequencing for the inherited bone marrow failure syndromes
Journal of Medical Genetics
Ghemlas, I. and Li, H. and Zlateska, B. and Klaassen, R. and Fernandez, C.V. and Yanofsky, R.A. and Wu, J. and Pastore, Y. and Silva, M. and Lipton, J.H. and Brossard, J. and Michon, B. and Abish, S. and Steele, M. and Sinha, R. and Belletrutti, M. and Breakey, V.R. and Jardine, L. and Goodyear, L. and Sung, L. and Dhanraj, S. and Reble, E. and Wagner, A. and Beyene, J. and Ray, P. and Meyn, S. and Cada, M. and Dror, Y.
DOI: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2015-103270

Management and Outcome of Patients With Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis and Single-Bone CNS-Risk Lesions: A Multi-Institutional Retrospective Study
Pediatric Blood and Cancer
Chellapandian, D. and Shaikh, F. and van den Bos, C. and Somers, G.R. and Astigarraga, I. and Jubran, R. and Degar, B. and Carret, A.-S. and Mandel, K. and Belletrutti, M. and Dix, D. and Visser, J. and Abuhadra, N. and Chang, T. and Rollins, B. and Whitlock, J. and Weitzman, S. and Abla, O.
DOI: 10.1002/pbc.25645

Hemoglobin Constant Spring exhibits prolonged ex vivo stability when assessed by HPLC
Clinical Biochemistry
Estey, M.P. and Belletrutti, M. and Rodriguez-Capote, K. and Higgins, T.
DOI: 10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2015.03.021

Adenovirus necrotizing hepatitis complicating atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor
Pediatrics International
McKillop, S.J. and Belletrutti, M.J. and Lee, B.E. and Yap, J.Y. and Noga, M.L. and Desai, S.J. and Sergi, C.
DOI: 10.1111/ped.12674

Use of Gemcitabine With Multi-stage Surgical Resection as Successful Second-line Treatment of Metastatic Pancreatoblastoma
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Mark J. Belletrutti and David Bigam and Ravi Bhargava and Paul Grundy
DOI: 10.1097/mph.0b013e3182707577

Use of gemcitabine with multi-stage surgical resection as successful second-line treatment of metastatic pancreatoblastoma
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Belletrutti, M.J. and Bigam, D. and Bhargava, R. and Grundy, P.
DOI: 10.1097/MPH.0b013e3182707577

Central venous catheter sampling of low molecular heparin levels
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
M. E. Bauman and Mark Belletrutti and M. L. Bauman and M. P. Massicotte
DOI: 10.1097/pcc.0b013e31820ac2f6

Central venous catheter sampling of low molecular heparin levels: An approach to increasing result reliability
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Bauman, M.E. and Belletrutti, M. and Bauman, M.L. and Massicotte, M.P.
DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0b013e31820ac2f6

Typhlitis in Children With Malignancy
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Wael El-Matary and Maryam Soleimani and Donald Spady and Mark Belletrutti
DOI: 10.1097/mph.0b013e3181eda606

Typhlitis in children with malignancy: A single center experience
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
El-Matary, W. and Soleimani, M. and Spady, D. and Belletrutti, M.
DOI: 10.1097/MPH.0b013e3181eda606

Novel uses of insulin syringes to reduce dosing errors: A retrospective chart review of enoxaparin whole milligram dosing
Thrombosis Research
M.E. Bauman and K.L. Black and M.L. Bauman and Mark Belletrutti and L. Bajzar and M.P. Massicotte
DOI: 10.1016/j.thromres.2008.09.001

Evaluation of enoxaparin dosing requirements in infants and children: Better dosing to achieve therapeutic levels
Bauman, M.E. and Belletrutti, M.J. and Bajzar, L. and Black, K.L. and Kuhle, S. and Bauman, M.L. and Massicotte, M.P.
DOI: 10.1160/TH08-03-0148

A "living" will
Canadian Medical Association Journal
M. Belletrutti and I. DeKock
DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.080111

The authors respond
Belletrutti, M. and Dekock, I.
DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.1080040

Chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura in children: A survey of the canadian experience
Belletrutti, M. and Ali, K. and Barnard, D. and Blanchette, V. and Chan, A. and David, M. and Luke, B. and Price, V. and Ritchie, B. and Wu, J.
DOI: 10.1097/MPH.0b013e3180320b36


HAVEN7: A Phase IIIb, Multicenter, Open-Label, Single-Arm Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of Subcutaneous Emicizumab in Patients from Birth to 12 Months of Age with Hemophilia A without Inhibitors
Hemophilia is a hereditary disorder in which patients suffer from blood clotting impairment. Patients with hemophilia have a deficiency of a blood protein, a ‘clotting factor’. There are two types of hemophilia: hemophilia A and hemophilia B. Hemophilia A is the most prevalent and is characterized by a deficiency of the blood clotting factor, factor VIII (FVIII). Hemophilia A can be sub-divided into three different types based on plasma concentrations of FVIII: severe, with concentrations of 5 IU dL-1.

The purpose of this study is to describe the experience of newborns and infants (aged less than or equal to 1 year of age) with severe hemophilia A when they receive emicizumab treatment for 1 year. It is also to evaluate whether they experience any good or bad effects with emicizumab. After 1 year of treatment, children in this study will continue to receive emicizumab and will be monitored for an additional 7 years as part of this study. The purpose is to learn how emicizumab works in children with hemophilia A as they grow and develop, and to check the health of their joints over time. A total of about 50 children at ~20 sites globally will take part in this study (about 20 children younger than 3 months of age and 30 children from 3 months to 12 months of age at the time of enrolment). It is anticipated that about 1 - 2 children will participate in this study at B.C. Children’s Hospital.

Prospective study of experience with Bayer’s recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) concentrate, Kovaltry, in persons with hemophilia A followed in Comprehensive Care Hemophilia Programs in Canada
Hemophilia A affects approximately 3,000 Canadians, of which approximately 30% exhibit the severe phenotype and approximately 10% exhibit the moderate phenotype. Patients with severe hemophilia experience spontaneous and trauma-induced bleeds. Bleeding into joints initiates a sequence of events that can culminate in disabling arthropathy. Clotting factor replacement therapy, administered either ‘on demand’ following acute bleeding episodes or prophylactically, is the mainstay for treatment of hemophilia. In clinical practice, FVIII doses are typically calculated based on body weight and rounded to the nearest vial size. Recent research has demonstrated the benefit of further tailoring a person’s factor dose based on their pharmacokinetic profile but this has traditionally required blood sampling at multiple time-points (6-10 samples) and sophisticated software to analyze. Recently, a more efficient sampling combined with newly developed software that uses a population PK model (estimates individual PK parameters based upon PK measurements of a large population and variables such as age and weight) has shown to be reliable and only required 2-4 blood draws.

This study aims to assess the predictive accuracy of a 2-point, single clinic visit PK sampling protocol with no washout (48 h ± 4 h and 3h ± 30 min) with a 3-point, 2 clinic visits PK sampling protocol with no washout (48 h ± 4 h, 3 h ± 30 min and 24 h ± 4 h) that is known to have minimal error for the PK parameter of terminal half-life. Patients age 0-18 years receiving Kovaltry, one of the Factor VIII replacement products will be assessed.

Exploring the psychosocial and health service consequences of Coronavirus on children and their families: Lessons learned for pediatric health care practice and policy
Building on past experience studying child and family impacts in the context of SARS, I am part of a pan-Canadian research team, with the help of CIHR funding, that is examining child and family impacts of COVID across several conditions, including cardiac transplantation and congenital heart lesions, chronic respiratory conditions, sickle cell disease, end-of-life conditions, and autism. We have published an initial roundtable discussion of clinicians during the early phase of the pandemic and are continuing to recruit and interview patients, families, and clinicians as this pandemic continues to evolve.


"Exploring the psychosocial and health service consequences of Coronavirus on children and their families: Lessons learned for pediatric health care practice and policy". Principal Investigator: D. Nicholas. Co-Investigators: M. Belletrutti, S. Katz, A. Rapaport, S. Urschel, L.J. West. Funding Source: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Operating Grant ($261,367) – 2 years, 2020-2022

"TIPS for Trainees: Understanding when to test for Thrombophilia in Pediatrics". Principal Investigator: A. Bruce. Co-Investigators: M. Belletrutti, C. Corriveau-Bourque. Funding Source: Canadian Pediatric Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network ($12,000) – 2 years, 2019-2021

"Bleeding in adolescent females on antiepileptic medications". Principal Investigator: C. Corriveau-Bourque. Co-Investigators: J. Kassiri, M. Belletrutti, A. Bruce. Funding Source: Canadian Pediatric Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network ($12,000) – 2 years, 2018-2021

Research Group Members

Claire Rollins, Student Research Assistant