- Overview
Ultrasound and invasive procedures (amniocentesis, chorionic villous sampling) are used to establish the fetus’s well being. My main research interest is to address the aspects of this process. Can we be more precise in counselling when diagnosing specific fetal anomalies? What are the impacts of associated anomalies?
There are unique aspects of the multiple pregnancy that need to be discussed at the time of the prenatal diagnosis counselling. I have reviewed the maternal and perinatal complications associated with triplet pregnancies at our institution, and amniocentesis for twin pregnancies. I have reviewed if we can use the level of amniotic fluid protein measured at the time of the amniocentesis to ensure that the procedure tested the two fetuses.
I am also involved in multicenter clinical trials. We are reviewing the use of antenatal steroids for prevention of morbidity associated with prematurity. A recently compiled study assessed the impact of doing external cephalic version at an earlier time in gestation on the caesarean section rate. The results are being analyzed.
- Publications
Insuffisance cervicale et cerclage cervical.
Brown R and Gagnon R and Delisle MF
DOI: 10.1016/j.jogc.2016.09.046
PubMed: 28063549
12/2016The Cost Implications in Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia of Early Versus Delayed External Cephalic Version in the Early External Cephalic Version 2 (EECV2) Trial.
Ahmed RJ and Gafni A and Hutton EK and Early ECV2 Trial Collaborative Group
DOI: 10.1016/j.jogc.2015.12.019
PubMed: 27106193
03/2016Fetal Outcomes of Prenatally Diagnosed Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Nine Years of Clinical Experience in a Canadian Tertiary Hospital.
Oh T and Chan S and Kieffer S and Delisle MF
DOI: 10.1016/j.jogc.2015.10.006
PubMed: 26872751
01/2016The role of cerclage beyond 24 weeks of gestation.
Brown R and Gagnon R and Delisle MF
PubMed: 25375297
10/2014Association between gestational age at birth, antenatal corticosteroids, and outcomes at 5 years: multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids for preterm birth study at 5 years of age (MACS-5).
Asztalos E and Willan A and Murphy K and Matthews S and Ohlsson A and Saigal S and Armson A and Kelly E and Delisle MF and Gafni A and Lee S and Sananes R and Rovet J and Guselle P and Amankwah K and MACS-5 Collaborative Group
DOI: 10.1186/1471-2393-14-272
PubMed: 25123162
08/2014Multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids for preterm birth study: outcomes in children at 5 years of age (MACS-5).
Asztalos EV and Murphy KE and Willan AR and Matthews SG and Ohlsson A and Saigal S and Armson BA and Kelly EN and Delisle MF and Gafni A and Lee SK and Sananes R and Rovet J and Guselle P and Amankwah K and Saleem M and Sanchez J and MACS-5 Collaborative Group
DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.2764
PubMed: 24126948
12/2013Cervical insufficiency and cervical cerclage.
Brown R and Gagnon R and Delisle MF and Maternal Fetal Medicine Committee and Gagnon R and Bujold E and Basso M and Bos H and Brown R and Cooper S and Crane J and Davies G and Gouin K and Menticoglou S and Mundle W and Pylypjuk C and Roggensack A and Sanderson F and Senikas V and Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
PubMed: 24405880
12/2013Intrauterine growth restriction: screening, diagnosis, and management.
Lausman A and Kingdom J and Maternal Fetal Medicine Committee and Gagnon R and Basso M and Bos H and Crane J and Davies G and Delisle MF and Hudon L and Menticoglou S and Mundle W and Ouellet A and Pressey T and Pylypjuk C and Roggensack A and Sanderson F
PubMed: 24007710
08/2013Effect of antenatal corticosteroids on fetal growth and gestational age at birth.
Murphy KE and Willan AR and Hannah ME and Ohlsson A and Kelly EN and Matthews SG and Saigal S and Asztalos E and Ross S and Delisle MF and Amankwah K and Guselle P and Gafni A and Lee SK and Armson BA and Multiple Courses of Antenatal Corticosteroids for Preterm Birth Study Collaborative Group
DOI: 10.1097/aog.0b013e31825189dc
PubMed: 22525902
05/2012Prediction of pediatric outcome after prenatal diagnosis and expectant antenatal management of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation.
Yong PJ and Von Dadelszen P and Carpara D and Lim K and Kent N and Tessier F and Delisle MF and Wong T and Blair G and Skarsgard ED
DOI: 10.1159/000331936
PubMed: 22310905
2012In Utero diagnosis and management of a fetus with homozygous a-Thalassemia in the second trimester: a case report and literature review.
Dwinnell SJ and Coad S and Butler B and Albersheim S and Wadsworth LD and Wu JK and Delisle MF
DOI: 10.1097/mph.0b013e31821b368c
PubMed: 22042285
12/2011Maternal side-effects after multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids (MACS): the three-month follow-up of women in the randomized controlled trial of MACS for preterm birth study.
Murphy KE and Hannah ME and Willan AR and Ohlsson A and Kelly EN and Matthews SG and Saigal S and Asztalos E and Ross S and Delisle MF and Tomat L and Amankwah K and Guselle P and Gafni A and Lee SK and Armson BA and MACS Collaborative Group
PubMed: 21923988
09/2011The Early External Cephalic Version (ECV) 2 Trial: an international multicentre randomised controlled trial of timing of ECV for breech pregnancies.
Hutton EK and Hannah ME and Ross SJ and Delisle MF and Carson GD and Windrim R and Ohlsson A and Willan AR and Gafni A and Sylvestre G and Natale R and Barrett Y and Pollard JK and Dunn MS and Turtle P and Early ECV2 Trial Collaborative Group
DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2010.02837.x
PubMed: 21291506
04/2011Multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids for preterm birth study: 2-year outcomes.
Asztalos EV and Murphy KE and Hannah ME and Willan AR and Matthews SG and Ohlsson A and Kelly EN and Saigal S and Ross S and Delisle MF and Amankwah K and Guselle P and Gafni A and Lee SK and Armson BA and Sananes R and Tomat L and Multiple Courses of Antenatal Corticosteroids for Preterm Birth Study Collaborative Group
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2010-0857
PubMed: 20956409
11/2010SOGC Clinical Practice Guidelines: Obesity in pregnancy. No. 239, February 2010.
Davies GA and Maxwell C and McLeod L and Gagnon R and Basso M and Bos H and Delisle MF and Farine D and Hudon L and Menticoglou S and Mundle W and Murphy-Kaulbeck L and Ouellet A and Pressey T and Roggensack A and Leduc D and Ballerman C and Biringer A and Duperron L and Jones D
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2010.03.008
PubMed: 20641146
08/2010[Cytomegalovirus infection in pregnancy].
Yinon Y and Farine D and Yudin MH and Gagnon R and Hudon L and Basso M and Bos H and Delisle MF and Menticoglou S and Mundle W and Ouellet A and Pressey T and Roggensack A and Boucher M and Castillo E and Gruslin A and Money DM and Murphy K and Ogilvie G and Paquet C
PubMed: 20500944
04/2010Cytomegalovirus infection in pregnancy.
Yinon Y and Farine D and Yudin MH and Gagnon R and Hudon L and Basso M and Bos H and Delisle MF and Menticoglou S and Mundle W and Ouellet A and Pressey T and Roggensack A and Boucher M and Castillo E and Gruslin A and Money DM and Murphy K and Ogilvie G and Paquet C
PubMed: 20500943
04/2010Obesity in pregnancy.
Davies GA and Maxwell C and McLeod L and Gagnon R and Basso M and Bos H and Delisle MF and Farine D and Hudon L and Menticoglou S and Mundle W and Murphy-Kaulbeck L and Ouellet A and Pressey T and Roggensack A and Leduc D and Ballerman C and Biringer A and Duperron L and Jones D
PubMed: 20181319
02/2010SOGC CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE: guidelines for the management of vasa previa.
Gagnon R and Morin L and Bly S and Butt K and Cargil YM and Denis N and Hietala-Coyle MA and Lim KI and Ouellet A and Racicot MH and Salem S and Hudon L and Basso M and Bos H and Delisle MF and Farine D and Grabowska K and Menticoglou S and Mundle W and Murphy-Kaulbeck L
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2009.09.011
PubMed: 20050202
01/2010SOGC clinical practice guideline: Vaginal delivery of breech presentation: no. 226, June 2009.
Kotaska A and Menticoglou S and Gagnon R and Farine D and Basso M and Bos H and Delisle MF and Grabowska K and Hudon L and Mundle W and Murphy-Kaulbeck L and Ouellet A and Pressey T and Roggensack A and Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2009.07.002
PubMed: 19824190
11/2009Antibiotic therapy in preterm premature rupture of the membranes.
Yudin MH and van Schalkwyk J and Van Eyk N and Boucher M and Castillo E and Cormier B and Gruslin A and Money DM and Murphy K and Ogilvie G and Paquet C and Steenbeek A and Wong T and Gagnon R and Hudon L and Basso M and Bos H and Delisle MF and Farine D and Grabowska K
PubMed: 19941711
09/2009Guidelines for the management of vasa previa.
Gagnon R and Morin L and Bly S and Butt K and Cargill YM and Denis N and Hietala-Coyle MA and Lim KI and Ouellet A and Raciot MH and Salem S and Diagnostic Imaging Committee and Hudon L and Basso M and Bos H and Delisle MF and Farine D and Grabowska K and Menticoglou S and Mundle W
PubMed: 19772710
08/2009Vaginal delivery of breech presentation.
Kotaska A and Menticoglou S and Gagnon R and Farine D and Basso M and Bos H and Delisle MF and Grabowska K and Hudon L and Mundle W and Murphy-Kaulbeck L and Ouellet A and Pressey T and Roggensack A and Maternal Fetal Medicine Committee and Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
PubMed: 19646324
06/2009Management of meconium at birth.
Roggensack A and Jefferies AL and Farine D and Basso M and Basso M and Delisle MF and Hudon L and Mundle WR and Murphy-Kaulbeck LC and Ouellet A and Pressey T
PubMed: 19497156
04/2009Multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids for preterm birth (MACS): a randomised controlled trial.
Murphy KE and Hannah ME and Willan AR and Hewson SA and Ohlsson A and Kelly EN and Matthews SG and Saigal S and Asztalos E and Ross S and Delisle MF and Amankwah K and Guselle P and Gafni A and Lee SK and Armson BA and MACS Collaborative Group
DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(08)61929-7
PubMed: 19101390
12/2008The use of progesterone for prevention of preterm birth.
Farine D and Mundle WR and Dodd J and Basso M and Delisle MF and Farine D and Grabowska K and Hudon L and Menticoglou SM and Murphy-Kaulbeck LC and Ouellet A and Pressey T and Roggensack A and Gagnon R and Maternal Fetal Medicine Committee of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
PubMed: 18198071
01/2008Teratogenicity associated with pre-existing and gestational diabetes.
Allen VM and Armson BA and Wilson RD and Allen VM and Blight C and Gagnon A and Johnson JA and Langlois S and Summers A and Wyatt P and Farine D and Armson BA and Crane J and Delisle MF and Keenan-Lindsay L and Morin V and Schneider CE and Van Aerde J and Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada
PubMed: 17977497
11/2007Amniocentesis for twin pregnancies: is alpha-fetoprotein useful in confirming that the two sacs were sampled?
Delisle MF and Brosseuk L and Wilson RD
DOI: 10.1159/000098722
PubMed: 17228163
2007Stillbirth and bereavement: guidelines for stillbirth investigation.
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Committee and Clinical Practice Obstetrics Committee and Leduc L and Farine D and Armson BA and Brunner M and Crane J and Delisle MF and Gagnon R and Keenan-Lindsay L and Morin V and Mundle RW and Scheider C and Van Aerde J
PubMed: 16874926
06/2006The evaluation of the fetal fibronectin test for prediction of preterm delivery in symptomatic patients.
Skoll A and St Louis P and Amiri N and Delisle MF and Lalji S
PubMed: 16650359
03/2006The impact of prenatal diagnosis on neural tube defect (NTD) pregnancy versus birth incidence in British Columbia.
Van Allen MI and Boyle E and Thiessen P and McFadden D and Cochrane D and Chambers GK and Langlois S and Stathers P and Irwin B and Cairns E and MacLeod P and Delisle MF and Uh SH
DOI: 10.1007/bf03194615
PubMed: 16682757
2006Vesicouterine fistula in pregnancy: a case report.
Kives S and Delisle MF and Mitchell GW
PubMed: 15248935
07/2004Cephalic index is not a useful sonographic marker for trisomy 21 and trisomy 18.
Lim KI and Delisle MF and Austin SJ and Wilson RD
DOI: 10.1159/000080161
PubMed: 15539873
2004The association between early membrane rupture, latency, clinical chorioamnionitis, neonatal infection, and adverse perinatal outcomes in twin pregnancies complicated by preterm prelabour rupture of membranes.
von Dadelszen P and Kives S and Delisle MF and Wilson RD and Joy R and Ainsworth L and Al Kharusi L and Oskamp M and Barrett JF and Ryan G and Farine D and Seaward PG
DOI: 10.1375/136905203322296575
PubMed: 14511428
08/2003A randomized controlled trial comparing two protocols for the use of misoprostol in midtrimester pregnancy termination.
Bebbington MW and Kent N and Lim K and Gagnon A and Delisle MF and Tessier F and Wilson RD
DOI: 10.1067/mob.2002.127461
PubMed: 12388963
10/2002Failure of methotrexate and internal iliac balloon catheterization to manage placenta percreta.
Butt K and Gagnon A and Delisle MF
DOI: 10.1016/s0029-7844(02)02020-3
PubMed: 12052585
06/2002Obstetric implications of the factor V leiden mutation: a review.
Bloomenthal D and Delisle MF and Tessier F and Tsang P
DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-20172
PubMed: 11857095
01/2002Central nervous system complications of von Hippel-Lindau disease and pregnancy; perinatal considerations: case report and literature review.
Delisle MF and Valimohamed F and Money D and Douglas MJ
DOI: 10.1002/1520-6661(200007/08)9:43.0.co;2-5
PubMed: 11048837
2000Outcome of fetuses diagnosed with atrioventricular septal defect.
Delisle MF and Sandor GG and Tessier F and Farquharson DF
DOI: 10.1016/s0029-7844(99)00389-0
PubMed: 10546725
11/1999First trimester prenatal diagnosis: amniocentesis.
Delisle MF and Wilson RD
DOI: 10.1016/s0146-0005(99)80007-x
PubMed: 10551794
10/1999 - Research
Amniocentesis for twin pregnancy
We are reviewing our data to evaluate if the level of AFP in the fluid can help in proving that the two sacs were sampled.Early External Cephalic Version II
This is a multicenter trial. It will assess whether doing the procedure at an earlier time will ultimately decrease the caesarean section rate for term breech presentations.External Cephalic Version
I have completed a study assessing the use of regional anesthesia at the time of external cephalic version. We hoped that this could increase the success rate of the procedure.Honours & AwardsAward of Excellence for Contribution in Education, Education Services, Children’s & Women’s Heath Centre of British Columbia - May 2003
National Faculty Award of Excellency in Resident Education, The Council of Resident Education In Obstetrics and Gynecology - June 2001
Research Group MembersKerrie Glover
HPV vaccine education in British Columbia: A Q&A with Dr. Hana Mitchell
BCCHR research highlights an exciting opportunity: schools can do more than deliver vaccines — they can spark knowledge! By integrating vaccine education into the curriculum, schools can boost confidence, empower students and families, and pave the way for stronger HPV vaccine uptake and cancer prevention.