- Overview
My research focus is improving the care of children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease and kidney transplantation, including their experience of transition to adult care.
- Publications
Validation of Patient-Reported Outcome Measure in Pediatric CKD (PRO-Kid)
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Mina Matsuda-Abedini and Michael Zappitelli and Kimberley Widger and Adam Rapoport and Janis M Dionne and Rahul Chanchlani and Susan Samuel and Sara N. Davison and Ke Fan Bei and Veronica Ka Wai Lai and Brenden Dufault and Allison B. Dart
DOI: 10.2215/CJN.0000000000000467
07/2024Differences in medication adherence by sex and organ type among adolescent and young adult solid organ transplant recipients
Pediatric Transplantation
Vaisbourd, Y. and Dahhou, M. and Zhang, X. and Sapir-Pichhadze, R. and Cardinal, H. and Johnston, O. and Blydt-Hansen, T.D. and Tibbles, L.A. and Hamiwka, L. and Urschel, S. and Birk, P. and Bissonnette, J. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and BScPhm, J.H. and Schiff, J. and Phan, V. and De Geest, S. and Allen, U. and Avitzur, Y. and Mital, S. and Foster, B.J.
DOI: 10.1111/petr.14446
2023Transition of young adult kidney transplant recipients
Pediatric Nephrology
Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Marks, S.D. and Foster, B.J.
DOI: 10.1007/s00467-022-05582-6
2023A Guide for Adult Nephrologists and Hematologists to Managing Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome and C3 Glomerulopathy in Teens Transitioning to Young Adults
Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
Magdalena Riedl Khursigara and Mina Matsuda-Abedini and Seetha Radhakrishnan and Michelle A. Hladunewich and Mathieu Lemaire and Chia Wei Teoh and Damien Noone and Christoph Licht
DOI: 10.1053/j.ackd.2022.04.003
05/2022Development of a patient-reported outcome measure for the assessment of symptom burden in pediatric chronic kidney disease (PRO-Kid)
Pediatric Nephrology
Jawa, N.A. and Rapoport, A. and Widger, K. and Zappitelli, M. and Davison, S.N. and Jha, S. and Dart, A.B. and Matsuda-Abedini, M.
DOI: 10.1007/s00467-021-05269-4
2022Kidney disease in children with heart or liver transplant
Pediatric Nephrology
Amrit Kirpalani and Chia Wei Teoh and Vicky Lee Ng and Anne I Dipchand and Mina Matsuda-Abedini
DOI: 10.1007/s00467-021-04949-5
11/2021Cost Effectiveness and Impact in Quality of Care of a Pediatric Multidisciplinary Stone Clinic.
Pediatric quality & safety
Ming JM and Lopes RI and Harvey EA and Chua ME and Saunders MA and Matsuda-Abedini M and Bägli DJ and Farhat WA and Dos Santos J
DOI: 10.1097/pq9.0000000000000474
PubMed: 34589648
09/2021Reducing unnecessary imaging in children with multicystic dysplastic kidney or solitary kidney
Jawa, N.A. and Rosenblum, N.D. and Radhakrishnan, S. and Pearl, R.J. and Levin, L. and Matsuda-Abedini, M.
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-035550
2021Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Children and Adolescents With Chronic Kidney Disease: Preliminary Findings
Seminars in Nephrology
Harrell, W. and Gipson, D.S. and Belger, A. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Bjornson, B. and Hooper, S.R.
DOI: 10.1016/j.semnephrol.2021.09.009
2021Care processes and structures associated with higher medication adherence in adolescent and young adult transplant recipients
Pediatric Transplantation
Dabirzadeh, A. and Dahhou, M. and Zhang, X. and Sapir-Pichhadze, R. and Cardinal, H. and White, M. and Johnston, O. and Blydt-Hansen, T.D. and Tibbles, L.A. and Hamiwka, L. and Urschel, S. and Birk, P. and Bissonnette, J. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Harrison, J. and Schiff, J. and Phan, V. and De Geest, S. and Allen, U. and Mital, S. and Foster, B.J.
DOI: 10.1111/petr.14106
2021Developing Consensus-Based Outcome Domains for Trials in Children and Adolescents With CKD: An International Delphi Survey
American Journal of Kidney Diseases
Logeman, C. and Guha, C. and Howell, M. and Hanson, C.S. and Craig, J.C. and Samuel, S. and Zappitelli, M. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Dart, A. and Furth, S. and Eddy, A. and Groothoff, J. and Yap, H.-K. and Bockenhauer, D. and Sinha, A. and Alexander, S.I. and Goldstein, S.L. and Gipson, D.S. and Michael, M. and Walker, A. and Kausman, J. and Gaillard, S. and Bacchetta, J. and Rheault, M.N. and Warady, B.A. and Neu, A. and Christian, M. and McTaggart, S. and Liu, I. and Teo, S. and Sautenet, B. and Gutman, T. and Carter, S. and Teixeira-Pinto, A. and Tong, A.
DOI: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2020.03.014
2020Association Between Chronic Kidney Disease–Mineral Bone Disease (CKD-MBD) and Cognition in Children: Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) Study
Kidney Medicine
Yokoyama, J.S. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Denburg, M.R. and Kumar, J. and Warady, B.A. and Furth, S.L. and Hooper, S.R. and Portale, A.A. and Perwad, F.
DOI: 10.1016/j.xkme.2020.03.005
2020Establishing core outcome domains in pediatric kidney disease: report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology—Children and Adolescents (SONG-KIDS) consensus workshops
Kidney International
Hanson, C.S. and Craig, J.C. and Logeman, C. and Sinha, A. and Dart, A. and Eddy, A.A. and Guha, C. and Gipson, D.S. and Bockenhauer, D. and Yap, H.-K. and Groothoff, J. and Zappitelli, M. and Webb, N.J.A. and Alexander, S.I. and Furth, S.L. and Samuel, S. and Neu, A. and Viecelli, A.K. and Ju, A. and Sharma, A. and Au, E.H. and Desmond, H. and Shen, J.I. and Manera, K.E. and Azukaitis, K. and Dunn, L. and Carter, S.A. and Gutman, T. and Cho, Y. and Walker, A. and Francis, A. and Sanchez-Kazi, C. and Kausman, J. and Pearl, M. and Benador, N. and Sahney, S. and Tong, A. and Guha, A. and Solarin, A. and Platona, A. and Hamilton, A. and Woods-Barnard, A. and Eddy, A. and Karathanas, A. and Baumgart, A. and Fielding, A. and LePage, A. and Bernier-Jean, A. and Kelly, A. and Teixeira, A. and Matus, A. and Narva, A. and Wang, A.Y.-M. and Fielding, A. and Meza, A. and Fielding, A. and Teixeira-Pinto, A. and Bagga, A. and Jankauskiene, A. and Kelly, A. and Gillespie, B. and Sautenet, B. and Vogt, B. and Foster, B. and Warady, B. and Dixon, B. and Manns, B. and Hemmelgarn, B. and Bscardark, B. and Romeo, B. and Meza, C. and Brockett, C. and Prestidge, C. and Green, C. and Perkins, C. and Schmitt, C.P. and Fielding, C. and Settee, C. and Sumpton, D. and Meza, D. and Karathanas, D. and Harris, D. and Wheeler, D. and Hooper, D. and Geary, D. and Haffner, D. and Mekahli, D. and Drozdz, D. and Romeo, E. and Ku, E. and Urbina, E. and Levtchenko, E. and Balovlenkov, E. and Hodson, E. and Morales, E. and O{'}Lone, E. and Machuca, E. and Carlton, E. and Olver, E. and Morales, E. and Mirza, F. and Mackie, F. and Tentori, F. and Schaefer, F. and Higgins, G. and Deschenes, G. and Plunkett, G. and Yoder, G. and Wong, G. and Morales, G. and Germino, G. and Perkins, H. and Mitchell-Smith, H. and Coolican, H. and Xu, H. and Anochie, I. and Ha, I.-S. and Davis, I. and Liu, I. and Samaniego, I. and Machuca, J. and Machuca, J. and Kerklaan, J. and Brockett, J. and Norton, J. and Goebel, J. and Rao, J. and Machuca, J. and Mitchell-Smith, J. and Watson, J. and Gill, J. and Flynn, J.T. and Samuels, J. and Bacchetta, J. and Yoder, K. and Twombley, K. and McMichael, K.-A. and Ishikura, K. and Romeo, K. and Settee, K. and Van, K.L. and McMichael, L. and Trinh, L. and Greenbaum, L. and Sanchez, L. and Fielding, L. and Rees, L. and Lippincott, L. and Mejia-Saldivar, L. and Saldivar, L. and Guay-Woodford, L. and Samaniego, L. and Hamiwka, L. and Bell, L. and Barry, L. and Macauley, L. and Holmes, L. and Karathanas, M. and Mitchell-Smith, M. and Walker, M. and Benavides, M. and Tonelli, M. and Ferris, M. and Vivarelli, M. and Wolfenden, M. and Howell, M. and Christian, M. and Schreiber, M. and Moxey-Mims, M. and Leonard, M. and Karathanas, M. and Natatmadja, M. and Brockett, M. and Bonilla-Felix, M. and Atkinson, M. and Baum, M. and Rheault, M. and McCulloch, M. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Michael, M. and Khan, M. and Salih, M. and Carlton, M.A. and Plunkett, N. and Webb, N. and Scholes-Robertson, N. and Larkins, N. and Evangelidis, N. and Yoder, N. and Meza, N. and Olver, P. and Carlton, P. and Brophy, P. and Tugwell, P. and Cochat, P. and Mehrotra, R. and Wolfenden, R. and Gbadegesin, R. and Benavides, R. and Johnson, R. and Morales, R. and McGee, R. and Fish, R. and Gardos, R. and Pecoits-Filho, R. and Vargas, R. and Saldivar, R. and Coppo, R. and Shroff, R. and Raina, R. and Youssouf, S. and Crowe, S. and Anumudu, S. and Chan, S. and Baldacchino, S. and Wenderfer, S. and Wolfenden, S. and Carlton, S. and Sutton, S. and Murphy, S. and Teo, S. and Salih, S. and Carlton, S. and Pearson, S. and Khan, S. and Wilson, S. and Sharma, S. and Marks, S. and Cornish, S. and Goldstein, S. and Mendley, S. and Lippincott, S. and Charles, S. and Mitchell-Smith, T. and Harris, T. and Vetter, T. and Carlton, T. and Carlton, T. and Querfeld, U. and Saglimbene, V. and Charles, V. and van Biesen, W. and Winkelmayer, W. and Machuca, Y. and Salih, Y. and Anh, Y.H. and Perkins, Z. and Salih, Z.
DOI: 10.1016/j.kint.2020.05.054
2020Association of Time-Varying Blood Pressure with Chronic Kidney Disease Progression in Children
JAMA Network Open
Reynolds, B.C. and Roem, J.L. and Ng, D.K.S. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Flynn, J.T. and Furth, S.L. and Warady, B.A. and Parekh, R.S.
DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.21213
2020Brain abnormalities in children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease
Pediatric Research
Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Fitzpatrick, K. and Harrell, W.R. and Gipson, D.S. and Hooper, S.R. and Belger, A. and Poskitt, K. and Miller, S.P. and Bjornson, B.H.
DOI: 10.1038/s41390-018-0037-5
2018Management and Outcomes of Childhood Renal Artery Stenosis and Middle Aortic Syndrome
American Journal of Hypertension
Rumman, R.K. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Langlois, V. and Radhakrishnan, S. and Lorenzo, A.J. and Amaral, J. and Mertens, L. and Parekh, R.S.
DOI: 10.1093/AJH/HPY014
2018Transitioning care of the adolescent patient with chronic kidney disease to adult providers
Adolescents with Chronic Kidney Disease: From Diagnosis to End-Stage Disease
Matsuda-Abedini, M.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-97220-6_16
2018Pediatric Hypertension: Impact on the Heart, Brain, Kidney, and Retina
Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports
Vasilevska-Ristovska, J. and Hudes, S.Z. and Naguleswaran, K. and Langlois, V. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Parekh, R.S.
DOI: 10.1007/s12170-018-0577-6
2018Cardiovascular structure and function in children with middle aortic syndrome and renal artery stenosis
Rumman, R.K. and Slorach, C. and Hui, W. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Langlois, V. and Radhakrishnan, S. and Lorenzo, A.J. and Amaral, J. and Mertens, L. and Parekh, R.S.
DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.117.10040
2017Disease beyond the arch: A systematic review of middle aortic syndrome in childhood
American Journal of Hypertension
Rumman, R.K. and Nickel, C. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Lorenzo, A.J. and Langlois, V. and Radhakrishnan, S. and Amaral, J. and Mertens, L. and Parekh, R.S.
DOI: 10.1093/ajh/hpu296
2015Vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency in pediatric renal transplant recipients
Pediatric Transplantation
Ebbert, K. and Chow, J. and Krempien, J. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Dionne, J.
DOI: 10.1111/petr.12527
2015Prevalence of sleep disturbances in children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease
Pediatric Nephrology
Davis, I.D. and Greenbaum, L.A. and Gipson, D. and Wu, L.L. and Sinha, R. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Emancipator, J.L. and Lane, J.C. and Hodgkins, K. and Nailescu, C. and Barletta, G.M. and Arora, S. and Mahan, J.D. and Rosen, C.L.
DOI: 10.1007/s00467-011-2010-y
2012Utility and cost of a renal transplant transition clinic
Pediatric Nephrology
Prestidge, C. and Romann, A. and Djurdjev, O. and Matsuda-Abedini, M.
DOI: 10.1007/s00467-011-1980-0
2012Pregnancy Outcomes Among Solid Organ Transplant Recipients in British Columbia
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada
Humphreys, R.A. and Wong, H.H.L. and Milner, R. and Matsuda-Abedini, M.
DOI: 10.1016/S1701-2163(16)35237-9
2012Outcome of kidney transplantation in Canadian Aboriginal children in the province of British Columbia
Pediatric Transplantation
Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Al-Alsheikh, K. and Hurley, R.M. and Matsell, D.G. and Chow, J. and Carter, J.E. and Lirenman, D.S.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-3046.2008.01074.x
2009Sleep disturbances in children and adolescents with non-dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease
Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Sinha, R. and Davis, I.D. and Matsuda-Abedini, M.
DOI: 10.1001/archpediatrics.2009.149
2009Utility of monitoring mycophenolic acid in solid organ transplant patients.
Evidence report/technology assessment
Oremus, M. and Zeidler, J. and Ensom, M.H. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Balion, C. and Booker, L. and Archer, C. and Raina, P.
2008CKD Following Kidney Transplantation in Children and Adolescents
American Journal of Kidney Diseases
White, C.T. and Schisler, T. and Er, L. and Djurdjev, O. and Matsuda-Abedini, M.
DOI: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2008.03.001
2008Persistent secondary hyperparathyroidism after renal transplantation in children
Pediatric Nephrology
Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Portale, A.A. and Shah, A. and Neuhaus, J. and McEnhill, M. and Mathias, R.S.
DOI: 10.1007/s00467-005-2113-4
2006Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis
New England Journal of Medicine
Feldman, B.J. and Rosenthal, S.M. and Vargas, G.A. and Fenwick, R.G. and Huang, E.A. and Matsuda-Abedini, M. and Lustig, R.H. and Mathias, R.S. and Portale, A.A. and Miller, W.L. and Gitelman, S.E.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa042743
2005 - Research
Current Projects
Together with Dr. Allison Dart in Winnipeg, I co-lead a multi-center Canadian study on the Development and Validation of a Patient-reported Outcome Measure for Children with Chronic Kidney Disease (PRO-Kid) for children and adolescents ages 8-18 years. The next phase of the study involves developing a similar tool for younger children, and integrating this Patient Reported Outcome Measure into clinical care.
I am also the site-investigator for a multi-center study on understanding the Realities of Pediatric Solid Organ Transplantation for Indigenous Patients, Families and Communities Across Canada.GrantsLooking, listening, learning, leading: Canadians seeking solutions and innovations to overcome chronic kidney disease, Sub-project: PRO-Kid: Implementation of a Patient-Reported Outcome (PROM) into Clinical Pediatric Nephrology. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, SPOR funding (04/2022-03/2026). Matsuda-Abedini M, Dart A (co-PIs)
Development and Validation of a Patient-reported Outcome Measure for Children with Chronic Kidney Disease (PROKid). Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba Operating Grant (CHRIM) (2019-2022). Matsuda-Abedini M, Dart A (co-PIs)
Research Group MembersAlice So, Division Administrative Secretary
Congratulations CIHR Fall 2024 Project Grant recipients
Congratulations to the investigators and their teams who were awarded funding through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Fall 2024 Project Grant competition!