- Overview
As a Pediatric Anesthesia clinician, my work is focused on the clinical application of new technology to provide better care.
- Publications
Lung-protective ventilation in the management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia
World Journal of Pediatric Surgery
Mike Traynor
DOI: 10.1136/wjps-2024-000789
08/2024 - Research
High Frequency Jet Ventilation (HFJV)
Advances in early neonatal intensive care have improved operating conditions for neonates undergoing tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) repair. Specifically, the ventilation of these patients is very difficult as positive pressure can force air through the fistula and into the stomach. Our institution has been using HFJV to successfully manage these cases, providing better surgical conditions by avoiding air in the stomach and desaturations which can halt surgery. Interestingly, little literature is available for this technique and so we aim to prospectively describe our experience with these cases
Unlocking the mystery of nephrotic syndrome in kids: Q&A with new investigator Dr. Susan Samuel
Pediatric nephrologist Dr. Susan Samuel, a new investigator who joined BCCHR in September 2024, has been investigating ways to improve the quality of life of children diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. She is serving as the director for the ENRICH program, a national network of mentors and learners. We met Dr. Samuel to talk about the importance of research and mentorship.