- Overview
I am a public health researcher with an interest in improving long term outcomes for children with sepsis. In countries like Uganda, as many children die following hospital discharge as die during the initial hospitalization. Most of these deaths occur at home, and are largely preventable. The last point of contact with the health system for most children who go on to die is during the discharge period. However, the discharge process is often not considered a critical period of the illness, and is not conducted in a way that allows for appropriate monitoring for recurrent illness. Over the past decade my research team has developed tools to allow health workers to rapidly predict which children at highest risk of dying after discharge, and also have developed our “Smart Discharges” approach to care during and after discharge. Our approach focuses on both patient counselling and education, as well a risk guided referral for appropriate post-discharge care for those most likely to benefit from this. This individualized approach ensures both affordability to the health system as well as attention to the most vulnerable.
- Publications
The 2024 Phoenix Sepsis Score Criteria: Part 4, What About Using World-Oriented Criteria?
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Matthew O. Wiens and Enitan D. Carrol and Mohammod Jobayer Chisti and Daniela Carla de Souza and Rakesh Lodha and Suchitra Ranjit and Niranjan Kissoon
DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000003663
02/2025Repeatability of RRate measurements in children during triage in two Ugandan hospitals
PLOS Global Public Health
Ahmad Asdo and Alishah Mawji and Isaac Omara and Ivan Aine Aye Ishebukara and Clare Komugisha and Stefanie K. Novakowski and Yashodani Pillay and Matthew O. Wiens and Samuel Akech and Florence Oyella and Abner Tagoola and Niranjan Kissoon and John Mark Ansermino and Dustin Dunsmuir
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0003097
01/2025Caregivers’ and nurses’ perceptions of the Smart Discharges Program for children with sepsis in Uganda: A qualitative study
Justine Behan and Olive Kabajaasi and Brooklyn Derksen and George Sendegye and Brenda Kugumikiriza and Clare Komugisha and Radhika Sundararajan and Shevin T. Jacob and Nathan Kenya-Mugisha and Matthew O. Wiens
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0307089
10/2024Geographical validation of the Smart Triage Model by age group
PLOS Digital Health
Cherri Zhang and Matthew O. Wiens and Dustin Dunsmuir and Yashodani Pillay and Charly Huxford and David Kimutai and Emmanuel Tenywa and Mary Ouma and Joyce Kigo and Stephen Kamau and Mary Chege and Nathan Kenya-Mugisha and Savio Mwaka and Guy A. Dumont and Niranjan Kissoon and Samuel Akech and J Mark Ansermino
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pdig.0000311
07/2024Prediction models for post-discharge mortality among under-five children with suspected sepsis in Uganda: A multicohort analysis
PLOS Global Public Health
Matthew O. Wiens and Vuong Nguyen and Jeffrey N. Bone and Elias Kumbakumba and Stephen Businge and Abner Tagoola and Sheila Oyella Sherine and Emmanuel Byaruhanga and Edward Ssemwanga and Celestine Barigye and Jesca Nsungwa and Charles Olaro and J. Mark Ansermino and Niranjan Kissoon and Joel Singer and Charles P. Larson and Pascal M. Lavoie and Dustin Dunsmuir and Peter P. Moschovis and Stefanie Novakowski and Clare Komugisha and Mellon Tayebwa and Douglas Mwesigwa and Martina Knappett and Nicholas West and Nathan Kenya Mugisha and Jerome Kabakyenga
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0003050
04/2024World Health Organization Danger Signs to predict bacterial sepsis in young infants: A pragmatic cohort study
PLOS Global Public Health
Omolabake Akinseye and Constantin R. Popescu and Msandeni Chiume-Kayuni and Michael A. Irvine and Norman Lufesi and Tisungane Mvalo and Niranjan Kissoon and Matthew O. Wiens and Pascal M. Lavoie
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0001990
11/2023Caregivers’ and nurses’ perceptions of the Smart Discharges Program for children with sepsis in Uganda: A descriptive qualitative study
Justine Behan and Olive Kabajaasi and Brooklyn Derksen and George Sendegye and Brenda Kugumikiriza and Clare Komugisha and Radhika Sundararajan and Shevin T. Jacob and Nathan Kenya-Mugisha and Matthew O. Wiens
DOI: 10.1101/2023.07.18.23292842
07/2023World Health Organization Danger Signs to predict bacterial sepsis in newborns: A pragmatic prospective cohort study
Omolabake Akinseye and Constantin R. Popescu and Msandeni Chiume-Kayuni and Michael A. Irvine and Norman Lufesi and Tisungane Mvalo and Niranjan Kissoon and Matthew O. Wiens and Pascal M. Lavoie
DOI: 10.1101/2023.05.09.23289739
05/2023Repeatability of Pulse Oximetry Measurements in Children During Triage in Two Ugandan Hospitals
Ahmad Asdo and Alishah Mawji and Collins Agaba and Clare Komugisha and Stefanie K Novakowski and Yashodani Pillay and Stephen Kaumu and Matthew O Wiens and Samuel Akech and Abner Tagoola and Niranjan Kissoon and J Mark Ansermino and Dustin Dunsmuir
DOI: 10.1101/2022.12.21.22283800
12/2022A proposed de-identification framework for a cohort of children presenting at a health facility in Uganda
PLOS Digital Health
Alishah Mawji and Holly Longstaff and Jessica Trawin and Dustin Dunsmuir and Clare Komugisha and Stefanie K. Novakowski and Matthew O. Wiens and Samuel Akech and Abner Tagoola and Niranjan Kissoon and J. Mark Ansermino
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pdig.0000027
08/2022Use, cost-effectiveness, and end user perspectives of a home solar lighting intervention in rural Uganda: a mixed methods, randomized controlled trial
Environmental Research Letters
Radhika Sundararajan and Helen D’Couto and Joseph Mugerwa and Mellon Tayebwa and Nicholas L Lam and Eli S Wallach and Matthew O Wiens and Matthew Ponticiello and Debbi Stanistreet and Alexander C Tsai and Jose Vallarino and Joseph G Allen and Daniel Muyanja and Mark G Shrime and Edwin Nuwagira and Peggy S Lai
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac3f05
01/2022Derivation and internal validation of a data-driven prediction model to guide frontline health workers in triaging children under-five in Nairobi, Kenya
Wellcome Open Research
Alishah Mawji and Samuel Akech and Paul Mwaniki and Dustin Dunsmuir and Jeffrey Bone and Matthew O. Wiens and Matthias Görges and David Kimutai and Niranjan Kissoon and Mike English and Mark J. Ansermino
DOI: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.15387.3
04/2021Impact of a Solar Lighting Intervention on Social Determinants of Health in Rural Uganda: A Mixed Methods, Randomized Controlled Trial
Sundararajan, R. and D?Couto, H. and Mugerwa, J. and Tayebwa, M. and Lam, N. and Wallach, E. and Wiens, M. and Stanistreet, D. and Tsai, A.C. and Vallarino, J. and Allen, J.G. and Muyanja, D. and Nuwagira, E. and Lai, P.S.
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3756809
2021Common data elements for predictors of pediatric sepsis: A framework to standardize data collection
Mawji, A. and Li, E. and Chandna, A. and Kortz, T. and Akech, S. and Wiens, M.O. and Kissoon, N. and Ansermino, M.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253051
2021Anticipating the future: Prognostic tools as a complementary strategy to improve care for patients with febrile illnesses in resource-limited settings
BMJ Global Health
Chandna, A. and Osborn, J. and Bassat, Q. and Bell, D. and Burza, S. and D'Acremont, V. and Leticia Fernandez-Carballo, B. and Kain, K.C. and Mayxay, M. and Wiens, M. and Dittrich, S.
DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2021-006057
2021Challenges in pediatric post-sepsis care in resource limited settings: A narrative review
Translational Pediatrics
Wiens, M.O. and Kissoon, N. and Holsti, L.
DOI: 10.21037/tp-20-390
2021Out of pocket costs and time/productivity losses for pediatric sepsis in Uganda: a mixed-methods study
BMC Health Services Research
Krepiakevich, A. and Khowaja, A.R. and Kabajaasi, O. and Nemetchek, B. and Ansermino, J.M. and Kissoon, N. and Mugisha, N.K. and Tayebwa, M. and Kabakyenga, J. and Wiens, M.O.
DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-07272-9
2021Evaluation of a digital triage platform in Uganda: A quality improvement initiative to reduce the time to antibiotic administration
Lee, V. and Dunsmuir, D. and Businge, S. and Tumusiime, R. and Karugaba, J. and Wiens, M.O. and Görges, M. and Kissoon, N. and Orach, S. and Kasyaba, R. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0240092
2020Whole blood genome-wide transcriptome profiling and metagenomics next-generation sequencing in young infants with suspected sepsis in a low-and middle-income country: A study protocol
Gates Open Research
Lavoie, P.M. and Popescu, C.R. and Tembo, B. and Chifisi, R. and Cavanagh, M.M.M. and Lee, A.-Y. and Chiluzi, B. and Ciccone, E.J. and Tegha, G. and Alonso-Prieto, E. and Claydon, J. and Dunsmuir, D. and Irvine, M. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, J.M. and Wiens, M.O. and Juliano, J.J. and Kissoon, N. and Mvalo, T. and Lufesi, N. and Chiume-Kayuni, M.
DOI: 10.12688/gatesopenres.13172.2
2020Smart triage: Triage and management of sepsis in children using the point-of-care Pediatric Rapid Sepsis Trigger (PRST) tool
BMC Health Services Research
Mawji, A. and Li, E. and Komugisha, C. and Akech, S. and Dunsmuir, D. and Wiens, M.O. and Kissoon, N. and Kenya-Mugisha, N. and Tagoola, A. and Kimutai, D. and Bone, J.N. and Dumont, G. and Ansermino, J.M.
DOI: 10.1186/s12913-020-05344-w
2020Determining predictors of sepsis at triage among children under 5 years of age in resource-limited settings: A modified Delphi process
Fung, J.S.T. and Akech, S. and Kissoon, N. and Wiens, M.O. and English, M. and Mark Ansermino, J.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211274
2019Very severe anemia and one year mortality outcome after hospitalization in Tanzanian children: A prospective cohort study
Chami, N. and Hau, D.K. and Masoza, T.S. and Smart, L.R. and Kayange, N.M. and Hokororo, A. and Ambrose, E.E. and Moschovis, P.P. and Wiens, M.O. and Peck, R.N.
DOI: 10.1101/581462
2019Re: "Investment Long Overdue in Primary Studies of HIV-exposed Uninfected Infant Infectious Morbidity"
The Pediatric infectious disease journal
Iroh Tam, P.-Y. and Wiens, M.O. and Moschovis, P.P.
DOI: 10.1097/INF.0000000000002250
2019Evidence and transparency are needed to develop a frontline health worker mhealth assessment platform
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Ansermino, J.M. and Wiens, M.O. and Kissoon, N.
DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.19-0411a
2019A low cost mobile controlled CW-NIRS absolute oximeter to prevent child mortality in low-income countries
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
Pagano, R. and Askari, S. and Petersen, C. and Beaudry, S. and Dunsmuir, D. and Wiens, M.O. and Kumbakumba, E. and Napoleone, G. and Mark Ansermino, J. and Dumont, G.A.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2510769
2019Exploring healthcare providers' perspectives of the paediatric discharge process in Uganda: A qualitative exploratory study
BMJ Open
Nemetchek, B. and Khowaja, A. and Kavuma, A. and Kabajaasi, O. and Olirus Owilli, A. and Ansermino, J.M. and Fowler-Kerry, S. and Jacob, S.T. and Kenya-Mugisha, N. and Kabakyenga, J. and Wiens, M.O.
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029526
2019Community health workers trained to conduct verbal autopsies provide better mortality measures than existing surveillance: Results from a cross-sectional study in rural western Uganda
Nabukalu, D. and Ntaro, M. and Seviiri, M. and Reyes, R. and Wiens, M. and Sundararajan, R. and Mulogo, E. and Boyce, R.M.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211482
2019Active management of atrial fibrillation or flutter in emergency department patients with renal impairment is associated with a higher risk of adverse events and treatment failure
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine
Scheuermeyer, F.X. and Wong, H. and Barrett, T.W. and Christenson, J. and Grafstein, E. and Grunau, B. and Wiens, M. and Innes, G.
DOI: 10.1017/cem.2018.475
2019Paediatric postdischarge mortality in developing countries: a systematic review
BMJ Open
Brooklyn Nemetchek and Lacey English and Niranjan Kissoon and John Mark Ansermino and Peter P Moschovis and Jerome Kabakyenga and Susan Fowler-Kerry and Elias Kumbakumba and Matthew O Wiens
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023445
12/2018A Locally Developed Electronic Health Platform in Uganda: Development and Implementation of Stre@mline
JMIR Formative Research
Li Liang and Matthew O Wiens and Phaisal Lubega and Ian Spillman and Samuel Mugisha
DOI: 10.2196/formative.9658
09/2018A transformation of oxygen saturation (the saturation virtual shunt) to improve clinical prediction model calibration and interpretation
Guohai Zhou and Walter Karlen and Rollin Brant and Matthew Wiens and Niranjan Kissoon and J Mark Ansermino
DOI: 10.1101/391292
08/2018Individual, maternal and household risk factors for anaemia among young children in sub-Saharan Africa: a cross-sectional study
BMJ Open
Peter P Moschovis and Matthew O Wiens and Lauren Arlington and Olga Antsygina and Douglas Hayden and Walter Dzik and Julius P Kiwanuka and David C Christiani and Patricia L Hibberd
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019654
05/2018We need smarter trigger tools for diagnosing sepsis in children in Canada
Ansermino, J.M. and Wiens, M.O. and Kissoon, N.
DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.180434
2018Who stays and who goes: Predictors of admission among patients presenting with febrile illness and a positive malaria rapid diagnostic test in a rural Ugandan health center
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Chang, J.L. and Reyes, R. and Matte, M. and Ntaro, M. and Mulogo, E. and Wiens, M.O. and Meshnick, S.R. and Siedner, M.J. and Boyce, R.M.
DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.18-0338
2018Predictors of mortality in neonates and infants hospitalized with sepsis or serious infections in developing countries: A systematic review
Frontiers in Pediatrics
(Danny) Liang, L. and Kotadia, N. and English, L. and Kissoon, N. and Mark Ansermino, J. and Kabakyenga, J. and Lavoie, P.M. and Wiens, M.O.
DOI: 10.3389/fped.2018.00277
2018Pneumonia in HIV-exposed and Infected Children and Association With Malnutrition
The Pediatric infectious disease journal
Iroh Tam, P.-Y. and Wiens, M.O. and Kabakyenga, J. and Kiwanuka, J. and Kumbakumba, E. and Moschovis, P.P.
DOI: 10.1097/INF.0000000000001971
2018Smart hospital discharges to address a neglected epidemic in sepsis in low- and middle-income countries
JAMA Pediatrics
Wiens, M.O. and Kissoon, N. and Kabakyenga, J.
DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.4519
2018Predictor variables for post-discharge mortality modelling in infants: A protocol development project
African Health Sciences
Nemetchek, B.R. and Liang, L. and Kissoon, N. and Ansermino, J.M. and Kabakyenga, J. and Lavoie, P.M. and Fowler-Kerry, S. and Wiens, M.O.
DOI: 10.4314/AHS.V18I4.43
2018Development and Implementation of Stre@mline, a Locally Developed Electronic Health Platform in Uganda (Preprint)
Li Liang and Matthew O Wiens and Phisal Lubega and Ian Spillman and Samuel Mugisha
DOI: 10.2196/preprints.9658
12/2017Effect of frequency of clinic visits and medication pick-up on antiretroviral treatment outcomes: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis
Journal of the International AIDS Society
Mutasa-Apollo, T. and Ford, N. and Wiens, M. and Socias, M.E. and Negussie, E. and Wu, P. and Popoff, E. and Park, J. and Mills, E.J. and Kanters, S.
DOI: 10.7448/IAS.20.5.21647
2017Comparative efficacy and safety of second-line antiretroviral therapy for treatment of HIV/AIDS: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
The Lancet HIV
Kanters, S. and Socias, M.E. and Paton, N.I. and Vitoria, M. and Doherty, M. and Ayers, D. and Popoff, E. and Chan, K. and Cooper, D.A. and Wiens, M.O. and Calmy, A. and Ford, N. and Nsanzimana, S. and Mills, E.J.
DOI: 10.1016/S2352-3018(17)30109-1
2017The authors reply
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Wiens, M.O. and Kissoon, N. and Moschovis, P. and Kabakyenga, J.
DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000001022
2017Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Pharmacokinetics of Benznidazole in the Treatment of Chagas Disease
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Matthew O. Wiens and Steve Kanters and Edward Mills and Alejandro A. Peregrina Lucano and Silvia Gold and Dieter Ayers and Luis Ferrero and Alejandro Krolewiecki
DOI: 10.1128/AAC.01567-16
12/2016The PAediatric Risk Assessment (PARA) Mobile App to Reduce Postdischarge Child Mortality: Design, Usability, and Feasibility for Health Care Workers in Uganda
JMIR mHealth and uHealth
Lauren Lacey English and Dustin Dunsmuir and Elias Kumbakumba and John Mark Ansermino and Charles P Larson and Richard Lester and Celestine Barigye and Andrew Ndamira and Jerome Kabakyenga and Matthew O Wiens
DOI: 10.2196/mhealth.5167
02/2016Prevalence of Ethanol Use Among Pregnant Women in Southwestern Uganda
Maternal and Child Health Journal
English, L.L. and Mugyenyi, G. and Nightingale, I. and Kiwanuka, G. and Ngonzi, J. and Grunau, B.E. and MacLeod, S. and Koren, G. and Delano, K. and Kabakyenga, J. and Wiens, M.O.
DOI: 10.1007/s10995-016-2025-x
2016Scheduled follow-up referrals and simple prevention kits including counseling to improve post-discharge outcomes among children in Uganda: A proof-of-concept study
Global Health Science and Practice
Wiens, M.O. and Kumbakumba, E. and Larson, C.P. and Moschovis, P.P. and Barigye, C. and Kabakyenga, J. and Ndamira, A. and English, L. and Kissoon, N. and Zhou, G. and Mark Ansermino, J.A.
DOI: 10.9745/GHSP-D-16-00069
2016Pediatric in-hospital death from infectious disease in Uganda: Derivation of clinical prediction models
Lowlaavar, N. and Larson, C.P. and Kumbakumba, E. and Zhou, G. and Ansermino, J.M. and Singer, J. and Kissoon, N. and Wong, H. and Ndamira, A. and Kabakyenga, J. and Kiwanuka, J. and Wiens, M.O.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150683
2016Selecting candidate predictor variables for the modelling of post-discharge mortality from sepsis: A protocol development project
African Health Sciences
Wiens, M.O. and Kissoon, N. and Kumbakumba, E. and Singer, J. and Moschovis, P.P. and Ansermino, J.M. and Ndamira, A. and Kiwanuka, J. and Larson, C.P.
DOI: 10.4314/ahs.v16i1.22
2016Application of sepsis definitions to pediatric patients admitted with suspected infections in Uganda
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Wiens, M.O. and Larson, C.P. and Kumbakumba, E. and Kissoon, N. and Ansermino, J.M. and Singer, J. and Wong, H. and Ndamira, A. and Kabakyenga, J. and Moschovis, P. and Kiwanuka, J.
DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000000708
2016Pediatric out-of-hospital deaths following hospital discharge: A mixed-methods study
African Health Sciences
English, L. and Kumbakumba, E. and Larson, C.P. and Kabakyenga, J. and Singer, J. and Kissoon, N. and Ansermino, J.M. and Wong, H. and Kiwanuka, J. and Wiens, M.O.
DOI: 10.4314/ahs.v16i4.2
2016Emergency Department Corticosteroid Use for Allergy or Anaphylaxis Is Not Associated with Decreased Relapses
Annals of Emergency Medicine
Grunau, B.E. and Wiens, M.O. and Rowe, B.H. and McKay, R. and Li, J. and Yi, T.W. and Stenstrom, R. and Schellenberg, R.R. and Grafstein, E. and Scheuermeyer, F.X.
DOI: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2015.03.003
2015Postdischarge mortality in children with acute infectious diseases: Derivation of postdischarge mortality prediction models
BMJ Open
Wiens, M.O. and Kumbakumba, E. and Larson, C.P. and Ansermino, J.M. and Singer, J. and Kissoon, N. and Wong, H. and Ndamira, A. and Kabakyenga, J. and Kiwanuka, J. and Zhou, G.
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009449
2015Mobile health applications for HIV prevention and care in Africa
Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS
Forrest, J.I. and Wiens, M. and Kanters, S. and Nsanzimana, S. and Lester, R.T. and Mills, E.J.
DOI: 10.1097/COH.0000000000000198
2015A cohort study of morbidity, mortality and health seeking behavior following rural health center visits by children under 12 in southwestern Uganda
Wiens, M.O. and Gan, H. and Barigye, C. and Zhou, G. and Kumbakumba, E. and Kabakyenga, J. and Kissoon, N. and Ansermino, J.M. and Karlen, W. and Larson, C.P. and MacLeod, S.M.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118055
2015Critical appraisal of clinical practice guidelines in pediatric infectious diseases
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
Wilby, K.J. and Black, E.K. and MacLeod, C. and Wiens, M. and Lau, T.T.Y. and Paiva, M.A. and Gorman, S.
DOI: 10.1007/s11096-015-0123-2
2015Canadian demand for highly qualified personnel for therapeutic evaluation: An oppourtunity for academic institutions
Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology
MacLeod, S.M. and Soon, J.A. and Sharma, S. and Wiens, M.O.
2014Incidence of clinically important biphasic reactions in emergency department patients with allergic reactions or anaphylaxis
Annals of Emergency Medicine
Grunau, B.E. and Li, J. and Yi, T.W. and Stenstrom, R. and Grafstein, E. and Wiens, M.O. and Schellenberg, R.R. and Scheuermeyer, F.X.
DOI: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2013.10.017
2014Assessing the quality of manual respiratory rate measurements using mobile devices
IET Conference Publications
Karlen, W. and Wiens, M.O. and Gan, H. and Dunsmuir, D. and Chiu, M. and Dumont, G.A. and Ansermino, J.M.
2014Characteristics and thirty-day outcomes of emergency department patients with elevated creatine kinase
Academic Emergency Medicine
Grunau, B.E. and Pourvali, R. and Wiens, M.O. and Levin, A. and Li, J. and Grafstein, E. and Joo, D. and Scheuermeyer, F.X.
DOI: 10.1111/acem.12385
2014Post-market drug evaluation research training capacity in Canada: An environmental scan of Canadian educational institutions
Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology
Wiens, M.O. and Soon, J.A. and MacLeod, S.M. and Sharma, S. and Patel, A.
2014Alcohol exposure among pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review
Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology
Culley, C.L. and Ramsey, T.D. and Mugyenyi, G. and Kiwanuka, G.N. and Ngonzi, J. and MacLeod, S. and Koren, G. and Grunau, B.E. and Wiens, M.O.
2013Pediatric Post-Discharge Mortality in Resource Poor Countries: A Systematic Review
Wiens, M.O. and Pawluk, S. and Kissoon, N. and Kumbakumba, E. and Ansermino, J.M. and Singer, J. and Ndamira, A. and Larson, C.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066698
2013Pediatric sepsis in the developing world: Challenges in defining sepsis and issues in post-discharge mortality
Clinical Epidemiology
Wiens, M.O. and Kumbakumba, E. and Kissoon, N. and Ansermino, J.M. and Ndamira, A. and Larson, C.P.
DOI: 10.2147/CLEP.S35693
2012Adherence to antiretroviral therapy in HIV-positive adolescents in uganda assessed by multiple methods: A prospective cohort study
Pediatric Drugs
Wiens, M.O. and MacLeod, S. and Musiime, V. and Ssenyonga, M. and Kizza, R. and Bakeera-Kitaka, S. and Odoi-Adome, R. and Ssali, F.
DOI: 10.2165/11599280-000000000-00000
2012Clinical decision rules to improve the detection of adverse drug events in Emergency Department patients
Academic Emergency Medicine
Hohl, C.M. and Yu, E. and Hunte, G.S. and Brubacher, J.R. and Hosseini, F. and Argent, C.P. and Chan, W.W.Y. and Wiens, M.O. and Sheps, S.B. and Singer, J.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1553-2712.2012.01379.x
2012Exposure to alternative healthcare providers and adherence to guidelines among patients with diabetes
Canadian Journal of Diabetes
Wiens, M.O. and Grunau, B.E.
DOI: 10.1016/S1499-2671(11)80007-9
2011Patient self-management of warfarin therapy: Pragmatic feasibility study in Canadian primary care
Canadian Family Physician
Grunau, B.E. and Wiens, M.O. and Harder, K.K.
2011Cocaine adulterant linked to neutropenia
Wiens, M.O. and Son, W.K. and Ross, C. and Hayden, M. and Carleton, B.
DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.090286
2010Dantrolene in the treatment of MDMA-related hyperpyrexia: A systematic review
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine
Grunau, B.E. and Wiens, M.O. and Brubacher, J.R.
DOI: 10.1017/S1481803500012598
2010Dantrolene for the treatment of MDMA toxicity
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine
Grunau, B.E. and Wiens, M.O. and Greidanus, M.
DOI: 10.1017/S1481803500012653
2010Meta-analysis of the impact of 9 medication classes on falls in elderly persons
Archives of Internal Medicine
Woolcott, J.C. and Richardson, K.J. and Wiens, M.O. and Patel, B. and Marin, J. and Khan, K.M. and Marra, C.A.
DOI: 10.1001/archinternmed.2009.357
2009Cesium-chloride-induced torsades de pointes
Canadian Journal of Cardiology
Wiens, M. and Gordon, W. and Baulcomb, D. and Mattman, A. and Mock, T. and Brown, R.
DOI: 10.1016/s0828-282x(09)70147-3
2009NSAID use and the risk of parkinsons disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Drugs and Aging
Samii, A. and Etminan, M. and Wiens, M.O. and Jafari, S.
DOI: 10.2165/11316780-000000000-00000
2009Incidence, severity and preventability of medication-related visits to the emergency department: A prospective study
Zed, P.J. and Abu-Laban, R.B. and Balen, R.M. and Loewen, P.S. and Hohl, C.M. and Brubacher, J.R. and Wilbur, K. and Wiens, M.O. and Samoy, L.J. and Lacaria, K. and Purssell, R.A.
DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.071594
2008Use of lipid-lowering agents for the prevention of age-related macular degeneration: A meta-analysis of observational studies
Ophthalmic Epidemiology
Chuo, J.Y. and Wiens, M. and Etminan, M. and Maberley, D.A.L.
DOI: 10.1080/09286580701421684
2007Effects of antihypertensive drug treatments on fracture outcomes: A meta-analysis of observational studies
Journal of Internal Medicine
Wiens, M. and Etminan, M. and Gill, S.S. and Takkouche, B.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2796.2006.01695.x
2006Adequacy of antidote stocking in British Columbia hospitals: The 2005 Antidote Stocking Study
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine
Wiens, M.O. and Zed, P.J. and Lepik, K.J. and Abu-Laban, R.B. and Brubacher, J.R. and Gorman, S.K. and Kent, D.A. and Purssell, R.A.
DOI: 10.1017/S1481803500014214
2006 - Research
Evaluation of a counselling and referral-based intervention to improve post-discharge mortality for infants and children in Uganda
We are conducting two independent multisite, prospective before-and-after studies at 6 hospitals in Uganda to evaluate a counseling and referral-based intervention to improve post-discharge survival for (1) infants under 6 months of age and (2) children 6 months to 60 months of age. Briefly, these studies consist of two phases. The first phase is a model validation phase where previously derived prediction algorithms are validated and calibrated. This phase is enrolling approximately 3000 children under 6 months and 3800 children who are 6 – 60 months of age. These studies began in 2017 (6m-60m age group) and 2018 (0-6m age group) and the first phase of both of these studies has been completed. The second phase of these studies is an interventional phase, enrolling a similar number of children. This interventional phase uses the validated prediction algorithm and implements the Smart Discharges intervention, with intervention intensity based on risk. Those with lower vulnerability receive discharge counselling focused on understanding vulnerability, education on preventative practices (hygiene, mosquito net use, etc.), danger signs, and appropriate health seeking. Children at high risk receive referrals for post-discharge follow-up with community health workers or at a health facility near their residence.Development of models to predict post-discharge outcomes among mother-baby dyads discharged after routine hospital delivery
It is a global priority to improve health of mothers and infants and to lower their mortality rates. Countries in sub-Saharan Africa bear the largest burden of maternal and newborn death, and the majority of these deaths are preventable. One third of maternal (30%) and more than half of newborn (55%) deaths occur during the first 6 weeks after birth, after a mother-newborn dyad has returned home from the hospital. To address this issue we are conducting a prospective cohort study among mothers and their newborn babies who have been discharged following a routine hospital birth. We are enrolling 3200 dyads and completing 6-week follow-up to assess post-discharge readmission and mortality. The use of dyads in this context is unique since the health of the mother and child are so intricately linked. Using candidate predictors selected through a systematic review and expert opinion we will derive a parsimonious model to identify vulnerable infant/mother pairs. This work will lead to future studies to (1) externally validate our model and (2) develop and test a Smart Discharge approach to improving outcomes in this vulnerable
group.GrantsThrasher Research Fund, $525,094 USD. Role: Principal Investigator. Project: Smart Discharges to improve post-discharge survival following admission for infection in young infants. Dec 1, 2020 – Nov 30, 2022.
Grand Challenges Canada, Transition to Scale, $1,000,000 CAD. Role: Principal Investigator. Project: Smart Discharges to improve post-discharge health outcomes in Uganda. Dec 1, 2017 – Jun 30, 2021.
Thrasher Research Fund, $400,000 USD. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Project: Smart Discharges to improve post-discharge survival following admission for infection in newborns and young infants. May 2018 – Aug 2020.
Research Group MembersGurvir Dhutt, Research Assistant
Martina Knappett, Research Assistant
Clara Komuhangi, Research Assistant
Darla Leroux, Practicum Student
Congratulations CIHR Fall 2022 Project Grant recipients
Congratulations to the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute (BCCHR) and Women’s Health Research Institute (WHRI) investigators and their teams who were awarded $8 million in funding through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Fall 2022 Project Grant competition.