- Overview
The goal of my research is to optimize treatment for critically ill children presenting to the pediatric emergency department. One of my research interests is in the area of sepsis, a medical emergency caused by a severe infection. Children presenting with serious infection to the emergency department need early recognition and targeted management. Fluid therapy is the initial treatment of sepsis and my current work looks at which fluid type is the most effective and safest to use in children.
- Publications
PRagMatic Pediatric Trial of Balanced vs nOrmaL Saline FlUid in Sepsis: study protocol for the PRoMPT BOLUS randomized interventional trial
Weiss, S.L. and Balamuth, F. and Long, E. and Thompson, G.C. and Hayes, K.L. and Katcoff, H. and Cook, M. and Tsemberis, E. and Hickey, C.P. and Williams, A. and Williamson-Urquhart, S. and Borland, M.L. and Dalziel, S.R. and Gelbart, B. and Freedman, S.B. and Babl, F.E. and Huang, J. and Kuppermann, N. and Long, E. and Williams, A. and Borland, M. and O?Brien, S. and Craig, S. and Ramaga, E. and Kochar, A. and Nivea, G. and Jani, S. and Thosar, D. and Rao, A. and Phillips, N. and George, S. and Lithgow, A. and Mitchell, C. and Thompson, G. and Freedman, S. and Williamson-Urquhart, S. and Gilad, E. and Cooke, S. and Judge, P. and Murthy, S. and Kissoon, N. and Alqurashi, W. and Alnaji, F. and Sangha, G. and Mater, A. and Brashaw, M. and Curtis, S. and Joffe, A. and Shayan, Y. and Tucci, M. and Gripp, K. and Berthelot, S. and Weiss, M. and Davis, A. and Guifoyle, E. and Moretti, M. and Kam, A. and Parker, M. and Rochwerg, B. and Emsley, J. and Verma, N. and Sehgal, A. and Bonisch, M. and Tan, E. and Neutze, J. and Balamuth, F. and Tsemberis, E. and Huang, J. and Cook, M. and Katcoff, H. and Hayes, K. and Hickey, C. and Eisenberg, M. and Lewander, D. and Morris, C. and Hurley, D. and Baumer-Mouradian, S. and Ambroggio, L. and Grice, K. and Festekjian, A. and Hickey, B. and Sada, R. and Dodson, J. and Badawy, M. and Lebel, C. and Elliott, M. and Koutralis, I. and Hom, K. and Eckerle, M. and Singleton, M. and Rogers, A. and Cervantes, V. and Duffy, S. and Bahamon, I. and Alpern, L. and Sirizi, A. and Ahmad, A.H. and Banegas, A.R. and Lloyd, J. and DiCostanzo, K. and Kwok, M. and Ochs, J. and Lane, R. and Harbour, T. and Uspal, N. and Cappetto, K. and Clukies, L. and Robinsonm, D. and McManemy, J. and Gonzales, V. and Vance, C. and Kupperman, N. and Pimenta, K. and Mansour, K. and Lavrisha, L. and Ramirez, M. and Grad, J.
DOI: 10.1186/s13063-021-05717-4
2021Use of a standardized asthma severity score to determine emergency department disposition for paediatric asthma: A cohort study
Paediatrics and Child Health (Canada)
Judge, P. and Tabeshi, R. and Yao, R.J. and Meckler, G. and Doan, Q.
DOI: 10.1093/pch/pxy125
2019Congenital Heart Disease In Pediatric Patients: Recognizing The Undiagnosed And Managing Complications In The Emergency Department
Pediatric emergency medicine practice
Judge, P. and Meckler Mshs, G.
2016 - Research
Pragmatic Pediatric Trial of Balanced Versus Normal Saline Fluid in Sepsis (PRoMPT BOLUS)
I will be the primary investigator at BCCH for a Pediatric Emergency Research Canada (PERC) multicenter randomized controlled trial in the BCCH ED and PICU. This is a CIHR-funded clinical trial. The study question is, in children presenting to the ED in septic shock, does resuscitation with balanced fluids result in improved clinical outcomes compared to resuscitation with normal saline?GrantsCIHR: Pragmatic Pediatric Trial of Balanced Versus Normal Saline Fluid in Sepsis (PRoMPT BOLUS). $1,503,226.
Unlocking the mystery of nephrotic syndrome in kids: Q&A with new investigator Dr. Susan Samuel
Pediatric nephrologist Dr. Susan Samuel, a new investigator who joined BCCHR in September 2024, has been investigating ways to improve the quality of life of children diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. She is serving as the director for the ENRICH program, a national network of mentors and learners. We met Dr. Samuel to talk about the importance of research and mentorship.