- Overview
My work addresses the role of health services and nurse-led care in pediatric health, specifically in relation to neurological conditions. Neurological conditions are disorders that occur as a result of injury, genetics, and/or exposures. They cause a disruption in normal body functions regulated by the nervous system. Pediatric neurological conditions include common conditions -like migraines- acquired conditions -like concussion- and rarer conditions -like muscular dystrophy. Health research for children and youth with neurological conditions is limited; there are also gaps in health services research for children and youth with these conditions. The ultimate goal of my research program is to enhance health care for children and youth living with neurological conditions in BC, focusing especially on underserved groups.
- Publications
Association Between Follow-Up Visit Timing After A Concussion and Subsequent Care Seeking in Children and Youth: A Population-Based Study in British Columbia
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Scott Ramsay and V. Susan Dahinten and Manon Ranger and Shelina Babul and Elizabeth Saewyc
DOI: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000001001
11/2024Follow-up visits after pediatric concussion and the factors associated with early follow-up: a population-based study in British Columbia
Brain Injury
DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2024.2395382
2024Follow-up visits after a concussion in the pediatric population: An integrative review
DOI: 10.3233/NRE-220216
2023Follow-up care in children and young people diagnosed with concussion: a commentary
British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing
Scott Ramsay
DOI: 10.12968/bjnn.2021.17.6.226
12/2021In search of scientific objectivity: Is there such a property for paediatric concussion?
Nursing Philosophy
Scott Ramsay
DOI: 10.1111/nup.12368
10/2021Concussion Education in Children and Youth: A Scoping Review
SAGE Open Nursing
Scott Ramsay and Susan Dahinten
DOI: 10.1177/2377960820938498
01/2020Reconstructing Post-Concussion Syndrome: A Call for Action
Journal of Nursing Measurement
DOI: 10.1891/1061-3749.27.3.361
2019 - Research
Enhancing Equity in Neurological Care for Children and Youth in BC
Neurological conditions are a major concern for children and youth. These conditions disrupt normal functions regulated by the nervous system due to injury, genetics and exposures. Pediatric neurological conditions impact well-being, affect mental health and impair development. Despite the reported prevalence of neurological conditions in Canada, disparities exist among children. Currently, there are no estimates of pediatric neurological conditions in BC and there is a lack of understanding of how this population accesses health care. To understand these gaps we will first explore the rates of neurological conditions in the BC pediatric population. Second, identify the barriers to accessing neurological care by (1) neurological condition, (2) access to a primary care provider, (3) timing of care, and (4) the social determinants of health. These objectives will inform the final theme, which seeks to investigate the implementation of nurse-led initiatives (i.e., assessment, education, intervention) for children waiting to access neurological care. This work will be equity-oriented, with a focus on underserved groups and include key stakeholders across BC, seeking to inform practice and create system level interventions.Honours & AwardsUBC Outstanding Dissertation Award for PhD Student, School of Nursing (2023)
UBC Aboriginal Graduate Fellowship (2018-2022)
CIHR CGS-M (2018-2019)
Research Group MembersJessica Harasym, Postdoctoral Fellow
Hunter Lloyd, Research Assistant
Remei Van Raamsdonk, Research Assistant
BC Children’s Hospital researchers bring Mini Med School to the Yukon for the first time
World-class researchers from BCCHR will travel to the Yukon on March 28 to present a day of discovery with Mini Med School. This health science youth outreach and public education program is designed for high school students to explore the world of health sciences, career opportunities in science and medicine, and connections with leading researchers and health experts.