Ongoing Projects

JUMP for DCD: Joining Up Motor Assessments for Pediatricians

This study is to support and build capacity for community pediatricians to be able to identify and diagnose children and youth, ages 3-16 years with DCD. Study participation involves one 2-hour visit at BC Children’s Hospital for an OT assessment and parent/guardian to complete questionnaires. An OT report is then sent to families and the pediatrician, to inform a DCD diagnosis. The study team is then informed by pediatrician if the child/youth meet criteria for a DCD diagnosis and the parent/guardian complete a final short survey.

Contact Gisela Gosse for further information at (604) 875-2345 ext. 4959 or

Past Projects

ImpACT for DCD
Quality of Life in Children with DCD
DCD Parents
Printing Focus Group
Brain Injury
DCD Pediatricians
CNFUN Motor outcomes
Developmental Coordination Disorder: Neural Correlates and Neuroplasticity with Rehabilitation
How Developmental Coordination Disorder Affects Daily Life: the Adolescent Experience