Moderators of Performance in Canadian Varsity Athletes 

What is this study about? 

Relay athlete on the starting blocksThere are many variables that play into sport performance of university athletes: stress, sleep, nutrition, physical and mental health all factor into that tiniest sliver of advantage that defines a win. This survey examines what beliefs and behaviors a student varsity athlete possesses, and how those qualities affect performance in both school and sport.

What happens in this study?

This research study involves one survey, which asks questions about sleep, nutrition, exercise, behavior, and mental and physical health. This survey takes around 10-15 minutes to complete. This study can be completed entirely online.

If you are interested, you will first complete a screener questionnaire. If you meet all the necessary criteria, you will be automatically directed to the consent form and study survey. 

Who is eligible for this study?

Adults who are 19 years or older, can read/write English, and currently competing for a varsity level sport at a Canadian post-secondary institution.

Are there any risks from participating?

Answering questions on mental well-being may make you feel uncomfortable. Participants will be provided with a list of local mental health resources. 

Who can I contact if I have questions?

The Principal Investigator of this study is Dr. Evelyn Stewart. If you have any questions about the study you may contact her study team at

How can I get involved?

Click the button below to fill out our screening survey if you would like to participate.

Screening Survey