Pediatric Emergency Medicine Research Council (PEMRC)

Thanks to academic leadership in the past few years, the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) is now enjoying a thriving research program. To maintain academic growth and support new research in our Division in a transparent and equitable manner while optimizing the interaction between research activities and the delivery of quality clinical care in our emergency department, we have developed a formal process to introduce and implement new research protocols or quality improvement projects in the Pediatric Emergency Department (PED). 

Intake Process:

Investigators and QI project leads wishing to conduct research in the PED are expected to identify and collaborate with a PEM Co-Investigator to submit an online intake form, which will be reviewed by the PEM Research Council (PEMRC) at their monthly meetings. Feedback and recommendations to optimize participation in the PED will be provided and where conflicts with existing and active research/QI activities occur, the PEMRC will mediate a meeting between project leads with overlapping subject or resource needs in order to find solutions that maximize research uptake while insuring a positive experience for ED patient families and clinicians. Project leads will be invited (but not obligated) to attend a portion of the PEMRC meeting during which their project is being discussed. Outcomes of the review, discussion and project modification if needed, will inform the sign off of Institutional Approval of research activity forms by the PEM Division Head.

As the PEM Division now has shared research infrastructure to facilitate screening, enrollment and limited data collection in the PED via the PEM START Program, the PEMRC will also adjudicate cost recovery figures or financial contribution to the PEM research and education funds to be included in the budget of funded studies operating in the ED, on a case by case basis, during the intake review.

Comments and questions for the PEMRC can be directed to the PEM Research Director, Dr. Vik Sabhaney by email at


PEM Research Director: Dr. Vikram Sabhaney,

PEM Associate Research Director: Dr. Neil Desai

BCCHR Senior Executive Director: Dr. Quynh Doan

PEM Fellowship Program Director: Dr. Jasmine Allaire

PEM Division Head: Dr. Garth Meckler

Program Director, Emergency & Trauma Services, Bed ACCESS & Utilization, Nursing Resource Team: Sue Burgoyne

PEM Program Manager: JoAnne Fernando

QI Physician Lead: Dr. Meghan Gilley

PHSA QI Lead: Yass Rahmani

Clinical Nurse Educator: Amy Watson

NP Member at Large: Zoe Chee

PEM Research Coordinator: Candice Wiedman

START Team Coordinator: Nancy Norton

PERC Research Coordinator: Karly Stillwell

Pharmacy Representative: Kendra Sih 

PEM Members at Large: Dr. Karen Black and Dr. Badri Narayan

Non-voting Department of Emergency Medicine Corresponding Member: Dr. Frank Sheuermeyer