Pregnancy Nutrition Study

Pregnancy graphicAmino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which our bodies use in almost every cell. Some amino acids are indispensable, including tryptophan. Tryptophan, in particular, is involved in immunity and neuropsychiatric conditions, as it is essential for serotonin production, which is important for mood and sleep. However, tryptophan requirements have not been experimentally determined during pregnancy. Therefore, we aim to estimate tryptophan needs during pregnancy.

Interested in participating? Learn more here.

Lactation Nutrition Study

Mother holding infantWe are looking for those who are exclusively breastfeeding to participate in our study. This aim of this research is to determine maternal lysine requirements while breastfeeding. Lysine is an essential amino acid required for protein synthesis and other aspects of health. This research is important because current dietary recommendations for protein and amino acids during lactation are estimations and have not been evaluated. 

Interested in participating? Learn more here.