
Children with medical complexity (CMC) have a chronic condition, neurological impairment and/or need technology to live, for example a breathing tube. They are small but growing in number and require much health care resources. They are supported by not just their family but many medical and community professionals. Communication between each bubble is important as well as planning for the future. Since they are a new group of people needing medical care, we need to work towards improving our health system as well making sure the CMC and their families have a voice and is part of the research and policy building process.


Communication in disasters to support families with children with medical complexity and special healthcare needs: a rapid scoping review
Frontiers in Public Health
DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1229738

Trauma-Informed Care Practices to Support Caregivers of Children with Severe Illness: Protocol for A Systematic Review
Research Square
DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2507214

Primary care family physicians' experiences with clinical integration in qualitative and mixed reviews: A systematic review protocol
BMJ Open
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-067576

Routine Elective Gastrojejunostomy Tube Changes Are Associated with Reduced Tube Complications and Radiation Exposure
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
DOI: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000003615

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children with medical complexity
BMC Pediatrics
DOI: 10.1186/s12887-022-03549-y

Outcomes and factors influencing care decisions in life-threatening fetal and neonatal anomalies
Esther J. Lee and Simone Stenekes and Michael Harlos
DOI: 10.1101/2020.07.12.20152280

The epidemiology of intermittent and chronic ataxia in children in Manitoba, Canada
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Michael S Salman and Esther J Lee and Anindita Tjahjadi and Bernard N Chodirker
DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.12081

The impact of an oral rehydration clinical pathway in a paediatric emergency department
Paediatrics & Child Health
Quynh Doan and Mercedes Chan and Vicki Leung and Esther Lee and Niranjan Kissoon
DOI: 10.1093/pch/15.8.503


Upper Airway Drainage Study
Study with H. Perry (Resp) and T. Dewan (U of C). Retrospective study to see if positional therapy is effective for children with neurological impairment and secretion/aspiration concerns - in progress.

An Essential Subset of Good Outcome for Complex Care
Multisite study - Nora Fayed (PI-McMaster), Eyal Cohen, Joan Tranmer, Amal Khalil, Myla Moretti, Michael Sidra, Esther Lee, Francine Buchanan, Samantha Noyek, . The objective of this project, is to select which specific outcomes should be the basis of a learning system of wellbeing for pediatric complex care in Canada. Norman Saunders Complex Care Award $40,000 CAD.

Communication in disasters between health professionals and families with children with medical complexity or special healthcare needs
Knowledge synthesis review on this topic. Funded by Society for Patient Oriented Research (SPOR) Evidence Alliance and partnered with lab of Craig Mitton (UBC)- Neale Smith and Meghan Donaldson.

Intersection of Trauma and Grief: Parents caring for children with chronic complex conditions
Patient oriented research project with Beverley Pomeroy (FHA Department of Evaluation and Research Services and parent) and Mary Coleman (MSW, RSW, counsellor Canuck Place). 2020-onwards.


An Essential Subset of Good Outcome for Complex Care. Co-I for a multisite study - Nora Fayed (PI-McMaster), Norman Saunders Complex Care Award $40,000 CAD.

Principal Investigator (PI) for “Improving support for staff affected by critical incidents in hospital” with Dr. Theresa Newlove - Awarded $49,650 by the Medical Staff Association (MSA) of Children’s Women’s Hospital of BC via Medical Allied Staff Engagement Society (MASES). 2017-2019.

Principle investigator for "Enhanced communication and care planning: Responding, supporting, and planning with family in the NICU". QI project with Dr. Emily Kieran and Camara Van Breemen (NP). Awarded $20000 by the Medical Staff Association (MSA) of Children’s Women’s Hospital of BC via Medical Allied Staff Engagement Society (MASES). 2020-2021.

Honours & Awards

UBC Sauder Physician Leadership Program (Cohort 14, 2020)

Hudson Scholar in Pediatric Medicine - BC Children's Hospital. 2 year scholarship for health improvement science learning and experience. 2020-2022.

Research Group Members

Mimi Kuan, Research Coordinator
Judy So, Pediatric Resident
Lisa Zhang, Research Assistant