Psychosocial Factors Associated with Dysautonomia of Adolescence 
Characterizes the psychosocial functioning of a population of youth with Dysautonomia of Adolescence (DAOA). 

  • Who can participate?
    Girls and boys age 10-17 years old diagnosed with Dysautonomia of Adolescence, and their parents.

Health Outcomes in Pediatric Solid Organ Transplantation (HOPE SOT)
Analyses yearly mental health and quality of life screening, and multiple medical and socio-demographic factors at BC Children’s Hospital’s transplant clinic and, potentially, other transplant program sites, to better understand mental health in transplanted children.

  • Who can participate?
    Patients in the Multi-Organ Transplant Clinic or respective transplant programs and their parents.

Please contact us at or 604-875-2345 (ext. 6186) for more information, or if you think you or your child might be interested in participating!