Frequently Asked Questions

Does my project need a formal quote and/or “Statement of Work”?

If your project involves only straightforward services, such as DNA extraction and 16S rRNA sequencing, which are clearly listed on the service fees page, then you don’t need a quote. However, if you require services that include start-to-finish design and additional analysis consulting, the best option is to contact our team at Either way, we always respond to email requests, so please feel free to reach out anytime.

How should I ship samples to Gut4Health? 

Please ship biological and RNA samples on dry ice. DNA samples can be shipped using gel packs in an insulated container. Do not ship wet ice. A mailing label can be downloaded under the Services page.

What concentration and quality does my DNA need to be for library prep? 

Please view instructions within the sample submission form Excel sheet on our website under the Services page.

Does the DNA need to be normalized to submit for library prep?

No, Gut4Health staff will normalize the DNA prior to library prep.

Do I need to provide my own primers for sequencing? 

No, Gut4Health has its own custom indexes and primers for library prep and sequencing. More information about these can be found under Reference Protocols in the Protocols page.

I don’t see the metagenomics on the service fee list. How can I estimate the cost of this analysis?

Metagenomic analysis price vary depending on number of samples, depth of analysis, scope of the project, etc. Please send us an email at, and we will be happy to provide a personalized quote for your project.

What type of project information is required for submission, and what is the current turnaround time?

Please check our “Project Intake Form” under Services on our website for more details. The last step of the intake form contains several key details about the project, such as the type of bioinformatic analysis requested, deliverables, and timeline estimation.