The term “vaccine hesitancy” is used a lot these days, and sometimes this can have negative connotations. It's normal to have questions and concerns about vaccines. As healthcare professionals and researchers, we have the responsibility towards our patients and towards the public to build and maintain trust and vaccine confidence.

As a clinician, building vaccine confidence means building trusting relationships with patients and providing people with the information that they need in order to decide to get vaccinated.

Research plays a really important role in building vaccine confidence.

Watch the video below with Dr. Hana Mitchell to learn about how the Vaccine Evaluation Center is building vaccine confidence.

The families I work with appreciate knowing what is and is not yet known or being researched about vaccines. They're encouraged by the fact that there is a lot of research going on right here at the BC Children's Hospital and Vaccine Evaluation Center.

My recommendation for parents who perhaps feel hesitant or have a lot of questions about vaccines is to talk to a healthcare provider that they trust. It's normal to have hesitations. It's normal to have questions and it can be overwhelming to hear all the information about vaccines that is out there. Clear-evidence based advice from a trusted healthcare provider can go a really long way.