TAKE-IT TOO builds on the TAKE-IT study, which combined an electronic pillbox with medication adherence feedback to patients via text message, and a trained study coach to help participants identify and address barriers to medication adherence. TAKE-IT TOO will adapt the TAKE-IT intervention into clinical practice and aims to develop a better e-pillbox and companion website for real-world use.
Kidney transplant rejection remains a major issue for children after kidney transplantation.
Pediatric solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients are at an increased risk of infection because of the need for life-long immunosuppression. Vaccine recommendations and schedules for pediatric SOT recipients differ widely from those for immunocompetent children and adolescents, and these guidelines change with new evidence and new vaccines.
We believe there’s nothing we can’t do with your support. It can take years to turn scientific breakthrough into new interventions and treatments. Funding helps speed the pace of change. When given the resources, we can bring transformative therapies – and hope – out of the laboratory and into the clinic to save and improve children’s lives.