Project Summary

A pilot clinical trial to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of: A prospective, unblinded, randomized-controlled, multicenter biomarker intervention trial of a urinary CXCL10 clinical surveillance program in pediatric kidney transplant recipients for early ascertainment and treatment of subclinical allograft inflammation and preservation of kidney transplant function (PROACT Trial)

Kidney transplant rejection happens when the body’s immune system attacks your kidney transplant. Over time, rejection can lead to serious complications like kidney damage and eventually kidney transplant failure. Doctors prescribe medications known as immunosuppressants to prevent this immune system attack. Too much can sometimes increase side effects or infections. But too little risks kidney rejection. The right amount of immunosuppressant medications is different for everyone. Kidney function is monitored with routine blood tests to measure creatinine and other markers. Transplant recipients also undergo routine kidney biopsies to assess the tissue health of the transplanted organ. Current monitoring strategies don’t always give your doctors all the information they need. As a result, additional testing, including biopsies, may be recommended.These tests can be invasive and uncomfortable for patients, especially pediatric transplant recipients. 

Urine CXCL10 is a potential new test for kidney monitoring after a transplant. CXCL10 is a small protein that is produced by your body's immune system when there is inflammation. When inflammation in the kidney is caused by early rejection, higher levels of CXCL10 can be found in the urine. Urine CXCL10 also goes higher with different kidney infections. All causes of inflammation in the kidney can lead to kidney damage.

Funding support from Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

For more information, email or view our study brochure

Project Status

Status: Active, data collection ongoing
Study Start Date: November 1, 2024
Study End Date: May 31, 2027

Study Enrolment Status: Actively enrolling
Start Date: November 1, 2024
End Date: May 31, 2027

Project Team

Principal Investigator

Dr. Tom Blydt-Hansen

Dr. Li Wang, University of British Columbia (UBC)
Dr. Suzanne Vercauteren, UBC
Dr. Karen Sherwood, UBC
Dr. Paul Keown, UBC
Dr. Aviva Goldberg, University of Manitoba (UM)
Dr. Atul Sharma, UM
Dr. Lusia Sepiashvilli, University of Toronto (U of T)
Dr. Chia Wei Teoh, U of T
Ella Chan, BSc

Research Team Members

Monica Ho, Research Coordinator
Amy Thachil, Research Assistant

Enrolment Eligibility Criteria
  1. Prevalent pediatric kidney transplant recipients (<19 years at transplantation) who are more than 6 months after transplant, with informed consent and assent.
  2. Must be available to follow-up for two years after initiation of urinary CXCL10 monitoring

For more information, email or view our study brochure.