When preparing your abstract follow the guidelines below. Please be sure to review your abstract with your supervisor before submitting. 

  • Use sentence case. Do not use all CAPITAL LETTERS
  • Abstract should be 250 to 350 words
  • Do not include figures, tables, references or footnotes
  • Do not include any acknowledgements, these should appear on your poster
  • Do not include author affiliations or titles, these should appear on your poster
  • Review your entry. If you cut and paste text from a word processing software, scientific symbols and special formatting may be lost. Spell out character names or use spacing whenever possible

Examples of previous Summer Student Research Program Abstract Booklets: 202320222021 | 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 

The deadline to submit your abstract will be on Monday, July 15 at 5:00PM PST. To receive more details on how to submit an abstract, please ensure you fill out this form by Monday, July 8 at 5:00PM PST.