Follow the guidelines below when preparing your in-person or virtual poster. Please remember, your poster represents the work of you and your research team. Always ask your supervisor for approval before you finalize your poster.

FAQ for In-Person Posters

What size should my poster be? 
Whatever size you want! The poster boards provided are 7ft x 4ft (landscape orientation).

How do I access high resolution logos and poster templates? 
Check out the ResearchHub Branding Page. Always check with your supervisor to see if the research team has any preferred templates.

Should I include acknowledgements? 
Yes, remember to acknowledge your funding sources as well as any grant/studentship received.

Where should I print my poster? 
Check with your supervisor to see if they have a regular place for printing. Staples Print & Marking Services is another good option.

Who pays for the poster printing? 
You, your supervisor or your research team are responsible for the cost of printing the poster.

I don't have results or discussion points for my research project. Can I still present? 
Yes, you can still present without your results. We recommend focusing on your other sections and describe what you expect the results to be. You can also talk about the aim of your research project and the overall importance of it.

FAQ for Virtual E-Posters

E-posters will need to be submitted to by Tuesday, July 23 at 5PM PST.

What is an e-poster? 
An e-poster is a digital poster shared onscreen instead of a traditional poster board. 
If you haven't made an e-poster before, check out this resource: Effective Poster Design for Science Communication.

Do I need to print out my e-poster?

What guidelines should I follow to make an e-poster?

  • E-posters may be created using any preferred software, but must be submitted as a single page PDF. The text on e-posters should be clearly legible
  • E-posters may only be one page
  • You may use hyperlinks, but please use embedded videos or sound files
  • E-posters will be displayed on-screen in landscape format. The maximum PDF width is 130 cm (48”) and the maximum height it 100 cm (36”). Sizing your e-poster with PowerPoint
  • During student presentations, e-posters will be shared on screen as part of the session slide deck (Sample E-Poster Day Slide Deck). This will be controlled by the BCCHR session host. You will not have the ability to Zoom into your e-poster during your presentation
  • E-posters will be publicly posted online, advertised to the research community and provided to the Poster Day judges. Please be sure you and your supervisor are comfortable with the data/information being shared. The e-poster will not be downloadable 

How do I access BCCHR or affiliated high resolution logos? 
Check out the ResearchHub Branding Page. Note: you will need to login with a BCCHR, PHSA or UBC account.

Do I need to use a specific template?
No, but always check with your supervisor to see if the research team has any preferred templates. UBC & BCCHR have branded science poster templates available online. 

Should I include acknowledgements? 
Yes, remember to acknowledge your funding sources as well as any grant/studentship received.

I don't have results or discussion points for my research project. Can I still present? 
Yes, you can still present without your results. We recommend focusing on your other sections and describe what you expect the results to be. You can also talk about the aim of your research project and the overall importance of it.

Need more tips? We encourage you to read our Speaker Guide for more information about navigating Zoom presentations.