Section 1: Poster Content
I. Poster Presentation
- Organized and visually appealing poster
- Easy to read, no data or text overload, fonts large enough to read
- Appropriate text, bullet points or short sentences, not long solid paragraphs
- Advantageous use of tables, graphs, data, photos, drawings, etc.
- Technical level appropriate for interdisciplinary scientific audience
- Easily understood without additional explanations from presenter
II. Clear, precise, succinct and grammatically correct title
III. Introduction
- Relationship to previous work shown and relevant references made to literature to ensure the reader understands the goal of the project, its value and importance in the context of the field
- Originality shown
IV. Materials & Methods
- Overview of the measurement and data collection procedures provided
- Processing of data and statistical analysis described as appropriate
V. Results & Discussion/Conclusion
- Results displayed such that data can be interpreted by reader
- Appropriate conclusions drawn and explained in the discussion section
- Conclusions do not go beyond data presented
- If the project has no results yet, the anticipated results and discussion points are clearly explained and supported with available data
Section 2: Student Presentation
I. Scientific Content
- Objectives of the project clearly stated
- Key ideas clearly explained
- Presentation well organized and ended with a conclusion
- Conclusion warranted by the data
- Technical and conceptual difficulty of the project considered
II. Presentation
- Professional communication skills demonstrated
- Technical terminology defined and appropriate
- Genuine enthusiasm for the project demonstrated
- Mastery of relevant concepts
- Effective teamwork was evident in the project and presentation
VI. Implications and Future Research
- Results related to other studies or extended to other areas
- Implications for scientific and/or human importance made
- Future research areas suggested
VII. References & Acknowledgments
- Resources and assistance acknowledged
- Source of funding acknowledged