Le génome silencieux des Autochtones
Radio Canada | Decouverte | | 11 minutes 57 secondes
Les données des peuples autochtones sont absentes des grandes bases de données génétiques, en partie à cause d’une longue histoire d’abus de confiance. Des scientifiques veulent rebâtir la confiance entre les communautés canadiennes et le monde de la recherche, séquencer des génomes d’Autochtones du Canada et améliorer leur diagnostic.
Journaliste : Binh An Vu Van
Réalisateur : Éric Lemyre
Silent Genomes newsletter #2
Silent Genomes newsletter #1
CBC Radio
How Indigenous scientists are using biomedical research to seek 'genomic justice'
Sep 28, 2021 | Ideas LISTEN
Guests: Dr. Nadine Caron, Joseph Yracheta, Joanna Radin, Tess Lanzarotta, Krystal Tsosie
The Code of Life, a Genome BC podcast
EPISODE 012 | April 25, 2021, Bridging the Genomic Divide
Recent publications
The Myth of Universal Health Care. By Nadine Caron and Danielle Martin
The Walrus (article, January/February 2021)
Telus Storyhive Video
Voicing the Silent Genome
Webinars and online sessions
The University of British Columbia, UBC Learning Circle
September 29th, 2020 – Silent Genomes Project: Getting Involved in BC
May 2nd, 2019 – The Silent Genomes Project: First Nations Perspectives on Precision Diagnosis of Rare Diseases in British Columbia
In the News
The University of British Columbia, Island Medical Program
The Globe and Mail
News From Funding Agencies
Genome Canada
Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
Genome BC
News From Our Partners
Indigenous Health
BC Children's Hospital Research Institute
University of British Columbia
UBC Pathways - Snapshots